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Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico, Volume: 33, Issue: 1, Published: 1985
  • Note on DDT (DDT + DDE + DDA) levels in the bays and estuaries of Santos and São Vicente (SP) Artigos

    Pereira, Norival; Tommasi, Luiz Roberto

    Abstract in English:

    Levels of 0.123 0.60 and 2.20 of total DDT were found in three out of ten water samples of Santos Bay and estuarine region of Santos and São Vieente (SP).
  • Occurrence and distribution of copepods (Crustacea) in the epipelagial off southern Brazil

    Campaner, Antonio Frederico

    Abstract in English:

    The copepods of plankton samples collected with a Bongo net of 0.333 mm mesh in 66 oceanographic stations of 4 transects off the States of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and Santa Catarina (SC) in Nov./Dec. 75 and May 76 were qualitatively and quantitatively studied. An amount of 173 species was identified, of which Paivella naporai Wheeler, Xanthocalanus marlyae Campaner, and Corycaeus giesbrechti F. Dahl were taxonomically reviewed. Frequency and density of each species, and absolute and mean density of total copepods were determined for every station, as well as frequency of adult females and males, and young forms. Abundance was higher in the neritic than in the oceanic zone, the mean density being twice greater of the neritic zone of RJ than in that of SC and almost identical in the oceanic zone off both States except for SC in Nov./Dec. 75, where values were thrice greater than in RJ. These results were related to the distribution of water masses in the sampling areas. Copepod associations were determined for neritic and oceanic zones off the States of RJ and SC at both sampling seasons.
  • Estimate of exploitation rates and population size of skipjack tuna off the southeastern coast of Brazil

    Jablonski, Silvio; Matsuura, Yasunobu

    Abstract in English:

    Size compositions and total landings of skipjack tuna caught in the southeastern Brazilian waters by bait-boats are used as the basis of the assessment of the population for 1980-1983 period, employing the length cohort analysis and virtual population analysis. From monthly size frequency data it is suggested that there is constant immigration and emigration of different modal groups in the fishing area with an interval of two to three months. The exploitation rate was very low for length class between 35-45 cm FL, then increased gradually. The weighted mean exploitation rates were 0.060 and 0.448, respectively for length classes smaller and larger than 55 cmFL. The estimate of the average number of fish attaining a size of 43 cm FL (recruit) was 11.0 x 10(6) fish for assumed values of M - 0.7 and K = 0.307. Increasing the fishing mortality rate by 30% and 50%, an estimated increment in yield is 8% and 12%, respectively. From virtual population analysis, we obtained the biomass estimate of skipjack population older than two years-old to be 70.3 thousand tonnes for assumed value of M = 0.7 and the estimated MSY was 24.6 thousand tonnes.
  • Accelerated sedimentation in Caraguatatuba Bay, SP: material and man-induced effects Artigos

    Cruz, Olga; Suguio, Kenitiro; Eichler, Beatriz Beck

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Interpretação de fotografias aéreas nas escalas 1:25.000, 1:20.000 e 1:8.000 e medidas de campo efetuadas no período entre novembro/78 a agosto/81 permitiram detectar modificações morfológicas em um trecho da costa paulista, conhecido por Enseada de Caraguatatuba. Análises granulométricas, morfoscópicas e de agrupamentos de 53 amostras de sedimentos associados permitiram caracterizar suas propriedades texturais, ajudando a entender os processos costeiros envolvidos na evolução da área durante os últimos anos.

    Abstract in English:

    Morphological changes in a sector of the State of São Paulo coastline, known as "Enseada de Caraguatatuba", were recognized through interpretation of air photographs in 1:25.000, 1:20.000 and 1:8.000 scales and field surveys done during the period November of 1978 to August of 1981. Grain size, shape, roundness and cluster analyses of 53 samples from the associated sedimentary deposits allowed us to characterize their textural properties, as well as to understand the coastal processes involved in the evolution of the area during the last years.
  • Seasonal variation of geostrophic circulation on the continental slope: Cape of São Tomé (RJ) and Guanabara Bay (RJ) Artigos

    Paviglione, Ademildes Maria; Miranda, Luiz Bruner de

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Cinco observações oceanográficas espaciais quase sinóticas, realizadas de janeiro de 1970 a fevereiro de 1971, na região entre o Cabo de São Tomé e a Baía de Guanabara, são usadas para descrever a circulação sazonal e as condições de fluxo da Corrente do Brasil próximo à plataforma continental. As velocidades relativas foram calculadas sobre superfícies isanostéricas, de acordo com o método sugerido por Montgomery (1937). A precisão do método foi analisada, com base na propagação dos erros instrumentais das medidas da temperatura, da salinidade e da profundidade sobre o volume específico e a aceleração potencial, obtendo-se uma precisão de cerca de ± 3,0 cm s-1, para a velocidade relativa, e um máximo de ± 2,5 Sv, para o transporte de volume através da secção transversal. As correntes geostróficas de superfície, calculadas com referência à superfície isanostérica de 100 cl ton-1, sao geralmente mais intensas através das secções a leste de Cabo Frio, onde elas atingem valores máximos (~90 cm s-1) na borda da plataforma continental durante o verão, e valores acima de 86 cm s-1 ocorrem no inverno, mais além, a distâncias da costa maiores do que 140 km. Os diagramas T-S mostram os detalhes da distribuição do fluxo nas classes características e o fato de que 50% do transporte total corresponde à Massa de Água Tropical, próxima da superfície isanostérica de 220 cl ton-1. As variações do transporte total na coluna de água, desde a superfície até a superfície isanostérica de referência, foram analisadas para estimar o transporte por unidade de largura.

    Abstract in English:

    Five-nearly-synoptic spatial oceanographic observations, taken from January, 1970 to February, 1971, in the region between Cape of São Tomé and Guanabara Bay, are used to describe the seasonal circulation and flow conditions of the Brazil Current, close to the continental slope. The relative geostrophic velocities were calculated over isanosteric surfaces, according to the method suggested by Montgomery (1937). The precision of the method has been analysed, on the basis of the propagation of the instrumental errors for temperature, salinity and depth to the specific volume anomaly and acceleration potential, leading to a precision of about ± 3,0 cm s-1 for the relative speed, and a¹ maximum of ± 2,5 Sv, for the volume transport through a transversal section. The surface geostrophic currents, computed with reference to the isanosteric surface of the 100 cl ton-1 , are generally stronger through the sections east of Cabo Frio, where they reach maximum values (~90 cm s-1 on the edge of the continental shelf during the summer, and values up to 86 cm s-1 occur in the winter further offshore, at distances from the coast higher than 140 km. The T-S diagrams show the details of the flow distributions on characteristic classes and the fact that 50% of the net flow transports the Tropical Water Mass, above the 220 cl ton-1 isanosteric surface. The variations of the total transport flow in the water column, from the surface to the reference isanosteric surface, were analysed to estimate the transport-per-unit-width.
  • Numerical contribution of phytoplanktonic cells, heterotrophic particles and bacteria to size fractionated POC in the Cananéia estuary (25ºS 48ºW), Brazil

    Mesquita, Hilda de Souza Lima; Peres, Clóvis de Araujo

    Abstract in English:

    Oxidable POC, at two stations in the Cananéia estuary, was found to be largely dependent upon the smallest size POC. The correlation factors between POC and the numerical abundance of cells, heterotrofic particles and bacteria, in each of the size categories studied, were generally low and non-significant for both stations, with a few exceptions. At St. I the number of heterotrophic particles seems to account for some of the POC variation over the year. At St. II, the only significant correlation found was between the number of the largest and intermediate size classes bacteria and the equivalent size classes POC. At this station the importance of the detritus component is suggested. The differences found between the stations, concerning the numerical contribution of cells, particles and bacteria to total POC, have been attributed to the differential hydrodynamic conditions acting upon material coming from land, due to diverse location of the stations. Sampling date and the collection of different water masses have also been considered as factors that may greatly affect the relationships studied.
  • Sessile ciliates on artificial substrata submerged in a polluted estuary (Santos, SP, Brazil)

    Eston, Verena Rapp de

    Abstract in English:

    Primary growth was analysed on artificial substrata submerged at three sites of the Santos estuary (State of São Paulo, Brazil). Research on sessile ciliates was emphasized because they were the most conspicuous organisms of the primary growth developed along this estuary. Zoothamnium commune, dominated near the headwaters of the estuary, where the greatest amount of suspended matter in the water was found. Ephelota gemmipara dominated downstream. Although short time variability was observed in the colonization of substrata submerged on subsequent days, seasonal patterns could be determined. These patterns were characterized by a greater number of rare species of sessile ciliates, and a higher density of the most frequent ones, during spring and summer.
  • Simpósio internacional sobre metais em ambientes costeiros da América Latina, Niterói, RJ, 3-6 de agosto de 1986

Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo Praça do Oceanográfico, 191, 05508-120 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3091 6513, Fax: (55 11) 3032 3092 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil