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ENVIRONMENTAL CONFLICTS AT SÃO PAULO MACROMETROPOLIS: PARANAPIACABA AND SÃO SEBASTIÃO1 1 . Article produced within the Thematic Project FAPESP 2015 / 03804-9 “Environmental Governance in Macrometropolis Paulista Face to Climate Variability”. We appreciate the discussions in Group 2 “Territorialities, spatiality and innovation in environmental governance”, coordinated by Professors Dr. Luciana Travassos and Dr. Sandra Momm, from the Federal University of ABC (UFABC).


The objective of this paper is to analyze two cases of environmental conflicts in the region of Macrometropolis Paulista related to territorial development on the installation of large logistics enterprises, seeing how they fit into the logic of planning and vision of the state as well as the reactions of civil society to impacts that such projects bring with them. In Latin America, the urbanization process from the second half of the twentieth century produced the formation of large cities such as São Paulo, Mexico City and Santiago, for example. From the 2000s, a new urban phenomenon has received attention of planners and researchers: the urban territorial expansion of the metropolis and the formation of this territory as a city-region. The question here is how this metropolitan expansion is related to natural resources and the tensions inherent in the contemporary production process space.

Key words:
environmental conflicts; São Paulo Macrometropolis; metropolization; environmental governance; environmental planning

ANPPAS - Revista Ambiente e Sociedade Anppas / Revista Ambiente e Sociedade - São Paulo - SP - Brazil