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Relacion standing crop zooplanctonico y densidad de larvas de peces en Bahia de Concepcion, Chile


From monthly zooplankton samples collected during October 1976 to October 1977, the seasonal variation of zooplankton standing crop and its relation to the number offish larvae from Bay of Concepción has been established. The zooplankton standing crop varied between 58 ml/m² in August and 430 ml/m² in January. The number offish larvae in the same sample ranged from 30 larvae /m² in January to 1045 larvae/m² in March. An inverse relationship between the zooplankton standing crop and the number of fish larvae it was checked and this relation is discussed according to the bibliographic antecedents.


Relacion standing crop zooplanctonico y densidad de larvas de peces en Bahia de Concepcion, Chile

Dagobeerto Arcos R.; Alejandro Aron N.; Franklin Carrasco V

Departamento de Biología Marina y Oceanografía, Instituto de Biología, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile


From monthly zooplankton samples collected during October 1976 to October 1977, the seasonal variation of zooplankton standing crop and its relation to the number offish larvae from Bay of Concepción has been established. The zooplankton standing crop varied between 58 ml/m2 in August and 430 ml/m2 in January. The number offish larvae in the same sample ranged from 30 larvae /m2 in January to 1045 larvae/m2 in March. An inverse relationship between the zooplankton standing crop and the number of fish larvae it was checked and this relation is discussed according to the bibliographic antecedents.

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Es nuestro especial interés el reconocer a la Asociación de Industriales Pesqueros de Talcahuano, Chile, quienes, mediante un convenio com la Universidad de Concepción, financian el presente trabajo. Asimismo, a la tripulación del B/C Lund y a todas aquellas personas que colaboraron en las etapas de muéstreos.

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    06 Jun 2012
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