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Comparison of the subtalar joint angle during submaximal running speeds

The objective was to describe the behavior of the maximum pronation (MP), of the maximum pronation speed (PS) and of the linear crossover (LC) of the right and left feet of 23 distance runners during treadmill running, at speeds ranging from 11 to 13 km.h-1 for female athletes and from 14 to 16 km.h-1 for male athletes, related to a average of 70% - 75% of the maximum aerobic power (VO2max). The statistical analysis (Student's T-Test for dependent and independent samples, p<0.05) showed that, by increasing submaximal running power, there was a significant increase on MP, and by increasing running linear speed, the PS was significantly higher. Regarding LC, we believe that this is biased by the running technique used by each runner.

Subtalar joint; Pronation; Foot

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