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Neopercis atlanticus meridionalis n. subsp., perciforme da região leste meridional do Brasil

In this paper the author describes a new subspecies of a perciform fish - Neopercis atlanticus meridionalis - from the southeast region of Brazil (Cabo Frio - 23º lat. S). In 1950 the author received a collection of fishes gathered during the voyage made by the Instituto Oceanográfico to the Trindade Island (20º30' lat. S - 29º22' Long. W) . Most of the material has already been studied (Carvalho 1950, p. 97-133), and a few remaining specimens were not determined at the time owing to lack of the necessary bibliography. In the above mentioned paper, when Neopercis sp. is referred to, through a printing error, it was said that the specimens had "93 or 94 scales along the lateral line", instead of "73 or 74 scales". Thus, the author takes the opportunity to correct that misprinting and to describe a new subspecies which differs from N. atlanticus (Vaillant) and N. multifasciata (Dõderlein), on account of its greater number of scales along the lateral line. The geographic isolation of this new subspecies has been considered and it seems that it does not reach the habitual geographic dispersion of the typical species.

Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo Praça do Oceanográfico, 191, 05508-120 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3091 6513, Fax: (55 11) 3032 3092 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil