Open-access Influence of an Alternative Implant Design and Surgical Protocol on Primary Stability


The purpose of thisin vitrostudy was to evaluate the influence of a new proposal of implant design and surgical protocol on primary stability in different bone densities. Four groups were tested (n=9): G1 - tapered, cone morse, Ø 4.3 mm x 10 mm in length (Alvim CM); G2 - experimental tapered; G3 - cylindrical, cone morse, Ø 4.0 mm x 11 mm in length (Titamax CM) and G4 - experimental cylindrical. The experimental implants were obtained from a design change in the respective commercial models. The insertion was performed in polyurethane (PU) blocks 0.24 g/cm3(20 pcf) and 0.64 g/cm3(40 pcf), according to different surgical protocols. The primary stability was measured by means of insertion torque (IT) and pullout test. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, Tukey’s test (α=0.05) and Pearson’s correlation. For IT and pullout, conventional and experimental implants showed no difference between them when inserted in the 20 pcf PU (p>0.05). In the 40 pcf PU, the modified implants exhibited greater IT (p<0.05) and lower pullout (p<0.05) compared to the respective conventional models. The implant design tested associated with the surgical protocol, positively influenced primary stability in higher density bones.

Key Words: dental implants; design; bone densities; surgical protocol; torque

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