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This is the third issue of the Brazilian Administration Review as a quarterly journal from this year on. Five articles are made available to our readers and collaborators as in preceding issues. In the first article, Mariana Mayumi Pereira de Souza, Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri and Antonio Augusto Moreira de Faria carry out an analysis of the projected organizational identity of a recently privatized Brazilian railroad through the discourses of high ranking managers and the trade union; their conclusion is that the identity projection process happens in a very diverse, contradictory and interactive way. In the second text, Paulo Roberto Gião, Moacir de Miranda Oliveira Júnior and Eduardo Pinheiro Gondim de Vasconcellos attempt to interpret the effects of offshoring over value chain and core competencies, imprecise borders and definitions in a holistic manner and stimulate discussions in a new area of study rather than providing definitive general conclusions. To follow, Francisca Farache, Keith John Perks, Lilian Soares Outtes Wanderley and José Milton de Sousa Filho attempt to understand consumers' perceptions regarding Cause Related Marketing (CRM) based on a survey focusing on the perception of the alliance between for-profit companies and non-profit organisations; they find that consumers have a better perception of firms that work with charities and good causes than those that do not. In the fourth article, Cristiane Pizzutti dos Santos and Daniel Von der Heyde Fernandes investigate the antecedents and consequences of consumer trust after complaint handling episodes about services through a cross-sectional study with complainers of banks and airline companies, finding that the building of consumer trust was sensitive to perceptions of justice regarding the way complaints were handled by the company. In the fifth and final text, Bruno Funchal, Fernando Caio Galdi and Alexsandro Broedel Lopes examine the relationship between corporate governance level and the bankruptcy law for such debt variables as firms' cost of debt and amount (and variation) of debt, finding that the empirical results are consistent with the model's prediction.

We hope you all find these articles interesting and enjoy this edition.

Clóvis L. Machado-da-Silva

Chief Editor

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    29 Sept 2009
  • Date of issue
    Sept 2008
ANPAD - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração Av. Carneiro Leão, 825, Zona 04, Zip code: 87014-010, Tel.: (+55) (44) 3354-8545 - Maringá - PR - Brazil