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Labeled extracellular vesicles can be found in the blood plasma shortly after intrauterine infusion in bovine


This study explored the migration of follicular fluid (FF)-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) of the uterine environment to the bloodstream and their interaction with neutrophils in vivo and in vitro. For the in vivo experiment, six Nellore heifers (Bos indicus) received an intrauterine infusion seven days after ovulation with 1X PBS only (sham group; n=1), 1X PBS stained with lipophilic dye PKH26 (control group; n=2), or FF-derived EVs stained with PKH26 (treated group; n=3). Plasma was collected at 0, 10, 30, 60-, 180-, 360-, 720-, and 1440-min post-infusion to obtained EVs for analysis by nano flow cytometry. Labeled EVs were present in the bloodstream at 30- and 60-min post-infusion in the treatment group. Additionally, plasma derived-EVs from all groups were positive for Calcein-AM, Alix, Syntenin, and Calnexin, which confirm the presence of EVs. The second experiment utilized the plasma-derived EVs from the heifers from 30 and 60 min timepoints to evaluate if neutrophils can uptake EVs in vitro. As results, it was possible to observe the presence of labeled EVs in neutrophils treated with plasma derived-EVs from the treatment group. In summary, our results suggest that labeled EVs can migrate from the uterine environment rapidly and interact with circulating immune cells in bovine.

nanoparticles; migration; uterus; bovine; neutrophils


Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are involved in reproductive processes as mediators of intercellular communication (De Ávila et al., 2019De Ávila ACFCM, Andrade GM, Bridi A, Gimenes LU, Meirelles FV, Perecin F, Silveira JC. Extracellular vesicles and its advances in female reproduction. Anim Reprod. 2019;16(1):31-8.
). EVs are cargo-bearing nanoparticles released by cells into the extracellular space (Couch et al., 2021Couch Y, Buzàs EI, Di Vizio D, Gho YS, Harrison P, Hill AF, Lötvall J, Raposo G, Stahl PD, Théry C, Witwer KW, Carter DRF. A brief history of nearly EV-erything - The rise and rise of extracellular vesicles. J Extracell Vesicles. 2021;10(14):e12144. PMid:34919343.
). Once shed from the parent cell, EVs can migrate and deliver their cargo to recipient cells, eliciting biological responses (Crawford, 1971Crawford N. The presence of contractile proteins in platelet microparticles isolated from human and animal platelet-free plasma. Br J Haematol. 1971;21(1):53-69. PMid:4254312.
). EVs modulates processes, such as embryo development and immunomodulation (De Ávila et al., 2019De Ávila ACFCM, Andrade GM, Bridi A, Gimenes LU, Meirelles FV, Perecin F, Silveira JC. Extracellular vesicles and its advances in female reproduction. Anim Reprod. 2019;16(1):31-8.
) in important periods as maternal recognition of pregnancy (Bridi et al., 2021Bridi A, Andrade GM, del Collado M, Sangalli JR, de Ávila ACFCM, Motta IG, da Silva JCB, Pugliesi G, Silva LA, Meirelles FV, da Silveira JC, Perecin F. Small extracellular vesicles derived from in vivo- or in vitro-produced bovine blastocysts have different miRNAs profiles: implications for embryo-maternal recognition. Mol Reprod Dev. 2021;88(9):628-43. PMid:34402123.
). In ruminants, classical definition describes that maternal recognition of pregnancy stars around day 15; however, modulation of uterine transcriptome can start as early as day 7 in the presence of an embryo (Sponchiado et al., 2017Sponchiado M, Gomes NS, Fontes PK, Martins T, Del Collado M, Pastore AA, Pugliesi G, Nogueira MFG, Binelli M. Pre-hatching embryo-dependent and -independent programming of endometrial function in cattle. PLoS One. 2017;12(4):e0175954. PMid:28423001.
). As the pregnancy develops, this communication between mother and embryo passes from being a local event to be a systemic modulation in the maternal body (Oliveira et al., 2008Oliveira JF, Henkes LE, Ashley RA, Purcell SH, Smirnova NP, Veeramachaneni DN, Anthony RV, Hansen TR. Expression of Interferon (IFN)-stimulated genes in extrauterine tissues during early pregnancy in sheep is the consequence of endocrine IFN-τ release from the uterine vein. Endocrinology. 2008;149(3):1252-9. PMid:18063687.
). However, more studies are necessary to better understand the real contribution of an early modulation of pregnancy in cows. Notably, EVs may enhance embryo quality (Leal et al., 2022Leal CLV, Cañón-Beltrán K, Cajas YN, Hamdi M, Yaryes A, Millán de la Blanca MG, Beltrán-Breña P, Mazzarella R, da Silveira JC, Gutiérrez-Adán A, González EM, Rizos D. Extracellular vesicles from oviductal and uterine fluids supplementation in sequential in vitro culture improves bovine embryo quality. J Anim Sci Biotechnol. 2022;13(1):116. PMid:36280872.
), cellular proliferation and embryonic maternal communication (Kurian and Modi, 2019Kurian NK, Modi D. Extracellular vesicle mediated embryo-endometrial cross talk during implantation and in pregnancy. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2019;36(2):189-98. PMid:30362057.
; Bridi et al., 2021Bridi A, Andrade GM, del Collado M, Sangalli JR, de Ávila ACFCM, Motta IG, da Silva JCB, Pugliesi G, Silva LA, Meirelles FV, da Silveira JC, Perecin F. Small extracellular vesicles derived from in vivo- or in vitro-produced bovine blastocysts have different miRNAs profiles: implications for embryo-maternal recognition. Mol Reprod Dev. 2021;88(9):628-43. PMid:34402123.
). Cows exhibit EVs within their plasma throughout various stages of their reproductive cycle, exhibiting phenotypic variations (Pohler et al., 2017Pohler KG, Green JA, Moley LA, Gunewardena S, Hung WT, Payton RR, Hong X, Christenson LK, Geary TW, Smith MF. Circulating microRNA as candidates for early embryonic viability in cattle. Mol Reprod Dev. 2017;84(8):731-43. PMid:28643872.

