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Embryo transfer: past, present, future – a personal perspective


Embryo transfer is just one of a range of assisted reproductive technologies – often the last one in a sequence of others – that has revolutionised the cattle breeding industry. The number of in vitro-produced embryos transferred annually now surpasses the number derived by traditional superovulation by a factor of four. Although issues with cryotolerance of IVP embryos, embryo loss, and, in some cases, calf birth weight remain to be fully resolved, IVP embryos are likely here to stay as a tool for genetic improvement in dairy herds, offering increased flexibility in sire usage allowing multiple pregnancies from elite dam-bull combinations to be generated and the ability to produce more embryos per unit time than traditional superovulation. What follows is a short personal look back at the last 30 years; if you are looking for deep insights into the underlying biology regulating embryo development, this is not the place to look! Please refer to some of the excellent recent reviews and research papers cited herein.

assisted reproductive technologies; bovine; IVF


When I received an email from the AETE President Marja Mikkola informing me that I had been selected to receive the 2024 Pioneer Award I have to admit that I was shocked, humbled and a little embarrassed, all at once – shocked, because it was completely unexpected; humbled, because I know the calibre of those who have previously received the award (see Table 1); and embarrassed, not because of false modesty, but because I genuinely consider there are many people more deserving than me. Furthermore, such awards are normally reserved for those near the end of their careers; I hope I still have a few productive years left! Nonetheless, it is a huge honour for me to accept the award and to be listed among those eminent previous recipients. It is a further delight to have my great friend and colleague, Dimitrios Rizos, himself a past President of AETE, present the commendation.

Table 1
Past locations of annual meetings of the AETE and past recipients of the AETE Pioneer Award.

Having to write this short paper has allowed me to pause, ‘take stock’ and look back over my career to date. I remember very well, as a naïve PhD student, attending my first scientific conference (the annual meeting of the International Embryo Technology Society, IETS, in Bournemouth, UK, in January 1991). Not really knowing what to expect, on the first morning, myself and a fellow PhD student from Malaysia, Sharif Haron, walked from our hotel to the conference centre behind two ‘cowboys’ adorned with Stetsons and cowboy boots (pretty sure it was Charles Looney and Brad Stroud from Texas); we wondered what we were letting ourselves in for! I was starstruck seeing some of my ‘heroes’ from the literature for the first time, and realising that they were all (relatively!) normal people. This may be difficult for younger researchers to appreciate given the immediacy of information available online today, where everyone has a web presence in one form or another, but in the pre-internet world, at the risk of sounding old, things were very different.

At that conference, there were talks about alternative gonadotrophins for superovulation in cattle (Maurice Boland, Ireland), a new (!) technique called transvaginal ultrasound guided follicular aspiration of bovine oocytes (Martin Pieterse, The Netherlands), follicular dynamics in sheep and cattle (Marc-Antoine Driancourt, France), turnover of dominant follicles in cattle (Jim Roche, Ireland), oocyte maturation and sperm transport in superovulated cattle (Poul Hyttel, Denmark), cryopreservation of ova and embryos from livestock (Heiner Niemann, Germany), recipient management and embryo transfer (Peter Broadbent, UK), velogenetics for the reduction of generation interval (Michel Georges, Belgium), nuclear transplantation in cattle (Steen Willadsen, Denmark) and a look forward to the next 100 years of embryo transfer (George Seidel, USA). What a stellar line-up of speakers and topics! It was fantastic and I was hooked! As a result, I have only missed two IETS conferences since 1991, have served on the Board of Governors and was lucky enough to be elected President in 2009.

Later the same year, I attended my first AETE conference (the 7th meeting of the association) in Cambridge, UK, in September 1991. This was the first time the meeting was held outside of its birthplace in Lyon, France (Ponsart et al., 2009Ponsart C, Heyman Y, Thibier M. Celebrating 25 years: history of AETE [Internet]. 2009 [cited 2024 May 20]. Available from:
; Thibier 2014Thibier M. The European Embryo Transfer industry in cattle – a challenge in 1984, a success in 2014 – and well supported by the AETE. In: Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting AETE, 12th – 13th September 2014, Dresden, Germany. Dresden: AETE; 2014. Available at:
). I drove from Ireland with a fellow PhD student, picking up Dr Ke-Huan Lu en route, a previous student of my PhD mentor, Prof. Ian Gordon, and one of the first to produce a calf from an IVF-derived embryo (Lu et al., 1987Lu KH, Gordon I, Gallagher M, McGovern H. Pregnancy established in cattle by transfer of embryos derived from in vitro fertilisation of oocytes matured in vitro. Vet Rec. 1987;121(11):259-60. PMid:3686787.
, 1988Lu KH, Gordon I, Chen HB, Gallagher M, McGovern H. Birth of twins after transfer of cattle embryos produced by in vitro techniques. Vet Rec. 1988;122(22):539-40. PMid:3413923.
). It was a great meeting and my first exposure to those involved in embryo research in Europe. Back then, Michel Thibier, a central figure in the establishment of the AETE and President that year, would do a simultaneous translation into French of each presentation! There were invited talks on aspects of embryo production in vivo and in vitro (Heiner Niemann, Germany), rapid cryopreservation of bovine embryos (AM de Leeuw, The Netherlands), and extraspecies embryo transfer in equids (WR ‘Twink’ Allen, UK). On the centenary of the first paper to be published on embryo transfer in mammals (Heape, 1891Heape W. Preliminary note on the transplantation and growth of mammalian ova within a uterine foster mother. Proc R Soc Lond. 1891;48(292-295):457-8.
), Chris Polge (UK), who is widely credited with discovering the cryoprotective properties of glycerol (Polge et al, 1949Polge C, Smith A, Parkes A. Revival of spermatozoa after vitrification and dehydration at low temperatures. Nature. 1949;164(4172):666. PMid:18143360.
) – although apparently similar work by others predates it (Bernstein and Petropavlovski, 1937Bernstein AD, Petropavlovski VV. Influence of non-electrolytes on viability of spermatozoa. Buleten Experimentalnoi Biologii i Medicini. 1937;III:17-28.; Rostand, 1946Rostand J. Glycérine et résistance du sperme aux basses temperatures. C. R Acad. Sci. 1946;222:1524-5.) – and who had been instrumental in bringing the meeting to Cambridge, delivered the Walter Heape Memorial Lecture on novel reproductive biotechnologies. In that paper, he described the opportunities for large scale production of embryos in vitro, the potential of sex-sorted semen, embryo multiplication by nuclear transfer and genetic modification to create transgenics. In the three decades since he gave that presentation, many of these technologies have become well established in the tool box of assisted reproductive technologies available to farmers.

I attended most of the AETE meetings in the subsequent years and served on the Board from 2000 to 2007 (Secretary from 2002 to 2007). This was a very enjoyable time working with colleagues from across Europe; as Secretary and the only native English speaker on the Board at the time, I had the pleasure of editing the abstracts each year and through this activity I got to know all of the individuals involved in domestic animal embryo work in Europe. While I have not been able to attend as many meetings as I would have liked in recent years, I have dipped in and out at regular intervals and am happy to see that the AETE continues to be a very friendly group with great science and great social events.

Early beginnings - my introduction to the world of embryos

I owe a lot to my late uncle, Tom Lonergan, my father’s brother, with whom I spent all of my childhood summers, working on his small dairy farm in County Tipperary in the south of Ireland. This is where my interest in agriculture was born. Mainly because of him, and with my parents’ encouragement, I entered University College Dublin (UCD) as a student in autumn 1984, graduating five years later with a Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture. At the time, students were obliged to do a full ‘practical year’ (now called professional work experience) to gain experience in all of the main farm enterprises (dairy, beef, sheep, pigs and tillage). I spent much of that year at the University’s Lyons Farm, located some 25 km from the main UCD campus in Dublin, which was later to become my main place of work.

I have always loved the challenge of identification. Outside of work, my passion is bird identification and I spend whatever spare time I have either immersed in books on bird identification or in the field watching birds. During the early part of my undergraduate degree in Agricultural Science at UCD, two modules stuck out – one was Agricultural Botany which involved the identification of common grasses and weeds and the other was Plant Pathology which involved, in part, identifying diseases on the leaves of a variety of crop plants. This was done using an identification key and I loved the challenge. I was convinced that I would follow this subject after graduation and become a plant pathologist. Then, in final year, we had Prof. Ian Gordon (Figure 1), himself a past recipient of the AETE Medal (1995) and the IETS Pioneer Award (1998), for the subject of Animal Reproduction. His lectures were an inspiration! One of his greatest characteristics as a teacher was his encyclopaedic knowledge of the literature. As undergraduate students we were riveted by his fascinating lectures, as he regaled us with entertaining anecdotes and stories from his own experience and from the literature (collecting urine from nuns in Italian convents to purify human menopausal gonadotropin was particularly memorable!). My ‘passion’ for plant pathology was quickly forgotten and I decided that further study in mammalian reproduction was for me.

Figure 1
Prof. Ian Gordon (1928-2021) – a true pioneer in the field of livestock reproduction. Despite his international reputation and prolificacy in terms of publications, few published photos exist of him.

I started my venture into the world of bovine embryology in 1989 when I began a Masters under the supervision of Prof Gordon, or ‘Prof’ as he was affectionately known by all of his graduate students. Gordon graduated from Nottingham University in 1951 before embarking on a prolific scientific career under the guidance of Sir John Hammond at Cambridge, widely regarded as the father of modern animal physiology. Gordon was a true pioneer in the field of livestock reproduction, particularly in the area of oestrous synchronisation, superovulation and non-surgical embryo transfer and, latterly, in the area of in vitro embryo production in cattle. He was a prolific author, publishing many scientific articles with some 280 to his credit, but in his later years at UCD, from where he retired in 1993, and in his retirement, he published 6 books. His first book, Controlled Breeding in Farm Animals, was published in 1983. This later evolved into a four-volume series entitled Controlled Reproduction in Farm Animals separately dealing with Cattle and Buffalos (1996), Sheep and Goats (1997), Horse, Deer and Camelids (1997) and Pigs (1999). The second edition of his book Reproductive Technologies in Farm Animals, first published in 2004, was published as recently as 2017. In addition, his masterpiece, Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos was first published in 1994 with a second edition published in 2003. This tome was a true ‘one-stop-shop’ covering everything from the historical developments in IVF technology in cattle, through detailed chapters on oocyte recovery, oocyte maturation, sperm capacitation, IVF, embryo culture, cryopreservation, to embryo transfer. Although, a little dated given the rapid progress over the past 20 years, this book is still a ‘must have’ for anyone working in the area. And remember, all of this was written by painstakingly manually wading through hard copies of published journals and books of abstracts, without the aid of a ‘Google Search’ or ‘PubMed’ which we all rely on so much today. Ian Gordon died in 2021; indeed that was a bad year for domestic animal reproductive biologists – as well as Gordon, we lost George Seidel (Colorado State University), Twink Allen (University of Cambridge) and Keith Inskeep (West Virginia University), all pioneers in their own right.

During my Masters, I was based in what became known as the ‘IVF Lab’ at UCD’s Lyons Research Farm. Little did I know then that I would, after a few years as a post-doc abroad, spend my entire career at Lyons. We were (and still are) lucky to be located very close to several major abattoirs from which, through their continued support, we have unlimited access to ovaries for research. During my Masters, I investigated various factors affecting the production of embryos in vitro including the effect of breed cross of donor, stage of the oestrous cycle and donor age on oocyte yield, the effect of follicle size on oocyte diameter and meiotic competence, the effect of temperature (10 v 30 degrees) and duration of storage (up to 24 h) of ovary collection on oocyte quality and the optimum heparin concentration for IVF.

After my Masters, I continued in the area of embryo production in vitro and completed a PhD, also under Prof Gordon’s supervision, investigating various factors affecting in vitro embryo production including the effect of cumulus-oocyte-complex morphology, follicle size, follicular fluid supplementation and alternatives to serum during IVM on the outcome of IVP. In addition, we investigated the effect of priming the ovary with FSH prior to ovary collection on blastocyst yield after IVF. My first paper (and second most cited) was published in 1994 on the effect of follicle size on bovine oocyte quality and developmental competence following maturation, fertilization, and culture in vitro (Lonergan et al., 1994Lonergan P, Monaghan P, Rizos D, Boland MP, Gordon I. Effect of follicle size on bovine oocyte quality and developmental competence following maturation, fertilization, and culture in vitro. Mol Reprod Dev. 1994;37(1):48-53. PMid:8129930.
). Looking back, it was a very simple study – very different from what is expected by journals nowadays.

It was at Lyons that I met and fell in love with Trudee – while I was finishing my PhD, she completed a Masters. We were very fortunate to be among Gordon’s last cohort of graduate students. Amongst the meetings we attended together was the 12th International Congress on Animal Reproduction (ICAR) in The Hague in August 1992 – another feast of excellent science. Amongst the line-up of speakers, a young Poul Hyttel (AETE Pioneer in 2019) from the then Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL; now, the University of Copenhagen) gave a fantastic workshop on oocyte growth and development including beautiful electron microscopy images of oocytes during maturation in vivo and in vitro. Trudee decided almost then and there that she was going to do a PhD with Poul and in 1993 she was awarded one of the first EU Marie Curie International Fellowships to do just that (in collaboration with Torben Greve, AETE Pioneer in 2004). So began a lifelong friendship with Poul and Trudee’s research career in oocyte biology.

In November 1992, after completing my PhD, I took up a one-year post-doctoral position at the Norwegian Veterinary School in Oslo working with Wenche Farstad. That was a fantastic year and gave me the opportunity to get to know all of Scandinavia; leaving Oslo at 4 am to drive to the nearest abattoir, in Hamar, was a bit of a shock to the system, as was getting stopped by the police for speeding at 6 am ‘in the middle of nowhere’ and receiving a very hefty fine (honestly officer, I wasn’t going that fast)! I subsequently moved to the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) in Nouzilly near Tours in the Loire Valley, France, where I spent the next four years working with Pascal Mermillod on various aspects of oocyte and embryo development in vitro. INRA was a great place to work. Once I ‘mastered’ French, with the persistence and indulgence of people like Pascal, Nati Poulin (‘Eh ben dis donc!’) and others, I integrated completely. At the time, as is still the case today, INRA-PRMD (Physiologie de Reproduction des Mammifères Domestiques) was a melting pot of leading experts and their teams working on all aspects of mammalian reproduction including the recently retired Pierre Mauléon (first President of AETE), Marc-Antoine Driancourt (follicle development), Danielle Monniaux (follicle growth), Pascal Mermillod (oocyte maturation, bovine IVF), Yves Cognie and Gerard Baril (small ruminant reproduction), Eric Palmer (equine reproduction), Yves Combarnous (Molecular Endocrinology), Michel Terqui, Francoise Martinat-Botté and Francoise Berthelot (pig reproduction), Jean-Louis Dacheux (epididymis function), Michel Courot (andrology and male fertility), Jean-Pierre Signoret (animal behaviour), Philippe Chemineau (photoperiod), Marie-Thérèse Hochereau-de Reviers (spermatogonial stem cells) and many others. In addition, through involvement in a European FP3 Consortium grant (‘Ex Ovo Omnia’) during my time at INRA, coordinated by Franz Dessy at Louvain Le-Neuve in Belgium, I got to know many new colleagues from across Europe.

While in France, in 1994, KVL offered an oocyte/embryo-focused summer school in Copenhagen. This was a fully funded week-long series of lectures and practicals with many of the leading figures in oocyte and embryo biology at the time (including, from memory, Ian Wilmut, Jan Motlik, Taku Nagai, Barry Bavister, Heiner Niemann, Don Rieger, Frank Barnes, and many others). We had lectures by day and socialised at night in a very informal atmosphere that allowed students to rub shoulders with some of the ‘greats’ of the day; it was wonderful.

Trudee finished her PhD in Copenhagen in 1996 and came to France for the last year or so; during that time we got married and had our first child, Tadhg, who was born in Tours. We returned to Ireland in the summer of 1997 and that autumn I returned to UCD as a Post-doc working with Maurice Boland (also a recipient of the AETE Pioneer Award, in 2011) and was appointed to the faculty in the Department of Animal Science and Production in September 2001, where I have happily remained to this day.

Importance of collaboration

Collaboration has played a major role in my career. I have been lucky to establish a large network of excellent colleagues at home and internationally through national and international grants as well as through one-to-one contacts. This has resulted in the publication of many papers together and the co-supervision of a large number of graduate students. Apart from Trudee, with whom, at the time of writing, I have co-authored 72 papers, Dimitrios and I have published 74 papers together since our first in 1994 when he was a visiting Erasmus student and then from his PhD at UCD before he moved to INIA-Madrid in 2004. Other notable collaborators include Sean Fair, University of Limerick (51 papers), Alfonso Gutiérrez-Adán, INIA-Madrid (44 papers), Stephen Butler, Teagasc (42 papers), David Kenny, Teagasc (33 papers), and Tom Spencer, University of Missouri (28 papers). There are many others – too many to mention – but of course, most of these publications arose from the hard work of a team of excellent graduate students (Table 2).

Table 2
List of graduate students (co-)supervised.

