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Sôbre alguns Foraminifera da costa do Estado de São Paulo

In this paper are recorded 27 different species of Foraminifera collected along the coast of the State of São Paulo. The specimens were collected mainly at six points: "Rabo Azedo" beach in the Island of São Sebastião; "Flexeiras" beach, on the continent, near to the town of São Sebastião; beaches of "Ponta da Praia" and "Boqueirão" in the Bay of Santos; "Itararé" beach at São Vicente and "Praia de Fora", the beach of the "Ilha Comprida" (Long Island) at Cananéia. Collects were also effected in the channel of São Sebastião and at places near Caraguatatuba and Ubatuba, at spots located at the entrance of the bar of Cananéia and near the islands "Bom Abrigo", "Vitória" and 'Anchieta". Dredgings were done at depths varying from 0.80 to 12 meters. Of the 27 species recorded until now, 21 are from the northern coast of the State, 3 of which are present also in the central region (Santos and São Vicente) ; 6 species are from the southern coast of the State. The richest collects were from the northern litoral, especially so at the beach of "Flexeira'. The beach of Itararé although poorer in abundance produced a varied and most interesting material. In what concerns the genera represented by the greater number of species, are in first place Quinqueloculina and Discorbis, followed by Bolivina. Next comes Lagena with up to now only two species. The remaining 14 genera are represented by only one species. The authors studied the group only under an entirely taxonomic point of view to know which are the commonest species that occur on the coast of the State; they intend later to pursue biological and ecological researches in the group. Researches are being effected to study the occurence of certain forms in the different seasons, their distribution, both in the planctonic and sessil stage, on the beaches and bottom deposits, aiming at discovering their penetration and distribution in brackish and fresh waters of the littoral region of the State.

Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo Praça do Oceanográfico, 191, 05508-120 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3091 6513, Fax: (55 11) 3032 3092 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil