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Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis: “classic” knowledge and recent acquisitions

Deficiência cognitiva na esclerose múltipla: conhecimentos “clássicos” e aquisições recentes


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a central nervous system (CNS) disease characterized by inflammation, axonal demyelination, and neurodegeneration, which can have a strong impact on all aspects of the life of the patient. Multiple sclerosis causes motor, sensory, cerebellar, and autonomic dysfunctions, as well as cognitive and psychoemotional impairment. The most frequently compromised cognitive domains are complex attention/information processing, memory, executive and visuospatial functions. Recently, alterations have also been evidenced in complex cognitive functions, such as social cognition, moral judgment, and decision-making. Cognitive impairment is characterized by high variability and can affect work skills, social interactions, coping strategies and more generally the quality of life of patients and their families. With the use of sensitive and easy-to-administer test batteries, an increasingly accurate and early diagnosis is feasible: this allows to determine the effectiveness of possible preventive measures, to predict the future progression of the disease and to improve the quality of life of patients. There is currently limited evidence regarding the efficacy, on cognitive impairment, of disease-modifying therapies. The most promising approach, which has received strong empirical support, is cognitive rehabilitation.

Multiple Sclerosis; Cognitive Dysfunction; Social Cognition; Decision Making; Neuropsychological Tests; Morale


A esclerose múltipla (EM) é uma doença do sistema nervoso central (SNC) caracterizada por inflamação, desmielinização axonal e neurodegeneração, que pode ter um forte impacto em todos os aspectos da vida dos pacientes. A EM causa disfunções motoras, sensoriais, cerebelares, autonômicas, comprometimento cognitivo e déficits psicoemocionais. Os domínios cognitivos mais frequentemente comprometidos são a atenção complexa/processamento da informação, memória, funções executivas e habilidades visuais-espaciais. Recentemente, também foram evidenciadas alterações em funções cognitivas complexas, como cognição social, julgamento moral e tomada de decisão. O comprometimento cognitivo é caracterizado por alta variabilidade e pode afetar as habilidades laborais, as interações sociais, as estratégias de enfrentamento e, de forma mais geral, a qualidade de vida dos pacientes e de seus familiares. Com o uso de baterias de testes sensíveis e fáceis de administrar, é viável um diagnóstico cada vez mais preciso e precoce: isso permite determinar a eficácia de possíveis medidas preventivas, prever a progressão futura da doença e melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Atualmente, há evidências limitadas sobre a eficácia, no comprometimento cognitivo, de terapias modificadoras da doença. A abordagem mais promissora, que tem recebido forte apoio empírico, é a reabilitação cognitiva.

Esclerose Múltipla; Disfunção Cognitiva; Cognição Social; Tomada de Decisões; Testes Neuropsicológicos; Moral


Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system (CNS) characterized by inflammation, axonal demyelination, and neurodegeneration.11 Halabchi F, Alizadeh Z, Sahraian MA, Abolhasani M. Exercise prescription for patients with multiple sclerosis; potential benefits and practical recommendations. BMC Neurol 2017;17(01): 185. Doi: 10.1186/s12883-017-0960-9
Due to its early onset, it is the most common cause of nontraumatic neurological disability in young adults worldwide.22 Browne P, Chandraratna D, Angood C, et al. Atlas of Multiple Sclerosis 2013: A growing global problem with widespread inequity. Neurology 2014;83(11):1022–1024. Doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000000768
Its chronic course is characterized by relapses, remissions, and progression of disabilities that can interfere with all neurological functions. Patients with MS (pMS) present a rather heterogeneous clinical condition, characterized by motor, sensory, cerebellar, autonomic dysfunctions, cognitive impairment (CI),33 MaggioMG, Russo M, CuzzolaMF, et al. Virtual reality in multiple sclerosis rehabilitation: A review on cognitive and motor outcomes. J Clin Neurosci 2019;65(65):106–111. Doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2019.03.017
and mood disorders.44 Macías Islas MÁ, Ciampi E. Assessment and Impact of Cognitive Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis: An Overview. Biomedicines 2019;7(01):22 For a complete review of the frequencies of various MS related disorders refer to DeLuca et al.55 DeLuca J, Nocentini U. Neuropsychological, medical and rehabilitative management of persons with multiple sclerosis. Neuro-Rehabilitation 2011;29(03):197–219. Doi: 10.3233/NRE-2011-0695

Despite being first described by Charcot and other early authors in the mid-1800s,66 Charcot JM. Lectures on the diseases of the nervous system delivered at la Salpetriere,. London: New Sydenham Society; 1877 MS-related CI has been neglected for many years, and only starting from the last quarter of the 20th century, interest in it grew: with the use of specific and sensitive test batteries, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of cognitive disorders have been identified and, thanks to neuroimaging techniques, correlations with the neuropathological picture have emerged.

Cognitive impairment can affect pMS at any stage of the disease,44 Macías Islas MÁ, Ciampi E. Assessment and Impact of Cognitive Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis: An Overview. Biomedicines 2019;7(01):22 with prevalence rates ranging from 42 to 70%.77 Chiaravalloti ND, DeLuca J. Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis. Lancet Neurol 2008;7(12):1139–1151. Doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(08)70259
Cognitive symptoms are usually hidden as opposed to more visible deficits, such as sensorimotor symptoms. Patients with MS may not be fully aware of or underestimate them with respect to emotional complaints, fatigue or pain.88 Kinsinger SW, Lattie E, Mohr DC. Relationship between depression, fatigue, subjective cognitive impairment, and objective neuropsychological functioning in patients with multiple sclerosis. Neuropsychology 2010;24(05):573–580. Doi: 10.1037/a0019222
For this reason, physicians should not rely on self-reported CI, but on the performance on objective cognitive tests.99 Goverover Y, Chiaravalloti N, DeLuca J. The relationship between self-awareness of neurobehavioral symptoms, cognitive functioning, and emotional symptoms in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler 2005;11(02):203–212. Doi: 10.1191/1352458505ms1153oa

According to the most common literature in the field of MS,77 Chiaravalloti ND, DeLuca J. Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis. Lancet Neurol 2008;7(12):1139–1151. Doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(08)70259
, 1010 Rao SM, Leo GJ, Bernardin L, Unverzagt F. Cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. I. Frequency, patterns, and prediction. Neurology 1991;41(05):685–691. Doi: 10.1212/wnl.41.5.685
, 1111 Benedict RH, Fischer JS, Archibald CJ, et al. Minimal neuropsychological assessment of MS patients: a consensus approach. Clin Neuropsychol 2002;16(03):381–397. Doi: 10.1076/clin.16.3.381.13859
the most frequently compromised cognitive domains are complex attention/information processing (IP), memory, executive functions (EF), and visuospatial functions. Other cognitive domains that may be altered, and which have recently been arousing great interest, are social cognition (SC), decision-making (DM) and moral judgment (MJ).

Like all symptoms of MS, cognitive deficits are characterized by high variability1212 Benedict RHB, Amato MP, DeLuca J, Geurts JJG. Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis: clinical management, MRI, and therapeutic avenues. Lancet Neurol 2020;19(10):860–871. Doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(20)30277-5
and strongly impact on work skills, social interactions, and quality of life of patients.44 Macías Islas MÁ, Ciampi E. Assessment and Impact of Cognitive Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis: An Overview. Biomedicines 2019;7(01):22 An accurate and early assessment of CI is of great importance as it would allow to determine the effectiveness of possible preventive measures, predict, and monitor disease progression,1313 Moccia M, Lanzillo R, Palladino R, et al. Cognitive impairment at diagnosis predicts 10-year multiple sclerosis progression. Mult Scler 2016;22(05):659–667. Doi: 10.1177/1352458515599075
prevent and/or reduce the high unemployment rate associated with the disease1414 Dorstyn DS, Roberts RM, Murphy G, Haub R. Employment and multiple sclerosis: A meta-analytic review of psychological correlates. J Health Psychol 2019;24(01):38–51. Doi: 10.1177/1359105317691587
and more generally improve the quality of life of pMS.1515 Oset M, Stasiolek M, Matysiak M. Cognitive Dysfunction in the Early Stages of Multiple Sclerosis-How Much and How Important? Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep 2020;20(07):22. Doi: 10.1007/s11910-020-01045-3

Being aware that pediatric cases often show a different profile of impairment, it was decided to focus the review work on adult-onset cases. Therefore, the following topics will be covered:

  • cognitive impairment in MS

  • cognitive reserve and brain reserve;

  • neuropsychological assessment;

  • management of CI.

Considering the aim of the present work, for a complete review on the neuropathological basis of cognitive deficits related to MS as detected by neuroimaging, refer to Filippi et al.1616 Filippi M, Rocca MA, Benedict RH, et al. The contribution of MRI in assessing cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis. Neurology 2010;75(23):2121–2128. Doi: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e318200d768


Complex attention/information processing


Attention is a sophisticated cognitive function made up of several sub-components. A widespread clinical model divides attention into five main sub-components: focused attention; sustained attention; selective attention, alternating attention, and divided attention.1717 Nocentini U, Romano S, Caltagirone C. I deficit cognitivi nella sclerosi multipla. in Nocentini U, Caltagirone C, Tedeschi G. I disturbi neuropsichiatrici nella sclerosi multipla. Milano: Springer; 2011. 123-144. DOI:
Attentional deficits affect ∼ 12 to 25% of pMS.1818 Guimarães J, Sá MJ. Cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. Front Neurol 2012;3(03):74. Doi: 10.3389/fneur.2012.00074
The attentional processes most affected in MS are the more complex ones, that is selective attention, sustained attention, and divided attention, while focused attention is often preserved.1919 Oreja-Guevara C, Ayuso Blanco T, Brieva Ruiz L, Hernández Pérez MÁ, Meca-Lallana V, Ramió-Torrentà L Cognitive Dysfunctions and Assessments in Multiple Sclerosis. Front Neurol 2019;10 (10):581. Doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00581
Independent evaluation of this cognitive domain can be difficult. First, attention is strongly associated with IP speed (IPS) and working memory (WM): to distinguish the tasks for these different domains is complex. Second, fatigue can affect performance on attentional tasks.2020 Grzegorski T, Losy J. Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis - a review of current knowledge and recent research. Rev Neurosci 2017;28(08):845–860. Doi: 10.1515/revneuro-2017-0011

Information Processing

Information processing represents the efficiency with which neural networks transmit and integrate information.2121 DeLuca J, Kalmar JH. Information Processing Speed in Clinical Populations. New York: Psychology Press; 2007 DOI: Doi: 10.4324/9780203783054
The first studies on IP functioning showed that pMS needed more time than healthy controls (HCs) to determine whether a specific number was included in a series of to be remembered numbers.2222 Rao SM, St Aubin-Faubert P, Leo GJ. Information processing speed in patients with multiple sclerosis. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 1989;11(04):471–477. Doi: 10.1080/01688638908400907
A subsequent study, aimed at measuring both IPS and performance accuracy, suggested that when pMS were given necessary time to encode information, their performance was as that of HCs in terms of accuracy.2323 Demaree HA, DeLuca J, Gaudino EA, Diamond BJ. Speed of information processing as a key deficit in multiple sclerosis: implications for rehabilitation. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1999;67(05):661–663. Doi: 10.1136/jnnp.67.5.661
The results of these two studies show that the IP of pMS is adequate if they are given more time, so it is not the accuracy with which the information is processed, but it is IPS that is impaired.

Information processing speed, in addition to being the most commonly compromised cognitive function in pMS, with a percentage ranging from 40 to 70%,77 Chiaravalloti ND, DeLuca J. Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis. Lancet Neurol 2008;7(12):1139–1151. Doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(08)70259
is frequently the first to be impaired. Furthermore, IPS is important for the functionality of higher-order cognitive processes such as memory and EF.2424 EizaguirreMB, Vanotti S, Merino Á, et al. The Role of Information Processing Speed in Clinical and Social Support Variables of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. J Clin Neurol 2018;14(04): 472–477. Doi: 10.3988/jcn.2018.14.4.472

Information processing speed efficiency depends on both WM and processing speed.1919 Oreja-Guevara C, Ayuso Blanco T, Brieva Ruiz L, Hernández Pérez MÁ, Meca-Lallana V, Ramió-Torrentà L Cognitive Dysfunctions and Assessments in Multiple Sclerosis. Front Neurol 2019;10 (10):581. Doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00581
Although both are compromised, according to some authors, IPS is the primary deficit in MS, which primarily affects information encoding, while WM impairment seems to depend on reduced IPS.2525 Kouvatsou Z, Masoura E, Kimiskidis V.WorkingMemory Deficits inMultiple Sclerosis: An Overview of the Findings. Front Psychol 2022;13(13):866885. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.866885
The study by Kouvatsou et al. evaluated the relationship between IPS and WM and found a strong correlation between IPS, central executive and episodic buffer. However, after the chronological age of the patients was entered into the statistical analyzes, IPS and central executive relationship disappeared, suggesting that this subcomponent of WM may not be directly affected by IPS, but that other factors such as age could mediate their relationship.2525 Kouvatsou Z, Masoura E, Kimiskidis V.WorkingMemory Deficits inMultiple Sclerosis: An Overview of the Findings. Front Psychol 2022;13(13):866885. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.866885

Information processing speed is strongly related to some clinical aspects of pMS. In fact, several studies have observed that a reduced IPS correlates with an increase of motor disability, fatigue, depression, and a reduced social support quality.2424 EizaguirreMB, Vanotti S, Merino Á, et al. The Role of Information Processing Speed in Clinical and Social Support Variables of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. J Clin Neurol 2018;14(04): 472–477. Doi: 10.3988/jcn.2018.14.4.472


Memory impairment is among the most observed cognitive deficits in MS,44 Macías Islas MÁ, Ciampi E. Assessment and Impact of Cognitive Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis: An Overview. Biomedicines 2019;7(01):22 with prevalence rates ranging from 22 to 65%.77 Chiaravalloti ND, DeLuca J. Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis. Lancet Neurol 2008;7(12):1139–1151. Doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(08)70259
, 2020 Grzegorski T, Losy J. Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis - a review of current knowledge and recent research. Rev Neurosci 2017;28(08):845–860. Doi: 10.1515/revneuro-2017-0011

In most cases, long-term memory (LTM) and WM are compromised.77 Chiaravalloti ND, DeLuca J. Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis. Lancet Neurol 2008;7(12):1139–1151. Doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(08)70259
, 1818 Guimarães J, Sá MJ. Cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. Front Neurol 2012;3(03):74. Doi: 10.3389/fneur.2012.00074
Recently, it has been highlighted that in MS the visual subcomponent of the visuospatial sketchpad is preserved, while the episodic buffer is the most impaired component.2626 Kouvatsou Z, Masoura E, Kiosseoglou G, Kimiskidis VK. Working memory profiles of patients with multiple sclerosis:Where does the impairment lie? J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 2019;41(08): 832–844. Doi: 10.1080/13803395.2019.1626805

Regarding LTM deficits, they mainly concern explicit (declarative) memory, while implicit (nondeclarative) memory appears to be mostly preserved.2727 González Torre JA, Cruz-Gómez ÁJ, Belenguer A, Sanchis-Segura C, Ávila C, Forn C. Hippocampal dysfunction is associated with memory impairment in multiple sclerosis: A volumetric and functional connectivity study. Mult Scler 2017;23(14):1854-–1863. Doi: 10.1177/1352458516688349
According to the traditional classification by Tulving et al.,2828 Tulving E, Schacter DL. Priming and human memory systems. Science 1990;2474940301–306. Doi: 10.1126/science.2296719
explicit memory is divided into episodic memory and semantic memory. Of these, the first is the most compromised2929 Amato MP, Portaccio E, Goretti B, et al; TuSCIMS Study Group. Relevance of cognitive deterioration in early relapsing-remitting MS: a 3-year follow-up study. Mult Scler 2010;16(12):1474-–1482. Doi: 10.1177/1352458510380089
in pMS. Episodic memory can be divided into retrospective memory (RM) and prospective memory (PM). Until now, most of the research in pMS has focused on RM. The first studies suggested that RM deficit may lie in the inability of pMS to retrieve information stored in LTM. Subsequent studies have traced the origin of problem to the initial learning difficulty:44 Macías Islas MÁ, Ciampi E. Assessment and Impact of Cognitive Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis: An Overview. Biomedicines 2019;7(01):22 pMS simply need a greater number of repetitions to acquire memory traces. Difficulty in new information acquisition could be linked to the concomitant presence of EF deficits, sensory deficits, of a slowdown in IP and of a greater susceptibility to interference.3030 D’Amico E, Leone C, Hayrettin T, Patti F. Can we define a rehabilitation strategy for cognitive impairment in progressive multiple sclerosis? A critical appraisal. Mult Scler 2016;22(05): 581–589. Doi: 10.1177/1352458516632066
Recently, it has been reported that pMS, in addition to having RM deficiencies, have some gaps in PM defined as difficulties in remembering what they intended to do. In everyday life, failure to execute a planned action (or intention) at the right time can have relevant consequences with a negative impact on the functional autonomy of patients.3131 Rouleau I, Dagenais E, Tremblay A, et al. Prospective memory impairment in multiple sclerosis: a review. Clin Neuropsychol 2018;32(05):922–936. Doi: 10.1080/13854046.2017.1361473

Visuospatial functions

Although visuospatial functions have received less consideration, it has been reported that 25% of pMS have visual-perceptual deficits independent of the presence of primary visual deficits.3232 Poole JL, Nakamoto T, McNulty T, et al. Dexterity, visual perception, and activities of daily living in persons with multiple sclerosis. Occup Ther Health Care 2010;24(02):159–170. Doi: 10.3109/07380571003681202
Visuospatial abilities impairments result in deficits in the representation and integration of images and in the spatial localization and tracking of an object.3333 Marasescu R, Cerezo Garcia M, Aladro Benito Y. Impairment of visuospatial/visuoconstructional skills in multiple sclerosis patients: the correlation with regional lesion load and subcortical atrophy. Neurologia 2016;31(03):169–175. Doi: 10.1016/j.nrl.2015.06.003
A recent paper found that there is a relationship between visual IPS deficits and visual system abnormalities, defined by a reduced pMS ability to detect visual stimuli.3434 Lopes Costa S, Gonçalves OF, DeLuca J, Chiaravalloti N, Chakravarthi R, Almeida J. The Temporal Dynamics of Visual Processing in Multiple Sclerosis. Appl Neuropsychol Adult 2016;23(02): 133–140. Doi: 10.1080/23279095.2015.1020157

Executive functions

The studies conducted on EF in pMS are not easily comparable due to the high conceptual and methodological variability; in general, it is established that, in pMS, EF are altered with different degrees and frequency (20 to 80%).3535 Cerezo García M, Martín Plasencia P, Aladro Benito Y. Alteration profile of executive functions in multiple sclerosis. Acta Neurol Scand 2015;131(05):313–320. Doi: 10.1111/ane.12345
While some authors believe that, in MS, EF deficits have a lower prevalence than memory deficits,77 Chiaravalloti ND, DeLuca J. Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis. Lancet Neurol 2008;7(12):1139–1151. Doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(08)70259
, 3636 Sehanovic A, Smajlovic D, Tupkovic E, et al. Cognitive Disorders in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Mater Sociomed 2020;32(03): 191–195. Doi: 10.5455/msm.2020.32.191-195
others declare a higher prevalence of the former.3737 Drew M, Tippett LJ, Starkey NJ, Isler RB. Executive dysfunction and cognitive impairment in a large community-based sample with Multiple Sclerosis from New Zealand: a descriptive study. Arch Clin Neuropsychol 2008;23(01):1–19. Doi: 10.1016/j.acn.2007.09.005

Drew et al.3737 Drew M, Tippett LJ, Starkey NJ, Isler RB. Executive dysfunction and cognitive impairment in a large community-based sample with Multiple Sclerosis from New Zealand: a descriptive study. Arch Clin Neuropsychol 2008;23(01):1–19. Doi: 10.1016/j.acn.2007.09.005
noted that 17% of pMS have difficulty with a range of executive skills (for example, displacement, inhibition, and fluency). Using a similar approach, Cerezo Garcia et al.3535 Cerezo García M, Martín Plasencia P, Aladro Benito Y. Alteration profile of executive functions in multiple sclerosis. Acta Neurol Scand 2015;131(05):313–320. Doi: 10.1111/ane.12345
observed a predominant influence of MS on three components of EF: cognitive flexibility, inhibition, and abstraction. This suggests that there may be a specific EF deterioration profile in MS, with better preserved planning and reasoning skills than cognitive flexibility, inhibition, and abstraction. Furthermore, pMS would seem to repeatedly propose concepts and solutions that are no longer adequate with respect to a modified situation.3838 BirnboimS, Miller A. Cognitive strategies application of multiple sclerosis patients. Mult Scler 2004;10(01):67–73. Doi: 10.1191/1352458504ms980oa

A relationship between EF and PM has been observed.3939 Dagenais E, Rouleau I, Tremblay A, et al. Prospective memory in multiple sclerosis: The impact of cue distinctiveness and executive functioning. Brain Cogn 2016;109(109):66–74. Doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2016.07.011
Several studies have shown that PM requires both RM and EF. Dagenais et al.,3939 Dagenais E, Rouleau I, Tremblay A, et al. Prospective memory in multiple sclerosis: The impact of cue distinctiveness and executive functioning. Brain Cogn 2016;109(109):66–74. Doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2016.07.011
examining the influence of EF on pMS PM, revealed that good performance is modulated by the efficiency of EF, while RM appears to have a minimal impact on PM performance.

Recently, it has been found that EF deficits can be largely explained by a loss of general intelligence.4040 Goitia B, Bruno D, Abrevaya S, et al. The relationship between executive functions and fluid intelligence in multiple sclerosis. PLoS One 2020;15(04):e0231868. Doi: 10.1371/journal. pone.0231868
In fact, both cognitive functions are supported by the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and the EF deficits have been found to be related to lesions of the frontosubcortical tracts.

Leavitt and colleagues believe that EF deficits may be partly explained by IPS deficits: evaluating and comparing pMS with HC, they found that the former had worse scores than HCs in EF and IPS, but that the differences diminished when more time is provided.4141 Leavitt VM,Wylie G, Krch D, Chiaravalloti N, DeLuca J, Sumowski JF. Does slowed processing speed account for executive deficits in multiple sclerosis? Evidence from neuropsychological performance and structural neuroimaging. Rehabil Psychol 2014;59 (04):422–428. Doi: 10.1037/a0037517

In a 2017 study, a relationship between EF and coping4242 Grech LB, Kiropoulos LA, Kirby KM, Butler E, Paine M, Hester R. Executive function is an important consideration for coping strategy use in people with multiple sclerosis. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 2017;39(08):817–831. Doi: 10.1080/13803395.2016.1270907
was demonstrated: active coping strategies (such as problem solving) require prediction and perspective taking. The alteration of these abilities would lead pMS to use maladaptive and less cognitively demanding coping strategies (for example, acceptance or avoidance), with negative consequences on quality of life.


In MS, language has been poorly studied, and while some researches have shown largely preserved linguistic functionality,77 Chiaravalloti ND, DeLuca J. Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis. Lancet Neurol 2008;7(12):1139–1151. Doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(08)70259
more recent studies have reported speech disturbances in 20% of relapsing-remitting pMS (RRMS) and in 58% of secondary-progressive pMS (SPMS).4343 Ntoskou K, Messinis L, Nasios G, et al. Cognitive and language deficits in multiple sclerosis: comparison of relapsing remitting and secondary progressive subtypes. Open Neurol J 2018;12 (12):19–30. Doi: 10.2174/1874205_01812010019 × 018120...
Some researchers argue that pMS experience subtle language deficits not easily detectable,4444 Lebkuecher AL, Chiaravalloti ND, Strober LB. The role of language ability in verbal fluency of individuals with multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2021;50(50):102846. Doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2021.102846
such as the difficulty in finding words.4545 Brandstadter R, Fabian M, Leavitt VM, et al. Word-finding difficulty is a prevalent disease-related deficit in early multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler 2020;26(13):1752–1764. Doi: 10.1177/1352458519881760
Indeed, several papers suggest that individuals with MS show deficits in pragmatics4646 Chanial C, Basaglia-Pappas S, Jacqueline S, et al. Assessment of implicit language and theory of mind in multiple sclerosis. Ann Phys Rehabil Med 2020;63(02):111–115. Doi: 10.1016/ 2019.08.005
and in morphosyntactic production.4747 Fyndanis V, Messinis L, Nasios G, et al. Impaired Verb-Related Morphosyntactic Production in Multiple Sclerosis: Evidence From Greek. Front Psychol 2020;11(11):2051. Doi: 10.3389/ fpsyg.2020.02051
, 4848 Sonkaya AR, Bayazit ZZ. Language Aspects of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. EJMI 2018;2(03):133–138. Doi: 10.14744/ejmi.2018.96158
Typically, verbal fluency (VF) is the only language-related measure included in the batteries used to assess cognitive deficits in pMS. A standard VF test is aimed at evaluating phonemic and/or semantic fluency. Often, difficulties in VF are attributed to EF deficits rather than language skills.44 Macías Islas MÁ, Ciampi E. Assessment and Impact of Cognitive Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis: An Overview. Biomedicines 2019;7(01):22 In general, as phonemic characteristics are cognitively more demanding, pMS have better performance in the semantic than in the phonemic fluency task. Indeed, phonemic fluency is more based on cognitive control and EF, while semantic fluency is dependent on semantic knowledge4949 Friesen DC, Luo L, Luk G, Bialystok E. Proficiency and Control in Verbal Fluency Performance across the Lifespan for Monolinguals and Bilinguals. Lang Cogn Neurosci 2015;30(03):238–250. Doi: 10.1080/23273798.2014.918630
and episodic memory.5050 Delgado-Álvarez A, Matias-Guiu JA, Delgado-Alonso C, et al. Cognitive Processes Underlying Verbal Fluency in Multiple Sclerosis. Front Neurol 2021;11(11):629183. Doi: 10.3389/fneur.2020.629183
This dissociation is supported by the fact that phonemic fluency is associated with white matter dorsal (occipito-parietal) tract integrity, while semantic fluency is associated with ventral (occipito-temporal) tract integrity.5151 Blecher T, Miron S, Schneider GG, Achiron A, Ben-Shachar M. Association Between White Matter Microstructure and Verbal Fluency in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis. Front Psychol 2019; 10(10):1607. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01607
Despite this, research conducted with healthy individuals indicates that both EF, IPS, and language-specific abilities contribute to VF. Furthermore, a recent study has shown that both vocabulary and IPS can predict phonemic fluency; otherwise, semantic fluency is uniquely related to vocabulary. These results suggest that VF deficits in pMS are the consequence of a reduction in both language skills and IPS.4444 Lebkuecher AL, Chiaravalloti ND, Strober LB. The role of language ability in verbal fluency of individuals with multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2021;50(50):102846. Doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2021.102846

In MS, aphasia is a very rare clinical manifestation, with a percentage ranging from 0.7 to 3%.5252 Naro LD, Spinello RS, Cantone M, et al. Rehabilitative treatment in a case of aphasia as onset of multiple sclerosis. Neurol Sci 2021;42(09):3919–3921. Doi: 10.1007/s10072-021-05364-2
Among the various forms of aphasia, Broca's aphasia appears to be the most frequent in pMS, followed by mixed transcortical aphasia.5353 Demirkiran M, Ozeren A, Sönmezler A, Bozdemir H. Crossed aphasia in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler 2006;12(01):116–119. Doi: 10.1191/135248506ms1255cr
Although most cases of aphasia are induced by cortical lesions, unusually extensive subcortical white matter lesions have been reported in MS. In this regard, extensive plaques (> 5-cm) have been identified in language subcortical areas of pMS. As an explanation for subcortical injury-induced aphasia, the concept of diaschisis has been proposed. According to this, lesions of white matter tracts, anatomically related to cortical language centers, could produce aphasias that are sometimes difficult to distinguish from aphasias associated with cortical lesions.5454 Devere TR, Trotter JL, Cross AH. Acute aphasia in multiple sclerosis. Arch Neurol 2000;57(08):1207–1209. Doi: 10.1001/archneur.57.8.1207

Cognitive impairment according to clinical phenotype

Cognitive impairment occurs in all MS phenotypes, affecting between 20 and 25% of patients with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) and radiologically isolated syndrome (RIS); 30 to 45% of RRMS and 75% of patients with SPMS. The prevalence of CI in primary-progressive MS (PPMS) is very variable. Clinically isolated syndrome and RRMS show similar cognitive profiles with significant involvement of IPS, EF, and verbal and visuospatial memory. However, a higher overall CI index was observed in RRMS patients than in those with CIS. A CI profile like that of RRMS was observed in RIS patients, with involvement of IPS and memory.5555 Brochet B, Ruet A. Cognitive Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis With Regards to Disease Duration and Clinical Phenotypes. Front Neurol 2019;10(10):261. Doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00261
Progressive forms have a relatively similar cognitive profile, with a prevalent involvement of EF and memory.1212 Benedict RHB, Amato MP, DeLuca J, Geurts JJG. Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis: clinical management, MRI, and therapeutic avenues. Lancet Neurol 2020;19(10):860–871. Doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(20)30277-5
In a study conducted by Dackovic et al.,5656 Dackovic J, Pekmezovic T, Mesaros S, et al. The Rao’s Brief Repeatable Battery in the study of cognition in different multiple sclerosis phenotypes: application of normative data in a Serbian population. Neurol Sci 2016;37(09):1475–1481. Doi: 10.1007/s10072-016-2610-1
patients with PPMS and SPMS were found to be more frequently compromised than those with CIS and RRMS in all cognitive tests evaluated by the Brief Repeatable Battery of Neuropsychological Tests (BRBNT).1010 Rao SM, Leo GJ, Bernardin L, Unverzagt F. Cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. I. Frequency, patterns, and prediction. Neurology 1991;41(05):685–691. Doi: 10.1212/wnl.41.5.685
Until now, pMS have always been classified as cognitively preserved or cognitively impaired. With the aim of eliminating this too reductive dichotomous classification, a group of researchers5757 De Meo E, Portaccio E, Giorgio A, et al. Identifying the Distinct Cognitive Phenotypes in Multiple Sclerosis. JAMA Neurol 2021; 78(04):414–425. Doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2020.4920
managed to identify 5 cognitive phenotypes: preserved cognition; mild involvement of verbal memory and semantic fluency; mild multidomain involvement; severe executive/attentional involvement; and severe multidomain involvement. Furthermore, in support of Dackovic's work,5656 Dackovic J, Pekmezovic T, Mesaros S, et al. The Rao’s Brief Repeatable Battery in the study of cognition in different multiple sclerosis phenotypes: application of normative data in a Serbian population. Neurol Sci 2016;37(09):1475–1481. Doi: 10.1007/s10072-016-2610-1
they found that progressive phenotypes are those with more prevalent CI.

Cognitive impairment and mood disorders

Patients with MS are often diagnosed with mood disorders such as: major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, euphoria, and pseudobulbar syndrome. Among these, depressive and anxiety disorders were found to be correlated with CI. The most common depressive symptoms in MS include irritability, discouragement, concentration problems, fatigue, insomnia, and poor appetite; while guilt, low self-esteem, and social withdrawal are less frequent than in the general population.5858 Silveira C, Guedes R, Maia D, Curral R, Coelho R. Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis: State of the Art. Psychiatry Investig 2019;16(12):877–888. Doi: 10.30773/pi.2019.0106
These symptoms affect 50% of pMS. Prevalence estimates are generally 2-3 times higher than those of the general population.5959 Patten SB,Marrie RA, CartaMG. Depression in multiple sclerosis. Int Rev Psychiatry 2017;29(05):463–472. Doi: 10.1080/09540261.2017.1322555
Several studies have suggested that depression, in pMS, is associated with WM, EF and IPS deficits. In contrast to the extensive literature on depression, in pMS, anxiety disorders have been the subject of fewer studies. The prevalence of anxiety disorders in MS is estimated to be between 13 and 31.7%,6060 Marrie RA, Reingold S, Cohen J, et al. The incidence and prevalence of psychiatric disorders in multiple sclerosis: a systematic review. Mult Scler 2015;21(03):305–317. Doi: 10.1177/1352458514564487
and it is 3 times higher in the latter than in the general population.6161 Chwastiak LA, Ehde DM. Psychiatric issues in multiple sclerosis. Psychiatr Clin North Am 2007;30(04):803–817. Doi: 10.1016/j.psc.2007.07.003
Generalized anxiety disorder appears to be the most common form, with 18.6% of patients meeting the criteria. This is followed by panic disorder (10%) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (8.6%).6262 Korostil M, Feinstein A. Anxiety disorders and their clinical correlates in multiple sclerosis patients. Mult Scler 2007;13 (01):67–72. Doi: 10.1177/1352458506071161
Several studies have shown the existence of an association between anxiety and attention, WM, IPS, immediate and delayed visual memory, VF, and verbal memory deficits.6363 Goretti B, Viterbo RG, Portaccio E, et al. Anxiety state affects information processing speed in patients with multiple sclerosis. Neurol Sci 2014;35(04):559–563. Doi: 10.1007/s10072-013-1544-0

64 Morrow SA, Rosehart H, Pantazopoulos K. Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms Are Associated With Worse Performance on Objective Cognitive Tests in MS. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2016;28(02):118–123. Doi: 10.1176/appi.neuropsych. 15070167

65 Ribbons K, Lea R, Schofield PW, Lechner-Scott J. Anxiety Levels Are Independently Associated With Cognitive Performance in an Australian Multiple Sclerosis Patient Cohort. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2017;29(02):128–134. Doi: 10.1176/appi.neuropsych. 16050085
-6666 Marrie RA, Patel R, Figley CR, et al; Comorbidity and Cognition in Multiple Sclerosis (CCOMS) Study Group. Diabetes and anxiety adversely affect cognition in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2019;27(27):164–170. Doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2018.10.018

Cognitive impairment and other factors

Recently, factors directly associated with the pathophysiological mechanisms of MS have been identified, which can contribute to the development of CI. Noteworthy are sleep disturbances and fatigue. About 50% of pMS suffer from sleep disorders.6767 Veauthier C. Sleep disorders in multiple sclerosis. Review. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep 2015;15(05):21. Doi: 10.1007/s11910-015-0546-0
Studies examining the relationships between sleep disorders and CI have produced discrepant association patterns derived from the use of different sleep measurement tools: using objective measures (polysomnography and actigraphy), sleep was found to correlate with attention and IPS. Subjective measures (of self-reported insomnia through the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Insomnia Severity Index) were found to be predictive of self-reported cognitive deficits; however, these associations were mediated by depression and fatigue, suggesting that these symptoms may contribute to the CI perceived by pMS. Unlike objective measures, self-reported sleep was a poor indicator of CI detected by standardized batteries.6868 Hughes AJ, Turner AP, Alschuler KN, et al. Association Between Sleep Problems and Perceived Cognitive Dysfunction Over 12 Months in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. Behav Sleep Med 2018;16(01):79–91. Doi: 10.1080/15402002.2016.1173553
One of the most commonly complained and most disabling symptoms is fatigue, which affects up to 75 to 90% of pMS.6969 Ayache SS, Chalah MA. Fatigue in multiple sclerosis - Insights into evaluation and management. Neurophysiol Clin 2017;47 (02):139–171. Doi: 10.1016/j.neucli.2017.02.004
Unlike some research,7070 Nunnari D, De Cola MC, D’Aleo G, Rifici C, Russo M, Sessa E, et al. Impact of depression, fatigue, and global measure of cortical volume on cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis. Biomed Res Int. 2015; (2015):519785. DOI: Doi: 10.1155/2015/519785
, 7171 Morrow SA, Weinstock-Guttman B, Munschauer FE, Hojnacki D, Benedict RH. Subjective fatigue is not associated with cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis: cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis. Mult Scler 2009;15(08):998–1005. Doi: 10.1177/1352458509106213
recent studies have highlighted the existence of a strong association between fatigue, attention7272 Hanken K, Eling P, Hildebrandt H. Is there a cognitive signature for MS-related fatigue? Mult Scler 2015;21(04):376–381. Doi: 10.1177/1352458514549567
and IPS.7373 Andreasen AK, Iversen P, Marstrand L, Siersma V, Siebner HR, Sellebjerg F. Structural and cognitive correlates of fatigue in progressive multiple sclerosis. Neurol Res 2019;41(02): 168–176. Doi: 10.1080/01616412.2018.1547813
Another variable that can influence CI is hypothyroidism: a syndrome caused by insufficient secretion of thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormones have a vital impact on normal brain development and function, as well as cognition. Clinical psychology studies have shown that the attention, memory and spatial capacity of patients with hypothyroidism are significantly reduced, while the index of depression and anxiety is increased.7474 Pan H, Wang Y, Wang X, Yan C. Dimethyl fumarate improves cognitive impairment by enhancing hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in hypothyroid rats. BMC Endocr Disord 2022;22(01):188. Doi: 10.1186/s12902-022-01086-4
Also, hyperhomocysteinemia, vitamin B12 and folate deficiency have been linked to CI in MS.7575 Fahmy EM, Elfayoumy NM, Abdelalim AM, Sharaf SA, Ismail RS, Elshebawy H. Relation of serum levels of homocysteine, vitamin B12 and folate to cognitive functions in multiple sclerosis patients. Int J Neurosci 2018;128(09):835–841. Doi: 10.1080/00207454.2018.1435538.

Social cognition

Social cognition is a multidimensional construct including a wide range of neurocognitive processes that allow humans to perceive and make inferences about mental states, understand the behavior of others, interact adequately with other people, and adaptively orient their behaviors towards appropriate goals.7676 Giazkoulidou A, Messinis L, Nasios G. Cognitive functions and social cognition in multiple sclerosis: An overview. Hell J Nucl Med 2019;22(22, Suppl)102–110, 7777 Lin X, Zhang X, Liu Q, et al. Social cognition in multiple sclerosis and its subtypes: A meta-analysis. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2021; 52(52):102973. Doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2021.102973
Social perception, social understanding and social DM are the basilar processes of SC. The first refers to the perception of emotions through prosody or facial expressions, the second refers to affective empathy, that is, the ability to experience and interpret others' feelings, while the third process concerns the theory of mind (ToM) or mentalization, defined as the ability to decode and interpret the mental states of others and use them to make inferences and predict their behaviors.7676 Giazkoulidou A, Messinis L, Nasios G. Cognitive functions and social cognition in multiple sclerosis: An overview. Hell J Nucl Med 2019;22(22, Suppl)102–110, 7878 Doskas T, Vavougios GD, Karampetsou P, et al. Neurocognitive impairment and social cognition in multiple sclerosis. Int J Neurosci 2021;((25):1–16. Doi: 10.1080/00207454.2021.1879066
These skills are vital for the development of complex social interactions and can impact employment, relationships with family, friends, and healthcare professionals.7979 van der Hiele K, van Egmond EEA, Jongen PJ, et al. Empathy in multiple sclerosis–Correlates with cognitive, psychological and occupational functioning. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2020;41(41): 102036. Doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2020.102036

A total of 20 to 40% of pMS have a SC deterioration, sometimes evident from the early stages of the disease.8080 Dulau C, Deloire M, Diaz H, et al. Social cognition according to cognitive impairment in different clinical phenotypes of multiple sclerosis. J Neurol 2017;264(04):740–748. Doi: 10.1007/s00415-017-8417-z
In pMS, SC disorders generally do not correlate with disease course and duration, degree of disability, or relapse rate.8080 Dulau C, Deloire M, Diaz H, et al. Social cognition according to cognitive impairment in different clinical phenotypes of multiple sclerosis. J Neurol 2017;264(04):740–748. Doi: 10.1007/s00415-017-8417-z
Otherwise, a correlation between SC and fatigue was found, probably due to common underlying neural networks.8181 Neuhaus M, Bagutti S, Yaldizli Ö, et al. Characterization of social cognition impairment inmultiple sclerosis. Eur J Neurol 2018;25 (01):90–96. Doi: 10.1111/ene.13457

Recently, numerous studies investigated the relationship between SC and CI in pMS leading to inconsistent results. While, on the one hand, significant correlations were found between SC and IPS, WM, reasoning, and problem-solving deficits, on the other hand, no association was found among these variables.7777 Lin X, Zhang X, Liu Q, et al. Social cognition in multiple sclerosis and its subtypes: A meta-analysis. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2021; 52(52):102973. Doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2021.102973

Deficits in facial emotional recognition (FER) and ToM are the most frequent in pMS and, therefore, also the most investigated.7676 Giazkoulidou A, Messinis L, Nasios G. Cognitive functions and social cognition in multiple sclerosis: An overview. Hell J Nucl Med 2019;22(22, Suppl)102–110 Theory of mind is a multifaceted construct that can be further divided into cognitive and affective components.8282 Bisecco A, AltieriM, Santangelo G, et al. Resting-State Functional Correlates of Social Cognition in Multiple Sclerosis: An Explorative Study. Front Behav Neurosci 2020;13(03):276. Doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2019.00276
A recent meta-analysis7777 Lin X, Zhang X, Liu Q, et al. Social cognition in multiple sclerosis and its subtypes: A meta-analysis. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2021; 52(52):102973. Doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2021.102973
conducted on 1,708 pMS and 1,518 HCs showed that compared to the latter, pMS (RRMS, PPMS, SPMS) showed alterations in the overall ToM, of its two subcomponents, and FER. Usually, no differences in impairment levels were observed between MS phenotypes. In contrast, Argento et al.8383 Argento O, Spanò B, Serra L, et al. Relapsing-remitting and secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis patients differ in decoding others’ emotions by their eyes. Eur J Neurol 2022;29 (02):505–514. Doi: 10.1111/ene.15155
demonstrated the presence of specific patterns of impairment of SC skills by phenotype: both RRMS and SPMS performed poorly on the Reading the Mind in the Eyes test compared with HCs, but only SPMS patients reached a statistically significant difference.8383 Argento O, Spanò B, Serra L, et al. Relapsing-remitting and secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis patients differ in decoding others’ emotions by their eyes. Eur J Neurol 2022;29 (02):505–514. Doi: 10.1111/ene.15155
Individuals with MS are not only less accurate in recognizing basic emotions than healthy individuals, but they have longer reaction times.8484 Parada-Fernández P, Oliva-Macías M, Amayra I, et al. Accuracy and reaction time in recognition of facial emotions in people with multiple sclerosis. Rev Neurol 2015;61(10):433–440

Regarding empathy, while some studies have highlighted subtle difficulties in pMS,8484 Parada-Fernández P, Oliva-Macías M, Amayra I, et al. Accuracy and reaction time in recognition of facial emotions in people with multiple sclerosis. Rev Neurol 2015;61(10):433–440 recent research found no difference in empathy between pMS and the healthy population.7979 van der Hiele K, van Egmond EEA, Jongen PJ, et al. Empathy in multiple sclerosis–Correlates with cognitive, psychological and occupational functioning. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2020;41(41): 102036. Doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2020.102036
In pMS, a correlation was observed between higher empathy levels and a higher education level, better verbal learning, fewer depressive symptoms, greater extroversion, higher levels of agreeableness and conscientiousness, and better occupational functioning.7979 van der Hiele K, van Egmond EEA, Jongen PJ, et al. Empathy in multiple sclerosis–Correlates with cognitive, psychological and occupational functioning. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2020;41(41): 102036. Doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2020.102036

Currently, great importance for the empathy's modulation has been given to alexithymia.8585 Luminet O, Bagby RM, Taylor GJ. Alexithymia: Advances in Theory, Research & Clinical Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2018 Indeed, a higher incidence of alexithymia in pMS was associated with lower levels of empathy and potentially impaired moral cognition, even in the early stages of the disease.8686 Raimo S, Trojano L, Pappacena S, et al. Neuropsychological correlates of theory of mind deficits in patients with multiple sclerosis. Neuropsychology 2017;31(07):811–821. Doi: 10.1037/neu0000372
Although it can affect ∼ 10% of the general population, the prevalence of alexithymia in pMS can reach 53%,8787 Chalah MA, Ayache SS. Alexithymia in multiple sclerosis: A systematic review of literature. Neuropsychologia 2017;104 (104):31–47. Doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.07.034
becoming a variable of great interest when evaluating SC.

