No presente trabalho, foram analisadas as complicações pós-operatórias observadas em 139 casos de impressão basilar e/ou malformação de Arnold-Chiari. Os autores chamam a atenção para a menor ocorrência de complicações e de mortalidade verificadas nos pacientes que foram submetidos à plástica da dura-mater da fossa posterior.
The many kinds of complication that have been observed following operations of basilar impression and/or malformation of Arnold-Chiari are analysed. Two surgical techniques were adopted in the treatment of the patients. In the first 64 cases, the operation consisted in the craniectomy of the posterior fossa and high cervical laminectomy, while the dura-mater remained opened and suturated to the lateral musculature. Concerning the other 75 cases, it was made a plastic of the dura-mater of the posterior fossa and, in most of the cases, the patients were intubated with no retroflexion of the head and operated in sitting position without anterior flexion of the head. In the second group of patients, it was observed lesser occurrence of complications and death.
Complicações pós-operatórias em 139 casos de impressão basilar e/ou malformação de Arnold-Chiari
Postoperative complications observed in 139 cases of basilar impression and/or malformation of Arnold-Chiari
José Alberto Gonçalves da SilvaI; Cláudio Emmanuel Gonçalves da SilvaII
IProfessor de Clínica Neurocirúrgica. Centro de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Federal da Paraíba
IIProfessor Assistente. Centro de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Federal da Paraíba
No presente trabalho, foram analisadas as complicações pós-operatórias observadas em 139 casos de impressão basilar e/ou malformação de Arnold-Chiari. Os autores chamam a atenção para a menor ocorrência de complicações e de mortalidade verificadas nos pacientes que foram submetidos à plástica da dura-mater da fossa posterior.
The many kinds of complication that have been observed following operations of basilar impression and/or malformation of Arnold-Chiari are analysed. Two surgical techniques were adopted in the treatment of the patients. In the first 64 cases, the operation consisted in the craniectomy of the posterior fossa and high cervical laminectomy, while the dura-mater remained opened and suturated to the lateral musculature. Concerning the other 75 cases, it was made a plastic of the dura-mater of the posterior fossa and, in most of the cases, the patients were intubated with no retroflexion of the head and operated in sitting position without anterior flexion of the head. In the second group of patients, it was observed lesser occurrence of complications and death.
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Hospital São Vicente de Paulo - 58.000 João Pessoa, PB - Brasil.
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