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THE LANGUAGE OF CRITICAL COLLABORATION IN HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS’ AGENCY DEVELOPMENT1 1 This text is the result of research supported by CNPq [National Council for Scientific and Technological Development]


This paper aims at discussing the language of critical collaboration in agency development (EDWARDS, 2005EDWARDS, A. Relational agency: learning to be a resourceful practioner. International Journal of Educational Research, Oxford, v.43, n.3, p.168-182, 2005., 2007EDWARDS, A. Relational agency in professional practice: a CHAT analysis. Actio: an International Journal of Human Activity Theory, [S.l.], n.1, p.1-17, 2007.; YAMAZUMI, 2007YAMAZUMI, K. Human agency and educational research: a new problem in activity theory. Actio: An International Journal of Human Activity theory, [S.l.], n.1, p.19-39, 2007.; ENGESTRÖM, 2007ENGESTRÖM, Y. Putting Vygotsky to work: the change laboratory as an application of double stimulation. In: DANIELS, H.; COLE, M.; WERTSCH, J.W. (Ed.). The cambridge companion to Vygotsky. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. p.363-382., 2008ENGESTRÖM, Y. Weaving the texture of school change. Journal of Educational Change, [S.l.], v.9, p.379-383, 2008., 2009ENGESTRÖM, Y. The future of activity theory: a rough draft. In: SANNINO, A.; DANIELS, H.; GUTIÉRREZ, K. (Ed.). Learning and expanding with activity theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. p.303-328., 2011ENGESTRÖM, Y. From design experiments to formative interventiopns. Theory & Psychology, [S.l.], v.21, n.5, p.598-628, 2011.; ENGESTRÖM; SANNINO, 2011ENGESTRÖM, Y.; SANNINO, A. Dicursive manifestations of contradictions in organizational change efforts: a methodological framework. Journal of Organizational Change Management, Bradford, v.24, n.3, p.368-87, 2011. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 15 dez. 2015.
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Critical collaboration; Critical collaborative research; Relational agency; Transformative agency

Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Rua Quirino de Andrade, 215, 01049-010 São Paulo - SP, Tel. (55 11) 5627-0233 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil