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Investigation of the Acute Effects of Dry Extract of Glycine Max on Postprandial Glycemia in Rats

The acute effects of Glycine max (GM) on post prandial glycemia (PPG) in male Wistar rats were investigated. All substances were orally administered by gavage in overnight fasted animals. The elevation of PPG promoted by starch (1g/kg) was prevented by GM (2.5 mg/kg, 5.0 mg/kg, 7.5 mg/kg, 10.0 mg/kg, and 100.0 mg/kg). In conclusion GM showed potential antidiabetic effect.

Glycine max; soy; diabetes; acarbose; phytotherapy; post prandial glycemia

Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná - Tecpar Rua Prof. Algacyr Munhoz Mader, 3775 - CIC, 81350-010 Curitiba PR Brazil, Tel.: +55 41 3316-3052/3054, Fax: +55 41 3346-2872 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil