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For respectful care


Physicians face daily conflicts and moral dilemmas that they often cannot handle. In light of this, this article presents the proposal for special philosophical bioethics, founded on the contributions of Darlei Dall’Agnol to the philosophical debate in Bioethics, which are based on respectful care, as well as the importance of this new concept for the relationship between doctor and patient, according to the metaethical concept of moral cognitivism, of Wittgensteinian inspiration. However, it is worth noting that the four practical rules of medicine (veracity, privacy, confidentiality and fidelity), cannot account for conflicts and moral dilemmas that doctors face in the daily exercise of their profession. Therefore, we argue that it is imperative that these professionals have a moral training based on practical wisdom, integrating the principle of care with the principle of respect in a single concept, called respectful care, as a fundamental human attitude to the healthy relationship between doctor-patient.

Bioethics; Physicians; Patient Care; Practice patterns physician’s

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