Objective To identify the clinical manifestations and repercussions of prolonged symptoms and post-COVID-19 sequel, expressed in the form of discomfort by men on digital social networks.
Methods This is a netnographic study carried out from July 2020 to January 2021 on Facebook®, Instagram®and YouTubeTM, in Brazilian pages and/or communities. The identified data were submitted to thematic analysis and interpreted under the Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms framework.
Results Prolonged symptoms and post-COVID-19 sequel perceived and reported by men were explained by physical health dysfunctions, systemic and cognitive/psychosomatic changes. As a consequence, men experienced changes in activities of daily living, inability to work, precariousness in health care. A set of experienced physiological, psychosocial and situational influencing factors configure the male unpleasant symptoms caused by COVID-19.
Conclusion There are repercussions on men’s physical, bioenergetic and psychosocial health in the manifestation of prolonged symptoms and post-COVID-19 sequel, which limit and impact daily life and the practice of men’s health care. The configuration of these repercussions provides opportunities for specialized clinical-marketing activities and the expansion of rehabilitation work in nursing and health.
COVID-19; Men’s health; Symptom assessment; Social networking