Moral judgment

The set of habits and values that guide social conduct in a given cultural group is called MJ, and is measured through tasks that involve moral dilemmas, that is, situations in which an agent cannot meet all applicable moral requirements.8888 Moll J, Zahn R, de Oliveira-Souza R, Krueger F, Grafman J. Opinion: the neural basis of human moral cognition. Nat Rev Neurosci 2005;6(10):799–809. Doi: 10.1038/nrn1768
Moral judgement deficits can be deleterious to both pMS and their social circle; despite the emerging literature on socioemotional skills, moral cognition is still poorly studied in MS.8989 Gleichgerrcht E, Tomashitis B, Sinay V. The relationship between alexithymia, empathy and moral judgment in patients with multiple sclerosis. Eur J Neurol 2015;22(09):1295–1303. Doi: 10.1111/ene.12745
, 9090 Patil I, Young L, Sinay V, Gleichgerrcht E. Elevated moral condemnation of third-party violations in multiple sclerosis patients. Soc Neurosci 2017;12(03):308–329. Doi: 10.1080/17470919.2016.1175380
Three important aspects of MJ are moral acceptability/admissibility related to an acted-out behavior (that is, morally acceptable, or unacceptable), emotional valence (evaluation of the experience as pleasant or unpleasant) and emotional arousal (state of arousal or calm).9191 Lotto L, Manfrinati A, Sarlo M. A new set of moral dilemmas: Norms for moral acceptability, decision times, and emotional salience. J. Behav. Dec. Making 2014;27(01):57–65

Preliminary evidence8989 Gleichgerrcht E, Tomashitis B, Sinay V. The relationship between alexithymia, empathy and moral judgment in patients with multiple sclerosis. Eur J Neurol 2015;22(09):1295–1303. Doi: 10.1111/ene.12745
, 9090 Patil I, Young L, Sinay V, Gleichgerrcht E. Elevated moral condemnation of third-party violations in multiple sclerosis patients. Soc Neurosci 2017;12(03):308–329. Doi: 10.1080/17470919.2016.1175380
demonstrated a reduced valuation capacity of moral acceptability, higher levels of emotional reactivity and an egocentric projection of the moral problem. These results led to the hypothesis that, in MS, there is a shift from a MJ "utilitarian model", based on a careful cost-benefit analysis of the specific moral situation, towards a "nonutilitarian moral model"8989 Gleichgerrcht E, Tomashitis B, Sinay V. The relationship between alexithymia, empathy and moral judgment in patients with multiple sclerosis. Eur J Neurol 2015;22(09):1295–1303. Doi: 10.1111/ene.12745
driven by an instinctive emotional aversion to harm other people. These data were partly supported by a recent study9292 Realmuto S, Dodich A, Meli R, et al. Moral Cognition and Multiple Sclerosis: A Neuropsychological Study. Arch Clin Neuropsychol 2019;34(03):319–326. Doi: 10.1093/arclin/acy047
: the authors observed a reduced sensitivity to moral admissibility in RRMS patients compared with HCs; on the other hand, they found reduced emotional reactivity levels suggesting an alteration in the emotional reaction rather than in the evaluation of moral dilemmas per se. Emotional detachment can be explained according to two different hypotheses: the presence of high levels of alexithymia impairing emotional reactivity (reduced emotional arousal) during DM in moral dilemmas;8989 Gleichgerrcht E, Tomashitis B, Sinay V. The relationship between alexithymia, empathy and moral judgment in patients with multiple sclerosis. Eur J Neurol 2015;22(09):1295–1303. Doi: 10.1111/ene.12745
the fact that pMS implement coping strategies based on emotional detachment to maintain a good quality of life and obtain a better adaptation to their social context.9393 McCabeMP, Stokes M, McDonald E. Changes in quality of life and coping among people with multiple sclerosis over a 2 year period. Psychol Health Med 2009;14(01):86–96. Doi: 10.1080/13548500802017682


Decision-making is commonly perceived as a highly rational and conscious process that allows to comparing arguments for or against a specific behavioral choice.9494 Gutbrod K, Krouzel C, Hofer H, Müri R, Perrig W, Ptak R. Decisionmaking in amnesia: do advantageous decisions require conscious knowledge of previous behavioural choices? Neuropsychologia 2006; 44(08):1315–1324. Doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2006.01.014
Decisione-making is organized according to a well-defined basic structure. input-process-output-feedback. Input refers to the presentation of individual stimuli, each of which is capable of providing a rewarding or punishing response; the process allows you to evaluate the stimuli in order to choose one according to your preferences; the output refers to the action implemented in response to the chosen stimulus; feedback refers to the assessment and experience made by the subject following the action taken. It is evident that DM is guided by both cognitive and emotional components associated with a vast cortico-subcortical network.9595 NeuhausM, Calabrese P, Annoni JM. Decision-Making in Multiple Sclerosis Patients: A Systematic Review. Mult Scler Int. 2018; (2018):7835952. DOI: Doi: 10.1155/2018/7835952
A theory supporting the significant influence of emotions on DM performance is that of the somatic marker, developed by Damasio.9696 Damasio AR. Descartes Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain. New York: Grosset Putmann; 1994 This theory states that, when faced with a decision, a first selection of the choices is made by balancing the positive and negative somatic markers. Accordingly, the choice would be conditioned by the somatic and emotional responses experienced by the subject, sometimes unconsciously.9696 Damasio AR. Descartes Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain. New York: Grosset Putmann; 1994 In this regard, two studies that measured emotional reactivity using the reactivity of skin conductance (RSC) have given conflicting results. In one study, it was found that pMS, compared with HCs, had a reduced RSC in DM performance under ambiguity (when neither the outcome nor the probability of specific results is known), which, however, was preserved in the DM under risk (when the probabilities for possible outcome scenarios are given but the outcome is not).9797 Kleeberg J, Bruggimann L, Annoni JM, vanMelle G, Bogousslavsky J, Schluep M. Altered decision-making in multiple sclerosis: a sign of impaired emotional reactivity? Ann Neurol 2004;56(06): 787–795. Doi: 10.1002/ana.20277
In the second study, however, the pMS showed reduced expression of only negative emotions (disappointment and regret) in the face of negative outcomes of their choices.9898 Simioni S, Schluep M, Bault N, et al. Multiple sclerosis decreases explicit counterfactual processing and risk taking in decision making. PLoS One 2012;7(12):e50718. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0050718

In the healthy population, good memory capacity predicts adaptive DM in a wide range of cognitive tasks9999 Hoffmann JA, von Helversen B, Rieskamp J. Pillars of judgment: how memory abilities affect performance in rule-based and exemplar-based judgments. J Exp Psychol Gen 2014;143(06): 2242–2261. Doi: 10.1037/a0037989
and real-life contexts.100100 Parker AM, de Bruin WB, Fischhoff B, Weller J. Robustness of Decision-Making Competence: Evidence fromtwomeasures and an 11-year longitudinal study. J Behav Decis Making 2018;31 (03):380–391. Doi: 10.1002/bdm.2059
In pMS, the worst decisions were found to correlate with IPS, EF, and memory deficits.101101 Hoffmann JA, Bareuther L, Schmidt R, Dettmers C. The relation between memory and decision-making in multiple sclerosis patients. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2020;37(37):101433. Doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2019.101433
Regarding memory, several studies have highlighted how WM deficits are able to predict resistance to framing (influence on DM of the way information is presented) and the ability to follow decision rules,101101 Hoffmann JA, Bareuther L, Schmidt R, Dettmers C. The relation between memory and decision-making in multiple sclerosis patients. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2020;37(37):101433. Doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2019.101433
suggesting an involvement of WM in supporting the most cognitively demanding decisions. Semantic memory turned out to predict an over and/or underestimation of risk perception and consistency in the application of decision rules: this suggests that DM tasks (ranging from understanding complex instructions to judging the probability of events) require the recovery of knowledge previously learned and stored in LTM.101101 Hoffmann JA, Bareuther L, Schmidt R, Dettmers C. The relation between memory and decision-making in multiple sclerosis patients. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2020;37(37):101433. Doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2019.101433
A recent review9595 NeuhausM, Calabrese P, Annoni JM. Decision-Making in Multiple Sclerosis Patients: A Systematic Review. Mult Scler Int. 2018; (2018):7835952. DOI: Doi: 10.1155/2018/7835952
that analyzed 12 studies found that 64.7% of pMS exhibit a DM performance reduction: 67% of patients have an alteration in under risk DM performance and 64% in under ambiguity DM. Furthermore, all the included studies indicated a tendency for pMS to seek risk: this could be explained by reward hypersensitivity or a reduced ability to assess immediate gain versus long-term outcome, a so-called "myopia for the future."9595 NeuhausM, Calabrese P, Annoni JM. Decision-Making in Multiple Sclerosis Patients: A Systematic Review. Mult Scler Int. 2018; (2018):7835952. DOI: Doi: 10.1155/2018/7835952
Recently, it has been shown that although RRMS patients are able to collect as much information as HCs before deciding, they are twice as likely to make irrational decisions, that is, against gathered evidence. Furthermore, in line with previous studies, it has been confirmed that RRMS patients are more influenced by the way information is presented (framing effect) than HC. Overall, these results push towards greater caution in communicating with pMS, especially regarding medical information.102102 Zamarian L, Berger T, Pertl MT, et al. Decision making and framing effects in multiple sclerosis. Eur J Neurol 2021;28(04): 1292–1298. Doi: 10.1111/ene.14669


The theory of cognitive reserve postulates that life experiences (education, work, hobbies) interacting with hereditary/genetic and environmental factors can influence the efficiency and flexibility of brain networks, allowing individuals to better cope with neurodegenerative processes at the basis of aging and brain diseases.103103 Pettigrew C, Soldan A. Defining Cognitive Reserve and Implications for Cognitive Aging. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep 2019;19 (01):1. Doi: 10.1007/s11910-019-0917-z
Specifically, increased intellectual enrichment mitigates the negative effect of the disease burden of MS on cognitive status.104104 Sumowski JF, LeavittVM. Cognitive reserve inmultiple sclerosis.Mult Scler 2013;19(09):1122–1127. Doi: 10.1177/1352458513498834
Differently, the concept of brain reserve refers to the structural characteristics of the brain at any given moment. It can protect individuals from age-related or disease-related brain changes by influencing the critical threshold after which cognitive decline emerges.103103 Pettigrew C, Soldan A. Defining Cognitive Reserve and Implications for Cognitive Aging. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep 2019;19 (01):1. Doi: 10.1007/s11910-019-0917-z
For example, people with bigger maximal lifetime brain growth (MLBG; estimated based on head size or intracranial volume) can bear a more severe disease burden without developing CI. These subjects, compared with those with reduced MLBG, may lose more brain volume before exceeding the critical threshold assigned to CI. These considerations can help to identify patients at greater risk of CI and therefore to intervene early with specific rehabilitation interventions.104104 Sumowski JF, LeavittVM. Cognitive reserve inmultiple sclerosis.Mult Scler 2013;19(09):1122–1127. Doi: 10.1177/1352458513498834


Tests commonly used to screen for cognitive deficits in dementia, such as the Mini-Mental State Examination or the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, which primarily assess cortical functions, are not sufficiently sensitive and specific to assess the domains typically affected in MS. Neuropsychological Screening Battery for MS (NSBMS)1010 Rao SM, Leo GJ, Bernardin L, Unverzagt F. Cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. I. Frequency, patterns, and prediction. Neurology 1991;41(05):685–691. Doi: 10.1212/wnl.41.5.685
is one of the first neuropsychological test batteries used for the assessment of cognitive deficits in MS, developed by neuroscientists of the Cognitive Function Study Group. This battery included the Selective Reminding Test (SRT), the 7/24 Spatial Recall Test (SPART), the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT) and the Word List Generation Test (WGLT). Subsequently, the same group proposed the applicability of the BRBNT, integrating the Symbol Digit Modality Test (SDMT) and using the SPART 10/36 instead of 7/24 version.1515 Oset M, Stasiolek M, Matysiak M. Cognitive Dysfunction in the Early Stages of Multiple Sclerosis-How Much and How Important? Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep 2020;20(07):22. Doi: 10.1007/s11910-020-01045-3
Although the BRBNT is considered one of the most valid neuropsychological test batteries for CI evaluation in pMS, some uncertainties have been raised: the first concerns the absence of sufficient data regarding psychometric properties for test-retest evaluations and for the use of parallel forms; the second is that it does not cover all the cognitive domains deficient in MS.105105 Argento O, Nocentini U. Neuropsychological assessment in multiple sclerosis. In Ayman El-Baz and Jasjit S Suri. Neurological Disorders and Imaging Physics, Volume 2; Engineering and clinical perspectives of multiple sclerosis. Bristol: IOP ebooks; 2019. 242-264

To overcome these limitations, a conference was held with 16 clinical psychologists and neuropsychologists to recommend a minimum set of neuropsychological tests to be included in a routine evaluation. A new battery of tests called Minimal Assessment of Cognitive Functioning in Multiple Sclerosis (MACFIMS)1111 Benedict RH, Fischer JS, Archibald CJ, et al. Minimal neuropsychological assessment of MS patients: a consensus approach. Clin Neuropsychol 2002;16(03):381–397. Doi: 10.1076/clin.16.3.381.13859
emerged, in which the 10/36 SPART was replaced with the Brief Visuospatial Memory Test Revised (BVMT-R) and the SRT has been replaced with the California Verbal Learning Test-Second Edition (CVLT-II). In addition, two new tests have been added: Judgment of Line Orientation (BJLO) and Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System Sorting Test (D-KEFS ST). Although this battery has considerable validity as a tool for the neuropsychological assessment of pMS, unfortunately the long time required for its administration and interpretation, and the high costs due to the need for adequately trained personnel, make it difficult to use outside specialized centers. To overcome the aforementioned problems, in 2010 an expert panel recommended the use of the Brief International Cognitive Assessment for Multiple Sclerosis (BICAMS).106106 Langdon DW, Amato MP, Boringa J, et al. Recommendations for a Brief International Cognitive Assessment for Multiple Sclerosis (BICAMS). Mult Scler 2012;18(06):891–898. Doi: 10.1177/1352458511431076
This battery includes the SDMT, the first five trials of the CVLT-II and the first three trials of the BVMT-R.105105 Argento O, Nocentini U. Neuropsychological assessment in multiple sclerosis. In Ayman El-Baz and Jasjit S Suri. Neurological Disorders and Imaging Physics, Volume 2; Engineering and clinical perspectives of multiple sclerosis. Bristol: IOP ebooks; 2019. 242-264 A reliable and sensitive endpoint to be used to determine the efficacy of disease-modifying drugs in improving cognitive functioning in pMS is the Multiple Sclerosis Cognition Assessment Battery (MS-COG).107107 Erlanger DM, Kaushik T, Caruso LS, et al. Reliability of a cognitive endpoint for use in a multiple sclerosis pharmaceutical trial. J Neurol Sci 2014;340(1-2):123–129. Doi: 10.1016/j.jns.2014.03.009
This battery of tests is composed of SDMT, PASAT 3 'and 2', SRT and BVMT-R.105105 Argento O, Nocentini U. Neuropsychological assessment in multiple sclerosis. In Ayman El-Baz and Jasjit S Suri. Neurological Disorders and Imaging Physics, Volume 2; Engineering and clinical perspectives of multiple sclerosis. Bristol: IOP ebooks; 2019. 242-264 Table 1 shows the main neuropsychological batteries used for the evaluation of pMS, with the respective tests and cognitive domains investigated.

Table 1
Table showing the main neuropsychological batteries used for evaluation in MS, the tests that compose them, and the cognitive domains under investigation

In case of limited available time, long test batteries can be substituted by more targeted tests. The single most sensitive and specific test to identify CI in pMS is the SDMT.1515 Oset M, Stasiolek M, Matysiak M. Cognitive Dysfunction in the Early Stages of Multiple Sclerosis-How Much and How Important? Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep 2020;20(07):22. Doi: 10.1007/s11910-020-01045-3
Furthermore, the SDMT is a significant marker of active disease, as it is the only test that provides results consistently associated with isolated cognitive relapses (ICR).1212 Benedict RHB, Amato MP, DeLuca J, Geurts JJG. Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis: clinical management, MRI, and therapeutic avenues. Lancet Neurol 2020;19(10):860–871. Doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(20)30277-5
While transient cognitive disturbances are described in association with other symptomatic neurological deficits during disease activity, ICR is characterized by a significant transient cognitive decline in objective neuropsychological performance, with no clinical or subjective evidence of other associated new neurological signs and symptoms to the activity of brain disease defined by the increase of gadolinium on magnetic resonance.108108 Pardini M, Uccelli A, Grafman J, Yaldizli Ö, Mancardi G, Roccatagliata L. Isolated cognitive relapses in multiple sclerosis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2014;85(09):1035–1037. Doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2013-307275

Due to the physical disabilities of pMS, the oral versions are preferred. SDMT is relatively free from practice effects, so it is suitable for serial assessments. Furthermore, it is highly predictive of the future cognitive decline and unemployment status of pMS.1515 Oset M, Stasiolek M, Matysiak M. Cognitive Dysfunction in the Early Stages of Multiple Sclerosis-How Much and How Important? Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep 2020;20(07):22. Doi: 10.1007/s11910-020-01045-3

Recently, van Oirschot et al.109109 van Oirschot P, Heerings M, Wendrich K, den Teuling B, Martens MB, Jongen PJ. Symbol Digit Modalities Test Variant in a Smartphone App for PersonsWithMultiple Sclerosis: Validation Study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(10):e18160. Doi: 10.2196/18160
validated a variant of SDMT (sSDMT; Orikami Digital Health Products) that can be used on smartphones via the MS sherpa application. Obviously, interest in cognitive tests with a digital interface is increasing. These, in fact, would not only allow an automated assessment of cognitive functions, but would reduce the need for qualified professionals.1212 Benedict RHB, Amato MP, DeLuca J, Geurts JJG. Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis: clinical management, MRI, and therapeutic avenues. Lancet Neurol 2020;19(10):860–871. Doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(20)30277-5
For a review of computerized tests, refer to the work of Wojcik et al.110110 Wojcik CM, Beier M, Costello K, et al; National MS Society Cognition Work Team. Computerized neuropsychological assessment devices in multiple sclerosis: A systematic review. Mult Scler 2019;25(14):1848–1869. Doi: 10.1177/1352458519879094
Other tests believed to be effective in distinguishing pMS from HCs are the memory test: CVLT, the BVMT and the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT).1212 Benedict RHB, Amato MP, DeLuca J, Geurts JJG. Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis: clinical management, MRI, and therapeutic avenues. Lancet Neurol 2020;19(10):860–871. Doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(20)30277-5

In standard clinical practice, usually, the neuropsychological assessment conducted using objective measures is completed by the use of self-assessment questionnaires and semi-structured interviews that allow to have a more complete view of the impact of CI on the daily functioning of patients.

Among the subjective measures, stands out the Neuropsychological Questionnaire on Multiple Sclerosis,111111 Benedict RH, Munschauer F, Linn R, et al. Screening for multiple sclerosis cognitive impairment using a self-administered 15-item questionnaire. Mult Scler 2003;9(01):95–101. Doi: 10.1191/1352458503ms861oa
which provides useful information on the patient's perception of cognitive difficulties.105105 Argento O, Nocentini U. Neuropsychological assessment in multiple sclerosis. In Ayman El-Baz and Jasjit S Suri. Neurological Disorders and Imaging Physics, Volume 2; Engineering and clinical perspectives of multiple sclerosis. Bristol: IOP ebooks; 2019. 242-264


Pharmacological treatment

Evidence supporting a positive influence of disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) on MS-related CI is limited, and to date no drugs have been approved.112112 ChenMH, Goverover Y, Genova HM, DeLuca J. Cognitive Efficacy of Pharmacologic Treatments in Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review. CNS Drugs 2020;34(06):599–628. Doi: 10.1007/s40263-020-00734-4
, 113113 Landmeyer NC, Bürkner PC, Wiendl H, et al. Disease-modifying treatments and cognition in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: A meta-analysis. Neurology 2020;94(22):e2373–e2383. Doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000009522
No class I evidence was detected for these types of drugs, and class II investigations showed small, non-significant or negligible effects.112112 ChenMH, Goverover Y, Genova HM, DeLuca J. Cognitive Efficacy of Pharmacologic Treatments in Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review. CNS Drugs 2020;34(06):599–628. Doi: 10.1007/s40263-020-00734-4
On the other hand, class III and IV observational studies have produced positive results. Despite this, due to a multitude of methodological limitations, their results cannot be generalized.112112 ChenMH, Goverover Y, Genova HM, DeLuca J. Cognitive Efficacy of Pharmacologic Treatments in Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review. CNS Drugs 2020;34(06):599–628. Doi: 10.1007/s40263-020-00734-4
In contrast to DMTs studies, those conducted on symptomatic therapies produced stronger treatment effect sizes. However, considering the data emerged so far, it is not yet possible to draw conclusions regarding their effectiveness on CI.112112 ChenMH, Goverover Y, Genova HM, DeLuca J. Cognitive Efficacy of Pharmacologic Treatments in Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review. CNS Drugs 2020;34(06):599–628. Doi: 10.1007/s40263-020-00734-4
, 114114 DeLuca J, Chiaravalloti ND, Sandroff BM. Treatment and management of cognitive dysfunction in patients with multiple sclerosis. Nat Rev Neurol 2020;16(06):319–332. Doi: 10.1038/s41582-020-0355-1


Cognitive rehabilitation (CR) consists of a series of behavioral treatments aimed at helping patients improve their cognitive functions and daily living activities. Generally, there are two different approaches to CR: restorative and compensatory. Restorative CR (rCR) aims to strengthen and restore cognitive abilities using repetitive cognitive exercises based on computer-assisted paradigms. Differently, compensatory CR (cCR) aims to compensate cognitive difficulties of patients through the use of various internal (for example, visualization) and external (for example, reminder)115115 Chen MH, Chiaravalloti ND, DeLuca J. Neurological update: cognitive rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis. J Neurol 2021; 268(12):4908–4914. Doi: 10.1007/s00415-021-10618-2
strategies. A rehabilitation program supported by a randomized controlled trial (RCT) is the BrainHQ, composed of 15 specific exercises for EF, IPS, attention, and WM. Attention Processing Training (APT) was found to be effective in the treatment of attention deficits, while the Cognitive Training Kit (COGNI-TRAcK) was found to be optimal in the rehabilitation of WM.116116 Tacchino A, Pedullà L, Bonzano L, et al. A New App for At-Home Cognitive Training: Description and Pilot Testing on Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2015;3(03):e85. Doi: 10.2196/mhealth.4269

One of the most widely used computer programs for pMS CR is RehaCom, a software consisting of several specific modules for different cognitive domains (attention, concentration, memory, perception), activities of daily living and much more. It can be used both on single domains and on multiple cognitive processes simultaneously. Its effectiveness has been supported by several RTCs.115115 Chen MH, Chiaravalloti ND, DeLuca J. Neurological update: cognitive rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis. J Neurol 2021; 268(12):4908–4914. Doi: 10.1007/s00415-021-10618-2
Excellent results have been observed from the use of REHACOP, an integrative neuropsychological rehabilitation program that trains various cognitive functions including attention, IPS, learning, memory, language, EF, and SC.117117 Gómez-Gastiasoro A, Peña J, Ibarretxe-Bilbao N, Lucas-Jiménez O, Díez-Cirarda M, Rilo O, et al. A Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Program for Cognitive Impairment in Psychiatric and Neurological Conditions: A Review That Supports Its Efficacy. Behav Neurol. 2019; (2019):4647134. DOI: Doi: 10.1155/2019/4647134

Regarding cCR, two programs that have been shown to significantly improve learning and memory of pMS are the Story Memory Technique (KF-mSMT) and the Kessler Foundation Strategy Based Techniques to Enhance Memory (KF-STEM).115115 Chen MH, Chiaravalloti ND, DeLuca J. Neurological update: cognitive rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis. J Neurol 2021; 268(12):4908–4914. Doi: 10.1007/s00415-021-10618-2

Currently, several studies have documented the benefits induced by exercise on the cognitive functions of healthy and elderly adults with CI and in patients with various neuropsychiatric diseases. Despite this, due to conflicting results, a recent 3-level meta-analysis underline the lack of sufficient evidence in favor of motor rehabilitation as a treatment for pMS cognitive deficits.118118 Gharakhanlou R, Wesselmann L, Rademacher A, et al. Exercise training and cognitive performance in persons with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis of clinical trials. Mult Scler 2021;27(13):1977–1993. Doi: 10.1177/1352458520917935

In conclusion, although starting only in the last quarter of the last century, interest and knowledge about CI in MS grew, research and clinical experience have revealed a strong influence of cognitive deficits on many aspects of the daily life of patients and their families. For these reasons, the assessment of cognitive functioning should be standard clinical practice aimed at ensuring early diagnosis, preventing and/or predicting future disease progression and implementing adequate treatment supported by scientific evidence. If time and resources were available, it would be desirable to prioritize the use of test batteries, rather than single screening tools, accompanied by self-assessment questionnaires and semi-structured interviews that allow a more complete view of the impact of CI on the daily functioning of patients. This type of neuropsychological assessment would allow the clinician not only to investigate all cognitive domains and identify those specifically compromised, but also to develop targeted and specific rehabilitation treatments that take into account the challenges and daily needs of each patient. Furthermore, the strong associations between CI, mood disorders and factors directly related to the pathophysiology of MS should be considered. Thus, specific treatments could be developed for these variables that indirectly affect cognition.

  • Support
    The present review was partially funded by the “Baroni” Foundation with a direct scholarship to Chiara Piacentini (Scholarship grant FB.2.1).


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    17 July 2023
  • Date of issue
    June 2023


  • Received
    11 Aug 2022
  • Reviewed
    04 Oct 2022
  • Accepted
    11 Oct 2022
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