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BAR - Brazilian Administration Review, Volume: 16, Número: 3, Publicado: 2019
  • Thresholds Are Everywhere: A Systems Approach to Public Policy Research Article

    Carvalho, Hamilton Coimbra; Isabella, Giuliana; Mazzon, José Afonso

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The analysis of public policies often fails to account for effects beyond mere cost-benefit analysis. Incorporating elements from the literature on system dynamics, complexity and legitimacy, the present paper develops a framework to understand long-term effects and important constraints for public policies. We call it the thresholds framework, considering the existence of different thresholds in the life of a policy. The framework relies on the application of conceptual lenses to understand essential aspects of the social reality. Using the proposed conceptual repertoire, the paper applies the framework to a specific policy, the Brazilian Worker Food Program (WFP), which currently benefits around 20 million employees working for 250,000 companies in Brazil. The thresholds framework incorporates legitimacy and complexity issues and it is sufficiently flexible for the pursuit of different strategies of inquiry. It may be used to guide the design of business programs in dynamic contexts, such as the ones found in modern social cause environments.
  • Organizing in the Shadow of Donors: How Donations Market Regulates the Governance Practices of Sponsored Projects in Non-Governmental Organizations Research Article

    Lacruz, Adonai José; Moura, Ralf Luis de; Rosa, Alexandre Reis

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of donors in the organization of governance practices of sponsored projects in non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from an agency theory perspective. For this, the sponsored project was understood as a temporary organization. The study relied on data collected through document survey in contracts and call for tenders for project support, and on semi-structured interviews with executives from donor organizations in a Latin America country. The study found that the governance of NGOs is impacted by temporary governance derived from projects. In turn, the projects are circumvented by aspects of compliance and enforcement through pressure from donors, and transferring donor management processes to NGOs produces two shadows over NGOs: (a) there is a public organizations’ influence of laws, norms and actions of state decentralization that demands NGOs to organize themselves like the State; and, (b) on the corporate donors side, an organization aligned with business is required.
  • Public Policies on Innovation and Small Businesses in a Swinging Economy Research Article

    Silva, Glessia; Serio, Luiz Carlos Di; Bezerra, Éder Danilo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The purpose of this paper is to analyze the adequacy of public policies that support innovation in small businesses in a swinging economy, particularly in Brazil.1 In order to make our case for more adequate public policies on innovation, we develop five propositions based on the assumption that innovation policies focused on fostering socioeconomic development should meet. We adopted a documentary research design, as we examined the policies produced by governmental bodies and agencies at the three governmental levels in Brazil - federation, states, and cities. Also, qualitative content analysis was performed in order to organize, codify and interpret the messages delivered by current innovation policies in the country. We found that most public policies on innovation and small businesses are short-sighted and generalist, borrowing metrics and evaluation criteria from the big enterprise context in an one-size-fits-all manner that, ultimately, cannot be applied to most small businesses and local contexts. As a contribution to theory, our five propositions could be used as starting points for future policy and administration research. On a practical level, we propose recommendations to policy-makers and offer insights on how an adequate policy affects a country’s competitiveness and socioeconomic development.
  • Pre-Adoption Diagnosis of the Intelligence Process in Organizations: A Delphi Study with Intelligence Practitioners Research Article

    Cainelli, Amanda; Janissek-Muniz, Raquel

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract In turbulent and competitive scenarios, strategic intelligence is a crucial process for organizations to reduce uncertainties during decision-making and to anticipate changes that may affect their performance and sustainability. Despite the relevance of the activity, continuous and structured processes based on intelligence in organizations are not a reality due to the difficulty of implementing and formalizing it. Executing a diagnosis to evaluate conditions that precede the adoption of a structured intelligence activity allows companies to recognize their efficiency to perform monitoring, to further improve or implement it. This paper explores organizational, informational, individual, technological and material conditions that precede the adoption of the intelligence process, reviews six diagnostic models and proposes a diagnostic tool to evaluate issues that must be considered in advance. The Delphi method was used to exploit opinions among 30 intelligence practitioners in order to define which conditions of the process should be evaluated before its adoption in companies. As a result, this work contributes to filling the gap observed in the literature about the motivation to initiate the intelligence process in organizations and presents a formalized tool to evaluate its pre-adoption stage.
  • Empowering and Resisting in a Sharing Economy: Two Sides of the Same Coin Research Article

    Bó, Gicelda Julia Dal; Petrini, Maira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Some can regard the sharing economy (SE) as a sustainable economy for allowing innovative (even disruptive) business opportunities and for encouraging new forms of consumption. There are, however, controversies about SE’s role in being a commercially-oriented economy taking advantage of regulatory and market failures. Such ambiguous trajectories provide opportunities for research, and one of them brings attention to power’s exercise to promote or influence change. This research, a single-case study of Uber, aims to understand the connections between framings to empower and to resist in a SE context. Three two-sided (empower and resist) perspectives - the economic system, the business market, and the sustainable-driven perspectives - and two strengthening actions - searching for legitimacy and fighting and calling for status quo - arise within the SE context analyzed. Empowering framings sounded more convincing compared to resisting ones, and resisting framings highlighted contradictions not expected from SE initiatives. Our findings suggest that SE does have the potential to stimulate a kind of non-reversible sustainable mindset, but this path choice is still unclear.
  • Context and Theorizing in the Global South: Challenges and Opportunities for an International Dialogue Interview

    Ger, Güliz; Suarez, Maribel Carvalho; Nascimento, Thaysa Costa do
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