Disinfestant household cleaners are products intended for the disinfestation of domestic and public environments in order to protect human health. Thus, a preliminary assessment was carried out on the profile of buyers of disinfestant household cleaners in 3 cities in the state of Mato Grosso and the perception of risk to human and animal health. Semi-structured questionnaires were applied to buyers and sellers of disinfestants in agricultural stores in the municipalities of Sinop, in Sorriso and in Lucas do Rio Verde, in a non-probabilistic way. There is a perception of risk in the use of household cleaning products by research participants and the trust placed by customers in sellers was evident once there was the need to train them on the risks posed by disinfestants to humans and animals. It is considered important to raise awareness among the population about prevention and risks when using these products.
Keywords: Concept Formation; Information Dissemination; Tradition; Risks to humans; Domestic animals
Los limpiadores domésticos desinfestantes son productos destinados para la desinfestación de ambientes domésticos y públicos. Así, se realizó una evaluación preliminar sobre el perfil de los compradores de productos de limpieza domésticos desinfectantes en 3 ciudades del Estado de Mato Grosso, y la percepción de riesgo para la salud humana y animal. Se aplicaron cuestionarios semiestructurados a compradores y vendedores de desinfectantes en tiendas agrícolas en Sinop, en Sorriso y en Lucas do Rio Verde, de forma no probabilística. Existe una percepción de riesgo en el uso de productos de limpieza del hogar por parte de los participantes de la investigación, y la confianza depositada por los clientes en los vendedores fue evidente, así como la necesidad de capacitarlos sobre los riesgos que representan los desinfectantes para humanos y animales. Se considera importante concientizar a la población sobre la prevención y riesgos al utilizar estos productos.
Palabras-clave: Formación de Concepto; Difusión de la Información; Tradición; Riesgos para los humanos; Animales domésticos
Domissanitários desinfestantes são produtos destinados para desinfestação de ambientes domésticos e públicos. Assim, realizou-se uma avaliação preliminar sobre o perfil dos compradores de domissanitários desinfestantes em 3 cidades no Estado de Mato Grosso e a percepção de risco para a saúde humana e animal. Foram aplicados questionários semiestruturados para compradores e vendedores de desinfestantes em lojas agropecuárias, de forma não probabilística. Há percepção de risco no uso dos domissanitários pelos participantes da pesquisa e a confiança depositada pelos clientes sobre os vendedores foi evidente, bem como a necessidade de capacitá-los sobre os riscos dos desinfestantes aos seres humanos e animais. Considera-se relevante conscientizar a população acerca de prevenção e riscos na utilização desses produtos.
Palavras-chave: Formação de Conceito; Disseminação de Informação; Tradição; Riscos à saúde humana; Animais domésticos
The group of household cleaning agents is among the three agents that most cause poisoning in Brazil (ALMEIDA et al., 2021). According to Sampaio et al. (2022), cases of poisoning by household agents are increasing in Brazil, going from 1.4 cases in 100,000 inhabitants to 3.9 cases from 2010 to 2019. This situation demonstrates the importance of care in handling these products, in addition to representing a public health problem, due to the expansion and the frequency of their uses among Brazilian homes (NETO et al., 2017).
Law No. 6,360 of September 23, 1976, defines household cleaners as products responsible for cleaning, disinfection or disinfestation of premises in collective and/or public environments, in places of common use and in water treatment, including: insecticides, rodenticides, disinfectants and detergents (BRASIL, 1976).
Household disinfestant means products intended for home disinfestation, in collective and public environments, including insecticides, rodenticides, amateur gardening, molluscicides and repellents (BRASIL, 2001).
As presented by Cequinel and Rodrigo (2018), household disinfestants are synonymous with the term pesticide and are substances developed to interfere with natural biological processes. Therefore, they have toxic properties that are harmful to human health and the environment. Furthermore, almost all of them are mixtures or preparations with one or more active ingredients, also containing additives, solvents, adjuvants, excipients and impurities, which can be as toxic or more toxic than the main active ingredient.
The frequent use of disinfestant household cleaners to control pests in domestic environments demonstrates the trivialization of the use of these products as practical and innocuous, disregarding the risks/harms (MELLO; ROZEMBERG; CASTRO, 2015). The low perception of risks by consumers attributed to disinfestant household cleaners has made them increasingly present in urban households over the years, leaving the population at risk (GALDIANO et al., 2021; NASCIMENTO et al., 2021).
The nuisance caused by the presence of certain animals, such as rats, cockroaches and snails in homes makes the population seek to control them. Household disinfestants are a subdivision of the group of household cleaners that include: insecticides, herbicides for amateur gardening, molluscicides, rodenticides and repellents (BRASIL, 2001). These sanitizers, despite being important for disinfestation, can cause intoxication for those who handle them.
It can also be reported that the occurrence of poisoning can be influenced by improper handling and storage of the product, which may be associated with a lack of reading of the labels or packages and the non-use or inappropriate use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (ALMEIDA et al., 2022). Sampaio et al. (2022) emphasized that the use and proper storage of household cleaning products, in addition to raising awareness among the population, can reduce the risk of poisoning.
Consumers are generally influenced in purchasing by their own emotions and by external information, such as the influence of sellers, family members, social media, among others (SOUZA et al., 2022b). Yet, it does not inhibit the need to know the product information by reading the labels or packages, such as how to use it and its risks, to guarantee the safety of the handler.
Another problem in the continuous and careless use of household cleaning products in domestic environments is the exposure of domestic animals to these products, which can be toxic to animals, as reported by Jardim et al. (2021). Silva and Silva (2022) highlighted that the lack of knowledge of the risks involving the use of household cleaning products is one of the main causes of intoxication in domestic animals.
Thus, considering the risks involving the use of disinfestant household cleaners in domestic environments associated with the scarcity of studies on disinfestants in Mato Grosso state and in Brazil, the objective is to carry out a preliminary assessment of the consumer profile and their perception of risk regarding the use of disinfestants for humans and animals, in three municipalities in the state of Mato Grosso.
This work meets the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 3), established by the United Nations in 2015, as it contributes to ensuring a healthy life and promoting well-being for all.
Material and Methods
The study was carried out in the municipalities of Sinop, Sorriso, and Lucas do Rio Verde, in the state of Mato Grosso. The city of Sinop is located at 11º50’53” south latitude and 55º38’57” west longitude from Greenwich, 384 meters above the sea level, on a plain, with an estimated population of 146,000 (IBGE, 2021a); Sorriso is located at 12° 33’ 31’’ south latitude and 55° 42’ 51’’ west longitude, with an altitude of 386 meters, with an estimated population of 92,700 (IBGE, 2021b); Lucas do Rio Verde is located at 13° 01’ 59” south latitude and 55° 56’ 38’’ west longitude, with an altitude of 398 meters, with an estimated population of 67,600 (IBGE, 2021c). The municipalities were chosen because they are large agricultural producers and are in frank urban expansion, consequently with potential for growth in the use of disinfestant household cleaners.
The research was carried out using semi-structured questionnaires, approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Mato Grosso state (Opinion number 5,035,880 of 10/13th/2021 / CAAE: 51778421.9.0000.8097), and applied in agricultural stores in the three selected municipalities, three ones in the municipality of Sinop, two ones in Sorriso and two ones in Lucas do Rio Verde. Aiming at different perceptions, different questionnaires were applied to buyers of disinfesting household cleaning products and another one to sellers of agricultural stores, from November 2021 to August 2022. Two hundred and six (206) questionnaires were applied to buyers and 24 questionnaires to sellers, the participants were approached with a brief explanation about the research and subsequent invitation to participate. The sample was made in a non-probabilistic way for convenience (PRADO et al., 2021). For the application of the questionnaires, the days with the highest flow of customers were considered, informed by the managers or owners of the agricultural stores, which would be the days close to the weekend, mainly on Fridays and Saturdays. The first week of the month was avoided because, despite the large flow, people would be more rushed and, probably, there would be greater refusal to participate in the research.
As inclusion criteria, it was established that participants were 18 years old or over, had purchased some household disinfestant during the period in which the researcher was in the store, that they accepted to participate in the research by signing the Free and Informed Consent Form (TCLE), and that they accepted to answer the semi-structured questionnaire with questions about the profile of the participants, guidelines for purchasing disinfesting household cleaning products and about the perception of risk regarding the use of products, containing 10 questions for the group of buyers and 5 questions for the group of sellers. In order to guarantee the anonymity of respondents, this study used a code: store number + municipality acronym (SN = Sinop, SR = Sorriso, or LRV = Lucas do Rio Verde) + respondent number (in ascending order).
For a better understanding of the data presented throughout this work, the following definitions were adopted:
Agricultural pesticides: They are products and agents of physical, chemical or biological processes, intended for use in the production sectors, in the storage and processing of agricultural products as well as pastures, native or implanted forests, and other ecosystems, as well as urban, water environments and industrial, in order to preserve them from the harmful action of living beings considered harmful (BRASIL, 1989);
Pesticide: Substance used for disinfestation, such as the control of insects, rats, mollusks and weeds (BARONAS, 2019).
Results and Discussion
The buyers participating in this research were mostly male (81.5%), aged between 18 and 80 years old, with a higher concentration in the age group of 40 to 49 years old (Table 1). Regarding education, 45% of them had completed at least high school (table 1). As for the profile of the sellers, it was found that about 96% were male, 67% were younger than 29 years old, and 71% had completed high school education (Table 1).
Mello, Rozemberg and Castro (2015) found that, in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, the female gender represented about 70% among those questioned about the use of disinfesting household cleaning products. While Kraemer, Kraemer and Soares (2021) found that most of the time pesticide applications were carried out by the father of the family, among small rural producers in Santa Catarina state, being a form of protection for the family as it is considered a dangerous activity.
These situations, demonstrating the possible existence of division of tasks according to gender, may be related to cultural/traditional issues. Barreto, Spanholi and Silveira (2020) observed that, in the region of Sinop (MT state), 77% of men were responsible for manual activities, while women took care of the house and carried out the preparation of homemade products, such as cheese and sweet foods (desserts). Fook et al. (2013) highlighted that even though women are more active in the labor market outside the home, they are still considered the main responsible people for the domestic activities.
The age group that showed the highest concentration among the research participants was 40 to 49 years old, with 26.5% (Table 1). Araújo (2015) observed that 36.4% of respondents were aged between 41 and 50 years and 97% of the total were male, in Bom Jesus da Lapa (BA state) in the Formoso Irrigated Perimeter. Abreu and Alonzo (2016) also found that about 28.4% of those responsible for family farming production units in 19 communities in the region of Lavras (MG state) were between 40 and 49 years old.
Concerned to education, the present study found that approximately 45% of the participants had completed high school, followed by 21% with completed higher education (Table 1). When observing the high school education with the place of application, which would be the area where the participants live, it was found that 75% indicated the urban area.
França (2021) found that, in Brazil, the average number of years of schooling for the rural population aged 15 years or more is 3.4 years less than the urban population. Pereira and Castro (2019) observed that the Brazilian population with complete primary education over the age of 18 was approximately 60% for the urban area and only 26.5% for the rural area. Abreu and Alonzo (2016); Araújo (2015); Barreto, Spanholi and Silveira (2020) found a predominance of people with incomplete primary education in rural populations.
The use of disinfestant household cleaners in the urban area was predominant (71%) (Table 1). Contrasting with the sellers’ perception, where 62.5% believed that the products sold would be used in rural areas. It can be considered that the sellers’ perception of the area of application of the products sold to their customers is linked to the type of product. However, the use of the product can be varied by the consumer.
The predominance of disinfestant household cleaners in urban areas may be related to a higher incidence of pests, such as cockroaches, ants and rats, in these environments. Souza and Santos (2021) carried out a paper about the presence of synanthropic animals, especially flies, ants and cockroaches, comparing the urban and rural areas and found an amount greater than 250% in the urban area.
Almeida, Cota and Rodrigues (2020) reported that the development of cities without planning with agglomeration of people, problems with sanitation and garbage disposal, are factors that led to the adaptation and proliferation of these pests. Thus, these pests proliferate quickly and constantly in urban centers, causing discomfort and inconvenience to the population (ZORZENON, 2002).
As for the purchase guidelines, research participants were asked about the reasons for choosing that agricultural store. Tradition ranked first, followed, respectively, by Good service, Location and Price (Figure 1).
Guidance for choosing (Why did you choose this store?) the agricultural store informed by the buyers participating in the research in the municipalities of Sinop, Sorriso and Lucas do Rio Verde (MT), from November 2021 to August 2022
Tradition is an important factor when choosing an establishment, which is also related to good service, which provides customers with a feeling of welcome. The companies that participated in the research had more than 20 years in the market in the region, considering the administrative emancipation time of the municipalities, with an average of 40 years, the participating agricultural stores can be considered traditional.
The colonization of the middle north of Mato Grosso state was marked by incentive campaigns bringing populations from the southern region of Brazil (ALMEIDA, 2021), in particular. Thus, customers can frequent the establishments in search of familiarization with the environment, relating their origins, even if unconsciously, since the owners of the participating establishments are descendants from the same region. Barros et al. (2018); Silva, Merlo and Nagano (2012) found that Environment/Layout was the factor that showed the greatest positive emotional response in consumers in the retail environment.
In this research, customers reported, in private conversations, frequenting the stores since their opening, not asking for quotes in other establishments. Souza et al. (2022a) observed that the greater is the familiarity of customers with suppliers, the less important is the distance from the establishment.
“Even with the transformations required by the contemporary world, values and rituals transmitted from other generations are found that comprise a structuring condition of culture and maintenance of affective bonds” (LISBOA; FÉRES-CARNEIRO; JABLONSKI, 2007). As reported by Dalmoro and Nique (2017), carrying out old activities is a way for people to reconnect with their past.
For the choice/purchase of the disinfesting household cleaner, 52.5% declared that they already knew the product or the active ingredient (A.I.) they wanted, 37% chose the product based on the seller’s information, 8.5% chose it based on the indication from other people and 2.5% associated their knowledge of A.I. and/or commercial product with the indications of the sellers to make their choices (Figure 2). As for the sellers’ perception of how their customers chose products, it was found that 83.5% believed that customers chose based on the sellers’ recommendations, 8.5% based on the price of the products, 4% already knew the product they wanted to buy and 4% did not know how to answer.
Purchasing guidelines (%) for household cleaning products informed by buyers participating in the survey in the urban and rural areas of the municipalities of Sinop, Sorriso and Lucas do Rio Verde (MT), from November 2021 to August 2022.
It was found that more than 50% of purchasers self-prescribed disinfestant household cleaners. This situation can be related to traditional behavior, in which observation of the use of products by family members or acquaintances leads to the association of that product as something known and efficient, a premise that is not always correct/appropriate. Souza et al. (2022a) reported that the buyer’s decisions are marked by internal aspects, such as the retrieval of information contained in memory, and by external aspects, involving market information, family members, friends and society in general.
The lack of training and limited knowledge on the part of sellers about the dangers of pesticides contribute to incorrect handling during preparation and application. This can lead to high exposure of consumers and the environment and cause cases of poisoning. Therefore, the seller must be provided with information regarding the use and safety of the products, in addition to undergoing training aimed at the rational use of these products.
Training sellers regarding the products sold, such as the correct way of application, storage and disposal, are essential to guarantee the safety of consumers who receive the appropriate guidance. According to Souza et al. (2022b), supervisory bodies should make it a requirement for companies to provide training to sellers, thus ensuring the adequate product consultancy for end consumers.
Abreu and Alonzo (2016) found that more than 59% of the participants received referrals in the agricultural trade, a situation also observed by Recena and Caldas (2008). Confidence in the indication of household cleaning products by the sellers was notorious in this research, being the second option in the form of guidance by the customers and the first option in the perception of the sellers. Thus, it is essential for the seller to know the products offered and how to question their customers about the problem so that they can provide the best solution.
Another question addressed was about what the research participants considered to be important to buy a certain product and 85% generally reported effectiveness, but also citing other factors such as “It works and does not harm the animals” 3SN74 (male, 32 years old), “Safety and if it has good quality, good effect” 2LRV55 (male, 44 years old), “Safety and effectiveness” 3SN36 (female, 43 years old), “If it doesn’t kill the pests, I’ll buy another one” 3SN71 (male, 41 years old) years), “Price and product quality” 1SR4 (male, 40 years old), “Good seller prescription, quality and price” 2SR17 (male, 43 years old), 13.5% mentioned “Qualified product for what I want” 1SR7 (male, 56 years old), “Service and product information” 2SR19 (male, 37 years old), “What was most convincing” 2SR21 (female 40 years old), “Indication if it is good” 3SN44 (male, 44 years old ), and 1.5% were unable or unwilling to answer.
The effectiveness of the product was important for making the purchase, as customers prioritized those products with the best cost-benefit represented by their effectiveness and prolonged activity. According to Mello, Rozemberg and Castro (2015), consumers are looking for the best protection, from the point of view of effectiveness and practicality in the use of household cleaning products, when compared to mechanical methods of control.
The price was also analyzed for the purchase of products, associated with quality, and can be used as a final determination tool in the purchase of the product. Santana and Brito (2020) observed that customers preferred products on offer, making price an important point in the purchase decision, associated with good service and quality. Silva, Merlo and Nagano (2012) found the influence of product quality on making a purchase.
Perception of risk in the use of disinfestant household cleaners
Human beings
It was asked whether after applying the product they remained in the environment. 64% of them reported leaving the environment after applying the product (Table 2), justifying that “I leave the house because it smells strongly (Trofféu 40 PM)” 3SN72 (male, 39 years old), “You have to give it a little time because the smell is strong (Advion® Barata Gel)” 2LRV32 (male, 38 years old), “I give it some time because of the smell (K-othrine®)” 2SN63 (female, 54 years old), and 36% reported staying in the environment after application, justified that “there is no problem, there is no bad smell (Bioinset® 25 EC)” 2LRV19 (male, 42 years old), “Because, after the application, I do not see problems, only at the time of application (Kapina®)” 2LRV26 (male, 36 years old), “I have nowhere to go, so I stay at home (Plenoway 10 PM)” 2SR30 (male, 26 years old), “The poison is simple, it doesn’t hurt (Grão verde)” 2SN29 (male, 54 years).
Isolation from the application environment reduces exposure to A.I. and, consequently, the occurrence of poisoning. According to the interviewees’ reports, the unpleasant odor of the products represented an important point for isolating the application environments, serving as a warning sign of danger, reducing the risk of intoxication, especially in the domestic environment. Mello, Rozemberg and Castro (2015) found the association of insecticides with no smell or with a pleasant odor and lower toxicity of the product.
The use of insecticides as a disinfestant to control synanthropic pests in urbanized areas is a common practice, being applied in internal and external environments to protect inhabitants and buildings. Narciso (2012) reported that the presence of insecticides in the area favors the occurrence of non-occupational or involuntary intra-household exposure of the population to insecticide residue, after application. This residue can be absorbed through multiple exposed routes (oral, dermal, inhalation). In view of this, the risk of adverse effects, even if subclinical, occurring after exposure exists and is representative mainly in susceptible populations, such as children, the elderly, pregnant women, and sick people (Hahn et al. 2010).
It is important to highlight that, just as in agriculture, the use of disinfestants in the urban environment ends up triggering resistance in vectors, imposing a cycle increasingly dependent on poisons, increasingly exposing the human population to the toxic effects resulting from these substances and degrading biodiversity according to the Abrasco Dossier (Carneiro et al. 2015).
Some of the products purchased contain an indication in their leaflet that they are unlikely to cause acute damage because they have reduced concentrations in their formulations. However, the constant use of these products can lead to chronic damage/intoxication in long term. According to Costa, Costa and Herrmann (2019), chronic intoxications, usually caused by low concentration exposures, can take years to show symptoms. Fernandes et al. (2012) reported that indirect exposure to toxic agents occurs precisely when they are not handling the products, such as staying at the application site.
Sampaio et al. (2022) found that the total number of notifications of poisoning by household cleaning products has increased over the last few years, where 2017 presented 7,436 cases, 2018 presented 8,173 cases and 2019 presented 8,267 cases. Presgrave (2007) associated unintentional poisoning with household cleaning products with “optimistic bias”, that is, individuals believed they would have less chance of getting intoxicated than other people.
As for the period of use of the purchased product, 84.5% of participants use it until the end, 6% use it only while it is within the expiration date and 9.5% buy a single dose for immediate application. The data showed that more than 80% of the participants can use expired products in their homes, as they do not verify the validity of the products for use.
The expiry date guarantees the effectiveness period of the marketed product, based on specific stability studies (BRASIL, 2001). Therefore, it is worth emphasizing the importance of the consumer observing the expiry date of the household cleaning products purchased, as the use of the product after the expiry date, in addition to not guaranteeing effectiveness, exposes risks to the user and other people who have access to the environment after application. It is worth noting that disinfestant household cleaners with expired expiry dates should be considered chemical waste and receive the treatment and final disposal provided for in the specific legislation in force for this type of waste.
The purchase of a single dose for immediate application of the products was declared by the buyers, a fact that exempts the consumer from using products that are out of date. However, not all disinfestant household cleaners are sold in a single dose, causing the consumer to store the excess product, share it with family members or use it in other areas, as reported by the participants.
Domestic animals
132 participants, who had domestic animals in their homes or places where disinfectant household cleaners were applied, were asked about removing the animals during and after the applications and 82.5% reported that they removed the animals and only 17.5% did not remove them (Table 2). They justified the withdrawal as “It ends up being strong and can intoxicate them” (Icon ® Vet) 2LRV23 (male, 47 years old), “To not kill the animals” (Rodilon® Soft Bait) 1LRV6 (male, 67 years old), “To not eat the weeds with the poison, fear of dying” (Glifoway red) 2SN31 (female, 54 years old), “They are locked up for 24 hours” (Kapina® Plus) 3SN78 (male, 58 years old) and 17.5% who do not remove domestic animals from the environment, claiming that “There is no problem, it does not affect them” (Icon® Vet) 2LRV59 (male. 55 years old), “This one doesn’t cause problems for domestic animals” (Ratol®) 2SR57 (female. 41 years old).
When analyzing the leaflet of the products purchased by the participants, it was found that Icon® Vet recommends keeping the product out of reach of domestic animals, Rodilon® soft bait shows that the product is toxic to mammals, birds and fish, Glifoway red recommends that the product should be kept out of the reach of animals, Kapina® Plus recommends avoiding the transit of people and domestic animals at the application site for 24 hours, and Raticidal Ratol® shows that the A.I. may be toxic to aquatic organisms, birds and wild animals. About 18% of the tutors questioned did not perceive the risks involved in the use of disinfesting household cleaning products for their animals. Thus, it is worth emphasizing that the removal of domestic animals from the application sites is aimed at their safety.
The common use of disinfesting household cleaners by the population can lead to the perception of harmlessness, causing handlers not to take due care during use, such as removing animals, children and adults from the application environments. As for domestic animals, Silva and Silva (2022) point out that intoxications can be avoided with guardians taking precautions, being attentive to the animals and taking them to the veterinarian at the first symptoms.
During the use of disinfesting household cleaners, the tutor’s lack of instruction and the absence of a qualified professional can cause accidental poisoning in domestic animals (CANELAS et al., 2020). Bezerra et al. (2022) observed that unintentional poisonings were higher than intentional ones in domestic animals, with disinfestant household cleaners as the second leading cause of poisonings in the metropolitan region of Fortaleza, Ceará state.
Studies have found that most cases of poisoning in domestic animals were caused by insecticides and rodenticides for domestic use (CONCEIÇÃO; ORTIZ, 2015; SILVA; SILVA, 2022). Another problem found was the use of clandestine products that are prohibited in Brazil. Canelas et al. (2020) observed the occurrence of poisoning by “Chumbinho” (which means little lead, in Portuguese), a prohibited product in Brazil, in dogs and cats in the city of Belém (PA state), which represented 48.6% of cases.
In addition to the risks involving domestic animals, the potential for poisoning wild animals that may have access to disinfestant application sites must be considered. Especially those species that are more curious/attracted to human environments, such as monkeys, pigeons, armadillos, raccoons, among others.
There was a predominance of males among the survey participants and the greater use of disinfesting household cleaners took place in the urban areas of the municipalities, probably caused by the greater perception of the incidence of pests, a consequence of human agglomerations in urban regions.
As for shopping guidelines, tradition was a fundamental point for choosing the agricultural store, which may be associated with familiarization with the commercial environment and affective memories. Effectiveness was important for choosing the product, mainly related to speed and agility in solving problems.
The trust placed by customers in sellers was evident in this research, therefore, it is worth highlighting not only the importance of sellers knowing the products they sell, but also about for the rational use of such products.
The perception of risks involving the use of disinfestant household cleaners, for humans and domestic animals, must be better recognized by the population, since these products have toxic properties that are harmful to human health and the environment.
Along with the completion of this research, the importance of expanding the dissemination of the household health issue is highlighted, involving its definition, purposes, care in use and its risks to humans, animals and the environment. Especially for the dissemination and use of the term disinfestant, as they are often confused with disinfectants.
Thanks to the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) for the scholarship granted - Process Code 88887.644287/2021-00.
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