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Walker-256 Tumor: Experimental Model, Implantation Sites and Number of Cells for Ascitic and Solid Tumor Development


The Walker-256 tumor is an important experimental model that allow the development of therapies as the biological behavior of this tumor is similar that occur in humans. In front of the above considerations, the aim of this study was to describe the experimental model of Walker-256 tumor, identify the implantations sites as well as define a usual quantity of tumoral cells to induce the ascitic and solid tumor, according to the specialized literature. Were selected 45 articles using the keyword “Walker-256 tumor”, free available. Were possible to observe that 58% (n=26) of the studies inoculate the tumor cells in the animals flank 33% (n = 15) in the tibia bone, 7% (n = 3) in the femur and 2% (n = 1) in the paw. The major quantitates of cells used were 8 x 107 (20%), 1 x 105 (13%), 1 x 106 (11%) and 2 x 107 (11%). After that, the site commonly used to inoculate was the flank and quantitate still a controversy, being 1x105 and 8x107 the concentrations more used.

Walker-256 tumor; Cancer; Experimental model; Rats

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