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A contribution to the biology acquirement of Cynoscion jamaicensis (Vaillant & Bocourt, 1883), in the area between Cabo de São Tomé (22º04'S) and Torres (29º21'S), Brazil

Data were obtained from 1891 specimens of Cynoscion jamaicebis collected during four trips aboard R/V "Prof. W. Besnard'', from Cabo de São Tome (22º04'S) to Torres (29º21'S). This species occurs along the continental shelf, preferably on the region of coastal water influence with temperatures between 27ºC and 18ºC. There are young and adults along the coast, in all depths, although it was observed young in February-March at 22ºS and 27ºS and, during other months, at 23º20'S and 27º30'S, while the adults are distributed at 26ºS and 27º30'S in February-March and May and at 23ºS and 29º30'S in September-November. Spawning takes place between latitudes 24º30'S and 26º30'S in winter-spring (September-November), According to reproductive cycle, the condition factor (K) showed variations, being the lowest value in September (spawning season). The pick of recruitment was in May, occurring individuals with total length between 70-90 mm coming from the preceeding spawning period and that did not reach their first year of life. First sexual maturity is reached around 154 mm and at 200 mm all individuals are potentially mature. The weight/length relationship values were different for males α = 3,25) and females (α = 3,10).

Spatial distribution; Temporal distribution; Population structure; Continental shelves; Coastal waters; Spawning seasons; Condition factor; Length-weight relationships; Sexual maturity; Sex-ratio; Cynoscion jamaicensis; Cabo de São Tomé; Torres

Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo Praça do Oceanográfico, 191, 05508-120 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3091 6513, Fax: (55 11) 3032 3092 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil