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Hydroxyapatite Synthesis and Covering of Titanium Surfaces by Dip-Coating Method


Coating method suggest an easy and viable alternative to produce HAp films.

Dip-coating method was effective to produce a HAp film on titanium cylinders.

Cell viability over the HAp-modified cylinders was not altered.

Dip-coating method present adequate control of deposition of thin films of hydroxyapatite.


This study developed and characterized a method for controlled deposition of thin films of hydroxyapatite on titanium surfaces. Thirty-three titanium cylinders were randomly divided: negative control/polished (A), acid etched (B) and coated by hydroxyapatite (C). Acid etch was performed in an aqueous solution of nitric acid. The cylinders were subjected to coating by a thin film of hydroxyapatite with dip-coating method. These cylinders were submitted to a pre-heat treatment 450°C/10 minutes and 800°C/2 hours. Scanning electron microscopy analysis demonstrated a homogeneous and smooth surface (A), an irregular and porous surface (B) and a crystalline deposition (C). The X-ray energy dispersive analysis showed characteristic elements of hydroxyapatite (C). Analysis by X-ray diffraction showed the presence of characteristic peaks of hydroxyapatite, corresponding to the structural composition of hydroxyapatite. Cell viability (MTT-assay in NIH-3T3-Cells) test demonstrated no differences between the groups. Titanium surfaces coated with a hydroxyapatite film by the dip-coating method suggest adequate control of deposition of thin films of hydroxyapatite and similar cell viability using mouse fibroblasts.

Dental titanium; dip-coating; hydroxyapatite

Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná - Tecpar Rua Prof. Algacyr Munhoz Mader, 3775 - CIC, 81350-010 Curitiba PR Brazil, Tel.: +55 41 3316-3052/3054, Fax: +55 41 3346-2872 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil