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Evaluation of teaching: an analysis model of historical series of results


Since 2007, the PUC-Campinas has been implementing a Teaching Evaluation System, done every semester by students and biannually by teachers whose scope of activities involve management and teaching conditions. The aim of this article is to present a new analysis method of the historical series of results of student’s answers. For this analysis five categories were considered – teaching plan for the discipline, discipline development, learning evaluation, student’s training, teacher’s attitude. They were based on 19 aspects incorporated into the questions. Even though the questionnaire has suffered modifications over time, the nature of the evaluation elements was preserved. The quality of the given answers to the closed questions was set as an indicator to the model. The other indicator refers to the student’s level of participation. The two indicators can be observed together, in a two-dimensional perspective; it’s possible to see the data obtained every semester, showing the tendency and evolution of each aspect in all the historical series. The resulting graphs establish a visual reference, allowing a fast acknowledgment of the excellence situations, as well as attention scenarios, establishing a quick method of consultation for managers and teachers. The historical series data analysis has become an important tool for improving the teaching quality of the institution.

Key words; Highter education; Teaching evaluation system; Manegement of education Quality

Publicação da Rede de Avaliação Institucional da Educação Superior (RAIES), da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) e da Universidade de Sorocaba (UNISO). Rodovia Raposo Tavares, km. 92,5, CEP 18023-000 Sorocaba - São Paulo, Fone: (55 15) 2101-7016 , Fax : (55 15) 2101-7112 - Sorocaba - SP - Brazil