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Some observations on marine phytoplankton kinetics: 2. The effect of nitrate and ammonium concentrations on the growth and uptake rates of the natural population of Ubatuba region, SP (23ºS, 045ºW)


The phytoplankton Ks anã Vmax as a function of ammonium and nitrate concentrations were determined. The growth rate was estimated from measurements on synthesized chlorophyll-α and the cell number in the. culture media. The uptake rate was determined as to the consumption of ammonium and nitrate after the nutrients depletion from culture media.

Phytopiankton; Kinetics; Nitrates; Ammonium; Growth; Chlorophylls; Nutrients (mineral); Limiting factors; Cell counting; Fluorescence; Phaeodactylum tricornutum; Ubatuba; SP

Foram determinadas a Ks e a Vmax do fi toplancton natural, em função da concen tração de amonia e nitrato. A velocida de de crescimento foi determinada como clorofila-a sintetizada e numero de cé lulas no meio de cultura. A velocidade de assimilação foi determinada como o consumo de amonia e nitrato depois do esgotamento desses nutrientes do meio de cultura.

Fitoplâncton; Cinética; Nitratos; Amonio; Crescimento; Clorofilas; Nutrientes minerais; Fatores limitantes; Contagem de célula; Fluorescencia; Phaeodactylum tricornutum; Ubatuba; SP


Some observations on marine phytoplankton kinetics. 2. The effect of nitrate and ammonium concentrations on the growth and uptake rates of the natural population of Ubatuba region, SP (23ºS, 045ºW)

Gilda Schmidt

Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo


The phytoplankton Ks anã Vmax as a function of ammonium and nitrate concentrations were determined. The growth rate was estimated from measurements on synthesized chlorophyll-α and the cell number in the. culture media. The uptake rate was determined as to the consumption of ammonium and nitrate after the nutrients depletion from culture media.

Descriptors: Phytopiankton, Kinetics, Nitrates, Ammonium, Growth, Chlorophylls, Nutrients (mineral), Limiting factors, Cell counting, Fluorescence, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Ubatuba, SP.


Foram determinadas a Ks e a Vmax do fi toplancton natural, em função da concen tração de amonia e nitrato. A velocida de de crescimento foi determinada como clorofila-a sintetizada e numero de cé lulas no meio de cultura. A velocidade de assimilação foi determinada como o consumo de amonia e nitrato depois do esgotamento desses nutrientes do meio de cultura.

Descritores: Fitoplâncton, Cinética, Nitratos, Amonio, Crescimento, Clorofilas, Nutrientes minerais, Fatores limitantes, Contagem de célula, Fluorescencia, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Ubatuba, SP.

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(Received 14-Dec-1981; accepted 06-Oct-1983)

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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    06 June 2012
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    14 Dec 1981
  • Accepted
    06 Oct 1983
Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo Praça do Oceanográfico, 191, 05508-120 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3091 6513, Fax: (55 11) 3032 3092 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil