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Biología de Lucifer faxoni, Borradaile 1915, en Cananéia, Brasil (crustácea, decapoda, luciferidae)


A total of 149 samples coming from Cananéia (25º lat. S) was analysed. The samples are part of Series E, Plankton Section, Oceanographic Institute of São Paulo. They were taken fortnightly from January 1958 to May 1959 at three fixed stations. Altogether 591 males, 573 females and 1426 juveniles of Lucifer faxoni Borradaile 1915 were studied. The results are as follows: 1 - There is a linear correlation between length of neck and total length. 2 - Sexual maturity is reached at 1.18 mm neck length for the males and 1.19 mm for the females. 3 - Sexual maturity peaks occur in summer and autumn. 4 - Sexual maturity stages were established according to fetasma and ovary development respectively for males and females. 5 - Based on neck length, from size groups may be traced in males. First group of smallest specimens, neck length 0.64-0.80 mm, was present in March, November 1958 and January-February 1959. The second group, neck length 0.83-1.16 mm was present all year round, except in July 1958. The third group also occurred all year round, the neck is longer than 1.18 mm. The largest males neck length 1.70-1.92 mm were present in July, September, October, November 1958 and May 1959. 6 - Females may also be classed in four categories. The first group neck length 0.54-0.90 mm was present in February, March, April, May 1958 and January, May 1959. The second group has neck length 0.95-1.16 mm. The third group has a neck length 1.19-1.79 mm. The fourth group, neck length 1.80-2.27 mm was present in June, October, November 1958 and January, May 1959; they reach larger sizes than the males. 6 - Juveniles were found throughout the year, neck length varying between 0.32-0.94 mm. 7 - The density of sexed and juveniles is slightly different. The frequency of juveniles shows two peaks, a taller one occurs from December to April and a smaller one from September to October. The frequency of sexed specimens shows only one peak that occurred from December to April. These peaks are slightly displaced as compared to the total zooplankton volume in the same area (VANNUCCI, 1962). 8 - The scarcity of specimens in January 1958 may have been caused by a fall in temperature.

Biología de Lucifer faxoni, Borradaile 1915, en Cananéia, Brasil (crustácea, decapoda, luciferidae)* * Este trabajo se realizó con la ayuda del Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas, Rio de Janeiro, GB.

Maria T. López

Instituto de Biología, Universidad de Concepción, Casilla 301, Concepción - Chile


A total of 149 samples coming from Cananéia (25º lat. S) was analysed. The samples are part of Series E, Plankton Section, Oceanographic Institute of São Paulo. They were taken fortnightly from January 1958 to May 1959 at three fixed stations. Altogether 591 males, 573 females and 1426 juveniles of Lucifer faxoni Borradaile 1915 were studied. The results are as follows:

1 - There is a linear correlation between length of neck and total length.

2 - Sexual maturity is reached at 1.18 mm neck length for the males and 1.19 mm for the females.

3 - Sexual maturity peaks occur in summer and autumn.

4 - Sexual maturity stages were established according to fetasma and ovary development respectively for males and females.

5 - Based on neck length, from size groups may be traced in males. First group of smallest specimens, neck length 0.64-0.80 mm, was present in March, November 1958 and January-February 1959. The second group, neck length 0.83-1.16 mm was present all year round, except in July 1958. The third group also occurred all year round, the neck is longer than 1.18 mm. The largest males neck length 1.70-1.92 mm were present in July, September, October, November 1958 and May 1959.

6 - Females may also be classed in four categories. The first group neck length 0.54-0.90 mm was present in February, March, April, May 1958 and January, May 1959. The second group has neck length 0.95-1.16 mm. The third group has a neck length 1.19-1.79 mm. The fourth group, neck length 1.80-2.27 mm was present in June, October, November 1958 and January, May 1959; they reach larger sizes than the males.

6 - Juveniles were found throughout the year, neck length varying between 0.32-0.94 mm.

7 - The density of sexed and juveniles is slightly different. The frequency of juveniles shows two peaks, a taller one occurs from December to April and a smaller one from September to October. The frequency of sexed specimens shows only one peak that occurred from December to April. These peaks are slightly displaced as compared to the total zooplankton volume in the same area (VANNUCCI, 1962).

8 - The scarcity of specimens in January 1958 may have been caused by a fall in temperature.

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Agradezco sinceramente la valiosa cooperación de los Dres. I. Emilsson, T. K. S. Björnberg, L. Forneris y del Prof. N. Bahamonde con los cuales tuve la oportunidad de discutir el presente trabajo. Al Sr. J. Lupi quien separó la mayor parte de los ejemplares de Lucifer de las muestras de plancton, al Sr. E. P. dos Santos por sus sugerencias en la parte estadística; al Sr. Z. de F. Pinto por la confección de algunos gráficos y en especial a A. E. A. de M. Vazzoler y Dra. M. Vannucci por la revisión crítica del manuscrito.

(Recibido en 27/8/64)

  • BARTH, R. 1963. Estudos sobre Lucifer reynaudi como indicador de aguas tropicais. Inst. Pesq. Marinha, Notas téc, n.ş 12, p. 1-16, Lám. 1-15.
  • BATE, C. S. 1888. Report on the Crustacea Macrura collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger' during the years 1873-76. Rep. Voy. 'Challenger', Zool., vol. 24, p. 443-469, figs. 55-70; atlas Lám. 79-83.
  • BROOKS, G. 1882. Metamorphosis of Lucifer faxoni Borradaile. Phil. Trans. R. Soc, vol. 173, n.ş 1, p. 87, Lám. 7-9, figs. 61-75.
  • HANSEN, H. J. 1919. The Sergestidae of the Siboga Expedition. Siboga Exped., Mon. 38, p. 48-65, Lám. 4, figs. 6, 7, 8; Lám. 5, figs. 2, 3, 4.
  • HOLTHUIS, L. B. 1959. The Crustacea Decapoda of Suriname (Dutch Guiana). Zool. Ver., n.ş 44, p. 52-54.
  • VANNUCCI, M. 1962. Preliminary results on the study of the zooplankton standing stock off the South Brazilian coast at 25ş lat. S. Contrções Inst, oceanogr. Univ. S Paulo, Ocean. Biol., n.ş 3, 28 p.
  • VANNUCCI, M. 1963. On the ecology of Brazilian medusae at 25ş lat. S. Bolm Inst. Oceanogr., vol. 13, n.ş 1, p. 143-184, figs, grafs.
  • WOODMANSEE, R. A. 1958. The seasonal distribution of the zooplankton off Chicken Key in Biscayne Bay, Florida. Ecology, vol. 39, n.ş 2, p. 247-262.
  • *
    Este trabajo se realizó con la ayuda del Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas, Rio de Janeiro, GB.
  • Fechas de Publicación

    • Publicación en esta colección
      15 Jun 2012
    • Fecha del número


    • Recibido
      27 Ago 1964
    Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo Praça do Oceanográfico, 191, 05508-120 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3091 6513, Fax: (55 11) 3032 3092 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil