This article is a theoretical essay in which are compared two methods for assessing the sustainability of agro-ecosystems - IDEA and MESMIS - using the following analysis criteria: sustainability concept; objectives and target audience; flexibility and adaptability; systemic approach; and involvement of stakeholders. The criteria were selected aiming to contribute on future choices for sustainability assessment in agroecological production units. The study concluded that both methods can be employed, depending on purposes, conditions and evaluation context. The MESMIS method is more flexible and participatory, but requires a multidisciplinary trained team to support its application among farmers, having the possibility of facing problems of adherence to the concept of sustainability. The IDEA method has a rigid and coherent structure with a clear concept of sustainability and can be applied by the farmer himself with support from a technician, but it requires prior adjustments to the local context and to the data availability.
Keywords: Sustainability assessment; Agroecology; MESMIS; IDEA