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History of a collection: Miguel Calmon and the National Historical Museum

Oullining the career of the Miguel Calmon collection, endowed 10 the Nalional Historical Museum (Rio de Janeiro) in 1936, the A. unveils ils meaning in lhe historical and ideological conlext of the museum, which exhibiled lhe grant unlil the end of lhe 1960s, when the show was disconlinued. Two main arguments are deve10ped: first, the concepts of hislory underlying lhe museum paradigm Ihal inspired lhe Museu Histórico Nacional, since its origins in 1922 unlil lhe sixlies; secondly, lhe conslruction of Miguel Calmon's public persona, exhibited and rilually visiled in the roam named afer him.

History museum; National Historical Museum (Rio de Janeiro); Miguel Calmon Collection; Gustavo Barroso

Museu Paulista, Universidade de São Paulo Rua Brigadeiro Jordão, 149 - Ipiranga, CEP 04210-000, São Paulo - SP/Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 2065-6641 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil