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Ocorrência do "Camarupim": Megalops atlanticus Val., na região lagunar de Cananéia


Although fishermen from the lagoon region of Cananéia (25º lat. s) knew for long the existence of Megalops atlanticus Val. (Camarupim) in that region no record has ever been confirmed the occurrence. In October 1958 the author obtained two specimens captured with a net used for Cynoscion acoupa Lacépèpe (Pescada amarela). The specimens were measured, the gonads observed and the presence of parasites was examined. The analyses of the stomach contents revealed the presence of 37 catfishes, fam. Arridae, a flat-fish and several unidentified small fish. The author supposes that the specimens captured belonged to a small shoal and entered the lagoon region after a long migration.

Ocorrência do "Camarupim" - Megalops atlanticus Val., na região lagunar de Cananéia

Victor Sadowsky


Although fishermen from the lagoon region of Cananéia (25º lat. s) knew for long the existence of Megalops atlanticus Val. (Camarupim) in that region no record has ever been confirmed the occurrence.

In October 1958 the author obtained two specimens captured with a net used for Cynoscion acoupa Lacépèpe (Pescada amarela). The specimens were measured, the gonads observed and the presence of parasites was examined. The analyses of the stomach contents revealed the presence of 37 catfishes, fam. Arridae, a flat-fish and several unidentified small fish.

The author supposes that the specimens captured belonged to a small shoal and entered the lagoon region after a long migration.

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  • BOULENGER, G. A. 1897. On a collection of fishes from the island of Marajó. Brazil Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. 20, p. 298.
  • CARVALHO, J. de P. 1943. Nota preliminar sobre a fauna ictiológica do litoral sul do E. de São Paulo. Bol, Ind. Animal, n.ş 150.
  • CUVIER, G. L. C. F. D. & VALENCIENNES, A. 1846. Hist. Nat. Poiss., vol. XIX, p. 287-398.
  • FOWLER, H. W. 1942. A list of fishes know from the coast of Brazil. Arq. Zool. do E. de São Paulo, vol. VIII, p. 132.
  • FOWLER, H. W. 1948. Os peixes de água doce do Brasil. Arq. Zool. do E. de São Paulo, vol. VI, p. 12-13.
  • GIRARD, C. 1858/1859. Proc. Acad. Nat. Phil., p. 224.
  • GUNTHER, A. 1868. Cat. Fish British Mus., vol. VII, p. 473.
  • IHERING, R. von 1940. Dicionário dos Animais do Brasil, p. 195-196.
  • LACÉPÈDS, B. G. E. V. 1803. Hist. Nat. Poiss., vol. IV, p. 389.
  • SCHUBART, O. 1936. Investigações sobre os viveiros. Bol. Secret. Agric. Ind. e Com. Pernambuco, vol. I, n.ş 2. p. 154.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    14 Jun 2012
  • Data do Fascículo
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