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Isolation and identification of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria from Spinifex littoreus in Parangkusumo Coastal Sand Dunes, Indonesia

Isolamento e identificação de rizobactérias promotoras de crescimento de plantas de Spinifex littoreus em Parangkusumo Coastal Sand Dunes, Indonésia


Utilizing coastal land for agriculture presents challenges such as low water content, high soil salinity, and low organic compound content. To support plant growth under these conditions, biofertilizers composed of plant growth promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR), especially those inhabiting coastal areas, are needed. The Parangkusumo sand dunes on the southern coast of Java, Indonesia, is a unique coastal ecosystem characterized by arid conditions, high temperatures, and high soil salinity. To date, no studies have reported the isolation of PGPR from this ecosystem. This study is the first to isolate and identify PGPR associated with Spinifex littoreus, a dominant plant species in the Parangkusumo sand dunes, which are adapted to the harsh condition of Parangkusumo sand dunes. Ten rhizobacterial isolates were obtained, with five identified as members of the Bacillaceae family. All isolates demonstrated phosphate solubilization activity, while seven exhibited cellulolytic activity. One isolate, Priestia aryabhattai strain 2, notably showed phosphate solubilization and nitrogen fixation activities. The findings of this PGPR activity screening offer valuable insights for developing biofertilizers tailored for coastal agricultural applications.

plant growth promoting Rhizobacteria; coastal sand dunes; Spinifex littoreus; biofertilizer; sustainable agriculture


A utilização de terras costeiras para a agricultura apresenta desafios, como o baixo teor de água, a alta salinidade do solo e o baixo teor de compostos orgânicos. Para apoiar o crescimento das plantas nessas condições, são necessários biofertilizantes compostos por rizobactérias promotoras do crescimento das plantas (PGPR), especialmente as que habitam as áreas costeiras. As dunas de areia de Parangkusumo, na costa sul de Java, Indonésia, são um ecossistema costeiro único caracterizado por condições áridas, altas temperaturas e alta salinidade do solo. Até o momento, nenhum estudo relatou o isolamento de PGPR desse ecossistema. Este estudo é o primeiro a isolar e identificar a PGPR associada à Spinifex littoreus, uma espécie de planta dominante nas dunas de areia de Parangkusumo e adaptada às condições adversas dessas dunas. Foram obtidos dez isolados de rizobactérias, sendo que cinco foram identificados como membros da família Bacillaceae. Todos os isolados demonstraram atividade de solubilização de fosfato, enquanto sete apresentaram atividade celulolítica. Um isolado, a cepa 2 de Priestia aryabhattai, demonstrou notavelmente atividades de solubilização de fosfato e fixação de nitrogênio. As descobertas dessa triagem de atividade de PGPR oferecem informações valiosas para o desenvolvimento de biofertilizantes adaptados para aplicações agrícolas costeiras.

Rhizobactérias promotoras de crescimento de plantas; dunas de areia costeiras; Spinifex littoreus; biofertilizante; agricultura sustentável

1. Introduction

The need for agricultural land is increasing due to the rising demand and consumption of agricultural products (Bengochea Paz et al., 2020BENGOCHEA PAZ, D., HENDERSON, K. and LOREAU, M., 2020. Agricultural land use and the sustainability of social-ecological systems. Ecological Modelling, vol. 437, pp. 109312.
). With one of the world's longest coastlines, Indonesia has coastal areas with potential for agriculture (Sui et al., 2020SUI, L., WANG, J., YANG, X. and WANG, Z., 2020. Spatial-temporal characteristics of coastline changes in Indonesia from 1990 to 2018. Sustainability (Basel), vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 1-28.
). However, high salinity, low organic matter, and limited freshwater availability hinder agricultural use in these areas (Park et al. 2022PARK, H.-J., SEO, B.-S., JEONG, Y.-J., YANG, H.I., PARK, S., BAEK, N., KWAK, J.-H. and CHOI, W.-J., 2022. Soil salinity, fertility and carbon content, and rice yield of salt-affected paddy with different cultivation period in southwestern coastal area of South Korea. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 53-63.
; Rumanti et al., 2018RUMANTI, I.A., HAIRMANSIS, A., NUGRAHA, Y., NAFISAH., SUSANTO, U., WARDANA, P., SUBANDIONO, R.E., ZAINI, Z., SEMBIRING, H., KHAN, N.I., SINGH, R.K., JOHNSON, D.E., STUART, A.M. and KATO, Y., 2018. Development of tolerant rice varieties for stress-prone ecosystems in the coastal deltas of Indonesia. Field Crops Research, vol. 223, pp. 75-82.
; Ismail et al., 2022ISMAIL, A.B., SINGH, S., SARANGI, S.K., SRIVASTAVA, A.K. and BHOWMICK, M.K., 2022. Agricultural system transformation for food and income security in coastal zones. In: T.D. LAMA, U.K. MANDAL, S.K. SARANGI and H.S. SEN, eds. Transforming coastal zone for sustainable food and income security. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 3‑22.). Staple crops such as corn, wheat, and rice are sensitive to salinity, negatively impacting their yield (Hussain et al., 2019HUSSAIN, S., SHAUKAT, M., ASHRAF, M., ZHU, C., JIN, Q. and ZHANG, J., 2019. Salinity stress in arid and semi-arid climates: effects and management in field crops. In: S. HUSSAIN, ed. Climate change and agriculture. London: IntechOpen.
; Aftab and Hakeem, 2020AFTAB, T. and HAKEEM, K.R., 2020. Plant micronutrients: deficiency and toxicity management. Cham: Springer.

Biofertilizers composed of plant growth-promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) can enhance crop growth and yield in coastal regions (Hoque et al., 2023HOQUE, M.N., HANNAN, A., IMRAN, S., PAUL, N.C., MONDAL, M.F., SADHIN, M.M.R., BRISTI, J.M., DOLA, F.S., HANIF, M.A., YE, W., BRESTIC, M. and RHAMAN, M.S., 2023. Plant Growth-promoting rhizobacteria-mediated adaptive responses of plants under salinity stress. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 1307-1326.
). For example, Bacillus aryabhattai isolated from saline areas in Bangladesh has increased salt-responsive gene expression in rice (Oryza sativa L.) (Sultana et al., 2020SULTANA, S., PAUL, S.C., PARVEEN, S., ALAM, S., RAHMAN, N., JANNAT, B., HOQUE, S., RAHMAN, M.T. and KARIM, M.M., 2020. Isolation and identification of salt-tolerant plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria and their application for rice cultivation under salt stress. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 144-160. PMid:31714812.
). Similarly, B. aryabhattai from salt-affected rice fields in Malaysia increased rice grain weight (Shultana et al., 2020SHULTANA, R., KEE ZUAN, A.T., YUSOP, M.R. and SAUD, H.M., 2020. Characterization of salt-tolerant plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria and the effect on growth and yield of saline-affected rice. PLoS One, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. e0238537. PMid:32886707.
), and Pseudomonas putida enhanced wheat growth in saline soils in Pakistan (Ullah et al., 2022ULLAH, S., BANO, A., ULLAH, A., SHAHID, M.A. and KHAN, N., 2022. A comparative study of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and sowing methods on nutrient availability in wheat and rhizosphere soil under salinity stress. Rhizosphere, vol. 23, pp. 100571.
). Halotolerant Bacillus safensis improved corn’s physiological response to saline conditions and increased growth (Azeem et al., 2022AZEEM, M.A., SHAH, F.H., ULLAH, A., ALI, K., JONES, D.A., KHAN, M.E.H. and ASHRAF, A., 2022. Biochemical Characterization of halotolerant Bacillus safensis PM22 and its potential to enhance growth of maize under salinity stress. Plants, vol. 11, no. 13, pp. 1721.

The Parangkusumo sand dunes on Java's southern coast is the only barchan-type sand dunes in a humid tropical climate region characterized by an arid, saline, and low-nutrient environment that can be a source of PGPR for biofertilizers (Putro and Prasetiyowati, 2019PUTRO, S.T. and PRASETIYOWATI, S.H., 2019. Challenges in collecting primary data for environmental research purposes: a case study in Parangtritis sand dune, Yogyakarta. IOP Conference Series. Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 243, no. 1, pp. 012004.
; Nicolla et al., 2021NICOLLA, A.C., IRSYAD, A.N., FIRDASIA, W., SARIFAH, Z., NILAMSARI, E.I., UMAH, N., DARADWINTA, R. and SUKIRNO, S., 2021. Comparison of Damselfly (Odanata: Zygoptera) diversity in wet dune slack habitat with canopied and non-canopied areas of Gumuk Pasir Parangkusumo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. IOP Conference Series. Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 736, no. 1, pp. 012046.
). Previous metagenomic studies detected various PGPR species in these dunes (Vu et al., 2022VU, M.T., GERALDI, A., DO, H.D.K., LUQMAN, A., NGUYEN, H.D., FAUZIA, F.N., AMALLUDIN, F.I., SADILA, A.Y., WIJAYA, N.H., SANTOSO, H., MANUHARA, Y.S.W., BUI, L.M., HARIYANTO, S. and WIBOWO, A.T., 2022. Soil mineral composition and salinity are the main factors regulating the bacterial community associated with the roots of coastal sand dune halophytes. Biology (Basel), vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 695.
). One way to discover rhizobacteria’s potential to enhance nutrient availability for plants is by testing their abilities on nitrogen fixation, phosphate solubilization, and organic compound hydrolysis. Rhizobacteria isolates showing positive results for activities mentioned is a potential candidate of PGPR.

This study explores rhizospheric bacteria with PGPR activity from Spinifex littoreus, the dominant plant found in the Parangkusumo sand dunes. The bacterial isolates obtained were tested for their nitrogen fixation, phosphate solubilization, and organic compound hydrolysis abilities. These isolates could be used to formulate biofertilizers for crops cultivated in coastal areas.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Isolation and morphological characterization of the bacterial isolates

Soil samples were collected aseptically from the area surrounding the roots of S. littoreus within the Parangkusumo coastal sand dunes. Ten grams of soil were mixed with 90 ml of sterile saline solution (0.85% NaCl) in 250 ml conical flasks and agitated on an orbital shaker at 180 rpm for 30 minutes to create a homogeneous soil suspension. One milliliter of each suspension was spread onto Reasoner’s 2A (R2A) agar (Himedia, India) plates and incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. Colonies displaying diverse morphological characteristics (i.e., shape, color, elevation, margin) were selected and subjected to Gram staining.

2.2. Molecular identification of bacterial isolates

The genomic DNA of isolates was extracted and purified using the Wizard® Genomic DNA Purification Kit (Promega, USA). The target region of the 16S rRNA gene was amplified using primers 27F (5’- AGA GTT TGA TCM TGG CTC AG-3’) and 1492R (5’- TAC GGY TAC CTT GTT ACG ACT T-3’) (Satyapal et al., 2018SATYAPAL, G.K., MISHRA, S.K., SRIVASTAVA, A., RANJAN, R.K., PRAKASH, K., HAQUE, R. and KUMAR, N., 2018. Possible bioremediation of arsenic toxicity by isolating indigenous bacteria from the middle Gangetic plain of Bihar, India. Biotechnology Reports (Amsterdam, Netherlands), vol. 17, pp. 117-125.
). The PCR product was purified using the DNA Clean & Concentrator™-5 kit (Zymo Research, USA). Purified PCR products were sent to First Base (Singapore) for bidirectional Sanger sequencing. Sequences were compared for homology against the NCBI database of 16S ribosomal RNA sequences using Nucleotide BLAST ( (Camacho et al., 2009CAMACHO, C., COULOURIS, G., AVAGYAN, V., MA, N., PAPADOPOULOS, J., BEALER, K. and MADDEN, T.L., 2009. BLAST+: architecture and applications. BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 10, pp. 421.) and confirmed with 16S-based identification from EZBioCloud ( (Yoon et al., 2017YOON, S.H., HA, S.M., KWON, S., LIM, J., KIM, Y., SEO, H. and CHUN, J., 2017. Introducing EzBioCloud: A taxonomically united database of 16S rRNA gene sequences and whole-genome assemblies. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 1613-1617. PMid:28005526.

2.3. Phosphate solubilization assay

The phosphate solubilization assay was done by culturing bacteria in Luria Bertani (LB) broth medium (Himedia, India) and incubated in an incubator shaker (120 rpm) at 37°C for 24 hours. Cultures were adjusted to an optical density (OD) of 0.1 at 600 nm by LB dilution. Twenty microliters of bacterial culture were injected onto sterile paper discs (d=6 mm) placed on Pikovskaya’s agar medium (Himedia, India) in triplicate and incubated at 37°C for 48 hours. The diameter of the clear zone around the discs was measured to calculate the phosphate solubilization index (Akbar et al., 2021AKBAR, M.R., PURWOKO, B.S., DEWI, I.S., SUWARNO, W.B., SUGIYANTA, S. and ANSHORI, M.F., 2021. Agronomic and yield selection of doubled haploid lines of rainfed lowland rice in advanced yield trials. Biodiversitas (Surakarta), vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 3006-3012.

2.4. Nitrogen fixing assay

The nitrogen fixation assay used semi-solid Nitrogen Free Bromothymol (NFB) medium (5 g/L malic acid, 4 g/L KOH, 0.5 sg/L K2HPO4, 0.1 g/L MgSO4.7H2O, 0.05 g/L MnSO4.H2O, 0.02 g/L NaCl, 0.01 g/L CaCl2, 0.05 g/L FeSO4.7H2O, 0.002 g/L Na2MoO4.2H2O, 1.75 g/L Bacto agar, and 2 mL/L 0.5% Bromothymol blue). Cultures were adjusted to an OD of 0.1 at 600 nm, and 20 µl was inoculated into the NFB medium in triplicate. The inoculated media was incubated at 30°C for 30 days. Positive results were indicated by a color change from yellow-green to blue and pellicle formation (Nafisah et al., 2022NAFISAH, W., PRABANINGTYAS, S., WITJORO, A., SAPTAWATI, R.T. and RODIANSYAH, A., 2022. Exploration non-symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria from several lakes in East Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas (Surakarta), vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 1752-1758.

2.5. Cellulolytic assay

Overnight cultures of bacterial isolates in LB broth medium were adjusted to an OD of 0.1 at 600 nm and injected onto sterile paper discs placed on Bushnell Haas agar supplemented with carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) in triplicate. Plates were incubated at 37°C for 48 hours, then flooded with 0.1% (weight/volume) Congo red reagent. Plates were incubated again for 30 min at room temperature and washed with 1 mol/L NaCl. The diameter of the clear zone indicating cellulolytic activity was measured (Ni’matuzahroh et al., 2024NI’MATUZAHROH, MOCH, A., SUPRIYANTO, A., RUSTANTINA, B., JAIYAH, L. A., RAHMAWATI, A., NURHAYATI, H., SARI, S.K., KHIFTIYAH, A.M. and HURI, D., 2024. Biodiversity of hydrolytic enzymes-producing soil bacteria from a Durian Park, Jombang, Indonesia: beneficial prospect for sustainable agriculture. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 392‑403.; Zhang and Dong, 2022ZHANG, G. and DONG, Y., 2022. Design and application of an efficient cellulose-degrading microbial consortium and carboxymethyl cellulase production optimization. Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 13, pp. 1-17.

2.6. Data analysis

The mean of clear zone diameter in phosphate solubilization and cellulolytic assay was calculated. Data was subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and post hoc comparison tests with a confidence level of 95% (α = 0.05) using GraphPad Prism software version 9.5. ANOVA was performed to determine the significance of the differences between the means of clear zone diameter in phosphate solubilization and cellulolytic assay. Tukey’s HSD post hoc method was applied to identify homogeneous subsets.

3. Results

3.1. Characterization and identification of bacterial isolates

Ten bacterial isolates with diverse colony characteristics were successfully isolated. Gram staining revealed five Gram-positive rod-shaped bacteria, two Gram-positive cocci, and three Gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria (Table 1). Molecular identification using 16S rRNA gene sequencing identified five isolates as members of the Bacillaceae family from genera Peribacillus, Bacillus, and Priestia. The unidentified isolates were labeled as SLA, SLB, SLC, SLD, and SLE (Table 2).

Table 1
The colony and microscopic characterization of ten bacterial isolates.
Table 2
Molecular identification results of the isolates.

3.2. Phosphate solubilization activities

All ten isolates exhibited phosphate solubilization activity, with phosphate solubilization indices ranging from 0.23 to 0.34 (Figure 1). The highest activity was shown by isolate SLC with an index of 0.34. No significant differences were found among the isolates.

Figure 1
The mean ± SD of the phosphate solubilization index of the ten bacterial isolates. Letters indicate grouping based on the Anova post-hoc Tukey test.

3.3. Nitrogen fixing activities

Of the ten bacterial isolates tested, only P. aryabhattai strain 2 exhibited nitrogen-fixing activity, as indicated by a color change in the NFB medium from yellow to blue after 14 days (Figure 2). The remaining isolates showed no nitrogen-fixing activity.

Figure 2
The result of nitrogen-fixing activity assay of ten bacterial isolates. Positive assay result was shown by Priestia aryabhattai strain 2.

3.4. Cellulolytic activity

Seven isolates demonstrated cellulolytic activity (Figure 3). P. aryabhattai strain 1 had the highest activity with an index of 1.18, followed by isolate SLB with an index of 0.70. The cellulolytic activity of these two isolates differed significantly from others (Figure 3a).

Figure 3
The results of the cellulolytic assay of the ten isolates: a. The mean ± SD of the cellulolytic index. Letters indicate grouping based on the Anova post-hoc Tukey test; b. The positive result of selected isolates in Bushnell Haas agar with CMC.

4. Discussion

To our knowledge, this study is among the first to isolate PGPR associated with S. littoreus, the dominant plant found in the Parangkusumo sand dunes. Ten PGPR isolates were obtained, with five identified as the members of Bacillaceae family. Indeed, a previous study (Geraldi et al., 2022GERALDI, A., FAMUNGHUI, M., ABIGAIL, M., SIONA SARAGIH, C.F., FEBITANIA, D., ELMARTHENEZ, H., PUTRI, C.A., PUTRI MERDEKAWATI, U.A.S., SADILA, A.Y. and WIJAYA, N.H., 2022. Screening of antibacterial activities of Bacillus spp. isolated from the Parangkusumo coastal sand dunes, Indonesia. BIO Integration, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 132-137.
) also reported a high abundance of this bacteria family found in Parangkusumo sand dunes. Geraldi et al. (2022)GERALDI, A., FAMUNGHUI, M., ABIGAIL, M., SIONA SARAGIH, C.F., FEBITANIA, D., ELMARTHENEZ, H., PUTRI, C.A., PUTRI MERDEKAWATI, U.A.S., SADILA, A.Y. and WIJAYA, N.H., 2022. Screening of antibacterial activities of Bacillus spp. isolated from the Parangkusumo coastal sand dunes, Indonesia. BIO Integration, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 132-137.
also reported five species from this family, i.e., genera Bacillus and Priestia, exhibiting antimicrobial activities. Other studies (Zelaya-Molina et al., 2023ZELAYA-MOLINA, L.X., GUERRA-CAMACHO, J.E., ORTIZ-ALVAREZ, J.M., VIGUERAS-CORTÉS, J.M., VILLA-TANACA, L. and HERNÁNDEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, C., 2023. Plant growth-promoting and heavy metal-resistant Priestia and Bacillus strains associated with pioneer plants from mine tailings. Archives of Microbiology, vol. 205, no. 9, pp. 1-23.
; Manetsberger et al., 2023MANETSBERGER, J., CABALLERO GÓMEZ, N., SORIA-RODRÍGUEZ, C., BENOMAR, N. and ABRIOUEL, H., 2023. Simply Versatile: the use of peribacillus simplex in sustainable agriculture. Microorganisms, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 1-13. PMid:37894197.
; Tsotetsi et al., 2022TSOTETSI, T., NEPHALI, L., MALEBE, M. and TUGIZIMANA, F., 2022. Bacillus for plant growth promotion and stress resilience: what have we learned? Plants, vol. 11, no. 19, pp. 2482.
; Shahid et al., 2021SHAHID, I., HAN, J., HANOOQ, S., MALIK, K.A., BORCHERS, C.H. and MEHNAZ, S., 2021. Profiling of metabolites of Bacillus spp. and their application in sustainable plant growth promotion and biocontrol. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, vol. 5, pp. 605195.
) also reported the two genera having plant growth-promoting activities, facilitating nutrient acquisition and producing compounds that modulate plant growth and defense mechanisms.

PGPR facilitates nutrient acquisition through activities like phosphate solubilization. In the topsoil, there are approximately 50 to 3000 mg/kg of phosphorus, but only 0.1% is available for plant uptake due to immobilization, adsorption, and precipitation with soil cations (Zhu et al., 2018ZHU, J., LI, M. and WHELAN, M., 2018. Phosphorus activators contribute to legacy phosphorus availability in agricultural soils: a review. The Science of the Total Environment, vol. 612, pp. 522-537. PMid:28865270.
; Kishore et al., 2015KISHORE, N., PINDI, P.K. and RAM REDDY, S., 2015. Phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms: a critical review. In: B. BAHADUR, M. VENKAT RAJAM, L. SAHIJRAM and K. KRISHNAMURTHY, eds. Plant biology and biotechnology. New Delhi: Springer, vol. 1, pp. 307‑333.
). PGPR, such as genera Bacillus, Pseudomonas, and Burkholderia, can solubilize phosphate through various mechanisms, including the production of enzymes (e.g., phosphatase and phytase), organic acids (e.g., citric acid, oxalic acid, and succinic acid), and ion chelators (e.g., siderophores) (Sarmah and Sarma 2023SARMAH, R. and SARMA, A.K., 2023. Phosphate solubilizing microorganisms: a review. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, vol. 54, no. 10, pp. 1306-1315.
; Rawat et al., 2021RAWAT, P., DAS, S., SHANKHDHAR, D. and SHANKHDHAR, S.C., 2021. Phosphate-Solubilizing Microorganisms: Mechanism and Their Role in Phosphate Solubilization and Uptake. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 49-68.
). All ten isolates in this study showed those activities that can enhance plant growth in saline soils. Bacillus paramycoides and P. aryabhattai harbor genes related to phosphate solubilization activity, e.g., genes encoding alkaline phosphatase (GenBank accession number: NZ_MAOI01000075 Region: 31327-33000 and NZ_CP024035 Region: 1201855-1203510) and genes encoding phosphate signaling complex protein (GenBank accession number: NZ_MAOI01000066 Region: 141474-142130 and NZ_CP024035 Region: complement (4276578-4277237)) (Khalifa and Alsowayeh 2023KHALIFA, A. and ALSOWAYEH, N., 2023. Whole-genome sequence insight into the plant-growth-promoting bacterium priestia filamentosa strain AZC66 obtained from zygophyllum coccineum rhizosphere. Plants, vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 1944.
; Yang et al., 2024YANG, S., NING, Y., LI, H. and ZHU, Y., 2024. Effects of Priestia aryabhattai on phosphorus fraction and implications for ecoremediating Cd-contaminated farmland with plant–microbe technology. Plants, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 268.
). Furthermore, these two species can increase phosphate accumulation and wheat growth in saline soil conditions (Li et al., 2023LI, Z., LIU, Z., WANG, Y., WANG, X., LIU, P., HAN, M. and ZHOU, W., 2023. Improving soil phosphorus availability in saline areas by marine bacterium Bacillus paramycoides. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, vol. 30, no. 52, pp. 112385-112396. PMid:37831236.
; Shahid et al., 2022SHAHID, M., ZEYAD, M.T., SYED, A., SINGH, U.B., MOHAMED, A., BAHKALI, A.H., ELGORBAN, A.M. and PICHTEL, J., 2022. Stress-tolerant endophytic isolate priestia aryabhattai BPR-9 modulates physio-biochemical mechanisms in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for enhanced salt tolerance. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 19, no. 17, pp. 10883.
). Meanwhile, Bacillus zanthoxyli has been reported to exhibit phosphate solubilization activity and enhance the growth of tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum) under saline stress conditions (Li et al., 2022LI, Y., YOU, X., TANG, Z., ZHU, T., LIU, B., CHEN, M.X., XU, Y. and LIU, T.Y., 2022. Isolation and identification of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria from tall fescue rhizosphere and their functions under salt stress. Physiologia Plantarum, vol. 174, no. 6, pp. e13817. PMid:36344445.
). Interestingly, in this study, phosphate solubilization activity from Peribacillus acanthi is reported for the first time.

Nitrogen is another nutrient with low bioavailability in soil (Hamane et al., 2020HAMANE, S., ZERROUK, M.H., LYEMLAHI, A.E., AARAB, S., LAGLAOUI, A., BAKKALI, M. and ARAKRAK, A., 2020. Screening and characterization of phosphate-solubilizing rhizobia isolated from Hedysarum pallidum in the Northeast of Morocco. In: M. KUMAR, V. KUMAR and R. PRASAD, eds. Phyto-microbiome in stress regulation. Singapore: Springer, pp. 113‑124.
; Nag et al., 2020NAG, P., SHRITI, S. and DAS, S., 2020. Microbiological strategies for enhancing biological nitrogen fixation in nonlegumes. Journal of Applied Microbiology, vol. 129, no. 2, pp. 186-198. PMid:31858682.
). PGPR can facilitate nitrogen acquisition through nitrogen fixation via the nitrogenase enzyme (Aasfar et al., 2021AASFAR, A., BARGAZ, A., YAAKOUBI, K., HILALI, A., BENNIS, I., ZEROUAL, Y. and MEFTAH KADMIRI, I., 2021. Nitrogen fixing azotobacter species as potential soil biological enhancers for crop nutrition and yield stability. Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 12, pp. 1-19.
; Mahmud et al., 2020MAHMUD, K., MAKAJU, S., IBRAHIM, R. and MISSAOUI, A., 2020. Current progress in nitrogen fixing plants and microbiome research. Plants, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1. PMid:33375032.
). In this study, the only isolate showing nitrogen fixation activity was P. aryabhattai strain 2. This species harbors nifU gene (GenBank accession number: NZ_CP024035 Region: 4713040-4713270) linked to nitrogen fixation (Santos et al., 2012SANTOS, P.C., FANG, Z., MASON, S.W., SETUBAL, J.C. and DIXON, R., 2012. Distribution of nitrogen fixation and nitrogenase-like sequences amongst microbial genomes. BMC Genomics, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1-12.
; Patil et al., 2017PATIL, K.S., LEE, S.-J., LE, V.V., JEON, S.H., CHAE, J.-C., 2017. Complete genome sequence of Bacillus aryabhattai K13 isolated from compost. Korean Journal of Microbiology., vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 332-333.
; Khalifa and Alsowayeh, 2023KHALIFA, A. and ALSOWAYEH, N., 2023. Whole-genome sequence insight into the plant-growth-promoting bacterium priestia filamentosa strain AZC66 obtained from zygophyllum coccineum rhizosphere. Plants, vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 1944.
). Previous studies (Mehmood et al., 2021MEHMOOD, S., KHAN, A.A., SHI, F., TAHIR, M., SULTAN, T., MUNIS, M.F.H., KAUSHIK, P., ALYEMENI, M.N. and CHAUDHARY, H.J., 2021. Alleviation of salt stress in wheat seedlings via multifunctional bacillus aryabhattai pm34: an in-vitro study. Sustainability (Basel), vol. 13, no. 14, pp. 8030.
; Deng et al., 2022DENG, C., ZHANG, N., LIANG, X., HUANG, T. and LI, B., 2022. Bacillus aryabhattai LAD impacts rhizosphere bacterial community structure and promotes maize plant growth. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, vol. 102, no. 14, pp. 6650-6657. PMid:35603593.
) also indicated that P. aryabhattai can fixate atmospheric nitrogen, supporting wheat and maize growth.

The last evaluated activity in this study was cellulolytic activity, which is critical for providing glucose nutrients to PGPR in rhizospheric soil by breaking down cellulose from plant litter, the most abundant biomass in soil (Tang et al., 2020TANG, A., HARUNA, A.O., MAJID, N.M.A. and JALLOH, M.B., 2020. Potential PGPR properties of cellulolytic, nitrogen-fixing, phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in rehabilitated tropical forest soil. Microorganisms, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 1-22.
). Prior reports have indicated that P. aryabhattai produces cellulase enzyme (Wen et al., 2015WEN, J., REN, C., HUANG, N., LIU, Y. and ZENG, R., 2015. Draft genome of bagasse-degrading bacteria Bacillus aryabhattai GZ03 from deep sea water. Marine Genomics, vol. 19, pp. 13-14.
; Paz et al., 2016PAZ, A., CARBALLO, J., PÉREZ, M.J. and DOMÍNGUEZ, J.M., 2016. Bacillus aryabhattai BA03: a novel approach to the production of natural value-added compounds. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, vol. 32, no. 10, pp. 159.
; Pandiarajan and Revathy, 2020PANDIARAJAN, J. and REVATHY, K., 2020. Cellulolytic potential of gut bacterial biomass in silkworm Bombyx mori. L. Ecological Genetics and Genomics, vol. 14, pp. 100045.
). However, studies reporting cellulase production by B. paramycoides and B. zanthoxyli are limited. Instead, both species have been reported as producers of protease and lipase (Ren et al., 2022REN, W., LI, P., WANG, X., CHE, Y., LONG, H., ZHANG, X., CAI, X., HUANG, A., ZENG, Y. and XIE, Z., 2022. Cross-habitat distribution pattern of Bacillus communities and their capacities of producing industrial hydrolytic enzymes in Paracel Islands: habitat-dependent differential contributions of the environment. Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 323, pp. 116252. PMid:36126600.
; Oliveira et al., 2022OLIVEIRA, T.S., OLIVEIRA, B.F.R., ANDRADE, F.C.C., GUIMARÃES, C.R., GODOY, M.G. and LAPORT, M.S., 2022. Homoscleromorpha-derived Bacillus spp. as potential sources of biotechnologically-relevant hydrolases and biosurfactants. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 169. PMid:35882683.

Further studies are needed to confirm the effects of these isolates on plant growth under coastal conditions. A possible strategy is utilizing P. aryabhattai strain 2 as a single isolate in biofertilizer formulations due to its phosphate solubilization, nitrogen fixation, and cellulolytic activities. Another strategy is combining isolates with the highest phosphate solubilization, nitrogen fixation, and cellulolytic activities, such as isolates SLC, P. aryabhattai strain 2, and P. aryabhattai strain 1.

5. Conclusions

Ten rhizospheric bacterial isolates from S. littoreus in the Parangkusumo sand dunes were successfully isolated. Five isolates were identified as Bacillaceae, known for plant growth-promoting activities. All isolates exhibited phosphate solubilization activity, one (P. aryabhattai strain 2) showed nitrogen fixation, and seven demonstrated cellulolytic activity. These isolates could be used as biofertilizers for sustainable agriculture, aiding in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2, “zero hunger”.


This research was funded by Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia via Pendanaan Penelitian Skema Penelitian Dasar, No: 789/UN3.15/PT/2022.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    04 Oct 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    26 Mar 2024
  • Accepted
    17 July 2024
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