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Sobre a fecundidade e a desova da pescada-foguete


This paper presents an analysis of the fecundity and spawning of the sea trout, "pescada-foguete" (Macrodon ancylodon), of the Brazilian coast south of 29ºS, based mostly on egg count estimates of 21 specimens. The following conclusions were drawn: 1 - The eggs in the pre-spawning fish present a multimodal distribution of diameters, suggesting that they are spent successively within each spawning. 2 - The long spawning period, November-May, may be due to the partial spawning suggested above. 3 - In spent fish the ovaries contain mostly (97.5%) ovocytes less than 140 micra in diameter, plus a small quantity (2.5%) of eggs being resorbed. 4 - Correlations were drawn between fecundity (F)/total length (L) and fecundity (F)/weight (W), and are presented in equations (a) and (b) above. 5 - The value of L for F = 0 was determined and the value obtained (23.6 cm) is close to that verified for the beginning of the first maturity.

Sobre a fecundidade e a desova da pescada-foguete

A. E. A. de M. Vazzoler

Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo. Membro do Grupo de Pesquisas sôbre a Pesca Marítima (G.P.P.M.)


This paper presents an analysis of the fecundity and spawning of the sea trout, "pescada-foguete" (Macrodon ancylodon), of the Brazilian coast south of 29ºS, based mostly on egg count estimates of 21 specimens. The following conclusions were drawn:

1 - The eggs in the pre-spawning fish present a multimodal distribution of diameters, suggesting that they are spent successively within each spawning.

2 - The long spawning period, November-May, may be due to the partial spawning suggested above.

3 - In spent fish the ovaries contain mostly (97.5%) ovocytes less than 140 micra in diameter, plus a small quantity (2.5%) of eggs being resorbed.

4 - Correlations were drawn between fecundity (F)/total length (L) and fecundity (F)/weight (W), and are presented in equations (a) and (b) above.

5 - The value of L for F = 0 was determined and the value obtained (23.6 cm) is close to that verified for the beginning of the first maturity.

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CLARK, F. N. 1934. Maturity of the California sardine (Sardina caerulea), determined by ova diameter measurements. Div. of Fish and Game of California, Fish Bull. n.º 42, p. 1-49.

GRUPO DE PESQUISAS SÔBRE A PESCA MARÍTIMA, São Paulo. 1961. Tabelas de dados sobre a pesca marítima: 1958-1959. Secr. Agr., Dep. Prod. Animal e Univ. de São Paulo, Inst. Ocean., 42 p.

HOWARD, G. V. & LANDA, A. 1958. A study of the age, growth, sexual maturity, and spawning of the anchoveta (Cetengraulis mysticetus) in the Gulf of Panama. Inter-Amer. Trop. Tuna Comm., Bull. vol. II, n.º 9, p. 391-467.

RICHARDSON, I. D. & MORAES, M. N. 1960. A first appraisal of the landing and mechanism of the Santos fishery. Bol. Inst. Ocean., vol. XI, n.º 1, p. 5-86.

SIMPSON, A. C. 1951. The fecundity of the plaice. Fish. Inv., Series II, vol. XVII, n.º 5, p. 1-27.

STRZYZEWSKA, K. 1962. The changes in the fecundity of cod from the Gdansk Bay in the years 1959-1961. Intern. Counc. Expl. Sea, Gadoid Fish Committee, n.º 119, p. 1-2.

TIEWS, K. 1959. Counting eggs for fecundity study. RTC/47, in: Lectures notes prepared for the International Training Centre on the Methodology and Techniques of Research on Macherel (Rastrelliger), FAO, Rome, p. 1-2.

VAZZOLER, A. E. A. DE M. 1962. Sobre a primeira maturação sexual e destruição de peixes imaturos. Bol. Inst. Ocean., vol. XII, n.º 2, p. 5-38.

(Recebido em 18/10/1963)

Contr. nº 26 do G.P.P.M.

Publ. nº 187 do Inst. Ocean. da USP.

  • GRUPO DE PESQUISAS SÔBRE A PESCA MARÍTIMA, São Paulo. 1961. Tabelas de dados sobre a pesca marítima: 1958-1959. Secr. Agr., Dep. Prod. Animal e Univ. de São Paulo, Inst. Ocean., 42 p.
  • HOWARD, G. V. & LANDA, A. 1958. A study of the age, growth, sexual maturity, and spawning of the anchoveta (Cetengraulis mysticetus) in the Gulf of Panama. Inter-Amer. Trop. Tuna Comm., Bull. vol. II, n.ş 9, p. 391-467.
  • RICHARDSON, I. D. & MORAES, M. N. 1960. A first appraisal of the landing and mechanism of the Santos fishery. Bol. Inst. Ocean., vol. XI, n.ş 1, p. 5-86.
  • SIMPSON, A. C. 1951. The fecundity of the plaice. Fish. Inv., Series II, vol. XVII, n.ş 5, p. 1-27.
  • STRZYZEWSKA, K. 1962. The changes in the fecundity of cod from the Gdansk Bay in the years 1959-1961. Intern. Counc. Expl. Sea, Gadoid Fish Committee, n.ş 119, p. 1-2.
  • TIEWS, K. 1959. Counting eggs for fecundity study. RTC/47, in: Lectures notes prepared for the International Training Centre on the Methodology and Techniques of Research on Macherel (Rastrelliger), FAO, Rome, p. 1-2.
  • VAZZOLER, A. E. A. DE M. 1962. Sobre a primeira maturação sexual e destruição de peixes imaturos. Bol. Inst. Ocean., vol. XII, n.ş 2, p. 5-38.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    13 Jun 2012
  • Data do Fascículo


  • Recebido
    18 Out 1963
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