Histological and electrophysiological methods for evaluation of peripheral nerve regeneration do not faithfully reproduce the functional index of limbs, even in controlled experimental conditions. Some methods of functional evaluation have been proposed, but their correlation to histological and electrophysiological data is not completely established, requiring more investigations with improvement of collection, management and processing of obtained data. In this study we developed a treadmill with controlled speed for recording footprint of rats submitted to different kinds of sciatic, fibular and tibial nerve lesions. The footprints were obtained on a walking track by means of a webcam connected to the treadmill and a computer with capacity to record the gait that will be submitted to functional evaluation. The developed treadmill allows the collection and filming of gaits and it has been tested in current experimental studies in rats with sciatic nerve lesion submitted to different kinds of treatment. The treadmill also enables researchers to record gait with constant, controlled and pre-established speed, with the possibility of direct visualization through the treadmill wall. In this manner, some variables that could damage the results of the research are resolved.
Crush syndrome; Sciatic nerve; Rats