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End-tidal carbon dioxide measurements as a surrogate to arterial carbon dioxide during pediatric laparoscopic surgeries a prospective observational cohort study



Maintaining normocapnia during mechanical ventilation in anesthetized children during laparoscopic surgeries is highly recommended. There is a debate regarding the use of capnography (ETCO2) as a trend monitor for evaluation of arterial carbon dioxide levels (PaCO2). We analyzed the relationship between ETCO2 and PaCO2 with time in elective pediatric laparoscopic surgeries.


This study was a prospective observational cohort analysis of 116 paired comparisons between PaCO2 and ETCO2 computed from 29 children (ASA I, 12–72 months). Arterial blood samples were withdrawn before, at 15 minutes and 30 minutes during pneumoperitoneum and 1 minute after deflation. ETCO2 value was recorded simultaneously, while arterial blood was withdrawn. PaCO2-ETCO2 relationship was evaluated by Pearson’s correlation coefficients and Bland Altman Method of agreement.


Out of the 116 comparisons analyzed, a PaCO2–ETCO2 difference beyond 0 to ≤ 5 mmHg was recorded in 71 comparisons (61.2%) with negative difference in 34 comparisons (29.3%). A positive significant correlation between PaCO2 and ETCO2 was recorded before (r = 0.617, p = 0.000) and at 15 minutes (r = 0.582, p = 0.001), with no significant correlation at 30 minutes (r = 0.142, p = 0.461), either after deflation (r = 0.108, p = 0.577). Bland-Altman plots showed agreement between ETCO2 and PaCO2 before inflation with mean PaCO2-ETCO2 difference 0.14±5.6mmHg (limits of 95% agreement −10.84–11.2, simple linear regression testing p-value 0.971), with no agreement at 15 minutes (0.51 ±7.15, −13.5–14.5, p = 0.000), 30 minutes. (2.62 ±7.83, -12.73–17.97, p = 0.000), or after deflation (1.81 ± 6.56, −10.93–14.55, p = 0.015).


Usage of capnography as a trend monitor in pediatric laparoscopic surgeries may not be a reliable surrogate for PaCO2 levels.

Children; Anesthesia; Laparoscopy; Mechanical ventilation; Arterial carbon dioxide; End tidal carbon dioxide


In 2008 the World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists (WFSA) produced international standards for the safe practice in anesthesia which contained pulse oximetry and capnography.11 Merry AF, Cooper JB, Soyannwo O, Wilson IH, Eichhorn JH. International standards for a safe practice of anesthesia 2010. Canad J Anesth. 2010;57:1027–34. Capnography provides a non-invasive estimation of arterial CO2 levels. It permits physicians to titrate their protocols for mechanical ventilation to maintain normocapnia in operative theatres and in the intensive care.22 Whitaker DK. Time for capnography–everywhere. Anaesthesia. 2011;66:544–9. To avoid perioperative central nervous system derangements, clinicians recommend the maintenance of normocapnia during intraoperative mechanical ventilation in pediatric patients specially in younger individuals, hemodynamic instability and in certain operative techniques such as carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum in laparoscopic surgeries.33 McCann ME, Soriano SG. Perioperative central nervous system injury in neonates. Br J Anaesth. 2012;109 Suppl.1:i60–7.,44 Ringer SK, Ohlerth S, Carrera I, et al. Effects of hypotension and/or hypocapnia during sevoflurane anesthesia on perfusion and metabolites in the developing brain of piglets – a blinded randomized study. Pediatr Anesth. 2016;26:909–18.,55 McCann ME, Schouten AN, Dobija N, et al. Infantile postoperative encephalopathy: perioperative factors as a cause for concern. Pediatrics. 2014;133:e751–7.

Clinicians commonly evaluate the arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure by intermittent arterial blood gas analysis coupled with continuous recording of the end-tidal carbon dioxide by capnography.66 Nunn JF, Hill DW. Respiratory dead space and arterial to endtidal carbon dioxide tension difference in anesthetized man. J Applied Physiol. 1960;15:383–9.,77 Goonasekera C, Goodwin A, Wang Y, Goodman J, Deep A. Arterial and end-tidal carbon dioxide difference in pediatric intensive care. Indian J Crit Care Med. 2014;18:711–5. Moreover, some clinicians aspirate a single arterial blood gas at the beginning of managing a case intraoperatively to calculate PaCO2-ETCO2 difference then employ capnography as a trend monitor to evaluate and control changes in arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure value, afterwards.88 Woodham V, Railton KL. End-tidal carbon dioxide monitorin during paediatric general anaesthesia. Anaesthesia. 2018;73:646–7.

Normally, in healthy individuals there is a positive gap between arterial CO2 and ETCO2 (ETCO2 < PaCO2) of approximately 0.5kPa (3.75 mmHg).66 Nunn JF, Hill DW. Respiratory dead space and arterial to endtidal carbon dioxide tension difference in anesthetized man. J Applied Physiol. 1960;15:383–9. Negative gaps (ETCO2 > PaCO2) were recorded in 34% of patients in pediatric critical care and during general anesthesia.77 Goonasekera C, Goodwin A, Wang Y, Goodman J, Deep A. Arterial and end-tidal carbon dioxide difference in pediatric intensive care. Indian J Crit Care Med. 2014;18:711–5.,99 Ickx B, Dolomie JO, Benalouch M, Melot C, Lingier P.Arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide tension differences in infants and children. Anaesth Clin Res. 2015;6:2155–6148.,1010 McSwain SD, Hamel DS, Smith PB, et al. End-tidal and arterial carbon dioxide measurements correlate across all levels of physiologic dead space. Respiratory Care. 2010;55:288–93. They occur most frequently in children aged 4–8 years,99 Ickx B, Dolomie JO, Benalouch M, Melot C, Lingier P.Arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide tension differences in infants and children. Anaesth Clin Res. 2015;6:2155–6148. with decreasing PaCO2 values,77 Goonasekera C, Goodwin A, Wang Y, Goodman J, Deep A. Arterial and end-tidal carbon dioxide difference in pediatric intensive care. Indian J Crit Care Med. 2014;18:711–5.,99 Ickx B, Dolomie JO, Benalouch M, Melot C, Lingier P.Arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide tension differences in infants and children. Anaesth Clin Res. 2015;6:2155–6148. and with a dead space/tidal volume ratio of less than 0.4.1010 McSwain SD, Hamel DS, Smith PB, et al. End-tidal and arterial carbon dioxide measurements correlate across all levels of physiologic dead space. Respiratory Care. 2010;55:288–93. Certain procedures such as pediatric laparoscopic capnoperitoneum are associated with rapidly changing levels of both PaCO2 and ETCO2.1111 Jayan N, Jacob JS, Mathew M. Anaesthesia for laparoscopic nephrectomy: Does end-tidal carbon dioxide measurement correlate with arterial carbon dioxide measurement? Indian J Anaesth 2018;62:298–302. This in turn can further affect the PaCO2-ETCO2 difference.

In this study, our aim was to investigate the correlation and agreement between ETCO2 measured by capnography and arterial PaCO2 measured by arterial blood gas analysis and to calculate the PaCO2-ETCO2 difference during pediatric laparoscopic surgeries.

Patients and methods

Ethical considerations

This Prospective observational Cohort was conducted in the Pediatric hospital, faculty of medicine, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt after obtaining an IRB approval from its Medical Ethics committee (Protocol ID: 17300081, date; 13-7-2017). Registration in Clinical Trials. gov (NCT03361657) was accomplished before patient enrollment. This study follows the “STROBE” guidelines for observational studies (STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology). A written informed consent was taken from the legal guardians of children.

Study population

Twenty-nine children of both sexes, aged from 12 to 76 months, ASA I and II and scheduled for elective laparoscopic abdominal or urologic surgery (e.g undescended testis, repair for inguinal hernia, cholecystectomy), were enrolled in this study. Excluded from the study were patients with significant cardiac or respiratory disease.

Study protocol

No sedative premedication was administered. Monitoring included electrocardiography, non-invasive blood pressure, end-tidal capnography, and pulse oximeter (Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co, Ltd., China). Anesthesia induction started with sevoflurane inhalation followed with venous cannulation, and the administration of 1 µ−1 fentanyl, 1-1.−1 lidocaine and atracurium−1 for muscle relaxation. Older children also received iv propofol 2–3−1 during induction of anesthesia, if needed. An appropriately sized cuffed endotracheal tube was inserted. A cannula in the radial artery was inserted to be used for withdrawal of arterial blood samples. Patients were mechanically ventilated in volume-control mode using standard pediatric breathing circuits with tidal volume−1, and at respiratory rates of 15-25 breaths per minute depending on the patient’s age which finally adjusted to achieve an end-tidal CO2 (ETCO2) of 35–45 mm.Hg, and a target SaO2% ≥97%. Any unnecessary connections that may increase the dead space were removed.

Laparoscopic surgeries were performed according to the standard protocols. Pneumoperitoneum was achieved using non-heated non-humidified CO2 with the intra-abdominal pressure maintained at 10–12 mmHg. Sevoflurane in a 50% oxygen/air mixture and−1 atracurium at fixed intervals were used for maintenance of anesthesia and muscle relaxation, respectively. All patients received 15−1 intravenous paracetamol and 0.2−1 dexamethasone.

Patients’ hemodynamics, arterial blood gas analysis and ETCO2 values were recorded at four predetermined time points: T1; after stabilization of the mechanical ventilation before inflation of pneumoperitoneum, T2; 15 min. after pneumoperitoneum, T3; 30min. after pneumoperitoneum and T4; 1 min. after deflation of pneumoperitoneum before reversal of muscle paralysis and extubation.

ETCO2 concentrations were measured using an adequately calibrated infrared mainstream capnometer (Datex Instrument Corp., Helsinki, Finland) with the Port connected between the proximal end of the endotracheal tube and the breathing circuit. Arterial blood samples were obtained coated with heparin. At each selected timepoint, the ETCO2 value was recorded simultaneously while the arterial blood was withdrawn.

At the end of the surgery, sevoflurane was turned off and patients were extubated awake after reversal of muscle relaxation with neostigmine and atropine. After extubation, patients were transferred to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) to be discharged to the ward, afterwards.


The primary aim in this study was to investigate the relationship between ETCO2 and PaCO2 with time in pediatric laparoscopic surgery by computation of Pearson’s correlation coefficient analysis and the agreement between the two monitors by the Bland Altman method. Secondary outcomes were the correlations and relationships between the PaCO2–ETCO2 difference and PaCO2, ETCO2, age, weight, and duration of the operative procedure. Using the G-Power calculator for sample size determination, a minimum of 26 patients for this cohort would be sufficient for our statistical testing based on a priori analysis with t tests family: correlation biserial model for one sample at a two tailed type I error of 0.05, and a power of 0.8 and effect size of 0.5. Thirty-two patients were enrolled to compensate for the dropouts.

Statistical analysis was conducted by the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 20 for Microsoft Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Data was checked for normality by visual inspection of histograms and by the Shapiro–Wilk test. Continuous data was presented as mean ±SD with 95% confidence interval if normally distributed, and as median (Interquartile range and range) if not normally distributed. Categorical data was expressed as number and frequencies (%). Paired comparisons were analyzed using paired-t tests for normally distributed data and Wilcoxon signed rank test for abnormally distributed data. PaCO2-ETCO2 difference of 0 to ≤ 5mmHgwas considered as a clinically acceptable range. Correlation between variables was carried out by applying the Pearson correlation equation for linear relations and spearman correlation equation for non-linear correlation. The degree of correlation was determined based on the coefficient correlation (r) into perfect positive (r=+1), perfect negative (r=−1), no correlation (r=0), high degree positive (r ranges from +0.75 to + 1), high degree negative (r: −0.75 to −1), moderate degree positive (r: +0.25 to +0.75), moderate degree negative (r: −0.25 to −0.75), low degree positive (r: 0 to +0.25) and low degree negative (r: 0 to −0.25).

Bland-Altman plots at each studied time-point were used to investigate the agreement between ETCO2 and PaCO2 and this was furtherly confirmed by simple linear regression analysis.1212 Bland JM, Altman DG. Statistical methods for assessing agreement between two methods of clinical measurement. Lancet. 1986;1:307–10. A p-value of <0.05 was the cutoff value for statistical significance.


Thirty-two patients were enrolled in this study Three patients were dropped because of protocol violation (diagnostic laparoscopy of short duration). Twenty-nine patients successfully completed the statistical analysis that yielded 116 paired comparisons between the PaCO2 and the ETCO2 at different timepoints. The patients’ demographic and baseline characteristics are listed in Table 1.

Table 1
Patients’ demographic and clinical characteristics.

Compared to the baseline value (T1), both the arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure (PaCO2) and the end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) significantly increased at 15min. after inflation of the pneumoperitoneum and continued to increase at 30min. after inflation (p<0.001). After deflation of the pneumoperitoneum, both variables remained significantly higher than their respective base line values (p< 0.001), (Table 2). The median PaCO2-ETCO2 difference increased at 30min. after inflation of the pneumoperitoneum and after deflation of the pneumoperitoneum (p>0.05) (Table 2).

Table 2
Paired sample statistics of Arterial Carbon Dioxide Partial pressure (PaCO2) and the End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide (ETCO2) (mmHg).

Out of the 116 paired comparisons of PaCO2 and ETCO2 analyzed in this cohort study, PaCO2–ETCO2 difference beyond 0 to ≤ 5mmHg was recorded in 71 (61.2%) comparisons and negative PaCO2–ETCO2 difference was recorded in 34 comparisons (29.3%). One child showed a negative PaCO2–ETCO2 difference at the four timepoints studied. Negative PaCO2–ETCO2 difference was recorded at three timepoints in 4 children, at two timepoints in 4 children and at 1 timepoint in 10 children.

A moderate degree positive correlation between the PaCO2 and ETCO2 was recorded before inflation of the pneumoperitoneum (r = 0.617, p = 0.000) and at 15 min. after inflation of the pneumoperitoneum (r = 0.582, p = 0.001), (Fig. 1 A and B). No significant correlation was recorded between PaCO2 and ETCO2 at 30 min. after inflation of the pneumoperitoneum (r =0.142, p = 0.461), either after deflation of the pneumoperitoneum (r = 0.108, p = 0.577). The PaCO2, ETCO2 and PaCO2–ETCO2 at the selected time-points did not show significant correlation with age, weight, operative time, or Insufflation pressure (data not represented).

Figure 1
A, Relationship between the End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide (ETCO2) and Arterial Carbon Dioxide (PaCO2) before inflation of the pneumoperitoneum processed by Pearson correlation coefficient. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). B, Relationship between the End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide (ETCO2) and Arterial Carbon Dioxide (PaCO2) at 15 min. after inflation of the pneumoperitoneum processed by Pearson correlation coefficient. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Bland-Altman plots showed an agreement between ETCO2 and PaCO2 before inflation of the pneumoperitoneum with mean of the PaCO2–ETCO2 difference as 0.14±5.6mmHg (limits of 95% agreement −10.84–11.2 with simple linear regression testing p-value as 0.971). No agreement between ETCO2 and PaCO2 was found at the other time points namely at 15 min. (mean difference 0.51 ± 7.15, −13.5–14.5, p = 0.000), 30 min. (mean difference 2.62±7.83, −12.73–17.97, p = 0.000) either after deflation of the pneumoperitoneum (mean difference 1.81 ± 6.56, −10.93–14.55, p = 0.015), (Fig. 2 A B C D).

Figure 2
A, Bland-Altman plots comparing PaCO2 and ETCO2 before inflation of the pneumoperitoneum. Mean difference is 0.14 ± 5.6mmHg (limits of 95% agreement −10.84–11.2 mmHg). Mean1; Each PaCO2-ETCO2 Pair Mean (mmHg) before inflation of the pneumoperitoneum. Diff1; Difference in PaCO2–ETCO2 Pair (mmHg) before inflation of the pneumoperitoneum, (n = 29). B, Bland-Altman plots comparing PaCO2 and ETCO2 at 15 min. after inflation of the pneumoperitoneum. Mean difference 0.51 ±7.15 (limits of 95% agreement −13.5–14.5). Mean2; Each PaCO2–ETCO2 Pair, Mean (mmHg) at 15 min. after inflation of the pneumoperitoneum. Diff2; Difference in PaCO2–ETCO2 Pair (mmHg) at 15 min. after inflation of the pneumoperitoneum, (n = 29). C, Bland-Altman plots comparing PaCO2 and ETCO2 at 30 min. after inflation of the pneumoperitoneum. Mean difference 2.62 ± 7.83 (limits of 95% agreement −12.73–17.97) Mean3; Each PaCO2-ETCO2 Pair, Mean (mmHg) at 30 min. after inflation of the pneumoperitoneum. Diff3; Difference in PaCO2–ETCO2 Pair (mmHg) at 30min. after inflation of the pneumoperitoneum, (n = 29). D, Bland-Altman plots comparing PaCO2 and ETCO2 after deflation of the pneumoperitoneum. Mean difference 1.81 ± 6.56 (limits of 95% agreement −10.93–14.55) Mean4; Each PaCO2–ETCO2 Pair, Mean (mmHg) after deflation of the pneumoperitoneum. Diff4; Difference in PaCO2–ETCO2 Pair (mmHg) after deflation of the pneumoperitoneum, (n = 29).


Arterial blood gas analysis in this study revealed that PaCO2 significantly increased after inflation of the pneumoperitoneum and remained high throughout the operation compared with baseline values. These findings are consistent with the findings recorded in similar studies.1111 Jayan N, Jacob JS, Mathew M. Anaesthesia for laparoscopic nephrectomy: Does end-tidal carbon dioxide measurement correlate with arterial carbon dioxide measurement? Indian J Anaesth 2018;62:298–302.,1313 Tanaka T,Satoh K, Torii Y,Suzuki M, Furutani H, Harioka T. Arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide tension difference during laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Masui. 2006;55:988–91.,1414 Seed RF, Shakespeare TF, Muldoon MJ. Carbon dioxide homeostasis during anaesthesia for laparoscopy. Anaesthesia. 1970;25:223–31.

In a study on thirty adult patients (aged 42.87 ± 7.26 years) undergoing laparoscopic nephrectomy under general anesthesia a significant positive correlation between ETCO2 and PaCO2 was detected at baseline (r = 0.772, p<0.001) and at 1h (r = 0.880, p<0.001) and 2h (r = 0.896, p< 0.001) after pneumoperitoneum. The authors concluded that continuous ETCO2 monitoring is a reliable indicator of the trend in arterial carbon dioxide fluctuations in ASA I-II patients undergoing laparoscopic nephrectomy under general anesthesia.1111 Jayan N, Jacob JS, Mathew M. Anaesthesia for laparoscopic nephrectomy: Does end-tidal carbon dioxide measurement correlate with arterial carbon dioxide measurement? Indian J Anaesth 2018;62:298–302. In contrast, we found a positive correlation between PaCO2 and ETCO2 before inflation of the pneumoperitoneum (r = 0.617, p = 0.000) and at 15 min. after inflation of the pneumoperitoneum (r = 0.582, p = 0.001) with no correlation afterwards.

Ickx et al., investigated a cohort of 129 ASA I–II children (aged 1 day to 15 years old) intubated and mechanically ventilated undergoing different surgical procedures. Based on a single comparison between PaCO2 and ETCO2 performed prior to surgery, they reported a significant correlation between PaCO2 and ETCO2 (r = 0.66 and p< 0.0001). They also found a significant negative correlation between PaCO2–ETCO2 difference with age (r= −0.42, p < 0.0001) and weight (r= −0.44, p< 0.0001). They concluded that ETCO2 remains a key tool as a trend monitor for arterial carbon dioxide, but PaCO2 cannot be extrapolated accurately in children < 4 months or < 5 kg body weight.99 Ickx B, Dolomie JO, Benalouch M, Melot C, Lingier P.Arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide tension differences in infants and children. Anaesth Clin Res. 2015;6:2155–6148. In this study, age and weight did not show correlation with changes in the PaCO2, ETCO2 either with the PaCO2–ETCO2 difference. An explanation to our findings is that we investigated a homogenous sample with narrow age range (12–72 months) compared with the Ickx’s study.99 Ickx B, Dolomie JO, Benalouch M, Melot C, Lingier P.Arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide tension differences in infants and children. Anaesth Clin Res. 2015;6:2155–6148.

Onodi et al. conducted a retrospective analysis on 799 pediatric patients scheduled for different surgical operations who were and intubated and mechanically ventilated (median age 6.8 [range: 0–18.1] years old). Data sets from 2452 blood gas analysis samples were coupled with vital signs monitoring, anesthesia gas analysis and spirometry data. They found that the bias in mean arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide difference was −0.18 kPa (limits of95% agreement −1.10 to 0.74) and 71.2% of samples demonstrated negative values. They concluded that ETCO2 monitoring can be considerably misleading particularly in healthy patients undergoing surgery.1515 Onodi C, Bühler PK, Thomas J, Schmitz A, Weiss M. Arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide difference in children undergoing mechanical ventilation of the lungs during general anaesthesia. Anaesthesia. 2017;72:1357–64. In accordance, Yang et al. in their prospective cohort study that included 445 paired comparisons of PaCO2 and ETCO2 from 137 pediatric patients with traumatic brain injury who were intubated and mechanically ventilated in PICU, they also found a weak agreement between PaCO2 and ETCO2. They concluded that ETCO2 values are not a reliable substitute for PaCO2 values during the first 24 hours after pediatric traumatic brain injury.1616 Yang JT, Erickson SL, Killien EY, Mills B, Lele AV, Vavilala MS. Agreement between arterial carbon dioxide levels with end-tidal carbon dioxide levels and associated factors in children hospitalized with traumatic brain injury. JAMA Netw Open. 2019;2:e199448. In accordance, in this study, agreement between the two monitors was recorded only before inflation of the pneumoperitoneum, with no agreement either during or after deflation of the pneumoperitoneum. These findings suggest that ETCO2 monitoring during laparoscopic surgery may not be accurate specially in prolonged cases.1717 Klopfenstein CE, Schiffer E, Pastor CM, Beaussier M, Francis K, Soravia C, et al. Laparoscopic colon surgery: unreliability of end-tidal CO2 monitoring. Acta Anaesthiol Scand. 2008;52:700–7.,1818 Xue Q, Wu X, Jin J, Yu B, Zheng M. Transcutaneous carbon dioxide monitoring accurately predicts arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure in patients undergoing prolonged laparoscopic surgery. Anesth Analg. 2010;111:417–20.

Nunn and Hill recommended that the arterial to endtidal CO2 difference (PaCO2–ETCO2) during anesthesia in healthy individuals is relatively constant assuming that the gap between PaCO2 and ETCO2 is positive (PaCO2 > ETCO2) and of approximately 0.5 kPa that increases with age.66 Nunn JF, Hill DW. Respiratory dead space and arterial to endtidal carbon dioxide tension difference in anesthetized man. J Applied Physiol. 1960;15:383–9. In contrast, in this study the PaCO2–ETCO2 difference showed variations between patients and in the same patient at different timepoints. These results also suggest that ETCO2 monitoring can be misleading in the patient group we investigated.

Anatomic and physiologic dead space results in PaCO2 values that are higher than ETCO2 values when paired comparisons are done simultaneously.1616 Yang JT, Erickson SL, Killien EY, Mills B, Lele AV, Vavilala MS. Agreement between arterial carbon dioxide levels with end-tidal carbon dioxide levels and associated factors in children hospitalized with traumatic brain injury. JAMA Netw Open. 2019;2:e199448. The alveolar CO2 concentrations are a little higher than the arterial CO2 concentrations in blood. This positive gap is attributed to the mixture between alveolar gas that contains CO2 and the exhalation gas deprived from CO2 coming from the anatomic dead space.1616 Yang JT, Erickson SL, Killien EY, Mills B, Lele AV, Vavilala MS. Agreement between arterial carbon dioxide levels with end-tidal carbon dioxide levels and associated factors in children hospitalized with traumatic brain injury. JAMA Netw Open. 2019;2:e199448.,1919 Yamanaka MK, Sue DY. Comparison of arterial-end tidal PCO2 difference and dead space/tidal volum ratio in respiratory failure. Chest. 1987;92:832–5. However, in this study 29.3% of our PaCO2–ETCO2 paired comparisons showed negative gaps with ETCO2 > PaCO2. Similar studies also reported this negative gap in healthy anesthetized children of 71.3%1515 Onodi C, Bühler PK, Thomas J, Schmitz A, Weiss M. Arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide difference in children undergoing mechanical ventilation of the lungs during general anaesthesia. Anaesthesia. 2017;72:1357–64. and 34%,99 Ickx B, Dolomie JO, Benalouch M, Melot C, Lingier P.Arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide tension differences in infants and children. Anaesth Clin Res. 2015;6:2155–6148. and in pediatric intensive care (22.7%).77 Goonasekera C, Goodwin A, Wang Y, Goodman J, Deep A. Arterial and end-tidal carbon dioxide difference in pediatric intensive care. Indian J Crit Care Med. 2014;18:711–5.

A negative PaCO2–ETCO2 difference has been reported in children aged 4–8 years,99 Ickx B, Dolomie JO, Benalouch M, Melot C, Lingier P.Arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide tension differences in infants and children. Anaesth Clin Res. 2015;6:2155–6148. with decreasing PaCO2 values77 Goonasekera C, Goodwin A, Wang Y, Goodman J, Deep A. Arterial and end-tidal carbon dioxide difference in pediatric intensive care. Indian J Crit Care Med. 2014;18:711–5.,99 Ickx B, Dolomie JO, Benalouch M, Melot C, Lingier P.Arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide tension differences in infants and children. Anaesth Clin Res. 2015;6:2155–6148. and with a dead space/tidal volume ratio of less than 0.4.1010 McSwain SD, Hamel DS, Smith PB, et al. End-tidal and arterial carbon dioxide measurements correlate across all levels of physiologic dead space. Respiratory Care. 2010;55:288–93. The normal physiologic dead space to tidal volume ratio (Vd/Vt) is 0.20-0.35.1010 McSwain SD, Hamel DS, Smith PB, et al. End-tidal and arterial carbon dioxide measurements correlate across all levels of physiologic dead space. Respiratory Care. 2010;55:288–93.,1919 Yamanaka MK, Sue DY. Comparison of arterial-end tidal PCO2 difference and dead space/tidal volum ratio in respiratory failure. Chest. 1987;92:832–5.,2020 Burrows FA. Physiologic dead space, venous admixture, and the arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide difference in infants and children undergoing cardiac surgery. Anesthesiology. 1989;70:219–25. Physiologic dead space ventilation is the sum of anatomical dead space from the conducting airways and alveolar dead space due to disease processes and/or ventilatory techniques. Increase in physiologic dead space increases the PaCO2–ETCO2 difference.1010 McSwain SD, Hamel DS, Smith PB, et al. End-tidal and arterial carbon dioxide measurements correlate across all levels of physiologic dead space. Respiratory Care. 2010;55:288–93.,1919 Yamanaka MK, Sue DY. Comparison of arterial-end tidal PCO2 difference and dead space/tidal volum ratio in respiratory failure. Chest. 1987;92:832–5.,2020 Burrows FA. Physiologic dead space, venous admixture, and the arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide difference in infants and children undergoing cardiac surgery. Anesthesiology. 1989;70:219–25.

Pneumoperitoneum with carbon dioxide as an insufflating gas is associated with CO2 absorption and increased CO2 concentration in the bloodstream, increasing both ETCO2 and PaCO2 values.2121 Liem MS, Kallewaard JW. de Smet AM, van Vroonhoven TJ. Does hypercarbia develop faster during laparoscopic herniorrhaphy than during laparoscopic cholecystectomy? Assessment with continuous blood gas monitoring. Anesth Analg. 1995;81:1243–9. Ventilatory techniques commonly used to overcome such problem (higher respiratory rates and low tidal volumes) can iatrogenic ally increase the physiologic dead space with inadequate ventilation of dependent well perfused alveoli.77 Goonasekera C, Goodwin A, Wang Y, Goodman J, Deep A. Arterial and end-tidal carbon dioxide difference in pediatric intensive care. Indian J Crit Care Med. 2014;18:711–5. This results in the accumulation of CO2 in the lower airway thus the exhaled CO2 in the terminal part of phase-3 capnography may exceed the mean PaCO2, resulting in a negative PaCO2–ETCO2 difference.77 Goonasekera C, Goodwin A, Wang Y, Goodman J, Deep A. Arterial and end-tidal carbon dioxide difference in pediatric intensive care. Indian J Crit Care Med. 2014;18:711–5.,99 Ickx B, Dolomie JO, Benalouch M, Melot C, Lingier P.Arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide tension differences in infants and children. Anaesth Clin Res. 2015;6:2155–6148. Onodi et al. in their study found that hypocapnia is a strong predictor for lower or more negative PaCO2–ETCO2 difference.1515 Onodi C, Bühler PK, Thomas J, Schmitz A, Weiss M. Arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide difference in children undergoing mechanical ventilation of the lungs during general anaesthesia. Anaesthesia. 2017;72:1357–64. So, as a trial to control elevations of PaCO2 in pediatric laparoscopy, iatrogenic hypocapnia can pass unnoticed with its deleterious effects on the cerebral circulation in this vulnerable age group.

Non-invasive transcutaneous carbon dioxide (PtcCO2) monitoring is another modality that can continuously predict PaCO2 particularly in prolonged laparoscopic procedures and the agreement between PtcCO2 and PaCO2 has been confirmed in many studies.1818 Xue Q, Wu X, Jin J, Yu B, Zheng M. Transcutaneous carbon dioxide monitoring accurately predicts arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure in patients undergoing prolonged laparoscopic surgery. Anesth Analg. 2010;111:417–20.,2222 Nosovitch MA, Johnson JO, Tobias JD. Noninvasive intraoperative monitoring of carbon dioxide in children: end tidal versus transcutaneous techniques. Paediatr Anaesth. 2002;12:48–52.,2323 May A, Humston C, Rice J, Nemastil CJ, Salvator A, Tobias J. Non-invasive carbon dioxide monitoring in patients with cystic fibrosis during general anesthesia: end-tidal versus transcutaneous techniques. J Anesth. 2020;34:66–71.,2424 Lermuzeaux M, Meric H, Sauneuf B, et al. Superiority of transcutaneous CO2 over end-tidal CO2 measurement for monitoring respiratory failure in nonintubated patients: A pilot study. J Crit Care. 2016;31:150–6. Future studies are needed to prove its’ agreement with the PaCO2 in children and to investigate how to overcome its technical drawbacks such as slow response time, long warm-up time and difficulties with patients’ skin contact.

In this study, arterial blood gas samples were withdrawn through an arterial cannula inserted in the radial artery to avoid repeated arterial punctures. The overall incidence of complications of arterial cannulation in infants and children is less than 0.2%. We selected the radial artery for cannulation because, it carries less risk of complications compared to other routes such as the femoral route.2525 Gleich SJ, Wong AV, Handlogten KS, Thum DE, Nemergut ME. Major short-term complications of arterial cannulation for monitoring in children. Anesthesiology. 2021;134:26–34.

Limitations to this cohort were that we investigated patients with healthy lungs anesthetized in the supine position and the small sample size. Further studies of larger sample size investigating diverse pediatric populations undergoing laparoscopic surgeries under different positions are needed.

In conclusion, we recommend that the use of capnography as a trend monitor during pediatric laparoscopic surgeries may not be a reliable surrogate for arterial PaCO2 levels.

  • Financial support

    This work was supported from our departmental resources.
  • Question
    Is the relationship between capnography (ETCO2) and arterial carbon dioxide levels (PaCO2) is constant so that we can rely on ETCO2 as a reliable surrogate to PaCO2 in pediatric laparoscopy?
  • Meaning
    The use of capnography in pediatric laparoscopic surgeries may not be a reliable surrogate for arterial PaCO2 levels.
  • Findings
    Out of the 116 paired comparisons of PaCO2 and ETCO2 analyzed in this cohort study a PaCO2–ETCO2 difference beyond the recommended range of 0 to ≤ 5 mmHg was recorded in 71 (61.2%) comparisons with Negative difference (ETCO2 > PaCO2) in 34 comparisons (29.3%). A positive correlation between PaCO2 and ETCO2 was recorded before and at 15 min. after inflation of pneumoperitoneum with no correlation afterwards. Bland Altman method showed agreement between ETCO2 and PaCO2 before inflation of the pneumoperitoneum, with no agreement during or after deflation of the pneumoperitoneum.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    14 Oct 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    31 Aug 2020
  • Accepted
    28 July 2021
  • Published
    16 Aug 2021
Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia (SBA) Rua Professor Alfredo Gomes, 36, Botafogo , CEP: 22251-080 , tel: +55 (21) 97977-0024 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil