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DHS and OPS: comparative study of failed internal fixation

OBJECTIVE: This prospective study compared the occurrence of cut out in two types of osteosyntheses (Dynamic Hip Screw (DHS), Orlando Pinto Souza (OPS)), used for treating proximal femur fractures. Materials and METHODS: From July to December of 2003, we operated 52 hip fractures, but only 38 cases were included in this study consistently with the inclusion criteria. The surgical technique was randomly determined at the moment of the procedure. RESULTS: In the OPS group, we didn't observe the occurrence of cut out, and, in the DHS group, we found 10% of synthesis failure: one in a female with a Tronzo IV fracture and other in a male patient with a Tronzo III fracture, both regarded as unstable after reduction on orthopaedic table. The mean Tip Apex Distance to OPS pin was 56.63 mm, and to DHS, 31 mm. CONCLUSION: We concluded that when we compared both osteosynthesis the incidence of cut out and its correlation with TAD as recommended by Baumgartner, in OPS the cut out wasn't dependent of TAD and other factors like valgusing reduction were most important, in DHS the TAD recommended by Baumgartner must be followed.

Hip fractures; Fractures in elderly; Ostheossyntesys failure; Proximal fêmur fractures; Ostheossynthesys release

ATHA EDITORA Rua: Machado Bittencourt, 190, 4º andar - Vila Mariana - São Paulo Capital - CEP 04044-000, Telefone: 55-11-5087-9502 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil