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Vaccine hesitancy among healthcare professionals at a university hospital



To analyze the factors associated with vaccine hesitancy among healthcare professionals at a university hospital.


This is a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study, developed at a federal university hospital in Pernambuco, between June and November 2022, with institution healthcare workers with high school and higher education. The predictor variables socioeconomic and occupational aspects, history of vaccine reactions, fears related to vaccines and aspects of 3Cs model (confidence, compliance, convenience) dimensions with the outcome vaccine hesitancy, defined as delay or refusal of vaccination, despite the availability of this service, were analyzed. Binary logistic regression was used, according to the stepwise backward method, to verify associations (p < 0.05).


A total of 283 healthcare workers participated, with vaccine hesitancy being statistically associated with fear of Events Supposedly Attributable to Vaccination or Immunization (OR: 2.047; CI: 1.165-3.595; p = 0.013), having something happen that made them disbelieve in vaccine effectiveness (OR: 2.964; CI: 1.265-6.944; p = 0.012) and immunobiological agent availability in the health unit to update the card (OR: 0.314; CI: 0.136-0.723; p = 0.006).


It was observed that: fear of Events Supposedly Attributable to Vaccination or Immunization increases the chance of vaccine hesitancy by two times; the fact that something happened that led to disbelief in vaccine effectiveness increases it by almost three times; and immunobiological agent availability in the health unit to update the card reduces the occurrence of this phenomenon.

Vacination; Health personnel; Vaccination hesitancy; Hospitals university



Analisar os fatores associados à hesitação vacinal entre os profissionais de saúde de um hospital universitário.


Estudo transversal, descritivo e analítico, desenvolvido em um hospital universitário federal de Pernambuco, entre os meses de junho e novembro de 2022, com trabalhadores de saúde da instituição com formação de nível médio e superior. Foram analisadas as variáveis preditoras aspectos socioeconômicos, ocupacionais, histórico de reação vacinal, medos relativos às vacinas e aspectos das dimensões do modelo dos 3Cs (confiança, conveniência e complacência) com o desfecho hesitação vacinal, definido como atraso ou recusa da vacinação, apesar da disponibilidade desse serviço. Utilizou-se a regressão logística binária, segundo o método stepwise backward, para verificar as associações (p < 0,05).


Participaram 283 trabalhadores de saúde, sendo estatisticamente associados à hesitação vacinal o medo de eventos supostamente atribuíveis à vacinação ou imunização (OR: 2,047; IC:1,165-3,595; p = 0,013), ter acontecido algo que os fizesse desacreditar na eficácia das vacinas (OR: 2,964; IC: 1,265-6,944; p = 0,012) e disponibilidade do imunobiológico na unidade de saúde no momento da atualização do cartão (OR: 0,314; IC: 0,136-0,723; p = 0,006).


Observou-se que o medo de eventos supostamente atribuíveis à vacinação ou imunização aumenta em duas vezes a chance de hesitação vacinal; que ter acontecido algo que fizesse desacreditar na eficácia das vacinas eleva em quase três vezes; e que a disponibilidade do imunobiológico na unidade de saúde no momento da atualização do cartão diminui a ocorrência desse fenômeno.

Vacinação; Pessoal de saúde; Hesitação vacinal; Hospitais universitários



Analizar los factores asociados a la indecisión a las vacunas entre profesionales de la salud de un hospital universitario.


Estudio transversal, descriptivo y analítico, llevado a cabo en un hospital universitario federal del estado de Pernambuco, entre los meses de junio y noviembre de 2022, con trabajadores de la salud de la institución, cuya formación era de nivel medio y superior. Se analizaron las variables predictoras aspectos socioeconómicos, ocupacionales, antecedentes de reacciones a vacunas, miedos relacionados con las vacunas y aspectos de las dimensiones del modelo de las 3C (confianza, conveniencia y complacencia) con el resultado indecisión a las vacunas, definido como retraso o rechazo a la vacunación, a pesar de la disponibilidad del servicio. Se utilizó la regresión logística binaria, de acuerdo con el método stepwise backward, para verificar las relaciones (p<0,05).


Participaron 283 trabajadores de la salud. La indecisión a las vacunas se relacionó estadísticamente con el miedo de eventos supuestamente atribuibles a la vacunación o inmunización (OR: 2,047; IC:1,165-3,595; p = 0,013), con algún hecho que los hiciera desacreditar de la eficacia de las vacunas (OR: 2,964; IC: 1,265-6,944; p = 0,012) y con la disponibilidad del inmunobiológico en la unidad de salud en el momento da la actualización del carnet (OR: 0,314; IC: 0,136-0,723; p = 0,006).


Se observó que el miedo de eventos supuestamente atribuibles a la vacunación o inmunización aumenta dos veces la probabilidad de indecisión a las vacunas, que la existencia de algún hecho que los hiciera desacreditar de la eficacia de las vacunas eleva casi tres veces la indecisión y que la disponibilidad del inmunobiológico en la unidad de salud en el momento da la actualización del carnet disminuye la incidencia de este fenómeno.

Vacinación; Personal de salud; Vacilación a la vacunación; Hospitales universitarios


In 2023, the Brazilian National Immunization Program (PNI - Programa Nacional de Imunização) completed 50 years and, over this time, it has consolidated itself as an important public health strategy in Brazil, recognized for its capillarity throughout the national territory and alignment with the Brazilian Health System (SUS – Sistema Único de Saúde) principles. The PNI was responsible for eradicating polio, eliminating rubella, congenital rubella syndrome and neonatal tetanus, in addition to reducing the occurrence of other communicable diseases, such as diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis.(11. Domingues CMAS, Maranhão AGK, Teixeira AM, Fantinato FFS, Domingues RAS. [The Brazilian National Immunization Program: 46 years of achievements and challenges]. Cad Saúde Pública. 2020;36(2)e00222919:1-17. Portuguese.)

Despite advances, since 2016, Brazil has recorded low vaccination coverage rates (VCR), similar to those found in the 1980s, which has led to the resurgence and imminent risk of reintroduction of diseases already controlled or eradicated,(11. Domingues CMAS, Maranhão AGK, Teixeira AM, Fantinato FFS, Domingues RAS. [The Brazilian National Immunization Program: 46 years of achievements and challenges]. Cad Saúde Pública. 2020;36(2)e00222919:1-17. Portuguese.

2. Sato APS, Boing AC, Almeida RLF de, Xavier MO, Moreira R da S, Martinez EZ, et al. [Measles vaccination in Brazil: where have we been and where are we headed?]. Ciênc saúde coletiva. 2023;28(2):351-62. Portuguese.
-33. Domingues CMAS, Teixeira AMDS, Moraes JC. [Vaccination coverage in children in the period before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil: a time series analysis and literature review]. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2023;99(1):12-21. English.) a fact aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic.(44. Procianoy GS, Rossini Junior F, Lied AF, Jung LFPP, Souza MCSC de. [Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the vaccination of children 12 months of afe and under: an ecological study]. Ciênc saúde coletiva. 2022;27(3):969-978. Portuguese.,55. Silveira MM, Conrad NL, Leivas Leite FP. [Effect of COVID-19 on vaccination coverage in Brazil]. J Med Microbiol. 2021; 70(11):1-5. English.)

Among the main reasons for drop in coverage, we can mention: the complexity of the PNI national vaccination calendar; temporary reductions in vaccine supply; difficulties in managing the PNI information system; access barriers due to restrictions on the time and location of vaccination rooms; underfunding of SUS; number of healthcare professionals below demand and with insufficient training; fake news; low perception of disease risk; lack of confidence in vaccine effectiveness; previous negative experience; fear; influence of leaders; and vaccine hesitancy.(66. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. [Pesquisa nacional sobre cobertura vacinal, seus múltiplos determinantes e as ações de imunização nos territórios municipais brasileiros]. Brasília (DF): Ministério da Saúde 2023. [citado 2023 jan 24]. Disponível em: Portuguese.
,77. Araújo TM de, Souza F de O, Pinho P de S. [Vaccination and associated factors among healthcare workers]. Cad Saúde Pública. 2019;35(4):e00169618. Portuguese.)

The Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE), a group of the World Health Organization (WHO), defines the phenomenon of vaccine hesitancy as the delay or refusal of vaccination, despite the availability of this service. It is considered a complex and context-specific event that may vary depending on time, vaccine and location.(88. MacDonald NE; SAGE Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy. [Vaccine hesitancy: Definition, scope and determinants]. Vaccine. 2015;33(34):4161-4. English.) This group of experts proposed a model for analyzing vaccine hesitancy called “3Cs”: complacency (not perceiving diseases as high risk and vaccination as necessary); confidence (lack of confidence in vaccine safety and effectiveness); and convenience (physical availability, geographic accessibility, understandability and quality of immunization services).(88. MacDonald NE; SAGE Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy. [Vaccine hesitancy: Definition, scope and determinants]. Vaccine. 2015;33(34):4161-4. English.)

Healthcare professionals have the potential to influence vaccination adherence by healthcare service users.(66. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. [Pesquisa nacional sobre cobertura vacinal, seus múltiplos determinantes e as ações de imunização nos territórios municipais brasileiros]. Brasília (DF): Ministério da Saúde 2023. [citado 2023 jan 24]. Disponível em: Portuguese.
,99. Nobre R, Guerra LD da S, Carnut L. [Vaccination hesitation and refusal in countries with universal health systems: an integrative review about their effects]. Saúde debate. 2022;46(1):303-21. Portuguese.,1010. Paterson P, Meurice F, Stanberry LR, Glismann S, Rosenthal SL, Larson HJ. [Vaccine hesitancy and healthcare providers]. Vaccine. 2016;34(52):6700-6706. English.) However, the literature points out that recommendations given to patients are more frequent when they trust in their ability to communicate about the risks and benefits and in official sources of information about vaccines, being dependent on their own behavior, attitudes and knowledge about the vaccine safety and efficacy of these immunobiological agents.(1010. Paterson P, Meurice F, Stanberry LR, Glismann S, Rosenthal SL, Larson HJ. [Vaccine hesitancy and healthcare providers]. Vaccine. 2016;34(52):6700-6706. English.,1111. Verger P, Fressard L, Collange F, Gautier A, Jestin C, Launay O, et al. [Vaccine Hesitancy Among General Practitioners and Its Determinants During Controversies: A National Cross-sectional Survey in France]. EBioMedicine. 2015;2(8):891-7. English.) Societal endorsement, peer support, and patient or caregiver willingness also influence healthcare professionals’ confidence in vaccines and willingness to recommend them.(1010. Paterson P, Meurice F, Stanberry LR, Glismann S, Rosenthal SL, Larson HJ. [Vaccine hesitancy and healthcare providers]. Vaccine. 2016;34(52):6700-6706. English.)

A synthesis study of systematic reviews and meta-analyses on vaccine hesitancy for COVID-19 among healthcare professionals pointed out multifactorial determinants associated with this phenomenon, such as sociodemographic factors (e.g., female sex, black race, lower education, low income), occupational factors (e.g., nurse and nursing assistant categories), health factors (e.g., having chronic health conditions), factors related to vaccine (e.g., being afraid of long-term effects), factors related to lack of confidence (e.g., in the government, in vaccine manufacturers and health authorities) and factors related to information (e.g., lack of sufficient knowledge about the vaccine).(1212. McCready JL, Nichol B, Steen M, Unsworth J, Comparcini D, Tomietto M. [Understanding the barriers and facilitators of vaccine hesitancy towards the COVID-19 vaccine in healthcare workers and healthcare students worldwide: An Umbrella Review]. PLoS One. 2023;18(4):e0280439. English.) A national study that investigated the association between the determinants of the 3Cs model and influenza vaccine hesitancy among healthcare workers observed that the lower the confidence and the greater the complacency, the greater the influenza vaccine hesitancy.(1313. Souza FO, Werneck GL, Pinho PS, Teixeira JRB, Lua I, Araújo TM. [Influenza vaccine hesitancy among health workers, Bahia State, Brazil]. Cad Saúde Pública. 2022;38(1):e00098521. Portuguese.)

Furthermore, it should be noted that healthcare professionals’ immunization is a comprehensive part of occupational health control programs, due to this category’s increased risk of exposure to infectious biological agents, constituting a necessary measure for their protection and that of their clientele.(1414. Sociedade Brasileira de Imunizações. Guia de imunização SBIm/Anamt. Medicina do trabalho 2018-2019. [Internet]. [citado 2023 mai 29]. Disponível em:
) As vaccine hesitancy varies depending on the location, it is plausible to think that healthcare workers working at a teaching hospital setting would have a less hesitant attitude, due to the risk of contamination by such agents and the possible influence they exert.

Considering the above and the fundamental role they play in encouraging the population to adhere to vaccination, in addition to the scarcity of national studies that address vaccine hesitancy issues among healthcare workers and the setting chosen for this investigation (teaching hospital), this study aimed to analyze the factors associated with vaccine hesitancy among healthcare professionals at a university hospital (UH).


This is a cross-sectional study, of quantitative in nature, with descriptive and analytical objectives, guided by the STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) initiative, developed at a federal UH in the state of Pernambuco with a profile for teaching, research and innovation. It provides outpatient and inpatient care in various specialties, and has Intensive Care Units (adult, surgical and neonatal), surgical, obstetric and dialysis centers, totaling 418 beds. In the pediatric outpatient clinic, there is a vaccination room that assists employees, patients and the general population. Since 2014, it has been managed by a public company that provides hospital services.(1515. Brasil. Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares. Hospitais universitários. Hospital das Clínicas da UFPE. Institucional. 2023. [citado 2023 set 16]. Disponível em:

The study population was made up of healthcare workers from the institution aged 18 years or older and with high school and higher education (nurses, doctors, physiotherapists, social workers, nutritionists, pharmacists, psychologists, occupational therapists, nursing technicians, nutrition technicians, nursing assistants and radiology technicians). Technical-administrative professionals were excluded.

For the sample calculation, a population of 2,195 workers was considered (1,120 with high school and 1,075 with higher education). Among them are employees of the university and the company providing hospital services, with a frequency of vaccine hesitancy of 25.4%,(1313. Souza FO, Werneck GL, Pinho PS, Teixeira JRB, Lua I, Araújo TM. [Influenza vaccine hesitancy among health workers, Bahia State, Brazil]. Cad Saúde Pública. 2022;38(1):e00098521. Portuguese.) margin of error of 5% and confidence interval (CI) of 95%. The calculation was carried out using the Epi info 7 statistical software StatCalc tool. The sample obtained was 257 workers, with 10% added for possible refusals/losses, thus 283 workers made up the final sample. Participant sampling was non-probabilistic and for convenience.

Data collection took place in a virtual environment between June and November 2022. The UH communication sector was asked to collaborate in disseminating the research on the institution’s website and social networks. The electronic address was sent containing the invitation to participate in the research, the Informed Consent Form (ICF) and the form (Google Forms®).

The form was self-administered and contained 24 objective questions, which addressed the variables of interest in the study. The predictor variables were socioeconomic aspects (age group in years, sex, highest level of education, color/race, income in minimum wage), occupational aspects (professional category, job tenure in years, type of employment relationship), history of vaccine reaction, fears related to vaccines (application and Events Supposedly Attributable to Vaccination or Immunization (ESAVI)) and aspects of 3Cs model dimensions. Confidence involves knowledge and perception on issues related to vaccine safety and effectiveness, in addition to taking into account the history of adverse reactions and the credibility of healthcare professionals, institutions and services associated with the vaccination process. Convenience assesses access to information and individuals’ ability to understand, in addition to vaccine and supply availability and accessibility to vaccination services. Complacency encompasses individual perception about vaccines and the perception of risk of vaccine-preventable diseases.(88. MacDonald NE; SAGE Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy. [Vaccine hesitancy: Definition, scope and determinants]. Vaccine. 2015;33(34):4161-4. English.)

The outcome variable vaccine hesitancy was defined as a self-reported situation of vaccination delay or refusal, despite the availability of this service.(88. MacDonald NE; SAGE Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy. [Vaccine hesitancy: Definition, scope and determinants]. Vaccine. 2015;33(34):4161-4. English.)In relation to the dichotomous categorical variable (yes/no), a yes answer to the question “Do you have any overdue vaccinations?” was considered. The delay referred to any vaccine, according to the Ministry of Health’s current recommendation to healthcare professionals.

The PNI advises this group to receive the following vaccines, according to their vaccination status: adult dT/dTap; Hepatitis B; triple viral; influenza; COVID-19; and chickenpox.(1616. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Calendário nacional de vacinação. Calendário vacinal 2022. Instrução normativa - Calendário Nacional de Vacinação 2022. 2023. [citado 2023 set 16]. Disponível em:

Statistical analyzes were performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 for Windows®. Initially, bivariate analysis was carried out to test the associations between predictor variables and outcome, using Pearson’s chi-square (X2) and Fisher’s exact tests, obtaining unadjusted estimates of Odds Ratio (OR) with the respective 95% CI. The variables that presented a minimum value of p < 0.20 were submitted to binary logistic regression, with the stepwise backward method being adopted. In this type of regression, all predictors are included in the equation at once, and then removed, one by one, until the best predictors are identified.

The research respected the ethical principles of Resolution 466/2012, and was approved by a Research Ethics Committee (REC), under Opinion 5,385,880 and Certificate of Presentation for Ethical Consideration (CAAE - Certificado de Apresentação para Apreciação Ética) 58045622.9.0000.8807.


The sample consisted of 283 UH healthcare workers. Participants’ mean age was 42.4 years (SD: 10.10), the majority of whom were nursing technicians (n= 101; 35.6%). The frequency of vaccine hesitancy was 31.8%. In the bivariate analysis, none of the sociodemographic and occupational variables showed statistical significance (p < 0.05), as seen in Table 1.

Table 1
Association between sociodemographic, occupational aspects and vaccine hesitancy in healthcare professionals at a university hospital

When the associations between predictor variables of vaccination history, fears, 3Cs model dimensions and the vaccine hesitancy outcome were verified, statistical significance was found for fear of ESAVI and the items in the confidence dimension “something that happened that would disbelieve in vaccine effectiveness” (p < 0.001), “have sufficient information about the risks and benefits of vaccines” (p < 0.036) and “immunobiological agent availability the last time attended the health unit to update the card” (p < 0.04) (Table 2).

Table 2
Association between vaccination history, fears, confidence, convenience, complacency and vaccine hesitancy in healthcare professionals at a university hospital

Table 3 presents the final adjusted model of the binary logistic regression. It was observed that fear of ESAVI increases the chance of vaccine hesitancy by two times (OR: 2.047; CI: 1.165-3.595; p = 0.013); having something happen that made people disbelieve in vaccine effectiveness increases it by almost three times (OR: 2.964; CI: 1.265-6.944; p = 0.012); and that immunobiological agent availability in the health unit to update the card reduces vaccine hesitancy (OR: 0.314; CI: 0.136-0.723; p = 0.006).

Table 3
Unadjusted and adjusted binary logistic regression between fears, confidence, convenience, complacency and vaccine hesitancy in healthcare professionals at a university hospital


The frequency of vaccine hesitancy among healthcare professionals at the investigated UH was high and was associated with the fear of ESAVI, the fact that something had happened that made them disbelieve in vaccine effectiveness and immunobiological agent availability in the health unit to update the card.

The percentage of vaccine delays was higher than that observed for influenza vaccine(1313. Souza FO, Werneck GL, Pinho PS, Teixeira JRB, Lua I, Araújo TM. [Influenza vaccine hesitancy among health workers, Bahia State, Brazil]. Cad Saúde Pública. 2022;38(1):e00098521. Portuguese.) and lower than that observed for dT, Hepatitis B and influenza vaccines(1717. Souza TP, Lobão WM, Santos CAST, Almeida MCC, Moreira ED. [Factors associated with the acceptance of the influenza vaccine among health workers: knowledge, attitude and practice]. Ciênc saúde coletiva. 2019;24(8):3147-3158. Portuguese) among Brazilian healthcare workers. A systematic review study showed variable acceptance rates for COVID-19 vaccine in this population (20.7% - 81.1%), with the lowest among nurses (20.7% - 40%).(1212. McCready JL, Nichol B, Steen M, Unsworth J, Comparcini D, Tomietto M. [Understanding the barriers and facilitators of vaccine hesitancy towards the COVID-19 vaccine in healthcare workers and healthcare students worldwide: An Umbrella Review]. PLoS One. 2023;18(4):e0280439. English.)

The high rate identified is possibly due to non-specification of hesitancy for a given vaccine. It is noteworthy that vaccine hesitancy varies according to time, place and vaccine, and lies in the gap between total acceptance and total refusal, i.e., individuals can accept some, delay or refuse certain vaccines.(88. MacDonald NE; SAGE Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy. [Vaccine hesitancy: Definition, scope and determinants]. Vaccine. 2015;33(34):4161-4. English.) In this investigation, the term “hesitation” was adopted, despite the question to define the outcome being “Do you have any overdue vaccinations?”, understanding that, if research participant rejected a certain vaccine, vaccine delay would be present.

Sociodemographic and occupational aspects showed no association with the vaccine hesitancy outcome. However, the literature points to greater acceptance of influenza vaccine among older and male healthcare workers(1818. Dini G, Toletone A, Sticchi L, Orsi A, Bragazzi NL, Durando P. [Influenza vaccination in healthcare workers: A comprehensive critical appraisal of the literature]. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2018;14(3):772-789. English.) and for COVID-19 vaccine among white healthcare professionals with higher education and income.(1212. McCready JL, Nichol B, Steen M, Unsworth J, Comparcini D, Tomietto M. [Understanding the barriers and facilitators of vaccine hesitancy towards the COVID-19 vaccine in healthcare workers and healthcare students worldwide: An Umbrella Review]. PLoS One. 2023;18(4):e0280439. English.)

When considering professional categories, some studies indicate that nurses have low levels of vaccine acceptance for influenza(1919. Paoli S, Lorini C, Puggelli F, Sala A, Grazzini M, Paolini D, et al. [Assessing Vaccine Hesitancy among Healthcare Workers: A Cross-Sectional Study at an Italian Paediatric Hospital and the Development of a Healthcare Worker's Vaccination Compliance Index]. Vaccines (Basel). 2019;7(4):201. English.

20. Moretti F, Visentin D, Bovolenta E, Rimondini M, Majori S, Mazzi M, et al. [Attitudes of Nursing Home Staff Towards Influenza Vaccination: Opinions and Factors Influencing Hesitancy]. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(6):1851. English.
-2121. Hall CM, Northam H, Webster A, Strickland K. [Determinants of seasonal influenza vaccination hesitancy among healthcare personnel: An integrative review]. J Clin Nurs. 2022;31(15-16):2112-2124. English.) and COVID-19(1212. McCready JL, Nichol B, Steen M, Unsworth J, Comparcini D, Tomietto M. [Understanding the barriers and facilitators of vaccine hesitancy towards the COVID-19 vaccine in healthcare workers and healthcare students worldwide: An Umbrella Review]. PLoS One. 2023;18(4):e0280439. English.,2222. Caiazzo V, Witkoski Stimpfel A. [Vaccine hesitancy in American healthcare workers during the COVID-19 vaccine roll out: an integrative review]. Public Health. 2022;207:94-104. English.,2323. Willems LD, Dyzel V, Sterkenburg PS. [COVID-19 Vaccination Intentions amongst Healthcare Workers: A Scoping Review]. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(16):10192. English.) when compared to other occupational functions. These findings seem paradoxical, given the close relationship between nursing and this important disease prevention measure. In this study, nursing professionals are more hesitant; however, the data needs to be interpreted with caution, as hesitancy for a specific vaccine was not investigated, and the phenomenon varies depending on the vaccine.(88. MacDonald NE; SAGE Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy. [Vaccine hesitancy: Definition, scope and determinants]. Vaccine. 2015;33(34):4161-4. English.)

It is still important to consider that nursing is a profession mostly composed of women, and represents more than half of the healthcare workforce worldwide,(2424. World Health Organization (WHO). [State of the world's nursing 2020: investing in education, jobs and leadership]. Geneva: WHO 2020 [cited 2023 September 16]. Available from: English.
) and that this finding may be masked by the influence of sex, since the sample was composed of female people.

Meta-analysis that analyzed gender differences in the intention to be vaccinated against COVID-19 found a lower chance of vaccination among women and a greater effect of sex among healthcare professionals.(2525. Zintel S, Flock C, Arbogast AL, Forster A, von Wagner C, Sieverding M. [Gender differences in the intention to get vaccinated against COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis]. J Public Health (Berl.). 2023; 31:1303-1327. English.) Issues related to fertility and procreation can weigh on vaccine decision-making and deserve to be studied.(1212. McCready JL, Nichol B, Steen M, Unsworth J, Comparcini D, Tomietto M. [Understanding the barriers and facilitators of vaccine hesitancy towards the COVID-19 vaccine in healthcare workers and healthcare students worldwide: An Umbrella Review]. PLoS One. 2023;18(4):e0280439. English.)

Fear of ESAVI was associated with vaccine hesitancy, in line with results of a study on factors associated with vaccination against influenza in healthcare workers at a hospital complex in Bahia, in which greater acceptance was found among those who did not fear vaccine post-vaccination effects (OR = 1.93; 95% CI: 1.26-2.95).(1717. Souza TP, Lobão WM, Santos CAST, Almeida MCC, Moreira ED. [Factors associated with the acceptance of the influenza vaccine among health workers: knowledge, attitude and practice]. Ciênc saúde coletiva. 2019;24(8):3147-3158. Portuguese) The findings support international studies that assessed vaccine hesitancy for COVID-19 among healthcare workers.(1212. McCready JL, Nichol B, Steen M, Unsworth J, Comparcini D, Tomietto M. [Understanding the barriers and facilitators of vaccine hesitancy towards the COVID-19 vaccine in healthcare workers and healthcare students worldwide: An Umbrella Review]. PLoS One. 2023;18(4):e0280439. English.,2626. Biswas N, Mustapha T, Khubchandani J, Price JH. [The Nature and Extent of COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitancy in Healthcare Workers]. J Community Health. 2021;46(6):1244-1251. English.,2727. Noushad M, Nassani MZ, Al-Awar MS, Al-Saqqaf IS, Mohammed SOA, Samran A, et al. [COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Associated With Vaccine Inequity Among Healthcare Workers in a Low-Income Fragile Nation]. Front Public Health. 2022;10:914943. English.)

Especially regarding COVID-19 vaccine, although rare, events supposedly attributable to the viral vector and mRNA vaccines, respectively, thrombolytic syndrome and myocarditis/pericarditis, caused the Ministry of Health to review the guidance on the type of vaccine for use in pregnant and postpartum women as well as reinforce the recommendation for vaccination of children and adolescents between 12 and 17 years old.(2828. Brasil. NOTA TÉCNICA Nº 2/2021-SECOVID/GAB/SECOVID/MS. Trata-se de atualização das recomendações referentes a vacinação contra a covid-19 em gestantes e puérperas até 45 dias pós-parto. Publicada em 06 de Julho 2021. Disponível em: Portuguese.
,2929. Brasil. NOTA TÉCNICA Nº 1057/2021-CGPNI/DEIDT/SVS/MS. Dispõe sobre orientações para identificação, investigação e manejo do evento adverso pós vacinação de miocardite/pericardite no contexto da vacinação contra a COVID-19 no Brasil. Publicada em: 15 de Setembro 2021. Disponível em: Portuguese.
) These events were widely publicized, and it is possible that they contributed to increasing vaccine hesitancy among the Brazilian population, including among healthcare professionals, although there are no scientific studies that support this inference.

The fact that something happened personally or with people around healthcare professionals that made them disbelieve in vaccine effectiveness was also significantly associated with vaccine hesitancy in this study. Prior personal experience of ESAVI or the fact that healthcare workers witnessed a serious event, although it cannot explain COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, may impact vaccine receipt.(3030. Dolu I, Turhan Z, Yalniz Dilcen H. [COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance is associated with Vaccine Hesitancy, Perceived Risk and Previous Vaccination Experiences]. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2021;17:e97. English.,3131. Peterson CJ, Lee B, Nugent K. [COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitancy among Healthcare Workers-A Review]. Vaccines (Basel). 2022;10(6):948. English.) A systematic review of qualitative studies with nurses reported the fear of possible adverse events and the occurrence of bad personal experiences or those of people close to them with the influenza vaccine as determinants of vaccine hesitancy.(3232. Pinatel N, Plotton C, Pozzetto B, Gocko X. [Nurses' Influenza Vaccination and Hesitancy: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Literature]. Vaccines (Basel). 2022;10(7):997. English.)

The variable “feel sufficiently informed about the risks/benefits of vaccines” did not maintain a significant association (p < 0.05) in the final model. It is noteworthy that the source of this news interferes with hesitation. Healthcare professionals who used social media or non-scientific sources showed more hesitant behavior towards the COVID-19 vaccine.(1212. McCready JL, Nichol B, Steen M, Unsworth J, Comparcini D, Tomietto M. [Understanding the barriers and facilitators of vaccine hesitancy towards the COVID-19 vaccine in healthcare workers and healthcare students worldwide: An Umbrella Review]. PLoS One. 2023;18(4):e0280439. English.) The low risk of transmission and death from influenza and the development of the disease when receiving the vaccine were some of the mistaken beliefs reported by nurses for not receiving the vaccine.(3232. Pinatel N, Plotton C, Pozzetto B, Gocko X. [Nurses' Influenza Vaccination and Hesitancy: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Literature]. Vaccines (Basel). 2022;10(7):997. English.)

In this study, “immunobiological agent availability in the health unit to update the card”, a variable related to the convenience dimension, was also associated with the phenomenon of vaccine hesitancy among healthcare workers. These access barriers may correspond to irregularities in immunobiological agent supply due to production and logistics problems in input distribution and storage due to the complexity of supplying vaccination rooms in a continental country like Brazil.(11. Domingues CMAS, Maranhão AGK, Teixeira AM, Fantinato FFS, Domingues RAS. [The Brazilian National Immunization Program: 46 years of achievements and challenges]. Cad Saúde Pública. 2020;36(2)e00222919:1-17. Portuguese.) In 2021, for instance, inequity was observed in COVID-19 vaccine distribution and application in the North and Northeast regions, which had lower vaccination coverage.(3333. Castro-Nunes P, Ribeiro GR. [Health equity and vulnerability in the access to COVID-19 vaccines]. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2022;46:e31. Portuguese.)

Another reason that may contribute to vaccine unavailability in the health unit is vaccine losses, which can be technical or physical. The first correspond to the loss of doses from opened vials that were not used due to expiration date. Physical losses are those in closed vials resulting from non-compliance with good vaccination practices (e.g., vial breakage, failure in the cold chain, lack of electricity, expired expiration date, transportation failure, etc.), therefore considered avoidable, being associated with high costs and the possibility of losses in immunobiological agent supply.(3434. Seabra Filho FT, Moura ADA, Braga AVL, Jereissati NCC, Câncio K, Silva MGC. [Physical wastage of immunobiological products in the state of Ceará, Brazil, 2014-2016]. Epidemiol. Serv. Saúde. 2020; 29(2): e2019004. Portuguese.) Thus, there was a need for continuing education actions for professionals who work in the vaccination service network.

It is reiterated that the 2022/2023 occupational vaccination calendar of the Brazilian Society of Immunization (SBIm) recommends to healthcare workers triple viral vaccines, hepatitis A, B or A and B, double adult (dT) or triple acellular bacterial adult type (dTap), chickenpox, influenza, conjugated meningococcal ACWY or C, meningococcal B and COVID-19.(3535. Sociedade Brasileira de Imunizações. Calendário SBIm de vacinação ocupacional 2022/2023. [Internet]. [citado 2023 mai 29]. Disponível em:
) With the exception of combined hepatitis A and B and meningococcal B vaccines, these immunobiological agents are available in the public network in Basic Health Units or in Special Immunobiological Reference Centers (CRIE).

The study of vaccine hesitancy among healthcare professionals predates COVID-19, with most previous research focusing on seasonal influenza vaccination.(3131. Peterson CJ, Lee B, Nugent K. [COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitancy among Healthcare Workers-A Review]. Vaccines (Basel). 2022;10(6):948. English.) With the new coronavirus pandemic, interest is directed towards investigating hesitancy towards vaccines against COVID-19. This fact is evident in the references used, and the comparison of findings with the literature on the topic among healthcare workers related to other vaccines may even be mentioned as a limitation of this study, given the scarcity of studies. Possible limitations include carrying out the study at a single hospital, lack of information regarding the number of each professional category and, consequently, the type of sampling adopted to recruit participants, which made it impossible to analyze the representativeness of each category in the sample. Despite these notes, there is no compromise in external validation of results, and they are recommended for future investigations in a similar setting.


Vaccine hesitancy among UH healthcare professionals was associated with fear of ESAVI, the fact that something had happened that made them disbelieve in vaccine effectiveness and immunobiological agent availability in the health unit to update the card. It is hoped that these results can add efforts to understanding this phenomenon among healthcare workers and support strategies for coping with this problem.


We would like to thank the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior); Graduate Support Program - PROAPS) and Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE; Dean of Graduate Studies - PROPG), for granting financial assistance to WKASP through the Researcher Support Notice linked to the UFPE Postgraduate Programs (PROPG Notice no. 06/2022), under Process 23076.096167/2022-48. We would also like to thank the Brazilian National Council of Science and Technology (CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia); Institutional Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program of CNPq/PIBIC/HC-UFPE/Ebserh), for granting a scholarship to RVF through Notice PIBIC/CNPq/HC-UFPE/Ebserh 002/ 2022 (CNPq and Ebserh Network Cooperation Agreement. SEI Process - 23477.008697/2020-18).


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Edited by

Associate Editor: Paula Hino ( Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    13 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    20 June 2023
  • Accepted
    25 Mar 2024
Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo R. Napoleão de Barros, 754, 04024-002 São Paulo - SP/Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 5576 4430 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil