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Evolution over the last 40 years of the assisted reproductive technologies in cattle - the Brazilian perspective for embryo transfer and resynchronization programs (part II)


The productivity of the beef and dairy industries depends directly on the reproductive efficiency and genetic gain of the herd, which are directly associated with the appropriate use of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs). The objective of this review is to show from a Brazilian perspective the evolution over the last 40 years of ARTs related to ovulation resynchronization programs and embryo transfer in cattle. Despite significant improvements and high fertility obtained in timed artificial insemination (TAI) protocols (Sales et al., 2024 - Part I), the improvement of the use of in vitro-produced embryos, development of resynchronization programs, and the advance in Doppler ultrasonography (Doppler-US) for reproductive assessments of bovine females were the ARTs that presented the greatest relevance on reproductive effectiveness in cattle. In the last seven years, the embryo transfer (ET) technology using in vitro-produced (IVP) embryos took over the conventional ET of in vivo produced embryos after donor’s superovulation. Also, procedures and pregnancy rates after ET of IVP embryos were improved in dairy and beef operations. The Doppler-US allows the identification of non-pregnant females at an early stage based on the evaluation of blood perfusion of the corpus luteum. Recent studies in beef and dairy cows indicate satisfactory accuracy when Doppler-US is used at 20-22 days after TAI. Consequently, super-early resynchronization programs have been developed and are being implemented in commercial programs, thereby facilitating earlier conception through the use of semen from superior bulls, providing genetic and economic improvements in herds. Likewise, the assessment of luteal function by Doppler-US allows the selection of embryo recipients with greater receptivity, and consequently may increase the effectiveness of timed ET programs.

doppler; ovulation; estrus; resynchronization; embryo transfer

Colégio Brasileiro de Reprodução Animal Coronel José dias Bicalho, 1224, CEP: , 31275-050, Belo Horizonte, MG - Brasil, Tel.: 55-31-3491 7122 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil