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Biochemical and hematological characterization of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas Schinz, 1822) juveniles fed with different nutritional feeding systems


The aimed of this study was to evaluate the influence of dietary protein levels on the biochemical and hematological parameters of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas). A total of 60 pirarucus specimens were used with an initial average weight of 499 ± 36 g and an initial average length of 40.30 ± 10.10 cm, stocked with densities of four pirarucus per fish tank network 48 m2 of water surface. Feed was provided three times a day (8 am, 1 and 6 pm), with five different levels of crude protein (CP) in diet: 34, 36; 38 and 40 and 45% CP. The fish were euthanized at 310 experimental days with an average of 8.0 ± 1.0 kg of body weight. Blood samples were collected by tail vessel venipuncture, divided into two aliquots 2 mL and used for determination of biochemical levels and blood count. The results were submitted to analysis of variance and regression for CP levels, with the results showed as averages followed by the standard deviation. Orthogonal contrasts were applied to verify linear and quadratic effects at 5% significance. It was observed that the parameters referring to the blood count, given by erythrocytes, hemoglobin, packed cell volume, MCV, HCM, CHCM, glucose and total proteins showed no differences between the different diets. The average values of total proteins were 3.80 ± 0.30 g L-1, glucose and triglycerides shown averages 43.45 ± 5.65 and 56.98 ± 5.80 mg dL-1, respectively. The maximum cholesterol level 120.00 ± 13.33 mg dL-1 was obtained at the 35.4% CP level in the growth phase. Protein levels in diet influenced the cholesterol levels in the pirarucu growth phase, however, they did not influence the other biochemical and hematological parameters.

srapaimidae; blood count; hematological parameters; fish farming; protein diet


The Rondônia state produced 90 thousand tons of fish in year 2018, although has experienced consecutive reductions in production due to commercial collapse, saturation of the domestic market and consequent sanitary problems (Pinheiro et al., 2023Pinheiro, M. M. L., Santos, B. L. T., Dantas Filho, J. V., Pedroti, V. P., Cavali, J., Santos, R. B., ... Schons, S. V. (2023). First monitoring of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in freshwater from fish farms in Rondônia state, Brazil. Heliyon, 9(8), e18518. DOI:
). However, it became the largest producer of native species even with a considerable reduction in crops due to the high production cost (Dantas Filho et al., 2022Dantas Filho, J. V., Santos, G. B., Hurtado, F. B., Mira, Á. B., Schons, S. V., & Cavali, J. (2022). Minerals, omegas, and lipid quality in mechanically separated meat from Arapaima gigas filleting residue. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias , 17(4), e2760. DOI:
; Cavali, Marmentini, Dantas Filho, Pontuschka, & Schons, 2022Cavali, J., Marmentini, R. P., Dantas Filho, J. V., Pontuschka, R. P., & Schons, S. V. (2022). Fatty acid profile, omegas, and lipid quality in commercial cuts of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818) cultivated in ponds. Boletim do Instituto de Pesca, 48, e700. DOI:
). In year 2018, the opening of two new refrigerating plants with certification from the federal inspection service took place, even so, production reduced to 57.2 thousand tons of fish in year 2022 (Associação Brasileira da Piscicultura [Peixe BR], 2023Associação Brasileira da Piscicultura [Peixe BR]. (2023). Anuário 2023: peixe BR da piscicultura. A força do peixe brasileiro. Pinheiros, SP: Peixe BR.). Currently, Rondônia is the 3rd largest fish producer and the largest native species in Brazil, corresponding to 47% of all native fish cultivated in Brazil (Peixe BR, 2023Associação Brasileira da Piscicultura [Peixe BR]. (2023). Anuário 2023: peixe BR da piscicultura. A força do peixe brasileiro. Pinheiros, SP: Peixe BR.).

Pirarucu Arapaima gigas (Schinz, 1822) is a prominent species in Rondônia state and is endemic to the Amazon basin, which mainly inhabits floodplain lakes and flooded forests. It has mandatory air breathing and can reach 200 kg of body mass and 3 m in length (Catâneo et al., 2022Catâneo, D. T. B. S., Ximenes, A. M., Garcia-Davila, C. R., Van Damme, P. A., Pagotto, R. C., Vitule, J. R. S., … Doria, C. R. C. (2022). Elucidating a history of invasion: population genetics of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas, Actinopterygii, Arapaimidae) in the Madeira River. Hydrobiologia, 849(16), 3617-3632. DOI:
). This fish is considered a traditional delicacy of Amazonian cuisine and a sought-after fishing resource (Dantas Filho et al., 2022Dantas Filho, J. V., Santos, G. B., Hurtado, F. B., Mira, Á. B., Schons, S. V., & Cavali, J. (2022). Minerals, omegas, and lipid quality in mechanically separated meat from Arapaima gigas filleting residue. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias , 17(4), e2760. DOI:
; Cavali et al., 2023Cavali, J., Dantas Filho, J. V., Nunes, C. T., Ferreira, E., Pontuschka, R. B., Zanella, R., & Souza, M. L. R. (2023). Fatty acid profile, omegas and lipid quality in commercial cuts of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas Schinz, 1822) cultivated in excavated tanks. Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences , 45(1), e61186. DOI:
). This fish has a carnivorous habit, and is one of the five most commercialized species in Amazon, has characteristics conducive to cultivation, such as a high growth rate (up to 10 kg in the first year), high rusticity in handling, adaptability to artificial feeding and high carcass utilization (51-57%) (Coutinho et al., 2019Coutinho, N. M., Canto, A. C. V. C. S., Mársico, E. T., Silva, F. A., Keller, L. A. M., Conte-Junior, C. A., & Monteiro, M. L. G. (2019). Fatty acid composition and influence of temperature on the lipid stability of Arapaima gigas meat. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, 22, e2018132. DOI:
). In addition, it is a kind of obligatory air respiration, and this characteristic facilitates its creation, in high storage densities, as well as in low concentrations of dissolved oxygen in the water (Catâneo et al., 2022Catâneo, D. T. B. S., Ximenes, A. M., Garcia-Davila, C. R., Van Damme, P. A., Pagotto, R. C., Vitule, J. R. S., … Doria, C. R. C. (2022). Elucidating a history of invasion: population genetics of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas, Actinopterygii, Arapaimidae) in the Madeira River. Hydrobiologia, 849(16), 3617-3632. DOI:

Pirarucu is a fish of great economic importance for the North region and was close to extinction in some regions, due to its intense exploitation. Therefore, environmental authorities have considered that natural populations of pirarucu are in danger of extinction. In order to reduce the effects of overfishing, government authorities created several restrictions on its exploitation, for example, indicating the minimum size allowed for capture (150 cm) and prohibiting fishing during the reproduction period of the species (closed season) (Martins, Franco, Dantas Filho, & Freitas, 2020Martins, L. P., Franco, V., Dantas Filho, J. V., & Freitas, C. O. (2020). Viabilidade econômica para o cultivo do tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) em viveiro escavado no município de Urupá - Rondônia. Revista de Administração e Negócios da Amazônia, 12(2), 64-89. DOI:
; Sousa et al., 2022Sousa, R. G. C., Pereira, L. S., Cintra, M. A., Freitas, C. E. C., Mereles, M. A., Zacardi, D. M., … Vitule, J. R. S. (2022). Status of Arapaima spp. in Brazil: threatened in its places of origin, a rapidly spreading invader elsewhere. Management of Biological Invasions, 13(4), 631-643. DOI:
; Pontuschka et al., 2022Pontuschka, R. B., Araujo, A. T., Silva, M. Á. C., Dantas Filho, J. V., Marmentini, R. P., Schons, S. V., & Cavali, J. (2022). Hygienic and sanitary characteristics of dry salted fish marketed in Porto Velho city, Rondônia - Brasil. Acta Veterinaria Brasilica, 16(3), 232-241. DOI:
). Pirarucu has occupied space in world trade, due to its excellent biological characteristics and zoological methods (Dantas Filho et al., 2022Dantas Filho, J. V., Santos, G. B., Hurtado, F. B., Mira, Á. B., Schons, S. V., & Cavali, J. (2022). Minerals, omegas, and lipid quality in mechanically separated meat from Arapaima gigas filleting residue. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias , 17(4), e2760. DOI:
), as well as excellent meat quality (Cortegano et al., 2017Cortegano, C. A. A., Godoy, L. C., Petenuci, M. E., Visentainer, J. V., Affonso, E. G., & Gonçalves, L. U. (2017). Nutritional and lipid profiles of the dorsal and ventral muscles of wild pirarucu. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 52(4), 271-276. DOI:
; Cavali et al., 2023Cavali, J., Dantas Filho, J. V., Nunes, C. T., Ferreira, E., Pontuschka, R. B., Zanella, R., & Souza, M. L. R. (2023). Fatty acid profile, omegas and lipid quality in commercial cuts of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas Schinz, 1822) cultivated in excavated tanks. Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences , 45(1), e61186. DOI:

In order to assist in the advancement of fish farming, hematology emerges as an important tool, because hematological studies in fish are of ecological and physiological interest, and can help in understanding the relationship between blood characteristics, phylogeny, physical activity, habitat and the adaptability of fish to the environment, be it natural or farmed (Drumond et al., 2010Drumond, G. V. F., Caixeiro, A. P. A., Tavares-Dias, M., Marcon, L. J., & Affonso, E. G. (2010). Características bioquímicas e hematológicas do pirarucu Arapaima gigas Schinz, 1822 (Arapaimidae) de cultivo semi-intensivo na Amazônia. Acta Amazonica, 40(3), 591-596. DOI:
; Batalha et al., 2017Batalha, O. S., Alfaia, S. S., Cruz, F. G. G., Jesus, R. S., Rufino, J. P. F., & Costa, V. R. (2017). Digestibility and physico-chemical characteristics of acid silage meal made of pirarucu waste in diets for commercial laying hens. Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, 39(3), 251-257. DOI:
). These biochemical tests can used for the diagnosis of diseases, indicators of the physiological and nutritional status and handling stress of the fish (Tavares-Dias, Affonso, Oliveira, Marcon, & Egami, 2008Tavares-Dias, M., Affonso, E. G., Oliveira, S. R., Marcon, J. L., & Egami, M. I. (2008). Comparative study on hematological parameters of farmed matrinxã, Brycon amazonicus Spix and Agassiz, 1829 (Characidae: Bryconinae) with others Bryconinae species. Acta Amazonica , 38(4), 799-806. DOI:
). Because, the study of blood cells has become fundamental for diagnosing infectious diseases, leukemias and environmental stress (Hoshino et al., 2017Hoshino, M. D. F. G., Marinho, R. G. B., Pereira, D. F., Yoshioka, E. T. O., Tavares-Dias, M., Ozório, R. O. A., ... Faria, F. S. E. D. V. (2017). Hematological and biochemical responses of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas, Arapaimidae) fed with diets containing a glucomannan product derived from yeast and algae. Acta Amazonica , 47(2), 87-94. DOI:

Bearing in mind that knowledge of the relationship between blood parameters, the diet offered and productive development can a fundamental part of successful fish nutrition and disease diagnosis. The aimed of this study was to evaluate the influence of dietary protein levels on biochemical (blood glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides) and hematological parameters (erythrocytes, hemoglobin, packed cell volume, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) cultivated in an excavated tank.

Material and methods

The study was conducted at the Carlos Eduardo Matiazze Fish Farm Research Center, Universidade Federal de Rondônia (UNIR), located in Presidente Médici city, Rondônia State, Brazil. The research was approved by the Committee for Ethics in the Use of Animals (Ceua/Unir) under protocol No. 0012/2021. Initially, the fingerlings were stocked in tank network, they had an initial weight of 40.30 ± 10.10 g, were fed with ration 40% crude protein (CP) and 8% of live weight, being fed four times a day, during 310 experimental days.

After the storage period, the initial biometry was performed to start the experiment. A total of 60 pirarucu specimens were used with an initial average weight of 499 ± 36 g and an initial average length of 40.30 ± 10.10 cm. Pirarucus were stocked at a density of four fish per tank network. A total of 15 tank networks used in the study had an area of 48 m2, made of PVC-coated galvanized screen, in Brazil it is specific for excavated tanks, with a total area for cultivation of 720 m2. Initial and final biometrics were performed, using an analytical scale, calipers and measuring tape, to verify the productive performance of the fish. The feeding rate occurred three times a day (8 am, 1 and 6 pm), composed of different CP contents, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 45% (Table 1).

Table 1
Centesimal composition1 of standardized commercial diet (based on dry matter) offered to juveniles of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas).

During the experimental period, water quality was monitored weekly in terms of parameters: hydrogen potential (pH), dissolved oxygen in water (mg L-1), electrical conductivity (μs cm-1) and water temperature (ºC) in situ, according to the suggestions by Opiyo et al. (2018Opiyo, M. A., Marijani, E., Muendo, P., Odede, R., Leschen, W., & Charo-Karisa, H. (2018). A review of aquaculture production and health management practices of farmed fish in Kenya. International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medicine, 6(2), 141-148. DOI:
). The amount of feed provided to the fish was changed (Table 2) according to the weight during the growth phase (Bezerra, Souza, Melo, & Campeche, 2014Bezerra, S. K., Souza, R. C., Melo, J. F. B., & Campeche, D. F. B. (2014). Crescimento de tambaqui alimentado com diferentes niveis de farinha de manga e proteína na ração. Archivos de Zootecnia, 63(244), 587-598. DOI:

Blood samples were collected by tail venipuncture, with the aid of 5 mL disposable syringes, blood collection was performed according to the methodology of Drummond, Caixeiro, Tavares-Dias, Marcon, and Affonso (2010) and Paiva (2013Paiva, M. S. T. R. (2013). Métodos para análise hematológica em peixes. Maringá, PR: Eduem. ). The total volume of blood collected was 6 mL, a total of 2 mL of which were destined for the Erythrogram in a tube containing EDTA, 2 mL for the analysis of Glucose with citrate anticoagulant, and 2 mL in a dry tube for carrying out the plasmatic levels of glucose, triglycerides and proteins totals. With the data obtained from the average erythrocytes, hemoglobin rate and percentage of hematocrit, the hematimetric indices, VCM (Mean Corpuscular Volume) and MCH (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin) and biochemical parameters, blood glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides and total protein were calculated (Hoshino et al., 2017Hoshino, M. D. F. G., Marinho, R. G. B., Pereira, D. F., Yoshioka, E. T. O., Tavares-Dias, M., Ozório, R. O. A., ... Faria, F. S. E. D. V. (2017). Hematological and biochemical responses of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas, Arapaimidae) fed with diets containing a glucomannan product derived from yeast and algae. Acta Amazonica , 47(2), 87-94. DOI:
). Before blood collection, the pirarucus were fasted for 12 hours and captured with a fishing net, transported in raffia bags and kept in a 250 L tank, under the administration of anesthetic desensitization with 5% Benzocaine. Then, blood collection was carried out at 9 am in two pirarucu per tank network (Figure 1).

After the venipuncture procedure, the samples were homogenized in high precision, aliquots of blood samples were centrifuged in a vortex shaker and shaken for 10 min. at a high speed of 3000 rpm. Subsequently, the aliquots were stored in a cooler with ice to analyzed in laboratory. The method used was that of Coller for hemoglobin and erythrocytes, for the hematocrit where the VCM, HCM and CHCM indices are analyzed, the Golenfarb method was used, Trinder enzymatic methods were used for cholesterol and triglycerides, the God-Trinder method for glucose and the Biuret for total proteins (Andrade et al., 2007Andrade, J. I. A., Ono, E. A., Menezes, G. C., Brasil, E. M., Roubach, R., Urbinati, E. C., … Affonso, E. G. (2007). Influence of diets supplemented with vitamins C and E on pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) blood parameters. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 146(4), 576-580. DOI:
; Drumond et al., 2010Drumond, G. V. F., Caixeiro, A. P. A., Tavares-Dias, M., Marcon, L. J., & Affonso, E. G. (2010). Características bioquímicas e hematológicas do pirarucu Arapaima gigas Schinz, 1822 (Arapaimidae) de cultivo semi-intensivo na Amazônia. Acta Amazonica, 40(3), 591-596. DOI:

The results were submitted to analysis of variance and regression for crude protein (CP) levels, with the results of biochemical determination and blood count showed as averages followed by standard deviation. Orthogonal contrasts were applied to verify the linear and quadratic effects at 5% significance, using the Genes software (Cruz, 2013Cruz, C. D. (2013). Genes: a software package for analysis in experimental statistics and quantitative genetics. Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy, 35(3), 271-276. DOI:

Table 2
Dietary nutritional differences in relation to crude protein (CP) levels offered to juveniles of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas).

Figure 1
Blood collection procedures, weight and morphometric measurements. (A) juveniles of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) desensitized to avoid stress; (B) and (C) Blood collect by tail vessel venipuncture; (D) Blood collected and immediately will be separated into different aliquots sent to biochemical and hematological analysis.


During this current study, the tank network water quality parameters showed average values 7.65 ± 0.12 pH, 5.15 ± 0.55 mg L-1 oxygen dissolved, 108.30 ± 7.06 µs cm-1 electrical conductivity and 29, 5 ± 0.5ºC in situ temperature.

Regarding the blood parameters given by erythrocytes, hemoglobin, packed cell volume, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), glucose, total proteins and triglycerides did not shown differences (p > 0 .05) between treatments. The glucose and triglycerides content did not vary with the different feeding systems in the pirarucu growth phase (p > 0.05), with averages of 43.45 ± 4.65 mg dL-1 for glucose and 56.98 ± 5 .80 mg dL-1 triglycerides (Table 3). With regard to cholesterol values, there was a statistical difference (p < 0.05) between the different levels of CP tested, it is noteworthy that in the C feeding system, the Ration reduced CP and maintained the EE content.

Table 3
Biochemical and hematological parameters as a function of the different crude protein levels (CP) of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) juveniles feeding.


The water quality parameters of the excavated tank administered in the current study remained adequate to the average values recommended for the raised of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) (Tavares-Dias & Moraes, 2007Tavares-Dias, M., & Moraes, F. R. (2007). Haematological and biochemical reference intervals for farmed channel catfish. Journal of Fish Biology, 71(2), 383-388. DOI:
; Cavali et al., 2020Cavali, J., Dantas Filho, J. V., Nóbrega, B. A., Andrade, L. H. V., Pontuschka, R. B., Gasparotto, P. H. G., ... Porto, M. O. (2020). Benefits of adding virginiamycin to Arapaima gigas (Schinz, 1822) diet cultivated in the Brazilian amazon. Scientifica, 2020, 5953720. DOI:
). The results for the hematological variables observed in the current study corroborate those obtained by Santos et al. (2010Santos, M. Q. C., Oishi, C. A., Pereira Filho, M., Lima, M. A. C., Ono, E. A., & Affonso, E. G. (2010). Physiological response and performance of tambaqui fed with diets supplemented with Amazonian nut. Ciência Rural, 40(10), 2181-2185. DOI:
), who evaluated the physiological state of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) juveniles fed diets containing levels of inclusion of Amazonian nuts as a protein source. These authors concluded that it is possible to add up to a 30% variation in the protein contents in diets for this species, without compromising the physiological homeostasis. On the other hand, they disagree with the results found by Padua, Silva, Pádua, and Urbinati (2009Padua, D. M. C., Silva, P. C., Pádua, J. T., & Urbinati, E. C. (2009). Respostas fisiológicas do pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), alimentado com rama de mandioca (Manihot esculenta) na ração. Ciência Animal Brasileira, 10(2), 385-396. DOI:
), who found changes in hemoglobin and hematocrit levels in pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) fed different levels of cassava branches and crude protein (CP) levels in the diets. For the authors, this behavior characterizes an interaction between the CP content and hemoglobin biosynthesis.

The fact that the digestible energy : crude protein (DE: CP) ratio is higher, a ratio of 11:1 in the supply levels of protein A, B and C, regardless of the level of CP supplied reaches 40%. This may have favored an increase in cholesterol with a maximum value 120 mg dL-1 at the level 35.4% CP. This result may related to the fact that pirarucu has enough energy (4300 kcal kg-1) available for this growth phase, in addition to the excess CP being a precursor of cholesterol through cholesterol biosynthesis (Drumond et al., 2010Drumond, G. V. F., Caixeiro, A. P. A., Tavares-Dias, M., Marcon, L. J., & Affonso, E. G. (2010). Características bioquímicas e hematológicas do pirarucu Arapaima gigas Schinz, 1822 (Arapaimidae) de cultivo semi-intensivo na Amazônia. Acta Amazonica, 40(3), 591-596. DOI:
). However, although the glucose and triglycerides parameters did not showed statistical differences (p > 0.05) between the nutritional levels, a numerical increase was observed in average values of these variables in the feeding system C. This non-significant result in cholesterol levels can understood that the diet provided was isocaloric, especially in relation to etheral extract.

The evaluation of blood parameters allows a quick detection of the stress that the culture environment can impose on the fish (Tavares-Dias et al., 2008Tavares-Dias, M., Affonso, E. G., Oliveira, S. R., Marcon, J. L., & Egami, M. I. (2008). Comparative study on hematological parameters of farmed matrinxã, Brycon amazonicus Spix and Agassiz, 1829 (Characidae: Bryconinae) with others Bryconinae species. Acta Amazonica , 38(4), 799-806. DOI:
). Furthermore, this information can managed by veterinary inspection to assess and control the physiological fish state, standardizing ideal conditions for the cultivation of each species (Batalha et al., 2017Batalha, O. S., Alfaia, S. S., Cruz, F. G. G., Jesus, R. S., Rufino, J. P. F., & Costa, V. R. (2017). Digestibility and physico-chemical characteristics of acid silage meal made of pirarucu waste in diets for commercial laying hens. Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, 39(3), 251-257. DOI:
; Pedrosa et al., 2019Pedrosa, R. U., Mattos, B. O., Pereira, D. S. P., Rodrigues, M. L., Braga, L. G. T., & Fortes-Silva, R. (2019). Effects of feeding strategies on growth, biochemical parameters and waste excretion of juvenile arapaima (Arapaima gigas) raised in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). Aquaculture, 500, 562-568. DOI:
). One of the main indicators of environmental stress in fish is cholesterol levels (Hoshino et al., 2017Hoshino, M. D. F. G., Marinho, R. G. B., Pereira, D. F., Yoshioka, E. T. O., Tavares-Dias, M., Ozório, R. O. A., ... Faria, F. S. E. D. V. (2017). Hematological and biochemical responses of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas, Arapaimidae) fed with diets containing a glucomannan product derived from yeast and algae. Acta Amazonica , 47(2), 87-94. DOI:
). High cholesterol is linked to serious health problems like heart disease, angina pectoris, etc. Remember that coronary disease is caused by narrowing of the arteries (arteriosclerosis) that supply blood to the heart. Fat deposits such as cholesterol and other waste products build up inside the artery.

Average values of total proteins were 3.80 ± 0.30 g L-1 and are below those observed by Cavero et al. (2019Cavero, B. A. S., Ituassú, D. R., Gandra, A. L., Marinho-Pereira, T., Fonseca, F. A. L., & Pereira-Filho, M. (2019). Exogenous enzymes on the feeding of pirarucu Arapaima gigas Schinz. 1822 (Osteoglossiformes. Arapaimidae). Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias, 14(1), e5601. DOI:
) for the same species, however, Drumond et al. (2010Drumond, G. V. F., Caixeiro, A. P. A., Tavares-Dias, M., Marcon, L. J., & Affonso, E. G. (2010). Características bioquímicas e hematológicas do pirarucu Arapaima gigas Schinz, 1822 (Arapaimidae) de cultivo semi-intensivo na Amazônia. Acta Amazonica, 40(3), 591-596. DOI:
) found values around 4.3 g L-1 in pirarucus larger than 12 kg. The authors ensured that the pirarucus were not parasitized. The same authors found values of 3.5 g L-1 in juveniles of pirarucu weighing 2.35 kg. However, triglyceride values remained below that observed by Drumond et al. (2010) in juvenile of pirarucu, with an average value of 397.6 mg dL-1. Drumond et al. (2010Drumond, G. V. F., Caixeiro, A. P. A., Tavares-Dias, M., Marcon, L. J., & Affonso, E. G. (2010). Características bioquímicas e hematológicas do pirarucu Arapaima gigas Schinz, 1822 (Arapaimidae) de cultivo semi-intensivo na Amazônia. Acta Amazonica, 40(3), 591-596. DOI:
) observed that pirarucu fingerlings have significantly lower levels of total proteins (1.99 ± 0.30), triglycerides (73.5 ± 31.3), urea (1.1 ± 0.3) and VCM (159.8 ± 21.3), although higher concentration of glucose (61.9 ± 11.3) and cholesterol (280.2 ± 46.4), erythrocyte count (2.150 ± 0.313), hemoglobin (9.1 ± 1.0), hematocrit (33.8 ± 2.8) and CHCM (27.1 ± 3.3), when compared to juveniles of pirarucu. However, Centeno et al. (2007Centeno, L., Silva-Acuña, R., Barrios, R., Lugo, R. S., Matute, C., & Pérez, J. L. (2007). Haematological characteristics of the cachama (Colossoma macropomum) in three phases of growth in Delta Amacuro state, Venezuela. Zootecnia Tropical, 25(4), 237-243.) found an increase in hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration when comparing fingerlings and juveniles of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum).

Drumond et al. (2010Drumond, G. V. F., Caixeiro, A. P. A., Tavares-Dias, M., Marcon, L. J., & Affonso, E. G. (2010). Características bioquímicas e hematológicas do pirarucu Arapaima gigas Schinz, 1822 (Arapaimidae) de cultivo semi-intensivo na Amazônia. Acta Amazonica, 40(3), 591-596. DOI:
) and Dias et al. (2020Dias, M. K. R., Yoshioka, E. T. O., Rodriguez, A. F. R., Ribeiro, R. A., Faria, F. S. E. D. V., Ozório, R. O. A., & Tavares-Dias, M. (2020). Growth and hematological and immunological responses of Arapaima gigas fed diets supplemented with immunostimulant based on Saccharomyces cerevisiae and subjected to handling stress. Aquaculture Reports, 17, 100335. DOI:
) also found that pirarucu fingerlings had naturally elevated cholesterol levels compared to juveniles. The results of this current study were as expected for the species at this stage of life. However, in a hybrid of M. chrysops x M. saxatilis, an increase in the levels of total proteins, hematocrit, hemoglobin, MCV and number of erythrocytes was reported with increasing age, although a reduction in levels of glucose and cholesterol (Hrubec, Smith, & Robertson, 2001Hrubec, T. C., Smith, S. A., & Robertson, J. L. (2001). Age-related changes in hematology and plasma chemistry values of hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops X Morone saxatilis). Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 30(1), 8-15. DOI:
). In juveniles of carp (C. carpio), hematocrit and hemoglobin increased during the first year of life (Pedrosa et al., 2019Pedrosa, R. U., Mattos, B. O., Pereira, D. S. P., Rodrigues, M. L., Braga, L. G. T., & Fortes-Silva, R. (2019). Effects of feeding strategies on growth, biochemical parameters and waste excretion of juvenile arapaima (Arapaima gigas) raised in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). Aquaculture, 500, 562-568. DOI:
), when fish metabolism is higher, due to their growth. Therefore, changes in the values of these blood parameters can expected due to the growth of hematopoietic tissues (kidney and spleen), which continue to develop in young fish (Hrubec et al., 2001Hrubec, T. C., Smith, S. A., & Robertson, J. L. (2001). Age-related changes in hematology and plasma chemistry values of hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops X Morone saxatilis). Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 30(1), 8-15. DOI:
). Although the glucose concentration of the pirarucu in control group was the highest among all groups in this curret study, it was still below the average glucose values determined by Drumond et al. (2010Drumond, G. V. F., Caixeiro, A. P. A., Tavares-Dias, M., Marcon, L. J., & Affonso, E. G. (2010). Características bioquímicas e hematológicas do pirarucu Arapaima gigas Schinz, 1822 (Arapaimidae) de cultivo semi-intensivo na Amazônia. Acta Amazonica, 40(3), 591-596. DOI:
) for fingerlings (61.9 ± 11.3 mg dL-1) and juveniles (48.5 ± 16.6 mg dL-1).

In the Literature it was not found for juveniles of pirarucu, hematological parameters. The results for plasmatic glucose found in this current study were not altered with the levels of protein in the feed. It is worth noting that the increase in crude fiber content in diets was proportional to the crude protein (CP) content. And yet, there was no decrease in blood glucose levels. This demonstrates the capacity that the fish has to take advantage of fibrous foods, besides the pirarucu is a carnivorous animal. This use is related to the action of the gastrointestinal bacterial flora, which helps in the digestion of difficult-to-digest food components (Inoue, Oliveira, Gusmão, Boijink, & Tavares-Dias, 2016Inoue, L. A. K. A., Oliveira, P. M., Gusmão, A. E., Boijink, C. L., & Tavares-Dias, M. (2016). Growth, parasitic infection and hematology in Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818 fed diets containing Allium sativum. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 32(5), 901-905. DOI:


Dietary feeding systems influenced cholesterol levels in the growth phase of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) juveniles raised in excavated tanks (into tank network) up to 5.5 kg. However, they did not influence the other biochemical and hematological parameters. Another factor to highlight, including the numerical levels of blood glucose, a possible result of hyperglycemic diet.


Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) and Fundação Rondônia de Amparo ao Desenvolvimento das Ações Científicas e Tecnológicas e à Pesquisa do Estado de Rondônia (Fapero) for the financial support and granted a postdoctoral scholarship to Jerônimo Vieira Dantas Filho. Thanks also to Universidade Federal de Rondônia (UNIR) for providing scientific initiation students and allowing the development of the study at the Carlos Eduardo Matiazze Fish Farming Research Center


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  • Publication in this collection
    23 Aug 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    24 Jan 2023
  • Accepted
    09 Oct 2023
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