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Greetings! This is the last issue of the Brazilian Administration Review under my direct editorial guidance. It was an enormous responsibility and I strived to maintain the quality standards set by Professor Clóvis Luís Machado-da-Silva, first and previous editor-in-chief. Since April 2009 I accumulated this job with that of RAC - Revista de Administração Contemporânea and made every attempt to build on the established traditions and, at the same time, to look for a few objectives. 1) Indexation on prestigious collections such as SCIELO - Scientific Electronic Library; 2) Move from three to four issues each year and from four to six articles in each issue. All these objectives were achieved six months ago. Since then I have looked for a successor with personal attributes such as high scientific an ethical standards, youngness and strong international links on the academia. This goal was now achieved and I am very glad to announce the name of Dr. Jorge Carneiro as BAR's third Editor-in-Chief. I wish him very good luck!

In this issue, six articles are made available. To begin with, Patricia Morilha Muritiba, Sérgio Nunes Muritiba, Milton Campanário and Lindolfo Galvão de Albuquerque discuss International HR Strategy in Brazilian Technology Multinationals. Their analysis is focused on the development and application of two research models. One analyzes the level of subsidiary autonomy in terms of strategic HR decisions. The other is related to the level of internationalization of HR strategies. In the second article, Fernando Coelho Martins Ferreira, Rafael G. Burstein Goldszmidt and João Mario Csillag present the results of a study named The Regional Concentration of Industries and the Performance of Firms: a Multilevel Approach whose objective was to understand how location within industrial concentrations, like clusters or industrial districts, affects the financial performance of firms. To follow, Maira Petrini and Marlei Pozzebon present a paper entitled Integrating Sustainability into Business Practices: Learning from Brazilian Firms in which they investigate a conceptual model to facilitate incorporation of sustainability into business practices, learning from the context of Brazilian companies that excel in terms of sustainability initiatives. In the fourth text, A New Contingency View of the Organization: Managing Complexity and Uncertainty Through Cognition, Farley Simon Nobre, Andrew M. Tobias and David S. Walker present an interesting contingency view of the organization. In the fifth article, entitled Acquisitions, Joint Ventures or Arm's-Length Alliances? Analyzing the Determinants of the Choice of Growth Strategy in Brazil from 1996 through 2007 Eduardo Kazuo Kayo, Herbert Kimura, Mauricio Réa Patrocínio and Luis Elesbão de Oliveira Neto analyze growth process of firms in Brazil. Their results mostly support the learning perspective of the firm's choice. Finally, Maya Reyes Ricon, Deborah Moraes Zouain, Roberto da Costa Pimenta and Gustavo de Oliveira Almeida present their paper New Configuration of the Brazilian State: Liberty and Development in the Evolution of Government in Brazil.

I hope you all enjoy this edition.

Rogério H. Quintella

Former Editor-in-Chief

Dear authors, reviewers, readers and all contributors to BAR,

It is my honor to have been appointed to be the new editor-in-chief of such a prestigious journal as the Brazilian Administration Review. I would like to express my gratitude to the ANPAD directors and to Rogério Quintella - who preceded me as editor-in-chief - for trusting me with such responsibility.

Although still "young", BAR has a successful record and plays a prominent role in Brazilian academic circles. Its history encourages us to take on new challenges and to design ambitious plans for the future.

It is imperative that BAR become a truly internationalized journal, be indexed in the most well-known databases and increase its impact factor to get closer to the most influential journals of our field.

Such goals will only be achieved as BAR becomes more appealing to contributors all around the world. We will invite researchers from diverse countries to collaborate with BAR as editorial board members and as associate editors. Such first step towards internationalization, together with a revision of BAR editorial policy, is expected to attract more researchers and reviewers from different countries. A network effect is in place here: the more any of such actors contribute to BAR, the more the other targets shall be willing to join in.

Some ideas are already under discussion in order to make BAR more attractive to international contributors. For example, special sessions that bring forth debates and distinct views; or the publication of thematic special issues; among other enhancements. In fact, BAR is open and would very much like to receive suggestions from all of you who have provided support and interest along these years. We realize that some of these goals might perhaps seem too ambitious. But the joint effort we will be organizing with the academic community will help us give it our "best shot".

Warmest regards,

Jorge Carneiro


Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    21 Oct 2010
  • Date of issue
    Dec 2010
ANPAD - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração Av. Carneiro Leão, 825, Zona 04, Zip code: 87014-010, Tel.: (+55) (44) 3354-8545 - Maringá - PR - Brazil