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Inclusion and permanence of university students with diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorders: discussions as a languages barriers

Brazilian Higher Education has been changing. There was diversification as regards the entrance of the public due to public policies focused on educational inclusion. Currently, people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (TEA) are in the universities, but although their access has been guaranteed, permanence has not always been discussed in the literature. In this way, the objective of this study is to analyze the conditions of access and permanence of people with TEA in the University from the language complaints presented by them. As a methodology, semi-structured interviews were conducted with two students diagnosed with TEA who study at a federal university in the south of Brazil. Besides, a speech-language assessment was performed. The results show that both students have a history of difficulties in interpersonal relationships in school and the university, difficulties in reading and writing. One of the students, Charles, also has difficulty speaking fluency; while Luis, the other university, has more complaints about his reading and writing skills. As for the perception about inclusion in the university, the two students report that they feel welcome and that they do not suffer any kind of discrimination regarding their difficulties. They also seek fonoaudiology therapy to meet a demand for inclusion that public policies have not yet compensated. Although supported by law, these students still face barriers that may hinder their permanence in the institution or their academic performance. In this way, the action of the Fonoaudiology may be an alternative to minimize the obstacles imposed by their difficulties within the university.

Autism; Inclusion; Universiy

Publicação da Rede de Avaliação Institucional da Educação Superior (RAIES), da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) e da Universidade de Sorocaba (UNISO). Rodovia Raposo Tavares, km. 92,5, CEP 18023-000 Sorocaba - São Paulo, Fone: (55 15) 2101-7016 , Fax : (55 15) 2101-7112 - Sorocaba - SP - Brazil