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Provocando a Museologia: o pensamento geminal de Zbynek Z. Stránský e a Escola de Brno1 1 O presente artigo é resultado de pesquisas realizadas no âmbito do projeto História da Museologia: o pensamento museológico na estruturação de um campo do saber, desenvolvido na Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UNIRIO, em parceria com o Comitê Internacional de Museologia – ICOFOM. In memorian Zbynˇek Zbyslav Stránský.


The paper intends to make a conceptual revision of the work produced by the Czech museologist Zbynek Zbyslav Stránský (1926-2016), referring to the period between 1965 to 1995, when he is responsible for the attempt to conceive a theory for museology. With his metatheory, this thinker aimed to defend and sustain this discipline’s scientific status. In his works, by refuting the museum as the study subject for this supposed “science”, Stránský would discuss which should be its fundamental subjects of interest in its place, creating specific concepts for museology. With the terms musealia, museality and musealization he shifts the discipline’s focus from the museum, as an instrument for a certain end, to the processes of attributing value to things. His theory generates, thus, the necessary foundation for the museological field, integrating theory and practice, and initiating a social and scientific reflection for museology. Therefore, the paper historicizes the process of configuration of disciplinary museology in Eastern Europe in order to understand what was in the base of the geminal thinking structuring this branch of knowledge and, at the same time, appointing new pathways for its future.

Museology; Stránský; Brno School; Musealization

Museu Paulista, Universidade de São Paulo Rua Brigadeiro Jordão, 149 - Ipiranga, CEP 04210-000, São Paulo - SP/Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 2065-6641 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil