Objective To construct and validate a comic book for adolescents about cardiac resuscitation.
Methods This is a methodological study with a quantitative approach carried out in three phases: 1) integrative review; 2) identification of learning needs (through a cross-sectional survey with 84 adolescents); and 3) construction and validity of storyboard made under considerations of the Theory of Meaningful Learning. The story obeyed the six steps of comic artist Mccloud, and was validated by 23 judges who judged the comic book using the Educational Content Validation Instrument in Health. The Content Validity Index and the binomial test were used to verify whether the proportion of agreement was statistically equal to or greater than 80%.
Results The integrative review justified the need to construct educational technologies on Basic Life Support. The 84 adolescents indicated the need to learn about the first three links of care in a cardiac arrest. The technology brought, in the narrative of character Dara, instructions to apply Basic Life Support only with the hands in victims of cardiac arrest. In validity, 17 (seventeen) of the 18 (eighteen) items assessed received the maximum score, and the overall assessment of the technology obtained a value of 0.99.
Conclusion The judges considered the comic book type educational technology valid for teaching cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation; Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest; Educational technology; Adolescent; Emergency nursing