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Variações sazonais em águas costeiras: Brasil Lat. 24º. Parte II

Seasonal variations in coastal waters: Brazil Lat. 24º. Part II


Four years data of temperature from the coastal areas of Santos and Cananeia are analysed in continuation of part I of this work. Earlier tidal wave theories for coastal areas and some basic processes on the determination of Nz are summarized. Seasonal variations of temperature are found to obey approximately a general harmonic law of propagation with depth and from it estimates of the mean annual values of N are obtained. These estimates (preliminaries) seem to indicate that mixing at the coastal areas of Santos is smaller than in the ones of Cananéia.

Variações sazonais em águas costeiras: Brasil Lat. 24º. Parte II

Seasonal variations in coastal waters: Brazil Lat. 24º. Part II

A. R. de Mesquita; J. Harari

Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo


Four years data of temperature from the coastal areas of Santos and Cananeia are analysed in continuation of part I of this work. Earlier tidal wave theories for coastal areas and some basic processes on the determination of Nz are summarized. Seasonal variations of temperature are found to obey approximately a general harmonic law of propagation with depth and from it estimates of the mean annual values of N are obtained. These estimates (preliminaries) seem to indicate that mixing at the coastal areas of Santos is smaller than in the ones of Cananéia.

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Somos gratos à Srta. Marilza Correia pelo cuidadoso trabalho de datilografia no preparo dos originais. À Srta. Carmem Marlene Gallo e à Sra. Herminda A. A. Lanera, devemos o nosso melhor agradecimento pela assistência no trabalho de perfuração dos dados. O segundo autor, durante a realização deste trabalho recebeu auxílio da FINEP (Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos) da Secretaria de Planejamento da Presidência da Republica.


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______ & HUGHES , P. 1959. The distribution of shearing stresses in a tidal current. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 2:288-305.

CHARNOCK, H. 1959. Tidal friction from currents near the sea bed. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 2:215.

ECKERT, E. R. & DRAKE Jr., R. M. 1950. Heat and mass transfer. London, MacGraw-Hill, p.220.

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JOHANNESSEN. O. M. 1967a. Note on the diurnal temperature observations off the coast of Santos, Brazil. Contrçoes Inst, oceanogr. Univ.S Paulo, sér. Ocean, fís., (9):1-7.

______ 1967b. Preliminary studies on the mean daily oscil lation of sea level and atmospheric pressure at Cananéia and Santos on the southern part of the Brazilian coast. Contrçoes Inst. oceanogr. Univ. S Paulo, sér. Ocean, fís., (9):9-16.

______ ; MIRANDA, L. B. de & MLNIUSSI, I. C. 1967. Pre-liminary study of seasonal sea level variation along the southern part of the Brazilian coast. Contrçoes Inst, oceanogr. Univ. S Paulo, sér. Ocean, fís., (9):17-29.

KIRWAN, A. D. 1965. On the use of the Rayleigh-Ritz method for calculating the eddy diffusivity. Proc. Symp. Diffusion in the Oceans and Fresh Water, September, 1964. New York, Lamont Geological Observatory, Columbia University, p. 86-92.

KULLEMBERG, G. 1970. Measurements of horizontal and vertical dif fusion in coastal waters. Kungl. Vetenskapas-och Vitterhets-Samhället, Goterborg, ser. Geophysica, 2.

LEINEBÖ, R. 1969. Study of coastal water on the Brasilian shelf at Lat. 25ºS. Contrções Inst. oceanogr. Univ. S. Paulo, sér. Ocean. fís., (11):1-14.

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______ 1974. Seasonal variations of coastal waters: Brazil, Lat. 24º. I. Rel. int. Inst, oceanogr. Univ. S Paulo, (1):1-36.

OKUBO, A. 1971. Horizontal and vertical mixing in the sea. In: HOOD, D. W., ed. - Impingement of man on the oceans. New York, Wiley-Interscience, p.89-168.

PINGREE, R. D. 1972. Mixing in the deep stratified ocean. Deep Sea Res., 19(8):549-562.

ROLL, H. U. 1965. Physics of the marine atmosphere. New York, Aca demic Press, 426p.

SCHLICHTING, H. 1968. Boundary-layer theory. 6 ed. New York, MacGraw- Hill, 747p.

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STOCKMAN, W. B. 1946. A theory of T-S curves as a method for studying the mixing of water masses in the sea. J. mar. Res., 6(1):1-24.

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(Recebido em 09/setembro/1976)

  • Bowden, K. F. & FAIRBAIRN, L. A. 1952. A determination of the frictional forces in a tidal current. Proc. R. Soc., ser. A, 215:371-392.
  • ______ 1956. Measurements of turbulent fluctuations and Reynolds stresses in a tidal current. Proc. R. Soc., ser. A, 236:418-422.
  • ______ & HUGHES , P. 1959. The distribution of shearing stresses in a tidal current. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 2:288-305.
  • CHARNOCK, H. 1959. Tidal friction from currents near the sea bed. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 2:215.
  • ECKERT, E. R. & DRAKE Jr., R. M. 1950. Heat and mass transfer. London, MacGraw-Hill, p.220.
  • EMÍLSSON, I. 1961. The shelf and coastal waters of southern Brazil. Bolm Inst, oceanogr., S Paulo, 11(2):101-112.
  • FJELDSTAD, J. E. 1928. Contribution to the dynamics of free progressive tidal waves. Scient. Results Norw. N. polar Exped. Maud, 4(3):1-80.
  • JOHANNESSEN. O. M. 1967a Note on the diurnal temperature observations off the coast of Santos, Brazil. Contrçoes Inst, oceanogr. Univ.S Paulo, sér. Ocean, fís., (9):1-7.
  • ______ 1967b. Preliminary studies on the mean daily oscil lation of sea level and atmospheric pressure at Cananéia and Santos on the southern part of the Brazilian coast. Contrçoes Inst. oceanogr. Univ. S Paulo, sér. Ocean, fís., (9):9-16.
  • ______ ; MIRANDA, L. B. de & MLNIUSSI, I. C. 1967. Pre-liminary study of seasonal sea level variation along the southern part of the Brazilian coast. Contrçoes Inst, oceanogr. Univ. S Paulo, sér. Ocean, fís., (9):17-29.
  • KIRWAN, A. D. 1965. On the use of the Rayleigh-Ritz method for calculating the eddy diffusivity. Proc. Symp. Diffusion in the Oceans and Fresh Water, September, 1964. New York, Lamont Geological Observatory, Columbia University, p. 86-92.
  • KULLEMBERG, G. 1970. Measurements of horizontal and vertical dif fusion in coastal waters. Kungl. Vetenskapas-och Vitterhets-Samhället, Goterborg, ser. Geophysica, 2.
  • LEINEBÖ, R. 1969. Study of coastal water on the Brasilian shelf at Lat. 25şS. Contrções Inst. oceanogr. Univ. S. Paulo, sér. Ocean. fís., (11):1-14.
  • MESQUITA, A. R. de 1969. Variações sazonais em áreas costeiras: Brasil, Lat 24ş. Dissertação de Mestrado. São Paulo, Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto Oceanógrafico, 80p.
  • ______ 1974. Seasonal variations of coastal waters: Brazil, Lat. 24ş. I. Rel. int. Inst, oceanogr. Univ. S Paulo, (1):1-36.
  • OKUBO, A. 1971. Horizontal and vertical mixing in the sea. In: HOOD, D. W., ed. - Impingement of man on the oceans. New York, Wiley-Interscience, p.89-168.
  • PINGREE, R. D. 1972. Mixing in the deep stratified ocean. Deep Sea Res., 19(8):549-562.
  • ROLL, H. U. 1965. Physics of the marine atmosphere. New York, Aca demic Press, 426p.
  • SCHLICHTING, H. 1968. Boundary-layer theory. 6 ed. New York, MacGraw- Hill, 747p.
  • SOMMERFELD, A. 1952. Lectures on theorectical physics, v.6: Partial differential equations in physics. New York, Academic Press, 396p.
  • STOCKMAN, W. B. 1946. A theory of T-S curves as a method for studying the mixing of water masses in the sea. J. mar. Res., 6(1):1-24.
  • SVERDRUP, H. U. 1927. Dynamic of tides on the North Siberian shelf. Geofys. Publr, 4(5):1-75.
  • TAYLOR, G. I. 1919. Tidal friction in the Irish Sea. Phil. Trans. R. Soe, ser. A, 220(571):1-33.
  • WEBSTER, A. G. 1955. Partial differential equations of mathematical physics. New York, Dover Publ., 250p.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    06 Jun 2012
  • Data do Fascículo


  • Recebido
    09 Set 1976
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