Progesterone, the uterus and conceptus elongation

In vitro embryo production is a fascinating tool. It is possible to replicate in a petri dish the final stages of oocyte maturation in the follicle, fertilisation in the oviduct and the first week or so of embryo development in the oviduct and uterus. Thus, the early embryo is somewhat autonomous; it does not require contact with the female reproductive tract to reach the blastocyst stage and is capable of establishing a pregnancy after transfer to a uterus that itself has not been exposed to an embryo prior to the transfer. Having spent a lot of my early career trying to optimise the in vitro production of embryos, in the early 2000s I became more interested in maternal embryo communication; growing embryos in the lab was one thing but how they interact with the female reproductive tract to establish a pregnancy was much more interesting. We first used a combination of superovulation, artificial insemination and in vivo vulture in the sheep oviduct to tease out the respective impacts of oocyte maturation, fertilisation and embryo culture in vivo vs. in vitro on embryo yield and embryo quality. These data were published in one of my favourite, and our most cited, paper (Rizos et al., 2002Rizos D, Ward F, Duffy P, Boland MP, Lonergan P. Consequences of bovine oocyte maturation, fertilization or early embryo development in vitro versus in vivo: implications for blastocyst yield and blastocyst quality. Mol Reprod Dev. 2002;61(2):234-48. PMid:11803560.
) and were most recently kindly highlighted by Pete Hansen in his paper associated with the 11th International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium in Galway, Ireland in May 2023 (Hansen, 2023Hansen PJ. Review: Some challenges and unrealized opportunities toward widespread use of the in vitro-produced embryo in cattle production. Animal. 2023;17(Suppl 1):100745. PMID: 37567654.). The broad conclusion from these studies, was that the main factor determining blastocyst yield in vitro is the quality of the oocyte that goes into maturation while the main factor affecting blastocyst quality is the post-fertilisation culture environment. To a large degree, the developmental competence of the oocyte is ‘set’ once it is removed from the follicle and few, if any, protocols for in vitro maturation result in a consistent improvement in development above the typical 30-40% blastocyst rate (Lonergan and Fair 2016Lonergan P, Fair T. Maturation of Oocytes in Vitro. Annu Rev Anim Biosci. 2016;4(1):255-68. PMid:26566159.
). These results were subsequently extended by us (Lonergan et al., 2003aLonergan P, Rizos D, Gutierrez-Adán A, Moreira PM, Pintado B, de la Fuente J, Boland MP. Temporal divergence in the pattern of messenger RNA expression in bovine embryos cultured from the zygote to blastocyst stage in vitro or in vivo. Biol Reprod. 2003a;69(4):1424-31. PMid:12826577.
,bLonergan P, Rizos D, Kanka J, Nemcova L, Mbaye AM, Kingston M, Wade M, Duffy P, Boland MP. Temporal sensitivity of bovine embryos to culture environment after fertilization and the implications for blastocyst quality. Reproduction. 2003b;126(3):337-46. PMid:12968941.
) and others (Gad et al., 2012Gad A, Hoelker M, Besenfelder U, Havlicek V, Cinar U, Rings F, Held E, Dufort I, Sirard MA, Schellander K, Tesfaye D. Molecular mechanisms and pathways involved in bovine embryonic genome activation and their regulation by alternative in vivo and in vitro culture conditions. Biol Reprod. 2012;87(4):100. PMid:22811576.
) by carrying out reciprocal transfers between in vitro and in vivo culture conditions.

We carried out a series of studies in collaboration with Urban Besenfelder and Viteslav Havlicek from the University of Vienna, using Urban’s exquisite endoscopic transfer method, to place embryos (up to 50) into the oviducts of females in different metabolic states (nulliparous heifers, lactating and nonlactating postpartum cows) and were able to demonstrate that the ability of the oviduct to support early embryo development was compromised due to the metabolic stress associated with lactation (Rizos et al., 2010Rizos D, Carter F, Besenfelder U, Havlicek V, Lonergan P. Contribution of the female reproductive tract to low fertility in postpartum lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 2010;93(3):1022-9. PMid:20172222.
; Maillo et al., 2012Maillo V, Rizos D, Besenfelder U, Havlicek V, Kelly AK, Garrett M, Lonergan P. Influence of lactation on metabolic characteristics and embryo development in postpartum Holstein dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 2012;95(7):3865-76. PMid:22720941.
, 2015Maillo V, Gaora PÓ, Forde N, Besenfelder U, Havlicek V, Burns GW, Spencer TE, Gutierrez-Adan A, Lonergan P, Rizos D. Oviduct-embryo interactions in cattle: two-way traffic or a one-way street? Biol Reprod. 2015;92(6):144. PMid:25926440.
). More recently, we showed that this is likely, at least partly, due to altered embryonic genome activation (Rabaglino et al., 2023Rabaglino MB, Forde N, Besenfelder U, Havlicek V, Blum H, Graf A, Wolf E, Lonergan P. Maternal metabolic status and in-vitro culture conditions during embryonic genome activation deregulate the expression of energy-related genes in the bovine 16-cells embryo. PLoS One. 2023;18(8):e0290689. PMid:37624829.
). We also used the same model to understand asynchrony in the oviduct (Rodríguez-Alonso et al., 2020Rodríguez-Alonso B, Sánchez JM, Hamdi M, McDonald M, Havlicek V, Besenfelder U, Lonergan P, Rizos D. Asynchrony between the early embryo and the reproductive tract affects subsequent embryo development in cattle. Reprod Fertil Dev. 2020;32(6):564-71. PMid:32209207.
) and the effect of progesterone concentration on development to the blastocyst stage in vivo (Carter et al., 2010Carter F, Rings F, Mamo S, Holker M, Kuzmany A, Besenfelder U, Havlicek V, Mehta JP, Tesfaye D, Schellander K, Lonergan P. Effect of elevated circulating progesterone concentration on bovine blastocyst development and global transcriptome following endoscopic transfer of in vitro produced embryos to the bovine oviduct. Biol Reprod. 2010;83(5):707-19. PMid:20631399.

Together with Jim Roche, Niamh Forde and others we looked at the influence of circulating progesterone on various aspects of uterine biology and embryo development. The first of many papers from those studies described the endometrial transcriptome in heifers during the oestrous cycle and early pregnancy and how this is influenced by increasing progesterone concentrations after ovulation (Forde et al., 2009Forde N, Carter F, Fair T, Crowe MA, Evans AC, Spencer TE, Bazer FW, McBride R, Boland MP, O’Gaora P, Lonergan P, Roche JF. Progesterone-regulated changes in endometrial gene expression contribute to advanced conceptus development in cattle. Biol Reprod. 2009;81(4):784-94. PMid:19553605.
). This study led to many others through which we attempted to untangle the complex interplay between progesterone, uterine biology and pre-attachment conceptus development (Carter et al., 2010Carter F, Rings F, Mamo S, Holker M, Kuzmany A, Besenfelder U, Havlicek V, Mehta JP, Tesfaye D, Schellander K, Lonergan P. Effect of elevated circulating progesterone concentration on bovine blastocyst development and global transcriptome following endoscopic transfer of in vitro produced embryos to the bovine oviduct. Biol Reprod. 2010;83(5):707-19. PMid:20631399.
; Forde et al., 2010Forde N, Spencer TE, Bazer FW, Song G, Roche JF, Lonergan P. Effect of pregnancy and progesterone concentration on expression of genes encoding for transporters or secreted proteins in the bovine endometrium. Physiol Genomics. 2010;41(1):53-62. PMid:19996158.
, 2011aForde N, Carter F, Spencer TE, Bazer FW, Sandra O, Mansouri-Attia N, Okumu LA, McGettigan PA, Mehta JP, McBride R, O’Gaora P, Roche JF, Lonergan P. Conceptus-induced changes in the endometrial transcriptome: how soon does the cow know she is pregnant? Biol Reprod. 2011a;85(1):144-56. PMid:21349821.
,bForde N, Beltman ME, Duffy GB, Duffy P, Mehta JP, O’Gaora P, Roche JF, Lonergan P, Crowe MA. Changes in the endometrial transcriptome during the bovine estrous cycle: effect of low circulating progesterone and consequences for conceptus elongation. Biol Reprod. 2011b;84(2):266-78. PMid:20881316.
, 2012Forde N, Mehta JP, Minten M, Crowe MA, Roche JF, Spencer TE, Lonergan P. Effects of low progesterone on the endometrial transcriptome in cattle. Biol Reprod. 2012;87(5):124. PMid:23018184.
and others). For more details, see reviews by Spencer et al. (2016)Spencer TE, Forde N, Lonergan P. The role of progesterone and conceptus-derived factors in uterine biology during early pregnancy in ruminants. J Dairy Sci. 2016;99(7):5941-50. PMid:26387021.
, Lonergan et al. (2016)Lonergan P, Forde N, Spencer T. Role of progesterone in embryo development in cattle. Reprod Fertil Dev. 2016;28(1-2):66-74. PMid:27062875.
, and Lonergan and Sánchez (2020)Lonergan P, Sánchez JM. Symposium review: progesterone effects on early embryo development in cattle. J Dairy Sci. 2020;103(9):8698-707. PMid:32622590.

Progesterone priming of the uterus is essential for optimal pregnancy establishment. As the corpus luteum develops following ovulation, the uterus is exposed to increasing concentrations of progesterone which alter the transcriptome of the endometrium. By comparing the transcriptome of cyclic and pregnant bovine endometrium, it is clear that temporal changes in endometrial gene expression occur irrespective of whether the cow is pregnant or not and it is really only at the time of maternal recognition of pregnancy at around d 16 that major changes in gene expression are detectable between pregnancy and cyclic animals (Forde et al., 2011aForde N, Carter F, Spencer TE, Bazer FW, Sandra O, Mansouri-Attia N, Okumu LA, McGettigan PA, Mehta JP, McBride R, O’Gaora P, Roche JF, Lonergan P. Conceptus-induced changes in the endometrial transcriptome: how soon does the cow know she is pregnant? Biol Reprod. 2011a;85(1):144-56. PMid:21349821.
). An adequate rise in progesterone after ovulation drives these normal temporal changes that occur in the endometrial transcriptome of cattle that are necessary for the establishment of uterine receptivity and the promotion of conceptus development. Forde et al. (2009)Forde N, Carter F, Fair T, Crowe MA, Evans AC, Spencer TE, Bazer FW, McBride R, Boland MP, O’Gaora P, Lonergan P, Roche JF. Progesterone-regulated changes in endometrial gene expression contribute to advanced conceptus development in cattle. Biol Reprod. 2009;81(4):784-94. PMid:19553605.
described the global transcriptome of the endometrium from Day 5 to Day 16 in pregnant and cyclic cattle under conditions of normal and elevated progesterone and revealed how circulating concentrations of progesterone regulate endometrial genes. Those studies found that progesterone supplementation advances the normal temporal changes in endometrial gene expression, particularly for genes associated with energy sources or contributors to histotroph, which may contribute to advanced conceptus development on Day 13 and Day 16. In contrast, low progesterone was associated with an altered endometrial transcriptome and retarded conceptus elongation (Forde et al., 2011bForde N, Beltman ME, Duffy GB, Duffy P, Mehta JP, O’Gaora P, Roche JF, Lonergan P, Crowe MA. Changes in the endometrial transcriptome during the bovine estrous cycle: effect of low circulating progesterone and consequences for conceptus elongation. Biol Reprod. 2011b;84(2):266-78. PMid:20881316.
, 2012Forde N, Mehta JP, Minten M, Crowe MA, Roche JF, Spencer TE, Lonergan P. Effects of low progesterone on the endometrial transcriptome in cattle. Biol Reprod. 2012;87(5):124. PMid:23018184.
). Interestingly, the embryo does not have to be present in the uterus during the period of progesterone elevation in order to benefit from it (Clemente et al., 2009Clemente M, de La Fuente J, Fair T, Al Naib A, Gutierrez-Adan A, Roche JF, Rizos D, Lonergan P. Progesterone and conceptus elongation in cattle: a direct effect on the embryo or an indirect effect via the endometrium? Reproduction. 2009;138(3):507-17. PMID: 19556439.), supporting the concept that the positive effect on conceptus growth is mediated via progesterone-induced changes in the endometrial transcriptome.

Around the same time, we carried out one of the first RNA Seq studies on bovine embryos to describe the transcriptomic landscape of the developing embryo from the blastocyst stage on Day 7 to the elongated conceptus on Day 16 (Mamo et al., 2011Mamo S, Mehta JP, McGettigan P, Fair T, Spencer TE, Bazer FW, Lonergan P. RNA sequencing reveals novel gene clusters in bovine conceptuses associated with maternal recognition of pregnancy and implantation. Biol Reprod. 2011;85(6):1143-51. PMid:21795669.
) and combined these data with similar data from the endometrium to provide a comprehensive list of potentially secreted molecules in the conceptus that interact with receptors on the endometrium and vice versa during the critical window of maternal recognition of pregnancy (Mamo et al., 2012Mamo S, Mehta JP, Forde N, McGettigan P, Lonergan P. Conceptus-endometrium crosstalk during maternal recognition of pregnancy in cattle. Biol Reprod. 2012;87(1):6, 1-9. PMid:22517619.

We investigated conceptus-induced changes in the endometrial transcriptome to address the question of how soon the cow knows she is pregnant (Forde et al., 2011aForde N, Carter F, Spencer TE, Bazer FW, Sandra O, Mansouri-Attia N, Okumu LA, McGettigan PA, Mehta JP, McBride R, O’Gaora P, Roche JF, Lonergan P. Conceptus-induced changes in the endometrial transcriptome: how soon does the cow know she is pregnant? Biol Reprod. 2011a;85(1):144-56. PMid:21349821.
). By comparing endometria from cyclic or pregnant heifers on Days 5, 7, 13 and 16, the earliest we could detect differences between cyclic and pregnant animals was on Day 16, by which time most of the changes are due to conceptus-derived interferon-tau. Interestingly, interferon-tau (IFNT) mRNA is detectable in the bovine embryo from day 6 (late morula/early blastocyst stage) onwards (Wrenzycki et al., 1999Wrenzycki C, Herrmann D, Carnwath JW, Niemann H. Alterations in the relative abundance of gene transcripts in preimplantation bovine embryos cultured in medium supplemented with either serum or PVA. Mol Reprod Dev. 1999;53(1):8-18.<8::AID-MRD2>3.0.CO;2-K. PMid:10230812.
). Furthermore, bovine blastocysts secrete IFNT into culture medium in vitro (Larson et al., 2001Larson MA, Kimura K, Kubisch HM, Roberts RM. Sexual dimorphism among bovine embryos in their ability to make the transition to expanded blastocyst and in the expression of the signaling molecule IFN-tau. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2001;98(17):9677-82. PMid:11481449.
; Kubisch et al., 2004Kubisch HM, Sirisathien S, Bosch P, Hernandez-Fonseca HJ, Clements G, Liukkonen JR, Brackett BG. Effects of developmental stage, embryonic interferon-tau secretion and recipient synchrony on pregnancy rate after transfer of in vitro produced bovine blastocysts. Reprod Domest Anim. 2004;39(2):120-4. PMid:15065994.
). Culture of bovine endometrial explants in vitro with Day 8 blastocysts leads to an increase in the transcript abundance of several interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs; e.g., ISG15, MX2 etc), demonstrating that the endometrium can respond to blastocyst-derived IFNT. In contrast, exposure of explants to oocytes, 2-cell embryos or Day 5 morulae did not alter their relative abundance (Passaro et al., 2018Passaro C, Tutt D, Mathew DJ, Sanchez JM, Browne JA, Boe-Hansen GB, Fair T, Lonergan P. Blastocyst-induced changes in the bovine endometrial transcriptome. Reproduction. 2018;156(3):219-29. PMid:30021913.
, 2019Passaro C, Tutt D, Bagés-Arnal S, Maicas C, Laguna-Barraza R, Gutierrez-Adán A, Browne JA, Rath D, Behura SK, Spencer TE, Fair T, Lonergan P. Global transcriptomic response of bovine endometrium to blastocyst-stage embryos. Reproduction. 2019;158(3):223-35. PMid:31247587.
). While some authors, including us, failed to detect a response of the endometrium to pregnancy before approximately Day 15/16 (e.g., Forde et al., 2009Forde N, Carter F, Fair T, Crowe MA, Evans AC, Spencer TE, Bazer FW, McBride R, Boland MP, O’Gaora P, Lonergan P, Roche JF. Progesterone-regulated changes in endometrial gene expression contribute to advanced conceptus development in cattle. Biol Reprod. 2009;81(4):784-94. PMid:19553605.
), others have reported altered expression of several genes including ISGs by Day 7 (Sponchiado et al., 2017Sponchiado M, Gomes NS, Fontes PK, Martins T, Del Collado M, Pastore AA, Pugliesi G, Nogueira MFG, Binelli M. Pre-hatching embryo-dependent and -independent programming of endometrial function in cattle. PLoS One. 2017;12(4):e0175954. PMid:28423001.
). Thus, there is compelling evidence that the blastocyst as early as Day 7 produces IFNT and that this induces a response in the endometrium. However, whether this interaction has any significant role in pregnancy establishment is probably questionable given that it is possible to transfer embryos into a uterus up to about Day 16 and establish a pregnancy (Betteridge et al., 1980Betteridge KJ, Eaglesome MD, Randall GC, Mitchell D. Collection, description and transfer of embryos from cattle 10--16 days after oestrus. J Reprod Fertil. 1980;59(1):205-16. PMid:7401037.
). Indeed, we have shown that the effect of IFNT on the endometrium is very acute, with exposure for as little as 3 h in vitro increasing mRNA expression of a range of ISGs (Talukder et al., 2023Talukder AK, Rabaglino MB, Browne JA, Charpigny G, Lonergan P. Dose- and time-dependent effects of interferon tau on bovine endometrial gene expression. Theriogenology. 2023;211:1-10. PMID: 37549523.).

Conceptus elongation

The relationship between circulating progesterone and uterine receptivity has been well described (reviewed by Spencer et al., 2016Spencer TE, Forde N, Lonergan P. The role of progesterone and conceptus-derived factors in uterine biology during early pregnancy in ruminants. J Dairy Sci. 2016;99(7):5941-50. PMid:26387021.
; Lonergan and Sanchez, 2020). Elevated progesterone concentrations in the first week after conception have been associated with accelerated post-hatching conceptus elongation, mediated through advancement in the regular temporal changes in the uterine endometrial transcriptome (Forde et al., 2009Forde N, Carter F, Fair T, Crowe MA, Evans AC, Spencer TE, Bazer FW, McBride R, Boland MP, O’Gaora P, Lonergan P, Roche JF. Progesterone-regulated changes in endometrial gene expression contribute to advanced conceptus development in cattle. Biol Reprod. 2009;81(4):784-94. PMid:19553605.
) and alterations in the uterine lumen fluid (ULF) composition (Simintiras et al., 2019aSimintiras CA, Sánchez JM, McDonald M, Martins T, Binelli M, Lonergan P. Biochemical characterization of progesterone-induced alterations in bovine uterine fluid amino acid and carbohydrate composition during the conceptus elongation window. Biol Reprod. 2019a;100(3):672-85. PMid:30388203.

As stated above, the success of in vitro fertilization (IVF), where embryos are made in the laboratory, demonstrates that contact with the female reproductive tract is not necessary in order for the embryo to reach the hatched blastocyst stage. However, the characteristic elongation of the ruminant conceptus prior to implantation is dependent on secretions from the uterus as evidenced by the fact that it does not occur in vitro and does not occur in vivo in the absence of uterine glands (Gray et al., 2002Gray CA, Burghardt RC, Johnson GA, Bazer FW, Spencer TE. Evidence that absence of endometrial gland secretions in uterine gland knockout ewes compromises conceptus survival and elongation. Reproduction. 2002;124(2):289-300. PMid:12141942.
). This highlights the key role played by the uterine endometrium in driving the elongation process via endometrial secretions which compose the uterine lumen fluid. Temporal changes of the endometrial transcriptome and uterine fluid composition are necessary to establish uterine receptivity to implantation and, in turn, are pivotal to the success of pregnancy establishment. These modifications are regulated by conceptus-derived IFNT together with maternally-derived progesterone from the corpus luteum, to induce expression of genes in uterine luminal and superficial glandular epithelia for transport and/or secretion into the uterine lumen to support growth and development of the conceptus (Simintiras et al., 2019aSimintiras CA, Sánchez JM, McDonald M, Martins T, Binelli M, Lonergan P. Biochemical characterization of progesterone-induced alterations in bovine uterine fluid amino acid and carbohydrate composition during the conceptus elongation window. Biol Reprod. 2019a;100(3):672-85. PMid:30388203.
,bSimintiras CA, Sánchez JM, McDonald M, Lonergan P. Progesterone alters the bovine uterine fluid lipidome during the period of elongation. Reproduction. 2019b;157(4):399-411. PMid:30763281.
,cSimintiras CA, Sánchez JM, McDonald M, Lonergan P. The biochemistry surrounding bovine conceptus elongation. Biol Reprod. 2019c;101(2):328-37. PMid:31181571.
). Interestingly, elongation also appears to be associated with oocyte quality as we have observed over numerous studies that IVP blastocysts transferred in groups to the same uterus elongate at different rates. This is important because short (retarded) conceptuses have a different gene expression pattern to their longer age-matched counterparts (Barnwell et al., 2016Barnwell CV, Farin PW, Ashwell CM, Farmer WT, Galphin SP Jr, Farin CE. Differences in mRNA populations of short and long bovine conceptuses on Day 15 of gestation. Mol Reprod Dev. 2016;83(5):424-41. PMid:27013032.
, Ribeiro et al., 2016Ribeiro ES, Monteiro APA, Bisinotto RS, Lima FS, Greco LF, Ealy AD, Thatcher WW, Santos JEP. Conceptus development and transcriptome at preimplantation stages in lactating dairy cows of distinct genetic groups and estrous cyclic statuses. J Dairy Sci. 2016;99(6):4761-77. PMid:27016828.
) and such short conceptuses produce less IFNT and fail to elicit an appropriate response from the endometrium around the time of pregnancy recognition (Sánchez et al., 2019).

Beef on dairy

Despite working with embryos and IVF for all of my career, it is only relatively recently that we have had the opportunity to carry out some large-scale embryo transfer studies at a commercial scale (Crowe et al., 2024bCrowe AD, Sánchez JM, Moore SG, McDonald M, Rodrigues R, Morales MF, Orsi de Freitas L, Randi F, Furlong J, Browne JA, Rabaglino MB, Lonergan P, Butler ST. Fertility in seasonal-calving pasture-based lactating dairy cows following timed artificial insemination or timed embryo transfer with fresh or frozen in vitro-produced embryos. J Dairy Sci. 2024b;107(3):1788-804. PMid:37806631.
). These studies have been carried out in an era when the use of both sex-sorted dairy semen (to generate replacement females) and conventional beef semen (to generate all remaining pregnancies) is increasing in the dairy herd, facilitating genetic gain in replacement females while enhancing the beef value of surplus calves (reviewed by Crowe et al., 2021Crowe AD, Lonergan P, Butler ST. Invited review: use of assisted reproduction techniques to accelerate genetic gain and increase value of beef production in dairy herds. J Dairy Sci. 2021;104(12):12189-206. PMid:34538485.
). Although beef-cross calves have greater economic value than male dairy calves, further gains are potentially feasible through the transfer of purebred beef embryos.

Since 2017, the number of in vitro-produced (IVP) embryos transferred has surpassed the number derived by traditional superovulation, now accounting for approximately 80% of all bovine embryos produced and transferred (Viana, 2023Viana JHM. 2022 Statistics of embryo production and transfer in domestic farm animals: the main trends for the world embryo industry still stand. Embryo Technology Newsletter. 2023;41(4):20-38.). According to the latest data available from the International Embryo Technology Society, almost 1.2 million IVP embryos were transferred worldwide in 2022 compared to 370,000 in vivo derived embryos (Viana, 2023Viana JHM. 2022 Statistics of embryo production and transfer in domestic farm animals: the main trends for the world embryo industry still stand. Embryo Technology Newsletter. 2023;41(4):20-38.). Although issues with cryotolerance (i.e., freezability) of IVP embryos, embryo loss, and, in some cases, calf birth weight remain to be fully resolved, IVP embryos are likely here to stay as a tool for genetic improvement in dairy herds, offering increased flexibility in sire usage allowing multiple pregnancies from elite dam-bull combinations to be generated and the ability to produce more embryos per unit time than traditional superovulation.

To test the feasibility of using IVF in our seasonal pasture-based system of production in Ireland, we recently carried out a large-scale field trial to examine fertility in lactating dairy cows following timed AI or timed ET with fresh or frozen, beef or dairy, IVP embryos (Crowe et al., 2024bCrowe AD, Sánchez JM, Moore SG, McDonald M, Rodrigues R, Morales MF, Orsi de Freitas L, Randi F, Furlong J, Browne JA, Rabaglino MB, Lonergan P, Butler ST. Fertility in seasonal-calving pasture-based lactating dairy cows following timed artificial insemination or timed embryo transfer with fresh or frozen in vitro-produced embryos. J Dairy Sci. 2024b;107(3):1788-804. PMid:37806631.
). Pregnancy rates for embryos transferred fresh were comparable with those achieved after AI. However, consistent with other studies, embryonic loss was increased with IVP embryos compared to AI. A subsequent study (Crowe et al., ForthcomingCrowe AD, Sánchez JM, Moore SG, McDonald M, McCabe MS, Randi F, Lonergan P, Butler ST. Incidence and timing of pregnancy loss following timed artificial insemination or timed embryo transfer with a fresh or frozen in vitro-produced embryo. J Dairy Sci. Forthcoming.) examining the timing and incidence of pregnancy loss in the same cohort of cows from service event to parturition revealed that the largest proportion of pregnancy loss occurred before Day 18 (AI and ET). Pregnancy loss from Day 32 to Day 62 was greater following ET compared with AI, particularly with frozen embryos while losses after Day 62 were small (≤ 3.5%) in all groups. The percentage of cows that calved following fresh ET was similar to AI (both greater than frozen ET). Further work is clearly required to improve the likelihood of pregnancy establishment and reduce embryonic and fetal mortality following transfer of a cryopreserved IVP embryo. It is likely, based in recent studies, that some of this loss is due to delayed attachment in IVP embryos (Crowe et al., 2024aCrowe AD, Sánchez JM, Moore SG, McDonald M, Randi F, Santos A, Minela T, Branen J, Pursley JR, Lonergan P, Butler ST. Time to conceptus attachment and subsequent pregnancy loss in seasonal-calving pasture-based lactating dairy cows following timed artificial insemination with conventional or X-sorted semen or timed embryo transfer with frozen/thawed in vitro produced embryos. Reprod Fertil Dev. 2024a;36(1–2):149.)

Pregnancy loss in dairy cows is a major contributor to reproductive inefficiency at herd level (Wiltbank et al., 2016Wiltbank MC, Baez GM, Garcia-Guerra A, Toledo MZ, Monteiro PL, Melo LF, Ochoa JC, Santos JE, Sartori R. Pivotal periods for pregnancy loss during the first trimester of gestation in lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology. 2016;86(1):239-53. PMid:27238438.
; Berg et al., 2022Berg DK, Ledgard A, Donnison M, McDonald R, Henderson HV, Meier S, Juengel JL, Burke CR. The first week following insemination is the period of major pregnancy failure in pasture-grazed dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 2022;105(11):9253-70. PMid:36153157.
). Greater embryo mortality presents an obstacle to more widespread use of IVP embryos, particularly in seasonal systems of production with a compact breeding season. This is particularly true in seasonal, pasture-based systems of production with a short, well-defined, breeding season such as that operated in Ireland. In his paper, written as entertainment during the Covid-19 pandemic, Pete Hansen (Hansen, 2020Hansen PJ. The incompletely fulfilled promise of embryo transfer in cattle-why aren’t pregnancy rates greater and what can we do about it? J Anim Sci. 2020;98(11):skaa288. PMid:33141879.
) addressed the incompletely fulfilled promise of embryo transfer in cattle, asking why pregnancy rates are not greater than they are given that embryo transfer bypasses any potential issues relating to oocyte quality, fertilisation and oviduct function. Nonetheless, pregnancy success is generally similar for ET and AI. This would suggest that issues around embryo quality and/or technical improvements in the methodology of ET and recipient management still remain.


The world of animal reproductive biology is a small one; most of us know, or know of, each other (and most of us review each other’s papers!). I consider myself very lucky to have the job I have; I look forward to going to work every day. Through science, we have been able to visit virtually every corner of the globe and spend time with colleagues, many of whom have become close over the years. There are not a lot of jobs that offer such perks. Our knowledge of reproductive biology and the regulation of early embryo development in domestic animals has come on in leaps and bounds over the past three decades. However, there is still much to discover. My brother, Gerard, often teases me by asking why we have not yet solved the ‘problem’ of cow fertility. We’re too clever I tell him; sure, that would be like turkeys voting for Christmas!


Thanks to Marja Mikkola, Cesare Galli, Claire Ponsart, Pascal Salvetti, and Michel Thibier for help sourcing some old AETE proceedings. Thanks to the many students and post-docs with whom I have worked over the years and the few special ones that have gone on to become collaborators. I am proud of all the students with whom I have had the pleasure of working and am delighted to see some of them have remained in the field and become successful in their own right. Thanks also to excellent technical assistance at Lyons over the years including Mary Wade, Pat Duffy, and especially Michael McDonald who is central to all of our animal-based research. Thanks to all of my collaborators over the years; long may the collaboration continue! Thanks to my parents, Christy and Olive, for their support throughout my career and, of course, to Trudee and the ‘kids’, Tadhg, Hugh, Myles and Iseult for their love. Finally, I would like to thank again the board of AETE for giving me this honour.

  • Financial support: The author’s work has been funded over the years from a variety of sources including Science Foundation Ireland, Department of Agriculture, Food and The Marine, Irish Research Council, and the European Commission.
  • How to cite: Lonergan P. Embryo transfer: past, present, future – a personal perspective. Anim Reprod. 2024;21(3):e20240068.


  • Barnwell CV, Farin PW, Ashwell CM, Farmer WT, Galphin SP Jr, Farin CE. Differences in mRNA populations of short and long bovine conceptuses on Day 15 of gestation. Mol Reprod Dev. 2016;83(5):424-41. PMid:27013032.
  • Berg DK, Ledgard A, Donnison M, McDonald R, Henderson HV, Meier S, Juengel JL, Burke CR. The first week following insemination is the period of major pregnancy failure in pasture-grazed dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 2022;105(11):9253-70. PMid:36153157.
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  • Simintiras CA, Sánchez JM, McDonald M, Lonergan P. The biochemistry surrounding bovine conceptus elongation. Biol Reprod. 2019c;101(2):328-37. PMid:31181571.
  • Simintiras CA, Sánchez JM, McDonald M, Martins T, Binelli M, Lonergan P. Biochemical characterization of progesterone-induced alterations in bovine uterine fluid amino acid and carbohydrate composition during the conceptus elongation window. Biol Reprod. 2019a;100(3):672-85. PMid:30388203.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    16 Aug 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    20 May 2024
  • Accepted
    14 June 2024
Colégio Brasileiro de Reprodução Animal Coronel José dias Bicalho, 1224, CEP: , 31275-050, Belo Horizonte, MG - Brasil, Tel.: 55-31-3491 7122 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil