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Sambaquís da região lagunar de Cananéia: I - observações geográficas. II - Especulações prehistóricas


This paper records a few geographic and archeologic observations related with several "sambaquís" found in the lagoon region of Cananéia, in the south coast of the State of S. Paulo. The major part of such shell-mounds were found to be lying directly upon beach or dune sand, their location being, generally, at the margin of a "marigot" (salt-water river). From the observations made at four different "sambaquís" the authors have concluded that these mounds may be considered a most valuable material for the investigation of the region's near past history. It is believed that at the time the "Man-of-the-sambaquí" was living, the planimetric configuration of the Isle of Cananéia and other low parts of the region were considerably different than at the present time. The authors point out that all the former controversies between the "naturalist" and "artificialist" currents have been definitively settled by the work of Guerra (1951, p. 3-18) in which the differences existing between the "sambaquís" and the "wave-built terraces" are demonstrated by this geographer. The lagoon region of Cananéia with its "restingas", canals, etc., is thoroughly analysed and the probable configuration of the lagoon system and marine canals during the prehistoric period is examined. After a few speculative considerations about the prehistory of the region and after studying the stratification of the "sambaquís" layers together with the heterogenous materials which are included in them the authors present their hypothesis that the building of these mounds was probably connected with magic ritual practices.

Sambaquís da região lagunar de Cananéia. I - Observações geográficas. II - Especulações prehistóricas

Aziz N. Ab'Sáber; W. Bernard


This paper records a few geographic and archeologic observations related with several "sambaquís" found in the lagoon region of Cananéia, in the south coast of the State of S. Paulo.

The major part of such shell-mounds were found to be lying directly upon beach or dune sand, their location being, generally, at the margin of a "marigot" (salt-water river).

From the observations made at four different "sambaquís" the authors have concluded that these mounds may be considered a most valuable material for the investigation of the region's near past history. It is believed that at the time the "Man-of-the-sambaquí" was living, the planimetric configuration of the Isle of Cananéia and other low parts of the region were considerably different than at the present time.

The authors point out that all the former controversies between the "naturalist" and "artificialist" currents have been definitively settled by the work of Guerra (1951, p. 3-18) in which the differences existing between the "sambaquís" and the "wave-built terraces" are demonstrated by this geographer.

The lagoon region of Cananéia with its "restingas", canals, etc., is thoroughly analysed and the probable configuration of the lagoon system and marine canals during the prehistoric period is examined.

After a few speculative considerations about the prehistory of the region and after studying the stratification of the "sambaquís" layers together with the heterogenous materials which are included in them the authors present their hypothesis that the building of these mounds was probably connected with magic ritual practices.

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  • BESNARD, WLADIMIR 1950. Considerações Gerais em torno da Região Lagunar de Cananéia-Iguapé. Bol. Inst. Paul. Ocean., Tomo I, fasc. 1, p. 9-26; fasc. 2, p. 3-28. S. Paulo.
  • CARVALHO, JOÃO DE PAIVA 1950. O Plancton do rio Maria Rodrigues (Cananéia). Bol. Inst. Paul. Ocean., Tomo I, fasc. 1, p. 27-44. S. Paulo.
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  • GUERRA, ANTONIO TEIXEIRA 1951. Notas sobre alguns Sambaquís e Terraços do Litoral de Laguna (Santa Catarina) Bol. Paul. Geografia, n. 8, Julho de 1951, p. 3-18. S. Paulo.
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  • LEONARDOS, OTHON HENRY 1938. Concheiros Naturais e Sambaquís. Serv. do Fomento da Prod. Min. (Brasil), avulso n.ş 37, XIII + 109 pp., est. I-XX. Rio de Janeiro.
  • MACHADO, LABIENO DE BARROS 1951. Pesquisas Físicas e Químicas do Sistema Hidrográfico da Região Lagunar de Cananéia. I - Cursos d 'agua. Bol. Inst. Paul. Ocean., Tomo I, fasc. 1, p. 45-68. S. Paulo.
  • SCHMIDT, C. 1914. Relatório da Exploração do Rio Ribeira de Iguape e seus afluentes. Explor. Rio Rib. de Iguape. Comm. Geogr. e Geol. do E. de S. Paulo. 2.Ş ed. S. Paulo.
  • SCHMIDT, CARLOS BORGES 1949. Mito e Tradição dos Sambaquís. Paulistânia, Outubro-Dezembro 1949, p. 30-31. S. Paulo.
  • SETZER, JOSÉ 1949. Os Solos do Estado de São Paulo. Bibl. Geogr. Bras., publ. n.ş 6 da Série A "Livros", XIV + 388 pp. 72 figs. 46 tab., 12 diagr. 6 mapas. Conselho Nacional de Geografia. Rio de Janeiro.
  • TIBIRIÇÁ, RUI W. 1941. O Homem do Sambaquí. Rev. do Arquivo Municipal (S. Paulo) ano VII, LXXIV, Fevereiro-Março 1941, p. 293-298. S. Paulo.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    15 Jun 2012
  • Data do Fascículo
    Dez 1953
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