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Bioethics and ERAS: a relevant microcosm


The objective of this article is to present a reflection on the concepts and applications of bioethics, its relationship with the development of the moral competence of health professionals, as well as to suggest strategies to mitigate ethical dissonances and clash of paradigms, which can become facilitators of other protocols or institutions. This is an experience report on developing a local protocol to accelerate pediatric cardiac surgical recovery. During this process, the health personnel presented critical points of discussion and dissonance related to venous access, anesthetic induction, parental presence, and pain control. Several reasons were presented and interpreted according to the four main scientific philosophical currents. Considering and reviewing bioethical principles was necessary, especially the autonomy applied to minors and the interrelationship between the principles and their hierarchy of importance. This reinforces the importance of continuing education and the role of medical ethics committees.

Bioethics; Ethics, medical; Anesthesia; Anesthesia in cardiac procedures; Emergence delirium; Attitude of health personnel; Bioethical issues

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