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Development of a checklist for neonatal perioperative care in cardiac surgery



To build and validate checklist content for neonatal perioperative nursing care in cardiac surgery.


This is methodological research, developed from October 2020 to September 2021, in two sequential stages: checklist item construction based on an integrative literature review and content validity by seven experts in neonatology, selected from a search in resumes. For analysis, the Content Validity Index was used, considering values ≥ 0.8.


A checklist was created with 57 structured items for pre-, intra- and postoperative interventions in cardiac surgery, with care actions designated according to the legal competence of nursing professional (technician and nurse) categories. In the validity process, 24 items were modified and four were excluded. The minimum level of agreement among experts for the items was 0.86, except for one item (0.75).


The checklist achieved content validity with a satisfactory standard for use in the perioperative period of cardiac surgery.

Checklist; Neonatal nursing; Heart defects, congenital; Intensive care units, neonatal; Nursing care; Thoracic surgery; Perioperative care



Construir e validar conteúdo de checklist para assistência de enfermagem perioperatória neonatal em cirurgia cardíaca.


Pesquisa metodológica, desenvolvida no período de outubro de 2020 a setembro de 2021, em duas etapas sequenciais: construção dos itens do checklist a partir de revisão integrativa da literatura e validação de conteúdo por sete especialistas em neonatologia, selecionados a partir de busca curricular. Para análise, utilizou-se o índice de validade de conteúdo, considerando valores ≥ 0,8.


Construiu-se um checklist com 57 itens estruturado para intervenções no pré, intra e pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca, com ações assistenciais designadas de acordo com a competência legal das categorias dos profissionais de enfermagem (técnico e enfermeiro). No processo de validação, 24 itens foram modificados e quatro excluídos. O nível de concordância mínimo entre os especialistas para os itens foi de 0,86, exceto para um item (0,75).


O checklist alcançou validade de conteúdo com padrão satisfatório para utilização no perioperatório de cirurgia cardíaca.

Lista de checagem; Enfermagem neonatal; Cardiopatias congênitas; Unidades de terapia intensiva neonatal; Cuidados de enfermagem; Cirurgia torácica; Assistência perioperatória



Elaborar y validar el contenido de una checklist para la atención de enfermería perioperatoria neonatal en cirugías cardíacas.


Estudio metodológico, llevado a cabo durante el período de octubre de 2020 a septiembre de 2021, en dos etapas secuenciales: elaboración de los ítems de la checklist a partir de una revisión integradora de la literatura y validación del contenido por siete especialistas en neonatología, seleccionados mediante una búsqueda curricular. Para el análisis, se utilizó el índice de validez de contenido, considerando valores ≥ 0,8.


Se elaboró una checklist con 57 ítems, estructurada para realizar intervenciones en el pre, intra y posoperatorio de cirugías cardíacas, con acciones asistenciales designadas de acuerdo con la competencia legal de las categorías de los profesionales de enfermería (técnico y enfermero). En el proceso de validación, se modificaron 24 ítems y se eliminaron cuatro. El nivel de concordancia mínimo entre los especialistas en los ítems fue de 0,86, con excepción de un ítem (0,75).


La checklist obtuvo validad de contenido satisfactoria para la utilización en el perioperatorio de cirugías cardíacas.

Lista de verificación; Enfermería neonatal; Cardiopatías congénitas; Unidades de cuidado intensivo neonatal; Cuidados de enfermeira; Atención perioperativa


Congenital heart defects are malformations observed at birth, resulting from a multifactorial interaction associated with genetic and environmental factors, which are subdivided into two groups: cyanotic and acyanotic.(11. Garcia X, Sachdeva R, Swearingen CJ, Kane J, Haber H, Bhutta AT, et al. A novel paradigm for providing improved care to chronic patients in cardiac intensive care unit. Congenit Heart Dis. 2012;7(5):403-9.) Despite divergent variations in population studies, its prevalence is similar throughout the world, affecting approximately 1% of live births, being the main cause of mortality from birth.(22. Zanini M. Evolução do tratamento e o impacto dos fatores preditores pré-cirúrgicos nos desfechos de pacientes com doença cardíaca congênita. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2022;118(2):420-1.)In Brazil, a population study with 10,594 cases found a prevalence of 12.4/10,000 live births.(33. Fernandes PS, Magalhães LR, Pezzini TR, de Sousa Santos EF, Calderon MG. Congenital heart diseases trends in São Paulo State, Brazil: a national live birth data bank analysis. World J Pediatr. 2022;18(7):472-81.)

Most cases may require hospitalization and admission to Intensive Care Units (ICUs). A study carried out in Amazonas, with newborns and adolescents, showed that in 70.5% of cases there was a need for transfer to the ICU.(44. Cappellesso VR, Pinto de Aguiar A. Cardiopatias congênitas em crianças e adolescentes: caracterização clínico-epidemiológica em um hospital infantil de Manaus-AM. Mundo Saude. 2017;41(2):144-53.) Hospitalizations are necessary not only for the pathology itself, but for associated complications, such as respiratory system impairment and prematurity. Those with congenital heart disease have an 18.1% incidence of prematurity, whereas those without, 8.4%.(55. Steurer MA, Baer RJ, Keller RL, Oltman S, Chambers CD, Norton ME, et al. Gestational age and outcomes in critical congenital heart disease. Pediatrics. 2017;140(4):e20170999.) In this scenario, Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) provide specialized care for high-risk newborns aged between 0 and 28 days.

When faced with a diagnosis of congenital heart disease, nursing care must be early and safe, aiming to maintain patient stability and hemodynamic compensation.(66. Marino BS, Lipkin PH, Newburger JW, Peacock G, Gerdes M, Gaynor JW, Mussatto KA, Uzark K, Goldberg CS, Johnson WH Jr, Li J, Smith SE, Bellinger DC, Mahle WT; American Heart Association Congenital Heart Defects Committee, Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, Council on Cardiovascular Nursing, and Stroke Council. Neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with congenital heart disease: evaluation and management: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2012;126(9):1143-72.) The care provided is, on average, 17.5 hours of direct assistance to each patient in 24 hours, calculated by the Nursing Activities Score, and the lower the gestational age and weight, the greater the workload for the nursing team, given the need for attention to this patient.(77. Franco AP, Hamasaki BP, de Puiz LR, Dorigan GH, Dini AP, Carmona EV. Carga de trabalho da equipe de enfermagem neonatal e sua relação com características da clientela. Rev Enferm UERJ. 2021;29:e59486.)

Furthermore, approximately 25% of patients with congenital heart disease will require surgical intervention within the first year of life.(88. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Data and statistics on congenital heart defects. Atlanta: CDC; 2023 [cited 2023 May 10]. Available from:
) Postoperatively, care is crucial for prognosis, requiring careful and rigorous monitoring, due to the fact that a large number of cardiac surgeries require extracorporeal circulation, which triggers physiological changes, increasing the risk of complications.(99. de Melo HC, de Araújo SE, Veríssimo AV, dos Santos VE, Alves ER, do Souza MH. O ser-enfermeiro em face do cuidado à criança no pós-operatório imediato de cirurgia cardíaca. Esc Anna Nery. 2012;16(3):473-9.) Additionally, for recovery after surgical intervention, it is necessary to consider the high risk that newborns have for adverse events, the main causes of which are inadequate medication management, healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), invasive procedures, among others.(1010. Saraiva CO, Andrade FB, Chiavone FB, Barbosa ML, Medeiros SG, Souza NL, et al. Neonatal patient safety assessment: construction and validation of a protocol and a checklist. Acta Paul Enferm. 2022;35:eAPE0085345.)

However, there is divergence between services in relation to neonatal cardiac care, suggesting the need to establish standards, with continuous improvement processes.(1111. Levy VY, Bhombal S, Villafane J, McBride ME, Chung S, Figueroa M, Hopper A, Johnson JN, Costello JM; Neonatal Cardiac Care Collaborative (NeoC3). Status of Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Neonatal Cardiac Care in the United States. Pediatr Cardiol. 2021;42(5):1088-101.) The development and implementation of instruments that guide processes, such as protocols and checklists, have been recurrent with the aim of offering safer care and reducing harm to patients, as they are based on valid scientific evidence.(1212. Mourão Netto JJ. Dias MS, Goyanna NF. Uso de instrumentos enquanto tecnologia para a saúde. Saúde Redes. 2016;2(1):65-72.)

Thus, considering the scarcity of studies on the approach to newborns undergoing cardiac surgery, with an emphasis on the nursing team role in neonatal intensive care, it is believed that implementing a checklist that highlights the assistance provided, the equipment and materials used, in addition to the role of each nursing professional, can significantly impact care safety, avoiding adverse events. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a checklist for cardiac perioperative neonatal nursing care in an ICU.


This is a methodological study, carried out according to Pasquali’s psychometric framework(1313. Pasquali L. Instrumentação psicológica: fundamentos e práticas. Artmed; 2010.) from October 2020 to September 2021, in a public hospital in the countryside of São Paulo. It was developed in two stages: checklist item construction and content validity by experts.

Stage 1 - Checklist item construction

This stage began with an integrative literature review, prepared according to the international guide Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) recommendations.(1414. Tricco AC, Lillie E, Zarin W, O'Brien KK, Colquhoun H, Levac D, et al. PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR): checklist and explanation. Ann Intern Med. 2018;169(7):467-73.) The databases used were LILACS, BDENF, PubMed and CINAHL, with the descriptors Neonatal Nursing, Congenital Heart Diseases, Neonatal Intensive Care Units, Nursing Care, Thoracic Surgery. These descriptors combined resulted in the strategies: (Neonatal Nursing (OR) Neonatal Intensive Care Units (OR) Nursing Care (AND) Congenital Heart Diseases OR Thoracic Surgery), (Neonatal Nursing (OR) Intensive Care Units, Neonatal (OR) Nursing Care (AND) Heart Defects, Congenital (OR) Thoracic Surgery) and (Neonatal Nursing (OR) Neonatal Intensive Care Units (OR) Nursing Care (AND) Congenital Cardiopathy (OR) Thoracic Surgery).

Articles published between 1999 and 2019, in Portuguese, English and Spanish, that answered the guiding question “what are the fundamental nursing care in perioperative care for heart disease patients in an ICU?” were considered eligible. Articles not available to read in full were excluded.

Initially, 417 articles were found. After excluding duplicates, 63 studies were selected for title and abstract reading: 49 articles in LILACS, two in BDENF, three in PubMed and nine in CINAHL. Of these, 37 were excluded for not meeting the inclusion criteria and 26 studies were selected for full reading. After excluding three for not meeting the guiding question, 23 articles were selected to create the checklist (Chart 1). Subsequently, other sources were consulted, such as books and studies from the collection of governmental and non-governmental bodies, such as ordinances from the Ministry of Health, SOBEP (Brazilian Society of Pediatric Nurses) and the Federal Nursing Council, for consultation on the functioning of units of neonatal therapy, neonatal care and legal exercise of nursing professions.

Chart 1
Articles selected for checklist construction

Studies eligible for full reading were identified by an independent reviewer, following the proposed eligibility criteria. Conflict resolution included a second reviewer. The same process occurred to extract relevant information from articles selected in the final sample. The data extraction form included the study characteristics, aiming at relevant care for patient safety during surgery.

After selecting abstracts, selected articles were read in full. With care data extraction, items were prepared based on the literature and actions recommended for neonatal care, considering the perioperative period (pre, intra and post), with the provision of care actions according to the nursing professional category (whether technician or nurse), according to the legal competencies established for working in the NICU. Item organization had as a theoretical framework the concept of nursing care management,(3838. Mororó DD, Enders BC, Lira AL, Silva CM, Menezes RM. Concept analysis of nursing care management in the hospital context. Acta Paul Enferm. 2017;30(3):323-32. Review.) which consists of the articulation between the management and care dimensions in the work process.

Stage 2 - Checklist item content validity

Experts in neonatology and/or researchers with experience in building instruments in the health sector were invited to join the group of judges, selected through a curricular search on the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) Plataforma Lattes, who had a minimum score five points in Fehring criteria,(3939. Melo R, Moreira R, Fontenele F, Aguiar A, Joventino E, Carvalho E. Critérios de seleção de experts para estudos de validação de fenômenos de enfermagem. Rev Rene. 2011;12(2):424-21.) namely: master’s degree in the field of nursing or medicine; master’s degree in neonatology; recent clinical practice of at least one year in the area of neonatology; doctoral degree in nursing or medicine with a thesis in the area; published research in the area; specialization or studying in neonatology.

An initial invitation was formal, through an invitation letter sent by email or cell phone text message presenting the objectives. Initially, 14 judges agreed to participate and an email was sent with instructions for the validity process. The data collection instrument consisted of two parts: 1) judge characterization, ensuring participation anonymity; 2) content analysis of each instrument item based on clarity, relevance, pertinence and comprehensiveness, using a Likert-type scale, with a score from 1 to 4.(4040. Alexandre NM, Coluci MZ. Validade de conteúdo nos processos de construção e adaptação de instrumentos de medidas. Cien Saude Colet. 2011;16(7):3061-8.) Clarity assesses the writing, whether the concept can be well understood and adequately expresses what it is expected to measure. Relevance aims to assess whether there is a relationship with the concepts involved and whether it is relevant to achieving the proposed objectives.(4141. Grant JS, Davis LL. Selection and use of content experts for instrument development. Res Nurs Health. 1997;20(3):269-74.) Relevance indicates how much an item represents the content being measured, and comprehensiveness shows whether the instrument encompasses all items related to what it wants to measure.(4242. DeVellis RF. Scale development: theory and applications. 4th ed. SAGE Publications Inc; 2017.) To assess items, the following options were considered: 1 = unclear/not relevant; 2 = somewhat clear/somewhat relevant; 3 = very clear/very relevant; 4 = really clear/really relevant, with open spaces for suggestions and comments.

Data were initially analyzed using descriptive statistics (absolute and relative frequencies, minimum, maximum, mean, median and standard deviation). To validate checklist content and appearance, the scores attributed to each item in judges’ assessments were verified. Data analysis was carried out by calculating the Content Validity Index (CVI), by calculating the sum of the agreement of items that had answers with grades 3 and 4, divided by the number of experts. For each item assessed to be considered adequate, a minimum value of 0.80 was accepted.(4343. Yusoff MS. ABC of Content Validation and Content Validity Index Calculation. Educ Med J. 2019;11(2):49-54.) Items that received a score of “1” or “2” were revised or eliminated, considering judges’ suggestions for changes.

To assess the instrument, the overall CVI was performed, using the means of the values of assessed criteria, calculated separately, through the sum of the CVI values of each item and dividing by the number of items considered, within each criterion.(4444. Polit DF, Beck CT. The content validity index: are you sure you know what's being reported? Critique and recommendations. Res Nurs Health. 2006;29(5):489-97.)

The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee under Opinion 4,783,087, and the Informed Consent Form was digitally signed by all participants (Certificate of Presentation for Ethical Consideration 33587320.7.0000.5411).


In stage 1, the results from the literature review were categorized into two dimensions: management (actions related to organization of service for patient care, performed by nurses) and assistance (patient care actions carried out directly by the nursing team, technicians and nurses, depending on the complexity of care).

The checklist was structured with 57 items in three parts: pre, intra and postoperative and with care actions designated according to the nursing professional (nurse or technician) category for better understanding and applicability by the target audience. The preoperative phase addresses welcoming actions and information to family members/caregivers about the need to perform the procedure and preparing patients for referral to the operating room (OR). It consists of 23 items, 14 items inherent to nurses’ actions and nine items to nursing technicians.

The intraoperative phase comprises NICU nursing team actions while patients remain in the OR, under the responsibility of a surgical team. In this phase, 11 items were constructed, eight items referring to the functions performed by nurses and three items referring to nursing technicians, which cover setting up the bed and checking equipment that newborns will need after the end of a surgical procedure and upon returning to the NICU.

For the postoperative period, 23 items were created, 16 referring to nurses’ actions and seven items to nursing technicians’ actions, detailing the procedures necessary to receive newborns in the NICU.

Of the 14 judges invited to participate in checklist content and face validity, only seven accepted the invitation and answered the assessment instrument. Of these, the majority were nurses (71.4%), with a mean of 10.8 years of clinical experience and expert and master’s degree holders (85.7%). Of the 57 items, only item nine from the preoperative phase, which addressed the transport incubator functionality, presented a CVI < 0.8 (0.75) in the relevance and scope criteria, and was modified. Among the other items, the minimum level of agreement was 0.86 among judges, with the checklist having an overall CVI of 0.98. Table 1 shows the CVI for each phase and the number of items built, modified and excluded.

Table 1
Content Validity Index according to the criteria assessed by judges for checklist items

At the end of validity, 24 items were modified and four excluded, totaling 53 checklist items. Of the excluded items, two from the intraoperative phase addressed actions relevant to the OR nursing team and two from the postoperative phase addressed transport incubator use and were excluded due to their non-use. When analyzing content validity, the results proved to be valid, with an overall CVI of 0.98. All suggestions made by the committee of judges resulted in changes to the items, even if validated, totaling 42.1% of modifications. All modifications made are listed in Chart 2.

Chart 2
Synthesis of checklist items, highlighting the modifications made, in accordance with experts’ suggestions

In the preoperative phase, the suggestion made regarding strict control of hemoglycotest (HGT) in identifying hypo/hyperglycemia, instead of clinical signs, stands out. Other suggestions addressed structural/organizational issues such as use of a heated crib at an appropriate voltage instead of a transport incubator and the availability of two bed frames for patients, in order to accommodate all the necessary equipment. Intraoperatively, the changed items were related to the availability and quantity of equipment relevant to postoperative planning. Figure 1 shows the final version of the checklist.

Figure 1
Final version of the checklist (Portuguese version)


The proposed checklist proved to be valid, through content validity, for neonatal perioperative care. Its construction encompassed the three perioperative phases. It is noteworthy that, when assisting patients with congenital heart disease, good assessment and planning are essential for efficient participation in the various stages of the operative course, from premedication to transport to the ICU.(4545. Foldy SM, Gorman JB. Perioperative nursing care for congenital cardiac defects. Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am. 1989;1(2):289-95.)

In the preoperative phase, judges pointed out the need for rigorous measurement of blood glucose levels through hemoglycotest, which is more appropriate, since signs and symptoms such as sweating and paleness are very faint in newborns, making it difficult to detect early hypo/hyperglycemia. Hypoglycemia can produce nonspecific signs and many patients with neonatal hypoglycemia are asymptomatic.(4646. Vain NE, Chiarelli F. Neonatal Hypoglycaemia: A Never-Ending Story? Neonatology. 2021;118(5):522-9.) Although the population at risk of hypoglycemia accounts for approximately 30% of all births,(4747. Harris DL, Weston PJ, Harding JE. Incidence of neonatal hypoglycemia in babies identified as at risk. J Pediatr. 2012;161(5):787-91.) premature babies have the greatest risk of glucose dysregulation, and, for these, improvements in glycemic control may have a greater impact on morbidity and mortality.(4848. Beardsall K, Thomson L, Guy C, Iglesias-Platas I, van Weissenbruch MM, Bond S, Allison A, Kim S, Petrou S, Pantaleo B, Hovorka R, Dunger D; REACT collaborative. Real-time continuous glucose monitoring in preterm infants (REACT): an international, open-label, randomised controlled trial. Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2021;5(4):265-73.)

The outcomes of cardiac surgery are influenced by many factors, ranging from the operative technique to anatomical variations and severity of the disease. Retrospective research carried out in Boston(4949. Sengupta A, Gauvreau K, Kohlsaat K, Colan SD, Newburger JW, Del Nido PJ, et al. Intraoperative technical performance score predicts outcomes after congenital cardiac surgery. Ann Thorac Surg. 2023;115(2):471-7.) with 6,793 patients showed that those who had greater intraoperative injury residue (class 3) had a higher adjusted risk of late mortality or transplantation and late reintervention than patients without residual injury (class 1), both verified by intraoperative echocardiography.

During the intraoperative phase, while patients remains in the OR under the responsibility of a surgical team, in the NICU, equipment must be checked and bed must be organized for patients’ return. The unit must minimally comply with what is found in the ordinances for opening NICUs.(5050. Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria (SBP). Infraestrutura Para Atendimento Integral ao recém-nascido. Documento Científico do Departamento de Neonatologia da Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Rio de Janeiro: SBP; 2010 [citado 2023 Maio 10]. Disponível em:
) Nurses are responsible for managing the testing of medical and hospital equipment on a daily basis, ensuring incident prevention, reducing risks to patients, maintaining quality of care provision and a safe environment for care.(5151. Ribeiro GD, Silva RC, Ferreira MA, Silva GR, Campos JF, Andrade BR. Equipment failure: conducts of nurses and implications for patient safety. Rev Bras Enferm. 2018;71(4):1832-40.)

The postoperative period in the NICU begins with patient reception, maintaining hemodynamic stability, and in the first 24 hours nursing care is essential for their evolution. The nursing process must be applied, with special attention to vital signs, fluid balance, loss of diuresis and/or vomiting, drain output strictly, every one hour, until 12 hours from the moment of admission, checking every two hours, or according to medical prescription that will be based on patients’ hemodynamic condition, until it is stable.(5252. Caneo LF. Condutas na ECMO. In: Auler JO Jr, Oliveira SA. Pós-operatório de cirurgia torácica e cardiovascular. Porto Alegre: Artmed; 2004. p. 280-302.) Furthermore, in cyanotic congenital heart disease, blood flow is interfered with, impairing oxygen saturation. Thus, in the postoperative period, improvement in oxygenation is desired; however, it is important to continuously check pulse oximetry to verify pre-duct and post-duct oxygenation,(5353. Jullien S. Newborn pulse oximetry screening for critical congenital heart defects. BMC Pediatr. 2021;21(S1 Suppl 1):305.) thus using two monitors, in order to identify possible heart failure.(5454. Tamez R. Enfermagem Na UTI Neonatal: Assistência Ao Recém-Nascido de Alto Risco. 6th ed. Guanabara Koogan; 2017.)

At this stage, it was pointed out by judges that in postoperative patients after cardiac surgery, no change of position is performed in the first 30 days, only pressure points are relieved, in order to avoid pressure injuries. In descriptive research carried out with 252 nurses, 69% reported using a rolled-up blanket or a small soft object as a pressure redistribution surface, showing that pressure injury prevention practices are different for neonatal patients due to gestational age, size and level of disease.(5555. Razmus IS, Keep SM. Neonatal intensive care nursing pressure injury prevention practices: a descriptive survey. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2021;48(5):394-402.)

Finally, as a limitation of this study, the small number of experts stands out, although it is considered adequate according to the methodological framework adopted.

Despite this, this research could contribute substantially to adapting nursing professionals’ actions and improving care, with a view to contributing to a better prognosis for patients, through the provision of harm-free nursing care and reduction of complications/deaths linked to the occurrence of adverse events in the perioperative period.


The checklist constructed was organized according to the perioperative period and validated by the committee of judges in relation to objectives, clarity, relevance, pertinence and scope. Considering the results obtained, it is proven that the checklist for neonatal perioperative care in cardiac surgery is a reliable and valid instrument to be subjected to clinical validity in care practice in ICUs, in order to investigate the effectiveness of the material as a resource instructional and guiding assistance.


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    Garcia X, Sachdeva R, Swearingen CJ, Kane J, Haber H, Bhutta AT, et al. A novel paradigm for providing improved care to chronic patients in cardiac intensive care unit. Congenit Heart Dis. 2012;7(5):403-9.
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Edited by

Associate Editor: Denise Myuki Kusahara ( Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    13 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    30 Nov 2022
  • Accepted
    25 Mar 2024
Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo R. Napoleão de Barros, 754, 04024-002 São Paulo - SP/Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 5576 4430 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil