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Modified stereoscopic microscope stage to select by sex adults of the coffee bean weevil, Araecerus fasciculatus (Deg.) (Coleopteran: Anthribidae)

A modified microscope stage was developed to facilitate the selection by sex of coffee bean weevil Araecerus fasciculatus (Deg.) adults, which where easily pushed with a small brush into glass vials closed with glass funnels. With this apparatus was possible to manipulate a large number of adults, and select by sex other insect species (Coleoptera) pests of stored grains.

Insecta; stored grain pests

Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil Caixa postal 481 - CEP 86001-970, Londrina - PR - Brasil, Fone:(43) 3376 2262, Fax: (43) 3342 3987 - Londrina - PR - Brazil