However, most of the interactions are primarily described as local effects. There remains a gap in understanding whether EVs have the capacity to exit the uterus and interact with circulating immune cells in the maternal body. The hypothesis of the experiment is that labeled EVs can leave the uterine environment and interact with immune cells in the bloodstream of cows in the early days of the estrus cycle. Thus, the objective of this study is to investigate the ability of labeled EVs to migrate from the uterine environment to the systemic circulation and interact with immune cells on day 7 post-ovulation.


Experimental design

This study was divided into two experiments: first, we performed an in vivo experiment to analyze the exit of EVs from the uterus to the bloodstream. Nellore heifers (Bos indicus) with pre-ovulatory follicles received 2.5 mL of a synthetic GnRH analog (Ouro Fino, Sincrogest). Only the animals that ovulated 2 days after the GnRH injection were included in the experiment. Seven days post-ovulation, six heifers were divided aleatory into three groups: 1X PBS only (sham group; n=1), 1X PBS stained with lipophilic dye PKH26 (control group; n=2), follicular fluid (FF)-derived EVs stained with PKH26 (treated group; n=3). Day 7 after ovulation was chosen to approximate early pregnancy hormonal levels. Ten mL of FF was used to isolate EVs using ultracentrifugation method (De Ávila et al., 2020De Ávila ACFCM, Bridi A, Andrade GM, Del Collado M, Sangalli JR, Nociti RP, Silva WA Jr, Bastien A, Robert C, Meirelles FV, Perecin F, Silveira JC. Estrous cycle impacts microRNA content in extracellular vesicles that modulate bovine cumulus cell transcripts during in vitro maturation. Biol Reprod. 2020;102(2):362-75. PMid:31504242.
) for the intrauterine infusion. The EVs were stained with PKH26 (Sigma-Aldrich, MIDI26-1KT; 10 μL) according to the manufacturer instructions and loaded into a 0.25 mL straw. Epidural anesthesia was induced using 4 mL of lidocaine hydrochloride, and intrauterine infusion of EVs was performed into the ipsilateral uterine horn to the corpus luteum (CL). At 0, 30, 60, 180-, 360-, 720-, and 1440-min post-infusion, blood samples from the jugular vein were collected for isolation of EVs. Plasma derived-EVs were isolated by size exclusion chromatography (SEC; Izon qEV35) according to the manufacturer instructions and analyzed for presence of positive events/μL for PKH26 by nano flow cytometry (nFCM). Plasma derived-EVs were stained with calcein-AM (Sigma-Aldrich; 17783; 1 μM). EV immunophenotyping used Alix-PE (sc-53540; 1:50), CD81-PE (ab81436; 1:50), Syntenin (sc-515538; 1:50), and AF488 secondary antibody (A11001; 1:2000). Calnexin-AF488 (sc-376768; 1:50) detected contamination. Samples were analyzed by Cytoflex (Beckman Coulter). The second experiment was performed in vitro. Plasma-derived EVs obtained during the in vivo experiment were isolated by size exclusion chromatography and used to treat in vitro neutrophils from multiparous Nellore cows, aiming to analyze the EVs uptake by these cells. Neutrophils were isolated as previously described (Fiorenza et al., 2021Fiorenza MF, Marey MA, Rashid MB, Zinnah MA, Ma D, Morillo VA, Kusama K, Shimada M, Imakawa K, Antoniazzi AQ, Miyamoto A. Neutrophils recognize and amplify IFNT signals derived from day 7 bovine embryo for stimulation of ISGs expression in vitro: A possible implication for the early maternal recognition of pregnancy. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2021;553:37-43. PMid:33765557.
). The neutrophils were then treated with plasma derived-EVs collected at 30 and 60 minutes post-intrauterine infusion. After 180 min of culture, cells were harvested, fixed, stained with Hoechst 33342 DNA dye (Sigma-Aldrich; B2261) and mounted in a glass slide to be analyzed by fluorescence microscope (Leica Thunder 3D Imager DMi8), with a scale bar set to 50 µm. Hoechst was read in filter LED405 and PKH26 in Y3. The protocol was submitted to the University of São Paulo Research Ethics Committee (n˚ 1484220324). The present work was performed with the goal to describe the EVs dynamic in an in vivo experiment. Due to the experimental design, we did not perform any statistical analysis.


In vivo experiment

Nano flow cytometry of EVs from plasma

To observe the capacity of EVs infused in the uterus to arrive at the bloodstream, nFCM analysis was performed. The results demonstrated the presence of 1 positive event/µL in sham (Figure 1A). In the control group, we observed 0.75±0.05 and 0.57±0.17 positive events/ µL in 30 and 60 min, respectively (Figure 1A). In the treated group, it was possible to observe 4.15±1.53 and 3.65±1.01 positive events/µL for PKH26 after 30 and 60 min after intrauterine infusion, respectively. Additionally, we observed a lower number of PKH26 labeled EVs from 60 min until 1440 min (Figure 1A) in the treated group (Figure 1A). Positive events for Calcein-AM (Figure 1B), Alix (Figure 1C), Syntenin (Figure 1D) and Calnexin (Figure 1E) in all groups at different timepoints.

Figure 1
Nano flow cytometry analysis of plasma-derived extracellular vesicles. (A) nFCM analysis revealed the presence of PKH26-labeled EVs in plasma samples at 30- and 60-minutes post intrauterine infusion with EVs derived from FF, with a gradual decrease observed over time until 1440 minutes. (B) Positive events/uL for calcein-AM was present in all samples over time. (C, D, and E) All plasma derived-EVs isolated from the different groups had positive events for Alix, Syntenin and Calnexin.

In vitro experiment

Extracellular vesicles from the in vivo experiment can be uptake by neutrophils in vitro

After observing the presence of PKH26-labeled EVs in plasma following intrauterine infusion, our investigation delved into the potential interaction between these EVs and neutrophils. For this, neutrophils were treated with plasma-derived EVs from the in vivo experiment collected 30 and 60 min after intrauterine infusion due to their higher count of positive events/ µL in nFCM. It was possible to observe the presence of PKH26 labeled EVs in neutrophils treated with EVs derived from the treatment group 30 (Figure 2C) and 60 (Figure 2E), the same presence was not observed when neutrophils were treated with EVs derived from the sham (Figure 2A) and control group (Figure 2B-D).

Figure 2
Neutrophils treated with plasma-derived EVs from 30 to 60 min after intrauterine infusion. (A) Neutrophils treated with plasma derived-EVs collected 30 min after intrauterine infusion from the sham group, respectively. (B and C) Neutrophils treated with plasma derived-EVs collected 30 min after intrauterine infusion from the control and treated groups, respectively. (D and E) Neutrophils treated with plasma derived-EVs collected 60 min after intrauterine infusion from control and treated groups. Images were obtained using 10x magnification.


This study demonstrates, for the first time, the movement of EVs from the uterine environment to the bloodstream in bovine model. nFCM and immunofluorescence were used to detect PKH26-labeled EVs in plasma samples at various time points after intrauterine infusion. Furthermore, EVs isolated from plasma samples from cows that received intrauterine infusion of PKH26-labeled EVs were used to treat neutrophils, indicating their uptake by these cells. Despite limitations such as small animal numbers per group, PKH26 labeling efficiency, and low detection events in nFCM, it is notable that the sample volume used for plasma derived-EVs isolation represented only 0.0033% of total blood volume from a cow (Möllerberg et al., 1975Möllerberg L, Ekman L, Jacobsson SO. Plasma and blood volume in the calf from birth till 90 days of age. Acta Vet Scand. 1975;16(2):178-85. PMid:1180182.
). All treated animals showed increased PKH26-positive events at 30- and 60-minutes post-infusion. Additionally, plasm derived-EVs were positive for markers including Alix, Syntenin, Calcein-AM, and Calnexin, which confirm the presence of EVs in the isolate of all groups according to MISEV guidelines (Welsh et al., 2024Welsh JA, Goberdhan DCI, O’Driscoll L, Buzas EI, Blenkiron C, Bussolati B, Cai H, Di Vizio D, Driedonks TAP, Erdbrügger U, Falcon-Perez JM, Fu QL, Hill AF, Lenassi M, Lim SK, Mahoney MG, Mohanty S, Möller A, Nieuwland R, Ochiya T, Sahoo S, Torrecilhas AC, Zheng L, Zijlstra A, Abuelreich S, Bagabas R, Bergese P, Bridges EM, Brucale M, Burger D, Carney RP, Cocucci E, Crescitelli R, Hanser E, Harris AL, Haughey NJ, Hendrix A, Ivanov AR, Jovanovic-Talisman T, Kruh-Garcia NA, Ku’ulei-Lyn Faustino V, Kyburz D, Lässer C, Lennon KM, Lötvall J, Maddox AL, Martens-Uzunova ES, Mizenko RR, Newman LA, Ridolfi A, Rohde E, Rojalin T, Rowland A, Saftics A, Sandau US, Saugstad JA, Shekari F, Swift S, Ter-Ovanesyan D, Tosar JP, Useckaite Z, Valle F, Varga Z, van der Pol E, van Herwijnen MJC, Wauben MHM, Wehman AM, Williams S, Zendrini A, Zimmerman AJ, Théry C, Witwer KW. Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023): from basic to advanced approaches. J Extracell Vesicles. 2024;13(2):e12404. PMid:38326288.

Previous studies in mice demonstrated that administration for EVs can reach different tissues all over the body and have a fast clearance by immune cells, presenting a half-life of minutes and being removed after 30 to 60 min after intravenous administration (Takahashi et al., 2013Takahashi Y, Nishikawa M, Shinotsuka H, Matsui Y, Ohara S, Imai T, Takakura Y. Visualization and in vivo tracking of the exosomes of murine melanoma B16-BL6 cells in mice after intravenous injection. J Biotechnol. 2013;165(2):77-84. PMid:23562828.
; Lai et al., 2014Lai CP, Mardini O, Ericsson M, Prabhakar S, Maguire CA, Chen JW, Tannous BA, Breakefield XO. Dynamic biodistribution of extracellular vesicles in vivo using a multimodal imaging reporter. ACS Nano. 2014;8(1):483-94. PMid:24383518.
), corroborating with the results found in the present study. These findings are important to pave the role of EVs in the embryo-maternal communication outside the uterine environment and may contribute to the immune response during early pregnancy development.

In conclusion, the in vivo model experiment demonstrates that PKH26 labeled EVs can leave the uterine environment and may be detected in the bloodstream. Moreover, they interact with neutrophils, as demonstrated in the in vitro model.

  • Financial support: This work was supported by Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo #2019/06696-3; #2021/06645-0; #2022/01505-8; 2022/01433-7 and #2022/01235-0.
  • How to cite: Fiorenza MF, Bridi A, Santos G, Rosa PM, Alves L, Ferst JG, Ferraz PA, Pugliesi G, Pohler K, Perecin F, Meirelles FV, Silveira JC. Labeled extracellular vesicles can be found in the blood plasma shortly after intrauterine infusion in bovine. Anim Reprod. 2024;21(3):e20240064.


  • Bridi A, Andrade GM, del Collado M, Sangalli JR, de Ávila ACFCM, Motta IG, da Silva JCB, Pugliesi G, Silva LA, Meirelles FV, da Silveira JC, Perecin F. Small extracellular vesicles derived from in vivo- or in vitro-produced bovine blastocysts have different miRNAs profiles: implications for embryo-maternal recognition. Mol Reprod Dev. 2021;88(9):628-43. PMid:34402123.
  • Couch Y, Buzàs EI, Di Vizio D, Gho YS, Harrison P, Hill AF, Lötvall J, Raposo G, Stahl PD, Théry C, Witwer KW, Carter DRF. A brief history of nearly EV-erything - The rise and rise of extracellular vesicles. J Extracell Vesicles. 2021;10(14):e12144. PMid:34919343.
  • Crawford N. The presence of contractile proteins in platelet microparticles isolated from human and animal platelet-free plasma. Br J Haematol. 1971;21(1):53-69. PMid:4254312.
  • De Ávila ACFCM, Andrade GM, Bridi A, Gimenes LU, Meirelles FV, Perecin F, Silveira JC. Extracellular vesicles and its advances in female reproduction. Anim Reprod. 2019;16(1):31-8.
  • De Ávila ACFCM, Bridi A, Andrade GM, Del Collado M, Sangalli JR, Nociti RP, Silva WA Jr, Bastien A, Robert C, Meirelles FV, Perecin F, Silveira JC. Estrous cycle impacts microRNA content in extracellular vesicles that modulate bovine cumulus cell transcripts during in vitro maturation. Biol Reprod. 2020;102(2):362-75. PMid:31504242.
  • Fiorenza MF, Marey MA, Rashid MB, Zinnah MA, Ma D, Morillo VA, Kusama K, Shimada M, Imakawa K, Antoniazzi AQ, Miyamoto A. Neutrophils recognize and amplify IFNT signals derived from day 7 bovine embryo for stimulation of ISGs expression in vitro: A possible implication for the early maternal recognition of pregnancy. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2021;553:37-43. PMid:33765557.
  • Kurian NK, Modi D. Extracellular vesicle mediated embryo-endometrial cross talk during implantation and in pregnancy. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2019;36(2):189-98. PMid:30362057.
  • Lai CP, Mardini O, Ericsson M, Prabhakar S, Maguire CA, Chen JW, Tannous BA, Breakefield XO. Dynamic biodistribution of extracellular vesicles in vivo using a multimodal imaging reporter. ACS Nano. 2014;8(1):483-94. PMid:24383518.
  • Leal CLV, Cañón-Beltrán K, Cajas YN, Hamdi M, Yaryes A, Millán de la Blanca MG, Beltrán-Breña P, Mazzarella R, da Silveira JC, Gutiérrez-Adán A, González EM, Rizos D. Extracellular vesicles from oviductal and uterine fluids supplementation in sequential in vitro culture improves bovine embryo quality. J Anim Sci Biotechnol. 2022;13(1):116. PMid:36280872.
  • Möllerberg L, Ekman L, Jacobsson SO. Plasma and blood volume in the calf from birth till 90 days of age. Acta Vet Scand. 1975;16(2):178-85. PMid:1180182.
  • Oliveira JF, Henkes LE, Ashley RA, Purcell SH, Smirnova NP, Veeramachaneni DN, Anthony RV, Hansen TR. Expression of Interferon (IFN)-stimulated genes in extrauterine tissues during early pregnancy in sheep is the consequence of endocrine IFN-τ release from the uterine vein. Endocrinology. 2008;149(3):1252-9. PMid:18063687.
  • Pohler KG, Green JA, Moley LA, Gunewardena S, Hung WT, Payton RR, Hong X, Christenson LK, Geary TW, Smith MF. Circulating microRNA as candidates for early embryonic viability in cattle. Mol Reprod Dev. 2017;84(8):731-43. PMid:28643872.
  • Sponchiado M, Gomes NS, Fontes PK, Martins T, Del Collado M, Pastore AA, Pugliesi G, Nogueira MFG, Binelli M. Pre-hatching embryo-dependent and -independent programming of endometrial function in cattle. PLoS One. 2017;12(4):e0175954. PMid:28423001.
  • Takahashi Y, Nishikawa M, Shinotsuka H, Matsui Y, Ohara S, Imai T, Takakura Y. Visualization and in vivo tracking of the exosomes of murine melanoma B16-BL6 cells in mice after intravenous injection. J Biotechnol. 2013;165(2):77-84. PMid:23562828.
  • Welsh JA, Goberdhan DCI, O’Driscoll L, Buzas EI, Blenkiron C, Bussolati B, Cai H, Di Vizio D, Driedonks TAP, Erdbrügger U, Falcon-Perez JM, Fu QL, Hill AF, Lenassi M, Lim SK, Mahoney MG, Mohanty S, Möller A, Nieuwland R, Ochiya T, Sahoo S, Torrecilhas AC, Zheng L, Zijlstra A, Abuelreich S, Bagabas R, Bergese P, Bridges EM, Brucale M, Burger D, Carney RP, Cocucci E, Crescitelli R, Hanser E, Harris AL, Haughey NJ, Hendrix A, Ivanov AR, Jovanovic-Talisman T, Kruh-Garcia NA, Ku’ulei-Lyn Faustino V, Kyburz D, Lässer C, Lennon KM, Lötvall J, Maddox AL, Martens-Uzunova ES, Mizenko RR, Newman LA, Ridolfi A, Rohde E, Rojalin T, Rowland A, Saftics A, Sandau US, Saugstad JA, Shekari F, Swift S, Ter-Ovanesyan D, Tosar JP, Useckaite Z, Valle F, Varga Z, van der Pol E, van Herwijnen MJC, Wauben MHM, Wehman AM, Williams S, Zendrini A, Zimmerman AJ, Théry C, Witwer KW. Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023): from basic to advanced approaches. J Extracell Vesicles. 2024;13(2):e12404. PMid:38326288.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    26 Aug 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    13 May 2024
  • Accepted
    04 July 2024
Colégio Brasileiro de Reprodução Animal Coronel José dias Bicalho, 1224, CEP: , 31275-050, Belo Horizonte, MG - Brasil, Tel.: 55-31-3491 7122 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil