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Fruits of the Brazilian Cerrado: Possibilities of Uses for the Manufacture of Food Products


The Cerrado is an important South American biome, with a wide diversity of fruit species, with attractive sensory characteristics and high nutritional value. In this scenario, the industrial production of food products made from Cerrado fruits is a viable alternative to favor their use and commercialization. From this perspective, this study presents an overview of food products made from Cerrado fruits, such as pequi, cagaita, baru, buriti, and caja-manga. Our data indicate that jellies, flours, beverages, and other by-products of Cerrado fruits have similar physical-chemical characteristics to those produced with conventional fruits, in addition to good sensorial acceptability and stability regarding microbiological standards. Therefore, the processing of Cerrado fruits constitutes an interesting alternative for the sustainable use of native fruits and may represent an income alternative for small rural producers, contributing to the protection of biodiversity and biome preservation. However, further research is still needed on the subject, especially with regard to processing practices and product quality.

Native fruits; Sustainability; Production technologies


Fruits of the Brazilian Cerrado have potential for use in food products.

Products with Cerrado fruits present sensory acceptability.

Beverages with Cerrado fruits may contain antioxidant compounds.


The United Nations (UN) promotes sustainable development through 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) meant to be achieved by 2030 by its member states, including Brazil [11 United Nations (UN). 2020. Take action for the sustainable development goals. [Acessed at fev 24, 2021] Available from:
]. These goals encourage strategies directed toward the elimination of poverty and growth promotion through environmental and climate preservation [11 United Nations (UN). 2020. Take action for the sustainable development goals. [Acessed at fev 24, 2021] Available from:

However, the Cerrado biome, which occupies about 23% of the Brazilian territory and is home to important watersheds, has been extensively degraded, in a process primarily related to agricultural and cattle ranching expansion and timber extraction, which has triggered the loss of 43.4% of the natural cover of this biome [22 Brasil. Ministério do Meio Ambiente. [Cerrado use and cover mapping: Terra Class Cerrado project]. Brasília: Ministério do Meio Ambiente; 2015., 33 Gastl Filho J, Mendes RG, Fialho A, Piva HT, Rezende AR, Vargas BC, et al. [Enhancement of dormancy breaking and use of bio-stimulant in the germination of mutamba diaspores]. Braz J Dev. 2019; 5(10): 17429-17445. Doi:
]. Thus, human intervention in the Cerrado can result in significant environmental damage, e.g., the extinction of species still unknown to science and interference with nationally important watersheds [33 Gastl Filho J, Mendes RG, Fialho A, Piva HT, Rezende AR, Vargas BC, et al. [Enhancement of dormancy breaking and use of bio-stimulant in the germination of mutamba diaspores]. Braz J Dev. 2019; 5(10): 17429-17445. Doi:
]. The Cerrado harbors an estimated 5% of the global biodiversity and is home to more than 13,000 plant species, justifying its classification as a global biodiversity hotspot [44 Brasil. Ministério do Meio Ambiente. [Action plan for prevention and control of deforestation and wildfires in the Cerrado]. Brasília: Ministério do Meio Ambiente; 2010., 55 Aguiar LMS, Machado RB, Françoso RD, Neves AC, Fernandes GW, Pedroni F, et al. [The Cerrado: Land unknown of the 21st Century]. Rev Ciência Hoje. 2015; 55(330): 32-7.]. Therefore, strategies to analyze this biodiversity and provide sustainable management alternatives are essential for its conservation [55 Aguiar LMS, Machado RB, Françoso RD, Neves AC, Fernandes GW, Pedroni F, et al. [The Cerrado: Land unknown of the 21st Century]. Rev Ciência Hoje. 2015; 55(330): 32-7.].

In this scenario, the wide variety of Cerrado fruit species stands out due to their sensory attractiveness, high nutritional value, and bioactive and antioxidant compounds, favoring their use by the food industry [66 Arruda HS, Botrel DA, Fernandes RVB, Almeida MEF. Development and sensory evaluation of products containing the Brazilian Savannah fruits araticum (Annona crassiflora Mart.) and cagaita (Eugenia dysenterica Mart.). Braz J Food Technol. 2016; 19: 1-7. Doi:
, 77 Moreira-Araújo RSR, Barros NVA, Porto RGCL, Brandão ACAS, Lima A, Fett R. Bioactive compounds and antioxidante activity three fruit species from the Brazilian Cerrado. Rev Bras Frutic. 2019; 41(3): 1-8. Doi:
, 88 Reis AF, Schmiele M. [Characteristics and potential of Cerrado fruits in the food industry]. Braz J Food Technol. 2019; 22: 1-12. Doi:
]. Furthermore, the processing could help reduce the fresh fruits losses, increasing their commercial value and expanding their consumer market, thus contributing to the appreciation of culture and local identity [99 Garcia LGC, Guimarães WF, Rodovalho EC, Peres NRAA, Becker FS, Damiani C. [Buriti jelly (Mauritia flexuosa): value addition to Brazilian Cerrado fruits]. Braz J Food Technol. 2017; 20: 1-5. Doi:
, 1010 Cunha MC. [Impact of processing, packaging, and storage time on the quality of murici jelly (Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Rich)]. Lavras. Dissertation [Master in Food Science] - Universidade Federal de Lavras; 2016.].

In addition, processing techniques can also result in longer fruit shelf life usually limited to short periods, whereas the products has higher added value, with positive impact in the income generation for the involved population [88 Reis AF, Schmiele M. [Characteristics and potential of Cerrado fruits in the food industry]. Braz J Food Technol. 2019; 22: 1-12. Doi:
, 1111 Viana ES, Mamede MEO, Reis RC, Carvalho LD, Fonseca MD. [Development of conventional and dietetic umbu-caja jelly]. Rev Bras Frutic. 2015; 37(3): 708-717. Doi:
]. From this perspective, strategies for processing Cerrado fruits can contribute to achieving the United Nations SDGs by stimulating the appreciation and sustainable use of native fruits [1010 Cunha MC. [Impact of processing, packaging, and storage time on the quality of murici jelly (Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Rich)]. Lavras. Dissertation [Master in Food Science] - Universidade Federal de Lavras; 2016.].


Different processing strategies can be used to process Cerrado fruits. However, studies should still be developed in the area as most of the research developed so far focuses on the production of jams, jellies, flours, beverages, and their use as flavor adjuvants, which will be addressed in the following topics.

Jams and jellies

Jellies are made from fruit juice or pulp, sugar, pectin, and acid, which are cooked until obtaining the characteristic gelatinous texture of the semi-solid state of this product [1212 Vieira ECS, Silva EP, Amorim CCM, Sousa GM, Becker FS, Damiani C. [Acceptability and physicochemical characteristics of mixed jelly from pineapple peel and peach pulp]. Rev Científica. 2017; 45(2): 115-22. Doi:
]. The formulation can also include acidulants or pectin when these components are insufficient in the fruits used as raw materials [1212 Vieira ECS, Silva EP, Amorim CCM, Sousa GM, Becker FS, Damiani C. [Acceptability and physicochemical characteristics of mixed jelly from pineapple peel and peach pulp]. Rev Científica. 2017; 45(2): 115-22. Doi:
]. However, developing strategies to minimize sensory and nutritional losses is one of the challenges for jelly production, which arises from using high temperatures during the cooking process [1010 Cunha MC. [Impact of processing, packaging, and storage time on the quality of murici jelly (Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Rich)]. Lavras. Dissertation [Master in Food Science] - Universidade Federal de Lavras; 2016.]. In addition, developing manufacturing protocols to reduce the sugar content used in the formulation is also relevant to meet the growing consumer demand for healthier products with less sugar [1111 Viana ES, Mamede MEO, Reis RC, Carvalho LD, Fonseca MD. [Development of conventional and dietetic umbu-caja jelly]. Rev Bras Frutic. 2015; 37(3): 708-717. Doi:

Similarly, fruit candy production is also a simple process that results in highly accepted products with significant market potential [1313 Aguiar AO. [Processing and utilization of araticum fruit (Annona crassiflora Mart.) in the form of paste-like sweet]. Palmas, Tocantins. Dissertation [Master in Food Science and Technology] - Universidade Federal do Tocantins; 2018.]. Fruit candy production involves variations that determine the classification of the product: fruit pieces or whole fruits (with or without peels, seeds, and stones) are cooked in water and sugar solution to obtain candy syrup [1414 Silva Neto RM, Paiva FFA. [Fruit preserves in syrup]. Family Agroindustry Collection. Embrapa Technical Report. Brasília: Embrapa Informação Tecnológica; 2006.]. On the other hand, paste-like sweets are made using fruit pulp and are classified according to their consistency as creamy or paste-like [1515 Brasil. [Collegiate board Resolution n° 272, of September 22, 2005]. Approves the technical regulation for vegetable products, fruit products and edible mushrooms. Diário Oficial da União 23 set 2005.]. Thus, creamy sweets are characterized as a homogeneous paste with a soft texture. On the other hand, bulk candies, also known as cut candies, have a firm texture that allows their partition into pieces [1515 Brasil. [Collegiate board Resolution n° 272, of September 22, 2005]. Approves the technical regulation for vegetable products, fruit products and edible mushrooms. Diário Oficial da União 23 set 2005.]. In general, sweets are free of chemical additives and have high nutritional value when appropriate processing techniques are used [1616 Freitas MLF, Menezes CC, Carneiro JDS, Reis RP. [Diagnosis of consumption and production processes of artesanal fruit jams]. Alim. Nutr. 2012; 23(4): 589-95., 1717 Oliveira MOS, Dias BB, Morais RA, Martins GAS. [Processing of araticum fruit (Annona crassiflora Mart.) paste-like sweet and viability for school feeding programs]. Rev Desafios. 2020a; 7(Especial): 87-93. Doi:

Jams and jellies production requires few ingredients and equipment and is considered a simple technique, favoring its artisanal production, which is advantageous for production in small communities [99 Garcia LGC, Guimarães WF, Rodovalho EC, Peres NRAA, Becker FS, Damiani C. [Buriti jelly (Mauritia flexuosa): value addition to Brazilian Cerrado fruits]. Braz J Food Technol. 2017; 20: 1-5. Doi:
, 1111 Viana ES, Mamede MEO, Reis RC, Carvalho LD, Fonseca MD. [Development of conventional and dietetic umbu-caja jelly]. Rev Bras Frutic. 2015; 37(3): 708-717. Doi:
]. On the other hand, the negative aspects of artisanal production may include products with less hygienic-sanitary rigor, no standardized recipes, and lack of necessary information in packaging and labels [1616 Freitas MLF, Menezes CC, Carneiro JDS, Reis RP. [Diagnosis of consumption and production processes of artesanal fruit jams]. Alim. Nutr. 2012; 23(4): 589-95.]. Therefore, more studies should be conducted to improve the production and marketing conditions of these products [1616 Freitas MLF, Menezes CC, Carneiro JDS, Reis RP. [Diagnosis of consumption and production processes of artesanal fruit jams]. Alim. Nutr. 2012; 23(4): 589-95., 1818 Abreu MCLRA, Fonseca GVM, Rodrigues ARP, Lima LB. [Socioeconomic profile and technology diffusion for the Productive Rural Women Program/Rio das Flores - RJ]. Braz J Dev. 2021; 7(1): 1879-95. Doi:

Several studies have demonstrated the possibility of using Cerrado fruits, e.g., cagaita (Eugenia dysenterica), buriti (Mauritia flexuosa), umbu (Spondias tuberosa), umbu-caja (Spondias sp.), seriguela (Spondias purpurea), murici (Brysonima ssp.), caja-manga (Spondias cytherea Sonn.), wild passion fruit (Passiflora cincinnata), cajui (Anacardium occidentale), gabiroba (Campomanesia xanthocarpa), Dog marmalade fruit (Alibertia sessilis) and others to make jellies or sweets (Table 1). These studies usually evaluate the physicochemical and microbiological parameters, sensory acceptability, and commercial stability of fruit-based products (Table 1).

Furthermore, the physicochemical characteristics of jellies and jams made from Cerrado fruits are generally similar to those produced with traditional fruits, with values within or very close to the range established by current regulations [99 Garcia LGC, Guimarães WF, Rodovalho EC, Peres NRAA, Becker FS, Damiani C. [Buriti jelly (Mauritia flexuosa): value addition to Brazilian Cerrado fruits]. Braz J Food Technol. 2017; 20: 1-5. Doi:
, 2020 Rybka ACP, Freitas ST. 2014. [Formulations of sweets with 'Pacovan' banana and wild passion fruit]. Research and Development Bulletin. Embrapa Semiarid Technical Report. Petrolina (PE): Embrapa Semiárido; 2014., 2222 Celestino SMC. [Development and shelf life evaluation of buriti jelly]. Research and Development Bulletin. Planaltina (DF): Embrapa Cerrados; 2013., 2727 Ramalhosa E, Sousa AV, Fernandes L, Delgado T, Fidalgo MC, José A, et al. [Physicochemical and sensory characterization of fruit jams from Sao Tome and Principe]. Millenium. 2017; 2(3): 77-84.-2828 Silva TLL, Becker FS, Toguchi MY, Boas EVBV, Damiani C. [Technological applicability of dog marmalade fruit (Alibertia sessilis Schum.)]. Rev Bras Produtos Agroindustriais. 2013; 15(3): 263-71. Doi:
, 3131 Brandão TM. [Vacuum processing and storage of mixed dietary and functional candy from Cerrado fruits]. Lavras. Thesis [PhD in Food Sicence] - Universidade Federal de Lavras; 2015.

32 Lima ICGS, Meleiro CHA. [Development, physicochemical and sensory evaluation of jelly and cut candy from seriguela (Spondias purpurea L.) aiming at the growth of the fruit's production chain]. CEPPA. 2012; 30(2): 221-32. Doi:

33 Nogueira JP, Jesus MACL. [Development, physicochemical, sensory, and colorimetric evaluation of diet seriguela jelly]. Rev Bras Tecnol Agroind. 2014; 8(2): 1531-44. Doi:

34 Almeida RD. [Technology for industrial production of umbuzada cutting]. Campina Grande. Thesis [PhD in Process Engineering] - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande; 2016.
-3535 Castro CDPC, Rybka ACP. [Sensory acceptance of umbu jam with licuri almonds]. Research and Development Bulletin. Embrapa Semiarid Technical Report. Petrolina (PE): Embrapa Semiárido; 2018., 3939 Caetano PK, Daiuto ÉR, Vieites RL. [Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of jelly made with acerola pulp and juice]. Braz J Food Technol. 2012; 15(3): 191-7. Doi:
]. Jelly stability during storage has been evidenced by several studies, demonstrating the satisfactory technological conditions of this product after storage [2222 Celestino SMC. [Development and shelf life evaluation of buriti jelly]. Research and Development Bulletin. Planaltina (DF): Embrapa Cerrados; 2013.-2323 Santos PRG, Cardoso LM, Bedetti SF, Hamaceck FR, Moreira AVB, Martino HSD, et al. [Cagaita jelly (Eugenia dysenterica DC.): development, microbiological, sensory and chemical characterization and stability study]. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz. 2012; 71(2): 281-90., 3737 Oliveira ENA, Santos DC, Rocha APT, Gomes JP. [Development, characterization and stability of traditional umbu-caja jelly]. Rev Bras Frutic. 2014; 36(3): 628-39. Doi:
-3838 Novais Júnior MM, Ferreira LG, Fonseca AAO, Cardoso RL, Hansen DS. [Development of wild passion fruit jelly (Passiflora cincinnata): microbiological, physical, chemical characterization and stability study]. Braz J Dev. 2020; 6(7): 43403-14. Doi:
]. On the other hand, there are few published studies on the stability of fruit sweets during the storage period, although changes in physicochemical parameters, e.g., titratable acidity, soluble solids, total sugars, carotenoids and phenolic compounds were observed after 180 days in marolo (Annona crassiflora) sweets with sweet passion fruit and soursop [3131 Brandão TM. [Vacuum processing and storage of mixed dietary and functional candy from Cerrado fruits]. Lavras. Thesis [PhD in Food Sicence] - Universidade Federal de Lavras; 2015.].

Moreover, microbiological safety, assessed according to the compliance with established standards, has also been evidenced for jams and jellies made from different fruits, e.g., wild passion fruit jelly [3838 Novais Júnior MM, Ferreira LG, Fonseca AAO, Cardoso RL, Hansen DS. [Development of wild passion fruit jelly (Passiflora cincinnata): microbiological, physical, chemical characterization and stability study]. Braz J Dev. 2020; 6(7): 43403-14. Doi:
], cagaita jelly [2323 Santos PRG, Cardoso LM, Bedetti SF, Hamaceck FR, Moreira AVB, Martino HSD, et al. [Cagaita jelly (Eugenia dysenterica DC.): development, microbiological, sensory and chemical characterization and stability study]. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz. 2012; 71(2): 281-90.], umbu jelly with mangaba [3636 Souza HRS, Santos AM, Ferreira IM, Silva AMO, Nunes TP, Carvalho MG. [Elaboration and quality evaluation of umbu (Spondias tuberosa Arr. C.) and mangaba (Hancornia speciosa G.) jelly with functional claim]. Segur Aliment Nutr. 2018; 25(3): 104-113. Doi:
], murici jam [1010 Cunha MC. [Impact of processing, packaging, and storage time on the quality of murici jelly (Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Rich)]. Lavras. Dissertation [Master in Food Science] - Universidade Federal de Lavras; 2016.], umbu-caja jam [3737 Oliveira ENA, Santos DC, Rocha APT, Gomes JP. [Development, characterization and stability of traditional umbu-caja jelly]. Rev Bras Frutic. 2014; 36(3): 628-39. Doi:
], cagaita jam with mangaba [2424 Silva FS. [Elaboration of jelly with a mix of cagaita pulp (Eugenia dysenterica) and mangaba (Hancornia speciosa) and evaluation of quality parameters]. Palmas. Dissertation [Master in Food Science and Technology] - Universidade Federal do Tocantins; 2017.], seriguela jam [3232 Lima ICGS, Meleiro CHA. [Development, physicochemical and sensory evaluation of jelly and cut candy from seriguela (Spondias purpurea L.) aiming at the growth of the fruit's production chain]. CEPPA. 2012; 30(2): 221-32. Doi:
], marolo jam with sweet passion fruit [2020 Rybka ACP, Freitas ST. 2014. [Formulations of sweets with 'Pacovan' banana and wild passion fruit]. Research and Development Bulletin. Embrapa Semiarid Technical Report. Petrolina (PE): Embrapa Semiárido; 2014.], and umbu jam [3434 Almeida RD. [Technology for industrial production of umbuzada cutting]. Campina Grande. Thesis [PhD in Process Engineering] - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande; 2016.] (Table 1). From this perspective, the maintenance of microbiological safety throughout storage demonstrates the feasibility of production techniques for manufacturing safe products for consumption, as evidenced in the analysis of the mixed jam of marolo, passion fruit and soursop during 180 days of storage [3131 Brandão TM. [Vacuum processing and storage of mixed dietary and functional candy from Cerrado fruits]. Lavras. Thesis [PhD in Food Sicence] - Universidade Federal de Lavras; 2015.], murici jam for 12 months [1010 Cunha MC. [Impact of processing, packaging, and storage time on the quality of murici jelly (Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Rich)]. Lavras. Dissertation [Master in Food Science] - Universidade Federal de Lavras; 2016.] and wild passion fruit jam for 150 days [3838 Novais Júnior MM, Ferreira LG, Fonseca AAO, Cardoso RL, Hansen DS. [Development of wild passion fruit jelly (Passiflora cincinnata): microbiological, physical, chemical characterization and stability study]. Braz J Dev. 2020; 6(7): 43403-14. Doi:

Cerrado fruits show a diversity of colors and flavors, which influence the sensory characteristics of jellies and sweets. In general, the studies conducted with these products indicate good sensory acceptability, as seen in jellies made from cagaita [2323 Santos PRG, Cardoso LM, Bedetti SF, Hamaceck FR, Moreira AVB, Martino HSD, et al. [Cagaita jelly (Eugenia dysenterica DC.): development, microbiological, sensory and chemical characterization and stability study]. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz. 2012; 71(2): 281-90.], buriti [2222 Celestino SMC. [Development and shelf life evaluation of buriti jelly]. Research and Development Bulletin. Planaltina (DF): Embrapa Cerrados; 2013.], umbu-caja [1111 Viana ES, Mamede MEO, Reis RC, Carvalho LD, Fonseca MD. [Development of conventional and dietetic umbu-caja jelly]. Rev Bras Frutic. 2015; 37(3): 708-717. Doi:
], murici [1010 Cunha MC. [Impact of processing, packaging, and storage time on the quality of murici jelly (Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Rich)]. Lavras. Dissertation [Master in Food Science] - Universidade Federal de Lavras; 2016.], umbu with mangaba [3636 Souza HRS, Santos AM, Ferreira IM, Silva AMO, Nunes TP, Carvalho MG. [Elaboration and quality evaluation of umbu (Spondias tuberosa Arr. C.) and mangaba (Hancornia speciosa G.) jelly with functional claim]. Segur Aliment Nutr. 2018; 25(3): 104-113. Doi:
], cajui [1919 Oliveira TTB, Morais RA, Martins GAS, Marson PG, Teixeira SMF. Processing of fruits of the Cerrado in the form of integrals jellies. Rev Agrarian. 2020b; 13(47): 130-40. Doi: 10.30612/agrarian.v13i47.8958
] and gabiroba [2929 Pereira CMT, Silva DL, Leal GF, Martins GAS, Pires CRF. [Quantitative descriptive sensory analysis of gabiroba jelly (Camponesia cambessedeana)]. Rev Desafios. 2020; 7: 1-10. Doi:
], and in the jams of seriguela [3232 Lima ICGS, Meleiro CHA. [Development, physicochemical and sensory evaluation of jelly and cut candy from seriguela (Spondias purpurea L.) aiming at the growth of the fruit's production chain]. CEPPA. 2012; 30(2): 221-32. Doi:
], banana 'pacovan' with wild passion fruit [2020 Rybka ACP, Freitas ST. 2014. [Formulations of sweets with 'Pacovan' banana and wild passion fruit]. Research and Development Bulletin. Embrapa Semiarid Technical Report. Petrolina (PE): Embrapa Semiárido; 2014.], umbu [3535 Castro CDPC, Rybka ACP. [Sensory acceptance of umbu jam with licuri almonds]. Research and Development Bulletin. Embrapa Semiarid Technical Report. Petrolina (PE): Embrapa Semiárido; 2018.], caja-manga [2727 Ramalhosa E, Sousa AV, Fernandes L, Delgado T, Fidalgo MC, José A, et al. [Physicochemical and sensory characterization of fruit jams from Sao Tome and Principe]. Millenium. 2017; 2(3): 77-84.] and araticum [1717 Oliveira MOS, Dias BB, Morais RA, Martins GAS. [Processing of araticum fruit (Annona crassiflora Mart.) paste-like sweet and viability for school feeding programs]. Rev Desafios. 2020a; 7(Especial): 87-93. Doi:

Moreover, adding adjuvants and aromatic herbs, e.g., pepper and mint, positively impacts the sensory acceptability of fruit-based products [2626 Melo ACH, Borges BB, Batista Júnior ED, Souza EG, Rocha LG, Moura NM, et al. [Sensory analysis of pineapple jam with onion and caja-manga jam with mint and pepper]. Rev Biodiversidade. 2019; 3(18): 100-9., 4040 Castro G, Lopes AH, Silva DAPT, Gorayeb TCC. [Preparation of fruit jelly with chili pepper (Capsicum baccatum var. Pendulum)]. Rev Agronegócio. 2016; 5: 45-57.]. One such example is the jelly made from caja-manga and added with mint and pepper, which achieved percentages higher than 80% for all evaluated attributes, highlighting its good sensory acceptability [2626 Melo ACH, Borges BB, Batista Júnior ED, Souza EG, Rocha LG, Moura NM, et al. [Sensory analysis of pineapple jam with onion and caja-manga jam with mint and pepper]. Rev Biodiversidade. 2019; 3(18): 100-9.].

These data demonstrate the feasibility of using the aforementioned processing techniques for Cerrado fruits. However, the few available studies, especially those addressing the issue of characterization during storage, highlight the need to expand research in this field in order to better assess the technical feasibility of production [88 Reis AF, Schmiele M. [Characteristics and potential of Cerrado fruits in the food industry]. Braz J Food Technol. 2019; 22: 1-12. Doi:

Table 1
Possibilities of use of Cerrado fruits to make jams and jellies.


Flours are products obtained from the processing of cereals, tubers, legumes, fruits, seeds, and rhizomes [4141 Brasil. [Collegiate board resolution nº 263, of september 22, 2005]. Technical regulation for cereal products, starches, flours and bran. Diário Oficial da União 23 set 2005.]. Their moisture content should be lower than 15%, achieved by adopting drying and milling methods that characterize the flour production process as simple while favoring artisanal production [4242 Engel B, Baccar NM, Marquardt L, Oliveira MSR, Rohlfes ALB. [Atomization and dehydration technologies: alternatives for the production of flours from vegetables]. 2016; 6(1): 31-44. Doi:
-4343 Santana GS, Oliveira Filho JG, Egea MB. [Technological characteristics of commercial vegetable flours]. Rev Agric. Neotrop. 2017; 4(2): 88-95. Doi:
]. With regarding their use, flours are widely employed in cakes, breads, cookies, and other preparations [4444 Albuquerque JG, Duarte AM, Conceição ML, Aquino JS. Integral utilization of seriguela fruit (Spondias purpurea L.) in the production of cookies. J Food Sci Technol. 2016; 38(3): 1-7. Doi:

45 Ortolan AV, Eing KKC, Santos MMR, Candido CJ, Santos EF, Novello D. [Addition of baru flour in cupcakes: physicochemical and sensory characterization among children]. O mundo da Saúde. 2016; 40(2): 213-20. Doi: 10.15343/0104-7809.20164002
-4646 Silva CLM, Santos TC, Oliveira MLP, Silva LMSF, Araújo CIA, Jesus CA, et al. [Centesimal composition of cookies added with Caryocar brasiliense Camb. (Caryocaraceae) flour]. Cad Ciências Agrárias. 2018; 10(2): 78-82.].

In this context, some Cerrado fruits have the potential for producing flours, e.g., pequi, baru, and jatoba, which can be used either individually or as ingredients of other food preparations (Table 2) [4545 Ortolan AV, Eing KKC, Santos MMR, Candido CJ, Santos EF, Novello D. [Addition of baru flour in cupcakes: physicochemical and sensory characterization among children]. O mundo da Saúde. 2016; 40(2): 213-20. Doi: 10.15343/0104-7809.20164002
, 5252 Silva CP, Freitas AMS, Sampaio GR, Santos MCB, Nascimento TP, Cameron LC, et al. Identification and action of phenolic compounds of Jatoba-do-Cerrado (Hymenaea stignocarpa Mart.) on α-amylase and α-glucosidase activities and flour on glycemic response and nutricional quality of breads. Food Res Int. 2018; 116: 1076-83. Doi:
, 5656 Reis Filho J, Lustosa IBS, Sampaio RMM, Moreira MR, Morais VD, Souza VSS. [Improvement of the nutritional value of brownie using outer mesocarp flour of pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb)]. Motricidade. 2018; 14(1): 196-204.]. Furthermore, one of the benefits of producing flours from Cerrado fruits is better food preservation since moisture removal during production results in a less perishable product, with long shelf life and easy storage [4242 Engel B, Baccar NM, Marquardt L, Oliveira MSR, Rohlfes ALB. [Atomization and dehydration technologies: alternatives for the production of flours from vegetables]. 2016; 6(1): 31-44. Doi:
]. In addition, this form of processing allows using whole of some fruits instead of just certain parts [4848 Morais RA, Melo KKS, Oliveira TTB, Teles JS, Peluzio JM, Martins GAS. [Chemical, physical and technological characterization of flour obtained from buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L. f.) peel]. Braz J Dev. 2019; 10(11): 23307-22. Doi:
, 5656 Reis Filho J, Lustosa IBS, Sampaio RMM, Moreira MR, Morais VD, Souza VSS. [Improvement of the nutritional value of brownie using outer mesocarp flour of pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb)]. Motricidade. 2018; 14(1): 196-204.].

Nutritional quality is another interesting factor in Cerrado fruit flours since they are rich in bioactive substances, e.g., phenolic compounds, antioxidants, and dietary fiber [4848 Morais RA, Melo KKS, Oliveira TTB, Teles JS, Peluzio JM, Martins GAS. [Chemical, physical and technological characterization of flour obtained from buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L. f.) peel]. Braz J Dev. 2019; 10(11): 23307-22. Doi:
, 5454 Silva JS. [Food bars with marolo (Annona crassiflora Mart) pulp flour: characterization and shelf life]. Goiânia. Dissertation [Master in Food Science and Technology] - Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016.]. Nutrients and their contents vary according to the type of fruit and the fruit part used [4848 Morais RA, Melo KKS, Oliveira TTB, Teles JS, Peluzio JM, Martins GAS. [Chemical, physical and technological characterization of flour obtained from buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L. f.) peel]. Braz J Dev. 2019; 10(11): 23307-22. Doi:
, 5454 Silva JS. [Food bars with marolo (Annona crassiflora Mart) pulp flour: characterization and shelf life]. Goiânia. Dissertation [Master in Food Science and Technology] - Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016.]. One such example is the flour made from the buriti shell, rich in carotenoids, phenolic compounds, and vitamin C [4848 Morais RA, Melo KKS, Oliveira TTB, Teles JS, Peluzio JM, Martins GAS. [Chemical, physical and technological characterization of flour obtained from buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L. f.) peel]. Braz J Dev. 2019; 10(11): 23307-22. Doi:
]. Moreover, the flour produced from marolo pulp contains fibers, vitamin C, and minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium [5454 Silva JS. [Food bars with marolo (Annona crassiflora Mart) pulp flour: characterization and shelf life]. Goiânia. Dissertation [Master in Food Science and Technology] - Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016.].

Improving the nutritional quality of flours by using Cerrado fruits can benefit human health [5252 Silva CP, Freitas AMS, Sampaio GR, Santos MCB, Nascimento TP, Cameron LC, et al. Identification and action of phenolic compounds of Jatoba-do-Cerrado (Hymenaea stignocarpa Mart.) on α-amylase and α-glucosidase activities and flour on glycemic response and nutricional quality of breads. Food Res Int. 2018; 116: 1076-83. Doi:
]. An example to justify this statement is the study conducted by Silva and coauthors [5252 Silva CP, Freitas AMS, Sampaio GR, Santos MCB, Nascimento TP, Cameron LC, et al. Identification and action of phenolic compounds of Jatoba-do-Cerrado (Hymenaea stignocarpa Mart.) on α-amylase and α-glucosidase activities and flour on glycemic response and nutricional quality of breads. Food Res Int. 2018; 116: 1076-83. Doi:
] with breads made from jatoba flour instead of wheat flour, which showing high fiber and polyphenol contents in the final product. In that study, jatoba flour bread induced a lower dose-independent glycemic response in the in vitro digestion. This result stems from the synergistic effects of fiber and phenolic compounds on glucose metabolism, significantly inhibiting the activity of α-amylase and α-glucosity. In this respect, jatoba and its by-products could be consumed by individuals with chronic diseases such as diabetes [5252 Silva CP, Freitas AMS, Sampaio GR, Santos MCB, Nascimento TP, Cameron LC, et al. Identification and action of phenolic compounds of Jatoba-do-Cerrado (Hymenaea stignocarpa Mart.) on α-amylase and α-glucosidase activities and flour on glycemic response and nutricional quality of breads. Food Res Int. 2018; 116: 1076-83. Doi:

Cerrado fruit flours and their by-products show good sensory acceptability and high market potential [4444 Albuquerque JG, Duarte AM, Conceição ML, Aquino JS. Integral utilization of seriguela fruit (Spondias purpurea L.) in the production of cookies. J Food Sci Technol. 2016; 38(3): 1-7. Doi:
, 5656 Reis Filho J, Lustosa IBS, Sampaio RMM, Moreira MR, Morais VD, Souza VSS. [Improvement of the nutritional value of brownie using outer mesocarp flour of pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb)]. Motricidade. 2018; 14(1): 196-204.]. The food bars produced with different concentrations of marolo pulp flour (20, 30, 40 and 50%) are one such example, with their sensory acceptability increasing proportionally to the concentration of fruit flour [5454 Silva JS. [Food bars with marolo (Annona crassiflora Mart) pulp flour: characterization and shelf life]. Goiânia. Dissertation [Master in Food Science and Technology] - Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016.].

However, flours made from fruits with marked sensory characteristics, e.g., pequi, should be used with caution since brownies produced with high proportions of pequi peel flour showed low sensory acceptability and purchase intention [5656 Reis Filho J, Lustosa IBS, Sampaio RMM, Moreira MR, Morais VD, Souza VSS. [Improvement of the nutritional value of brownie using outer mesocarp flour of pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb)]. Motricidade. 2018; 14(1): 196-204.]. These results highlight the need to determine the ideal proportion of flour to be used in partial or complete replacement of other flours for each fruit and product.

Another important point about this processing strategy is choosing the appropriate dehydration method since nutritional and sensory losses may occur depending on the temperature and exposure time, thus decreasing the quality of the flour [4242 Engel B, Baccar NM, Marquardt L, Oliveira MSR, Rohlfes ALB. [Atomization and dehydration technologies: alternatives for the production of flours from vegetables]. 2016; 6(1): 31-44. Doi:

Table 2
Possibilities of use of Cerrado fruits to manufacture flours and its products.


Another processing option is using of Cerrado fruits to produce alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages.

Non-alcoholic beverages

Nine different fruits (araticum, buriti, cagaita, gabiroba, mangaba, umbu, umbu-caja, seriguela, wild passion fruit) already show potential for the production of soft drinks e.g., juices and pulps, with mangaba, umbu and cagaita ranking as the most common species for that purpose [5959 Morais EC, Patias SGO, Ferreira NSS, Picanço N, Rodrigues EC, Nascimento E, et al. [Bioactive compounds and physicochemical characteristics of fresh and pasteurized araticum pulp]. Braz J Food Technol. 2017; 20. Doi:

60 Silva LL, Cardoso LM, Pinheiro-Sant’ana HM. [Influence of blanching, pasteurization and freezing on the physicochemical characteristics, carotenoids and vitamin A value of araticum (Annona crassiflora Mart.) pulp]. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz. 2015a; 74(1): 30-8.

61 Rodrigues AMC, Bezerra CV, Silva IQS. [Rheological properties of buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) juice]. Rev Bras Frutic. 2016; 38(1): 176-86. Doi:

62 Garcia L, Becker S, Damiani C. [Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) nectar: the functional beverage of the Cerrado]. Rev Verde Agroecol. Desenv Sustentável. 2015; 10(1): 263-8. Doi:

63 Assumpcao C, Bachiega P, Santana ATMC, Morzelle M, Boas V, Souza EC. [Mixed nectar of mangaba (Hancoria speciosa Gomes) and cagaita (Eugenia dysenterica): sensory profile and physicochemical characteristics]. Rev Bras Produtos Agroind. 2013; 15(3): 219-24. Doi:

64 Martins HD, Perfeito DGA, Silva AR, Peixoto N. [Characterization and study of the physical stability of sweetened mixed juice of mangaba and cagaita]. Rev Agric Neotropical. 2017; 4(2): 81-7. Doi:

65 Silva CL. [Development and physicochemical evaluation of nectars based on gabiroba (Campomanesia pubescens) at different storage periods]. Uberlândia. Dissertation [Professional Master in Food Science and Technology] - Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro; 2015.

66 Lima BP, Perfeito DGA, Carvalho N, Siqueira APS, Schmidt FL. [Sensory evaluation of mangaba-based beverage]. Multi-Science J. 2017; 1(8): 1-3.

67 Lima LLA, Silva AMO, Ferreira IM, Carvalho TPNMG. [Mixed nectar of umbu (Spondias tuberosa Arr. Câmera) and mangaba (Hancornia Speciosa Gomes): preparation and quality evaluation]. Braz J Food Technol. 2018; 21: 1-8. Doi:

68 Sousa ABB, Nascimento APS, Araújo AKP, Almeida RD, Cavalcanti ASRRM, Duarte MEM. [Physicochemical characterization of mixed ceriguela pulp with Spirulina platensis dried by freeze-drying]. Rev Bras Produtos Agroind. 2018; 20(3): 281-8.

69 Silva MI, Martins JN, Alves JEA, Costa FFP. [Physicochemical characterization of umbu pulp in foam layer]. Rev Semiárido Visu. 2015b; 3(2): 82-91.

70 Bastos J, Martínez E, Souza S. [Physicochemical characteristics of commercial umbu (Spondias tuberosa Arruda Câmara) pulp: concentration effect]. J Bioenergy Food Sci. 2016; 3(1): 11-6. Doi: 10.18067/jbfs.v3i1.48

71 Santos MB, Cardoso RL, Fonseca AAO, Conceição MN, Neto ADA. [Physicochemical and microbiological evaluation of umbu-caja fruit pulp, by combined methods]. Rev Magistra. 2013; 25(1): 7-13.

72 Oliveira SND. [Freeze-drying of wild passion fruit (Passiflora cincinnata Mast.) pulp for the production of food products]. Campina Grande. Thesis [PhD in Agricultural Engineering] - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande; 2016.
-7373 Santos EKR. [Production and evaluation of stock of probiotic beverages, fermented and unfermented, based on Caatinga passion fruit (Passiflora cincinnata Mast.) pulp and pectin]. Recife. Dissertation [Master in Industrial Biotechnology] - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco; 2017.].

The physicochemical characteristics of beverages made from fruit species native to the Cerrado were similar to those observed with other fruits, although influenced by the characteristics of each fruit used [6666 Lima BP, Perfeito DGA, Carvalho N, Siqueira APS, Schmidt FL. [Sensory evaluation of mangaba-based beverage]. Multi-Science J. 2017; 1(8): 1-3.-6767 Lima LLA, Silva AMO, Ferreira IM, Carvalho TPNMG. [Mixed nectar of umbu (Spondias tuberosa Arr. Câmera) and mangaba (Hancornia Speciosa Gomes): preparation and quality evaluation]. Braz J Food Technol. 2018; 21: 1-8. Doi:
]. Therefore, highly acidic fruits, such as umbu and mangaba, result in highly acidic products, as demonstrated by the low pH value of the nectars of mangaba [6666 Lima BP, Perfeito DGA, Carvalho N, Siqueira APS, Schmidt FL. [Sensory evaluation of mangaba-based beverage]. Multi-Science J. 2017; 1(8): 1-3.] and umbu with mangaba [6767 Lima LLA, Silva AMO, Ferreira IM, Carvalho TPNMG. [Mixed nectar of umbu (Spondias tuberosa Arr. Câmera) and mangaba (Hancornia Speciosa Gomes): preparation and quality evaluation]. Braz J Food Technol. 2018; 21: 1-8. Doi:
], and the umbu pulp [6969 Silva MI, Martins JN, Alves JEA, Costa FFP. [Physicochemical characterization of umbu pulp in foam layer]. Rev Semiárido Visu. 2015b; 3(2): 82-91.]. This characteristic is interesting since it assist in product preservation by inhibiting microorganisms.

Furthermore, several studies highlight the good shelf life stability of fruit products throughout storage, e.g., the pulps of araticum [6060 Silva LL, Cardoso LM, Pinheiro-Sant’ana HM. [Influence of blanching, pasteurization and freezing on the physicochemical characteristics, carotenoids and vitamin A value of araticum (Annona crassiflora Mart.) pulp]. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz. 2015a; 74(1): 30-8.] and umbu-caja pulp [7171 Santos MB, Cardoso RL, Fonseca AAO, Conceição MN, Neto ADA. [Physicochemical and microbiological evaluation of umbu-caja fruit pulp, by combined methods]. Rev Magistra. 2013; 25(1): 7-13.], and gabiroba nectar [6565 Silva CL. [Development and physicochemical evaluation of nectars based on gabiroba (Campomanesia pubescens) at different storage periods]. Uberlândia. Dissertation [Professional Master in Food Science and Technology] - Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro; 2015.]. Storage induced only minor variations in the physicochemical characteristics, which were insufficient to alter product quality [6565 Silva CL. [Development and physicochemical evaluation of nectars based on gabiroba (Campomanesia pubescens) at different storage periods]. Uberlândia. Dissertation [Professional Master in Food Science and Technology] - Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro; 2015.].

However, preparation techniques and the addition of adjuvants can influence product stability, with variations according to the fruit used. For example, araticum pulp showed greater stability with regard to vitamin contents (all-trans-α-carotene and all-trans-β-carotene) when a combination of pasteurization and freezing was used [6060 Silva LL, Cardoso LM, Pinheiro-Sant’ana HM. [Influence of blanching, pasteurization and freezing on the physicochemical characteristics, carotenoids and vitamin A value of araticum (Annona crassiflora Mart.) pulp]. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz. 2015a; 74(1): 30-8.]. In contrast, even with pasteurization, there was a reduction in the pH, soluble solids, and vitamin C content of umbu-caja pulp [7171 Santos MB, Cardoso RL, Fonseca AAO, Conceição MN, Neto ADA. [Physicochemical and microbiological evaluation of umbu-caja fruit pulp, by combined methods]. Rev Magistra. 2013; 25(1): 7-13.]. In another study, the addition of maltodextrin to seriguela and wild passion fruit pulps contributed to increasing the sugar, starch, pH, and total soluble solids, as well as negatively influenced preservation by increasing the amount of water and reducing the amount of ash [6868 Sousa ABB, Nascimento APS, Araújo AKP, Almeida RD, Cavalcanti ASRRM, Duarte MEM. [Physicochemical characterization of mixed ceriguela pulp with Spirulina platensis dried by freeze-drying]. Rev Bras Produtos Agroind. 2018; 20(3): 281-8., 7272 Oliveira SND. [Freeze-drying of wild passion fruit (Passiflora cincinnata Mast.) pulp for the production of food products]. Campina Grande. Thesis [PhD in Agricultural Engineering] - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande; 2016.].

The microbiological quality of fruit products has been evidenced by microbiological analyses, with results within the parameters established by current regulations, as seen in the nectars of umbu and mangaba [6767 Lima LLA, Silva AMO, Ferreira IM, Carvalho TPNMG. [Mixed nectar of umbu (Spondias tuberosa Arr. Câmera) and mangaba (Hancornia Speciosa Gomes): preparation and quality evaluation]. Braz J Food Technol. 2018; 21: 1-8. Doi:
], mangaba and cagaita [6363 Assumpcao C, Bachiega P, Santana ATMC, Morzelle M, Boas V, Souza EC. [Mixed nectar of mangaba (Hancoria speciosa Gomes) and cagaita (Eugenia dysenterica): sensory profile and physicochemical characteristics]. Rev Bras Produtos Agroind. 2013; 15(3): 219-24. Doi:
], buriti [6262 Garcia L, Becker S, Damiani C. [Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) nectar: the functional beverage of the Cerrado]. Rev Verde Agroecol. Desenv Sustentável. 2015; 10(1): 263-8. Doi:
] and in umbu-caja pulp [7171 Santos MB, Cardoso RL, Fonseca AAO, Conceição MN, Neto ADA. [Physicochemical and microbiological evaluation of umbu-caja fruit pulp, by combined methods]. Rev Magistra. 2013; 25(1): 7-13.]. These results highlight the role of adequate production processes to obtain safe products for commercial purposes.

Moreover, products based on native Cerrado fruits also showed good sensory acceptability, both in beverages made with single fruits [6262 Garcia L, Becker S, Damiani C. [Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) nectar: the functional beverage of the Cerrado]. Rev Verde Agroecol. Desenv Sustentável. 2015; 10(1): 263-8. Doi:
, 6565 Silva CL. [Development and physicochemical evaluation of nectars based on gabiroba (Campomanesia pubescens) at different storage periods]. Uberlândia. Dissertation [Professional Master in Food Science and Technology] - Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro; 2015.-6666 Lima BP, Perfeito DGA, Carvalho N, Siqueira APS, Schmidt FL. [Sensory evaluation of mangaba-based beverage]. Multi-Science J. 2017; 1(8): 1-3., 7272 Oliveira SND. [Freeze-drying of wild passion fruit (Passiflora cincinnata Mast.) pulp for the production of food products]. Campina Grande. Thesis [PhD in Agricultural Engineering] - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande; 2016.] and blends, as demonstrated for the nectars of mangaba and cagaita [6363 Assumpcao C, Bachiega P, Santana ATMC, Morzelle M, Boas V, Souza EC. [Mixed nectar of mangaba (Hancoria speciosa Gomes) and cagaita (Eugenia dysenterica): sensory profile and physicochemical characteristics]. Rev Bras Produtos Agroind. 2013; 15(3): 219-24. Doi:
-6464 Martins HD, Perfeito DGA, Silva AR, Peixoto N. [Characterization and study of the physical stability of sweetened mixed juice of mangaba and cagaita]. Rev Agric Neotropical. 2017; 4(2): 81-7. Doi:
] and umbu and mangaba [6767 Lima LLA, Silva AMO, Ferreira IM, Carvalho TPNMG. [Mixed nectar of umbu (Spondias tuberosa Arr. Câmera) and mangaba (Hancornia Speciosa Gomes): preparation and quality evaluation]. Braz J Food Technol. 2018; 21: 1-8. Doi:

In addition, Cerrado fruits can also be used as ingredients for producing of probiotic beverages, as observed in a product made from wild passion fruit added with Lactobacillus rhamnosus [7373 Santos EKR. [Production and evaluation of stock of probiotic beverages, fermented and unfermented, based on Caatinga passion fruit (Passiflora cincinnata Mast.) pulp and pectin]. Recife. Dissertation [Master in Industrial Biotechnology] - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco; 2017.]. This strategy is highlighted by potential functional claims that could be favored by the good nutritional characteristics of the fruits, which contain antioxidant compounds, vitamins, and minerals [6262 Garcia L, Becker S, Damiani C. [Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) nectar: the functional beverage of the Cerrado]. Rev Verde Agroecol. Desenv Sustentável. 2015; 10(1): 263-8. Doi:

Alcoholic beverages

Fermented alcoholic beverages have a sweet and pleasant taste and alcohol contents between 4 and 15% [7474 Silva JLA, Dantas CEA. [Alcoholic fermented of umbu: production, fermentation kinetics and physicochemical characterization]. Holos. 2017; 2: 108-21. Doi:
]. Except for grapes, they can be obtained through fruit fermentation, thus favoring the use of various fruit sources and contributing different flavors to the beverage [7575 Brasil. [The law n° 8.918, of july 14, 1994]. Provides for the standardization, classification, registration, inspection, production and supervision of beverages. Diário Oficial da União 14 jul 1994., 7676 Almeida FLC, Oliveira ENAD, Almeida EC, Silva LND, Santos YMGD, Luna LC. [Sensory study of alcoholic beverages from mangaba (Hancornia speciosa Gomes)]. Braz J Food Technol. 2020; 23: 1-9. Doi:

The potential of Cerrado fruits for alcoholic beverage production is relevant due to the high consumption of this type of product, especially distilled beverages [7777 World Health Organization (WHO). 2018. [Global status report on alcohol and health]. Acessed: jan 15, 2021. Available from:
]. Several fruits can be used for producing fermented beverages, e.g., murici [7878 Bizinoto CS. [Development of alcoholic fermented beverage from murici (Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Kunth)-malpighiaceae]. Uberaba. Dissertation [Professional Master in Food Science and Technology] - Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro; 2017.], umbu [7474 Silva JLA, Dantas CEA. [Alcoholic fermented of umbu: production, fermentation kinetics and physicochemical characterization]. Holos. 2017; 2: 108-21. Doi:
], and cagaita [7979 Valério Júnior MFR. [Study of co-culture between Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces kudriavzevii for the development of an alcoholic fermented beverage based on cagaita (Eugenia dysenterica DC.)]. Goiânia. Dissertation [Master in Chemical Engineering] - Universidade Federal do Goiás; 2018.], whereas distilled spirits can be made from fruits, such as caja-manga [8080 Alves HO. [Obtaining and physicochemical analysis of the alcoholic distillate from cajarana (Spondias sp) in the semi-arid region of Paraiba]. Patos. Dissertation [Master in Forest Sciences] - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande; 2011.], gabiroba [8181 Melo RM. [Characterization of chemical attributes of substrates and seedling development of Campomanesia adamantium (Cambess) O. Berg in response to liming and nutritional characterization of the native fruit and the elaborated liqueur]. Dourados. Dissertation [Master in Agronomy] - Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados; 2017.], cajui [8282 Carvalho WR, Gonçalves MA, Damiani C, Silva FA, Caliari M, Silva YPA, et al. [Cerrado cashew liquor: production and physical and chemical analyses]. Rev Processos Químicos. 2009; 3(6), 31-5. Doi:
], and buriti [8383 Corrêa RJL, Ferreira Júnior EDS, Ferreira KFM, dos Santos SDFF, Cantanhede WC, Nova LDSC, et al. [Production and physicochemical analysis of spirit obtained from buriti pulp]. Braz J Dev. 2020; 6(3): 9789-95. Doi:

The physicochemical characteristics of these beverages usually meet the standards established by current regulations and are similar to those of analogous products [7474 Silva JLA, Dantas CEA. [Alcoholic fermented of umbu: production, fermentation kinetics and physicochemical characterization]. Holos. 2017; 2: 108-21. Doi:
, 7676 Almeida FLC, Oliveira ENAD, Almeida EC, Silva LND, Santos YMGD, Luna LC. [Sensory study of alcoholic beverages from mangaba (Hancornia speciosa Gomes)]. Braz J Food Technol. 2020; 23: 1-9. Doi:
, 7878 Bizinoto CS. [Development of alcoholic fermented beverage from murici (Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Kunth)-malpighiaceae]. Uberaba. Dissertation [Professional Master in Food Science and Technology] - Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro; 2017., 8383 Corrêa RJL, Ferreira Júnior EDS, Ferreira KFM, dos Santos SDFF, Cantanhede WC, Nova LDSC, et al. [Production and physicochemical analysis of spirit obtained from buriti pulp]. Braz J Dev. 2020; 6(3): 9789-95. Doi:
]. However, fruits with low sugar contents, e.g., caja-manga, may result in drinks with lower alcohol content [8080 Alves HO. [Obtaining and physicochemical analysis of the alcoholic distillate from cajarana (Spondias sp) in the semi-arid region of Paraiba]. Patos. Dissertation [Master in Forest Sciences] - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande; 2011.], or require sugar addition during processing, as demonstrated with the fermented drink made from murici [7878 Bizinoto CS. [Development of alcoholic fermented beverage from murici (Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Kunth)-malpighiaceae]. Uberaba. Dissertation [Professional Master in Food Science and Technology] - Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro; 2017.].

In addition, fruits with low acidity, e.g., umbu, can reflect on lower beverage acidity [7474 Silva JLA, Dantas CEA. [Alcoholic fermented of umbu: production, fermentation kinetics and physicochemical characterization]. Holos. 2017; 2: 108-21. Doi:
]. Other characteristics of production, e.g., wort management, the yeast characteristics, and time and temperature control, can also influence the parameters of the beverage, including its volatile acidity [8484 Santos CDO. [Evaluation of the use of enzymatically hydrolyzed black rice (Oryza sativa L.) as an adjunct in beer brewing]. Lorena. Dissertation [Master in Sciences] - Universidade de São Paulo; 2011.].

Beverages made from Cerrado fruits generally show good sensory acceptability and purchase intention, as demonstrated by the results obtained by Almeida and coauthors [7676 Almeida FLC, Oliveira ENAD, Almeida EC, Silva LND, Santos YMGD, Luna LC. [Sensory study of alcoholic beverages from mangaba (Hancornia speciosa Gomes)]. Braz J Food Technol. 2020; 23: 1-9. Doi:
] when evaluating a fermented beverage made from mangaba. On the other hand, one of the advantages of using Cerrado fruits for producing alcoholic beverages is the presence of antioxidant compounds that remain in the product, as observed in gabiroba liqueur, which antioxidant compounds increased with the age of the product [8181 Melo RM. [Characterization of chemical attributes of substrates and seedling development of Campomanesia adamantium (Cambess) O. Berg in response to liming and nutritional characterization of the native fruit and the elaborated liqueur]. Dourados. Dissertation [Master in Agronomy] - Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados; 2017.], and in cashew brandy [8282 Carvalho WR, Gonçalves MA, Damiani C, Silva FA, Caliari M, Silva YPA, et al. [Cerrado cashew liquor: production and physical and chemical analyses]. Rev Processos Químicos. 2009; 3(6), 31-5. Doi:

However, further research in the area is required since technological challenges are to be overcome to reduce costs and make large-scale production feasible [8383 Corrêa RJL, Ferreira Júnior EDS, Ferreira KFM, dos Santos SDFF, Cantanhede WC, Nova LDSC, et al. [Production and physicochemical analysis of spirit obtained from buriti pulp]. Braz J Dev. 2020; 6(3): 9789-95. Doi:
]. In this scenario, the possibility of using fruits with high perishability and low added value, e.g., gabiroba, cajui and cagaita could be an interesting alternative [7979 Valério Júnior MFR. [Study of co-culture between Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces kudriavzevii for the development of an alcoholic fermented beverage based on cagaita (Eugenia dysenterica DC.)]. Goiânia. Dissertation [Master in Chemical Engineering] - Universidade Federal do Goiás; 2018., 8181 Melo RM. [Characterization of chemical attributes of substrates and seedling development of Campomanesia adamantium (Cambess) O. Berg in response to liming and nutritional characterization of the native fruit and the elaborated liqueur]. Dourados. Dissertation [Master in Agronomy] - Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados; 2017.-8282 Carvalho WR, Gonçalves MA, Damiani C, Silva FA, Caliari M, Silva YPA, et al. [Cerrado cashew liquor: production and physical and chemical analyses]. Rev Processos Químicos. 2009; 3(6), 31-5. Doi:

Cerrado fruits as flavor adjuvants

The outstanding flavors of Cerrado fruits can contribute to the sensory characteristics of different products, e.g., chocolate bars [8585 Lubas CCS, Cândido CJ, Souza SVS, Guimarães RCA. [Nutritional quality of chocolate bars added with baru nuts]. Multitemas. 2016; 21(49): 181-92. Doi:
], ice cream [8686 Coelho RRP, Câmara APC, Araújo LF, Matos JDP, Coelho TJS. [Development and sensory evaluation of caja-manga ice cream]. Braz J Dev. 2020; 6(4): 20002-11. Doi:
-8787 Pinho L, Mesquita DSR, Sarmento AF, Flávio EF. [Enrichment of ice cream with baru (Dipteryx alata Vogel) almond and consumer acceptance]. Rev Unimontes Científica. 2015; 17(1): 39-49.], paçoca type candies [8888 Santos GG, Silva MR, Lacerda DBCL, Martins DMO, Almeida RA. [Acceptability and physicochemical quality of peanut candy made with baru almonds]. Pesqui Agropecu Trop. 2012; 42(2): 159-65. Doi:
], cookies [8989 Silva RR, Monteiro SS, Rosa CS. [Development of cookies formulated with pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) almonds compared to chocolate cookies]. Rev Bras Produtos Agroind. 2014; 16(1): 77-82. Doi:
-9090 Lemos LCS, Cavalcante ACFPS, Cândido CJ, Guimarães RCA, Siroma PAH. [Sensory evaluation, microbiological analysis and bioactive compounds of cookie developed with beer bagasse and baru nuts]. Braz J Dev. 2019; 5(12): 31030-41. Doi:
], cheeses [9191 Souza DG, Silva MAP, Moura LC, Dias LG, Plácido GR, Caliari M, et al. [Physicochemical and sensory parameters of fresh cheeses flavored with pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb)]. Global Sci Technol. 2017; 10(01): 105-11.] and yogurts [9292 Gonçalves NM, Ferreira IM, Silva AMO, Carvalho MG. [Yogurt with caja jam (Spondias mombin L.) added with probiotics: microbiological evaluation and sensory acceptance]. Rev Bras Hig Sanidade Anim. 2018; 12(2): 169-78.], among others.

Products incorporated from Cerrado fruits generally show good sensory acceptability [8787 Pinho L, Mesquita DSR, Sarmento AF, Flávio EF. [Enrichment of ice cream with baru (Dipteryx alata Vogel) almond and consumer acceptance]. Rev Unimontes Científica. 2015; 17(1): 39-49.

88 Santos GG, Silva MR, Lacerda DBCL, Martins DMO, Almeida RA. [Acceptability and physicochemical quality of peanut candy made with baru almonds]. Pesqui Agropecu Trop. 2012; 42(2): 159-65. Doi:

89 Silva RR, Monteiro SS, Rosa CS. [Development of cookies formulated with pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) almonds compared to chocolate cookies]. Rev Bras Produtos Agroind. 2014; 16(1): 77-82. Doi:

90 Lemos LCS, Cavalcante ACFPS, Cândido CJ, Guimarães RCA, Siroma PAH. [Sensory evaluation, microbiological analysis and bioactive compounds of cookie developed with beer bagasse and baru nuts]. Braz J Dev. 2019; 5(12): 31030-41. Doi:

91 Souza DG, Silva MAP, Moura LC, Dias LG, Plácido GR, Caliari M, et al. [Physicochemical and sensory parameters of fresh cheeses flavored with pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb)]. Global Sci Technol. 2017; 10(01): 105-11.

92 Gonçalves NM, Ferreira IM, Silva AMO, Carvalho MG. [Yogurt with caja jam (Spondias mombin L.) added with probiotics: microbiological evaluation and sensory acceptance]. Rev Bras Hig Sanidade Anim. 2018; 12(2): 169-78.
-9393 Braga RC, Monteiro LLL, Nascimento KKB, Silva FMR, Lima AF. [Preparation and characterization of siriguela (Spondias purpurea) mousse added with bee pollen]. Conexões Ci Tecnol. 2019; 13(5): 85-90. Doi:
]. In addition, the good nutritional quality of such fruits can contribute to increasing the nutrient content of their by-products, as demonstrated by the increased protein and fiber contents after adding of baru nuts (Dipteryx alata Vogel) to ice cream [8787 Pinho L, Mesquita DSR, Sarmento AF, Flávio EF. [Enrichment of ice cream with baru (Dipteryx alata Vogel) almond and consumer acceptance]. Rev Unimontes Científica. 2015; 17(1): 39-49.] and paçoca type candies [8888 Santos GG, Silva MR, Lacerda DBCL, Martins DMO, Almeida RA. [Acceptability and physicochemical quality of peanut candy made with baru almonds]. Pesqui Agropecu Trop. 2012; 42(2): 159-65. Doi:
]. Similarly, the addition of pequi nuts to cookie type cookies also resulted in higher protein, lipid, and ash contents [8989 Silva RR, Monteiro SS, Rosa CS. [Development of cookies formulated with pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) almonds compared to chocolate cookies]. Rev Bras Produtos Agroind. 2014; 16(1): 77-82. Doi:

Therefore, using Cerrado fruits as flavor adjuvants in different products is an interesting strategy to favor the sensory acceptability of fruit products and improve their nutritional characteristics [8787 Pinho L, Mesquita DSR, Sarmento AF, Flávio EF. [Enrichment of ice cream with baru (Dipteryx alata Vogel) almond and consumer acceptance]. Rev Unimontes Científica. 2015; 17(1): 39-49.

88 Santos GG, Silva MR, Lacerda DBCL, Martins DMO, Almeida RA. [Acceptability and physicochemical quality of peanut candy made with baru almonds]. Pesqui Agropecu Trop. 2012; 42(2): 159-65. Doi:
-8989 Silva RR, Monteiro SS, Rosa CS. [Development of cookies formulated with pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) almonds compared to chocolate cookies]. Rev Bras Produtos Agroind. 2014; 16(1): 77-82. Doi:


Cerrado fruits species have an outstanding potential to be use in different products, e.g., jam, sweets and alcoholic beverages. However, further research should be conducted to establish production technologies and analyze nutritional characteristics during storage and sensory acceptance of products, especially with use of methods based in consumer attitude and perception. These technologies can favor the valorization and sustainable use of native fruits, with positive impacts on job and income generation, and, consequently, on the preservation of natural resources of the Cerrado biome.


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  • Funding:

    The authors thank to the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for the ISL and LVS fellowships.

Edited by


Bill Jorge Costa

Associate Editor:

Bill Jorge Costa

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    19 Aug 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    22 Mar 2023
  • Accepted
    29 Nov 2023
Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná - Tecpar Rua Prof. Algacyr Munhoz Mader, 3775 - CIC, 81350-010 Curitiba PR Brazil, Tel.: +55 41 3316-3052/3054, Fax: +55 41 3346-2872 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil