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Aspects related to the permanence of undergraduate and graduate students in semi-presential classes

Aspectos relativos a la estancia de los estudiantes universitarios y de pos graduación en disciplinas semipresenciales

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the learning and interaction environment, related to the permanence of undergraduate and graduate students in semi-presential healthcare classes. METHODS: Research of quantitative approach, exploratory, which analyzed data originated, based on a validated questionnaire, based on models ISAM and MAIWT with 18 items, organized in a scale that ranged from zero (hindered my permanence in the class) to 10 (did not hindered my permanence in class). We invited all 220 undergraduate and graduate students finishing classes of their courses in the Faculty of Health Sciences at UNB, of which 148 (67.3%) students agreed to participate. RESULTS: All 18 items (100%) answered by undergraduates and 17(94.5%) by the graduate students presented mean above seven, demonstrating that the use of the virtual environment, the flexibility of time and space, the costs involved , the use of computational tools and procedures for interaction, have been well evaluated. CONCLUSION: Undergraduate and graduate students considered that the questions related to the study environment and interaction procedures facilitated the permanence in classes.

Education, distance; Education, higher; Student dropouts; Ambient of study; Proceedings of interaction

Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo R. Napoleão de Barros, 754, 04024-002 São Paulo - SP/Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 5576 4430 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil