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Música no ar... Cachoeira, Santa Maria, Morro Alto e Saltinho. Teixeira Vilela, Hercule Florence e Carlos Gomes, Campinas, século XIX1 1 À Maria Carolina Bovério Galzerani (in memoriam).


The finding of a set of musical scores composed by master composer Carlos Gomes, named after the Teixeira Vilela family sugar mills and coffee farms, stimulated us to write this article. The Teixeira Vilela were important proprietors of land and slaves in Campinas. One of the family's sugar mills, the engenho Santo Antonio da Cachoeira was also immortalized in Hercule Florence´s paintings. The article aims at describing, based on post mortem inventories, the sugar and coffee properties the master composer and the French painter paid homage to; recovering the role of the proprietor´s family in the foundation and development of Campinas; reflecting the social relationships of the families Teixeira Vilela, Florence and Gomes; based on musical scores, the musical opus composed by Carlos Gomes. Hence, the article involves Social and Economic History, Arts and Music, in nineteenth century Campinas.

Sugar Mills; Coffee Farm; Slaves; Teixeira Vilela Family; Hercule Florence; Carlos Gomes; Campinas

Museu Paulista, Universidade de São Paulo Rua Brigadeiro Jordão, 149 - Ipiranga, CEP 04210-000, São Paulo - SP/Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 2065-6641 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil