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Animal Reproduction, Volume: 21, Número: 4, Publicado: 2024
  • Evaluation of ARFI elastography for detecting active mastitis in sheep with previous fibrous lesions: a study of mammary parenchyma and supramammary lymph nodes Original Article

    Bonacin, Yuri da Silva; Santos, Victor José Correia; Maronezi, Marjury Cristina; Aires, Luiz Paulo Nogueira; Machado, Michele Pereira; Barbosa, Beatriz Longo; Santana, André Marcos; Del’Aguila-Silva, Priscila; Canola, Paulo Aléscio; Feliciano, Marcus Antônio Rossi; Marques, José Antônio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The aim of the study was to evaluate the use of Acustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) elastography in mammary parenchyma and supramammary lymph nodes, for detection of active mastitis in sheep with naturally infected chronic fibrous lesions. 27 female sheep were included and B-mode ultrasound and ARFI elastography images were obtained, acquiring qualitative (echogenicity and echotexture) and quantitative (shear rate, depth and short/long axis ratio) variables of 48 mammary glands. The glands were divided into three experimental groups: control group (CG) - healthy animals; LSCC- animals that presented fibrous lesions and SCC (somatic cell count) less than 500 x 103 cls/mL; HSCC: animals that presented fibrous lesions and SCC (somatic cell count) more than 500 x 103 cls/mL; The qualitative variables using B-mode ultrasonography, including echotexture and echogenicity, showed no significant differences between the evaluated groups and tissues (p = 0.9336 and p = 0.233, respectively) .In healthy areas of the gland, it was an increasing in shear wave velocity (SWV) in LSCC than in HSCC (p=0.04). When comparing the fibrosis in the LSCC and HSCC groups with their respective normal areas, the velocity increased in both groups: LSCC (p= 0,0007) and HSCC (p= 0,0001). When comparing the areas of fibrosis in LSCC and HSCC with the CG parenchyma, there was an increase in LSCC (p=0.001) and HSCC (p=0.0001). B-mode ultrasound indicate predominance of hypoechoic echogenicity in lymph nodes and reduced short/long axis ratio in cases of active subclinical mastitis. The supramammary lymph node showed increased SWV when comparing the CG with HSCC groups (p=0.02) and GC with LSCC (p=0.04). B-mode ultrasonography is useful for evaluating the mammary parenchyma, however, its application as a standalone diagnostic technique is not recommended. ARFI elastography indicates potential cutoff points for differentiating subclinical mastitis from healed mastitis, highlighting its importance as a tool for distinguishing normal areas from fibrous parenchymal areas. While this study did not establish specific cutoff points due to sample size limitations, further research with larger sample sizes could explore and define these critical thresholds.
  • Sterilization of free-ranging female capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris): a comparison between two surgical techniques Original Article

    Jorge, Fabiana Morse Gosson; Passos-Nunes, Fernanda Battistella; Jorge-Neto, Pedro Nacib; Donoso, Flavia Maria Pia Montenegro; Nunes, Mariana Passos; Steiner, Alexia Gazzola; Labruna, Marcelo Bahia; Roman, Ana Clara Kohara; Cristofoli, Marilú; Alcobaça, Mayla Magalhães de Oliveira; Pizzutto, Cristiane Schilbach; Assis Neto, Antonio Chaves de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This study evaluated two surgical sterilization techniques in free-ranging female capybaras (n = 21). The first group underwent uterine horn ligature (HL; n = 11), while the second was subjected to partial salpingectomy (S; n = 10). We assessed total operative time, incision length, the ease of identifying reproductive structures, the adequacy of exposure for surgical performance through flank or midline approaches, and the extent of abdominal viscera manipulation for each method. The HL method emerged as faster, with an average operative time difference of 16 minutes. In the S group, a flank mini-laparotomy over the ovarian topography facilitated easy exposure of the ipsilateral ovary and uterine tube, enabling ligature and partial resection of the uterine tube but not the uterine horn exposure. However, accessing the contralateral uterine tube without a bilateral incision was impractical, thus prolonging the total operative time due to the need for patient repositioning and new antisepsis procedures. Conversely, a post-umbilical approach for the HL method necessitated only one mini-laparotomy incision, offering ample uterine exposure for hysterotomy in pregnant females. Both methods involved minimal abdominal viscera manipulation and resulted in no fatalities or postoperative complications. Although direct comparison is limited by the distinct sterilization techniques and surgical approaches, this study underscores the challenges and surgical access of each method. Our findings endorse the HL technique as an effective contraception method for female capybaras to prevent the birth of seronegative offspring that could amplify Rickettsia sp., the causative agent of Brazilian spotted fever.
Colégio Brasileiro de Reprodução Animal Coronel José dias Bicalho, 1224, CEP: , 31275-050, Belo Horizonte, MG - Brasil, Tel.: 55-31-3491 7122 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil