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Effect of nine pesticides against the date palm mite, Oligonychus afrasiaticus (Acari: Tetranychidae) and the predatory mite, Amblyseius swirskii (Acari: Phytoseiidae) under laboratory and field conditions.

Efeito de nove pesticidas contra o ácaro da tamareira, Oligonychus afrasiaticus (Acari: Tetranychidae) e o ácaro predador, Amblyseius swirskii (Acari: Phytoseiidae) em condições de laboratório e de campo.


Date palm trees, their cultivation and harvesting have become challenging due to infestations caused by some specific mites including Oligonychus afrasiaticus (McGregor) (Tetranychidae). Current research has been carried out to investigate the efficiency of nine pesticides against eggs and date palm mite, Oligonychus afrasiaticus against nine pesticides. Side effects of the nine pesticides were also examined on predatory mite, Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot (Phytoseiidae). Mites and their eggs were treated with the recommended dosage of nine pesticides namely, Bifenazate 24%, Bifenthrin 10%, Matrine 0.6%, Imidacloprid 37% + Abamectin 3%, Sulphur 99.5%, Micronized Sulphur 80%, Mineral oil 95%, Pyrethrin 1.5% and Hexythiazox 10%, while they were present in their natural environment on the date palm trees in the experimental fields. Highest mortality of 91.16% was observed when O. afrasiaticus was treated with Bifenazate (24%) followed by 87.31%, 85.20%, 72.06%, 71.34%, 65.35%, 64.14%, 61.06% and 24.25% in case of Bifenthrin 10%, Matrine 0.6%, Imidacloprid 37% + Abamectin 3%, Sulphur 99.5%, Micronized Sulphur 80%, Mineral oil 95%, Pyrethrin 1.5%, and Hexythiazox 10%, respectively. A minimum hatching of 25.74% was observed when eggs of O. afrasiaticus were treated with Hexythiazox 10% and the highest success of hatching (99.07%) was seen when treatment was given with Imidacloprid 37% + Abamectin 3%. When same trials with same nine pesticides were performed on predatory mite; Amblyseius swirskii, the highest mortality in terms of percentage reduction (75.63%) was observed with Bifenthrin and the lowest (14.69%) with Matrine. Nine pesticides used in this study have distinct toxicity against targeted mite, their eggs and the predatory mite. A two steps control strategy is recommended for this treatment. First spray Hexythiazox at the egg laying stage and then at the moving stage of mites by using Matrine which is toxic to mites but negligibly toxic to predatory mites. Further studies are recommended to evaluate varied actions of the pesticide against eggs, phytophagous mites, and predatory mites.

date palm; Oligonychus afrasiaticus; predatory mite; chemical control; hatching rate


As tamareiras, seu cultivo e colheita tornaram-se desafiadores devido às infestações causadas por alguns ácaros específicos, incluindo Oligonychus afrasiaticus (McGregor) (Tetranychidae). A pesquisa atual foi realizada para investigar a eficiência de nove pesticidas contra ovos e o ácaro da tamareira, Oligonychus afrasiaticus. Os efeitos colaterais dos nove pesticidas também foram examinados no ácaro predador, Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot (Phytoseiidae). Os ácaros e seus ovos foram tratados com a dosagem recomendada de nove pesticidas, a saber: Bifenazato 24%, Bifentrina 10%, Matrina 0,6%, Imidacloprida 37% + Abamectina 3%, Enxofre 99,5%, Enxofre Micronizado 80%, Óleo Mineral 95%, Piretrina 1,5% e Hexitiazox 10%, enquanto estavam presentes em seu ambiente natural nas tamareiras nos campos experimentais. A maior mortalidade de 91,16% foi observada quando O. afrasiaticus foi tratado com Bifenazato (24%), seguido por 87,31%, 85,20%, 72,06%, 71,34%, 65,35%, 64,14%, 61,06% e 24,25% no caso de Bifentrina 10%, Matrina 0,6%, Imidacloprida 37% + Abamectina 3%, Enxofre 99,5%, Enxofre Micronizado 80%, Óleo Mineral 95%, Piretrina 1,5% e Hexitiazox 10%, respectivamente. Uma eclosão mínima de 25,74% foi observada quando os ovos de O. afrasiaticus foram tratados com Hexythiazox 10%, e o maior sucesso de eclosão (99,07%) foi visto quando o tratamento foi realizado com Imidacloprid 37% + Abamectina 3%. Quando os mesmos ensaios com os mesmos nove pesticidas foram realizados no ácaro predador, Amblyseius swirskii, a maior mortalidade em termos de redução percentual (75,63%) foi observada com Bifenthrin e a menor (14,69%) com Matrine. Nove pesticidas usados ​​neste estudo têm toxicidade distinta contra o ácaro alvo, seus ovos e o ácaro predador. Uma estratégia de controle em duas etapas é recomendada para este tratamento. Primeiro pulverize Hexythiazox no estágio de postura de ovos e depois no estágio de movimentação dos ácaros usando Matrina, que é tóxico para os ácaros, mas insignificantemente tóxico para os ácaros predadores. Estudos adicionais são recomendados para avaliar as variadas ações do pesticida contra ovos, ácaros fitófagos e ácaros predadores.

tamareira; Oligonychus afrasiaticus; ácaro predador; controle químico; taxa de eclosão

1. Introduction

Saudi Arabia is among the largest date (Phoenix dactylifera) producing countries and shares 17% of the worldwide market. By 2025, date palm tree cultivation will reach 33 million, leading to annual date production of 1.5 tons, in the Kingdom (FAO, 2020FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION – FAO, 2020 [accessed 23 May 2024]. FAO approves Saudi Arabia’s proposal to declare 2027 the International Year of Date Palm. Rome: FAO. Available from:
). However, date crops are facing challenges due to ever growing number and variety of pests (El-Shafie et al., 2017EL-SHAFIE, H.A.F., ABDLL- BANAT, B.M., and AL-HAJHOJ, M.R., 2017. Arthropod pests of date palm and their management. CAB Reviews, vol. 12, no. 049.). Across the Middle East around 8 million dollars are expended each year to overcome infestations caused by pests and other environmental factors (, June 2023). Eleven species of phytophagous mites were identified on date palms and causing serious damage to the quality and production of dates (Bolland et al., 1998BOLLAND, H.R., GUTIERREZ, J. and FLECHTMANN, C.H.W. 1998. World catalogue of the spider mite family (Acari: Tetranychidae). Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV, pp. 392.; Palevsky et al., 2003PALEVSKY, E., UCKO, O., PELES, S., YABLONSKI, S. and GERSON, U., 2003. Species of Oligonychus infesting date palm cultivars in the Southern Arava Valley of Israel. Phytoparasitica, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 144-153.
, 2004PALEVSKY, E., UCKO, O., PELES, S., YABLONSKI, S. and GERSON, U., 2004. Evaluation of control measures for Oligonychus afrasiaticus infesting date palm cultivars in the Southern Arava Valley of Israel. Crop Protection (Guildford, Surrey), vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 387-392.
; Ben Chaaban et al., 2011BEN CHAABAN, S., CHERMITI, B. and KREITER, S., 2011. Oligonychus afrasiaticus and phytoseiid predators’seasonal occurrence on date palm Phoenix dactylifera (Deglet Noor cultivar) in Tunisian oases. Bulletin of Insectology, vol. 64, pp. 15-21.). The date mite, Oligonychus afrasiaticus (McGregor) (Acari: Tetranychidae) is considered the most dominant mite pest of date palm in the Middle East and North Africa. It has been reported from the following countries: Palearctic area: Algeria (André, 1932ANDRÉ, M., 1932. Contribution à l’étude du “Bou-Faroua” tétranyque nuisible au dattier en Algérie. Bulletin de la Société d’histoire naturelle d’Afrique du Nord, vol. 23, pp. 301-338.; McGregor, 1939MCGREGOR, E.A., 1939. The specific identity of the American date mite: description of two new species of Paratetranychus. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, vol. 41, pp. 247-256.), Tunisia (Pagliano, 1951PAGLIANO, T. 1951. Les ennemis des vergers, des olivettes et des palmeraies. 2nd ed. Afrique du Nord: Office Exp. et Vulgarisation Agricculture Société, Editions Françaises, 366 p.), Saudi Arabia (El-Baker, 1952EL-BAKER, A.J., 1952. Report to the government of Saudi Arabia on date cultivation (FAO Report No. 31, TA 90/Rev. 1 Group 5). Rome: FAO, 25 p.), Afrotropical area: Niger Chad, Mauritania, Mali (Munier, 1952MUNIER, P., 1952. L’Assaba, essai monographique. Saint-Louis: Centre IFAN, Maurit Etud, pp. 1-72), Morocco (Pereau- Leroy, 1958PEREAU-LEROY, P., 1958. Date palms in Morocco. France: Institut Français de Recherches Fruitières Outre-Mer, 142 p.), Libya (Martin, 1958MARTIN, H., 1958. Ravageurs et maladies du palmier-dattier en Libye. Bulletin Phytosanitaire de la FAO, vol. 6, pp. 120-123.), Sudan (Baker and Pritchard, 1962BAKER, E.W. and PRITCHARD, A.E., 1962. Arañas rojas de América Central (Acarina: tetranychidae). Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural, vol. 23, pp. 309-340.), Iraq (FAO, 1966FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION – FAO, 1966. Report of the second Food and Agriculture Organization technical conference on the improvement of date production and processing, October 16–25, 1966, Baghdad, Iraq, Meeting Report PL/1965/16. Rome: FAO, 25 p.), Iran (Gentry, 1965GENTRY, J.W., 1965. Crop insects of Northeast Africa-Southwest Asia. Washington: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 273 p.), Yemen (El-Haidari, 1981EL-HAIDARI, H.S., 1981. New records of mites and insects infesting date palms in the near east and north Africa. Date Palm Journal, vol. 1, pp. 133-136.), Egypt (Zaher et al., 1982ZAHER, M.A., GOMAA, E.A. and EL-ENANY, M.A., 1982. Spider mites of Egypt (Acari: tetranychidae). International Journal of Acarology, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 91-114.
), Oman (MOA, 1989OMAN MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE – MOA, 1989. Plant crops control guide. Oman: Sultanate of Oman, 120 p.; 1992OMAN MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE – MOA, 1992. Agricultural research annual report. Oman: Sultanate of Oman, 179 p.) and United Arab Emirates (Gassouma, 2005GASSOUMA, M.S., 2005 [accessed 23 May 2024]. Pests of the date palm. Available at: SearchType=Id=133andcheckRequired=Y. ...
). Infestations occur throughout the sweltering, arid summer. Time of invasion differs based on the date palm variety. The Medjool variety's initial infestation begins in early May. While it begins in the first week of July for the Deglet Noor variety and around late May to early July is when the Barhee variety is infested, and the Populations peak between the middle of July and the beginning of August (Bass’Haia, 1999BASS’HAIA, G., 1999. Studies on the occurrence of the date palm dust mite Oligonychus afrasiaticus (McGregor) (Acarina: Tetranychidae) and its natural enemies on different date palm varieties in Wadi Hadramout. Yemen: University of Aden, 55 p. MSc. Thesis.; Aldosari 2009ALDOSARI, S.A., 2009. Occurrence of dust mite, Oligonychus afrasiaticus Meg. on fruits, leaflets of some date palm trees and evaluation of the efficiency of botanical compound, (Biaco) as compared with some acaricides. Assiut University Bulletin for Environmental Researches, vol. 12, pp. 69-77.; Ben Chaaban et al., 2012BEN CHAABAN, S., CHERMITI, B. and KREITER, S., 2012. Effects of host plants on distribution, abundance, developmental time and life table parameters of Oligonychus afrasiaticus (McGregor) (Acari: tetranychidae). Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, vol. 52, no. 10, pp. 121-132.
). Then, the population decreases gradually throughout August and September (Ben Chaaban et al., 2011BEN CHAABAN, S., CHERMITI, B. and KREITER, S., 2011. Oligonychus afrasiaticus and phytoseiid predators’seasonal occurrence on date palm Phoenix dactylifera (Deglet Noor cultivar) in Tunisian oases. Bulletin of Insectology, vol. 64, pp. 15-21.). Oligonychus afrasiaticus mainly feeds on date fruits for food. Mites attack young green fruits as they emerge, resulting in numerous tiny fissures and the creation of gum-like exudates on the fruit's surface. Even at 45 °C, the mites remain active and create dense webbing that collects dust. Webbing may cover the entire fruit bunch in cases of severe infestations. Severe infestations can result in economic losses, and the webbing makes the date fruit inappropriate, even for processing (Negm et al., 2015NEGM, M.W., DE MORAES, G.J. and PERRING, T.M., 2015. Mite Pests of Date Palms. In: Wakil, W., Romeno Faleiro, J., Miller, T., eds. Sustainable Pest Management in Date Palm: Current Status and Emerging Challenges. Sustainability in Plant and Crop Protection. Cham: Springer, pp. 365.
). Furthermore, the physicochemical characteristics of dates are adversely affected by this pest. There is a significant reduction in the amount of water and total soluble solids, especially sugars (Ben Chaaban and Chermiti, 2009BEN CHAABAN, S. and CHERMITI, B., 2009. Characteristics of date fruit and its influence on population dynamics of Oligonychus afrasiaticus in the southern of Tunisia. Acarologia, vol. 49, pp. 29-37.). As a first resort, pesticides have been employed to control O. afrasiaticus (Al-Doghairi, 2004AL-DOGHAIRI, A.M., 2004. Effect of eight acaricides against the date dust mite, Oligonychus afrasiaticus (Mcgregor) Acari: tetranychidae). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 1168-1171.
; Kamel et al., 2007KAMEL, A., AL-DOSARY, S., IBRAHIM, S. and AHMED, M.A., 2007. Degradation of the acaricide abamectin, flufenoxuron and amitraz on Saudi Arabian dates. Food Chemistry, vol. 100, no. 4, pp. 1590-1593.
; Aldosari, 2009ALDOSARI, S.A., 2009. Occurrence of dust mite, Oligonychus afrasiaticus Meg. on fruits, leaflets of some date palm trees and evaluation of the efficiency of botanical compound, (Biaco) as compared with some acaricides. Assiut University Bulletin for Environmental Researches, vol. 12, pp. 69-77.). To control this mite, growers typically sprinkle bunches with sulfur multiple times a year (Palevsky et al., 2004PALEVSKY, E., UCKO, O., PELES, S., YABLONSKI, S. and GERSON, U., 2004. Evaluation of control measures for Oligonychus afrasiaticus infesting date palm cultivars in the Southern Arava Valley of Israel. Crop Protection (Guildford, Surrey), vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 387-392.
). In the absence of alternative strategies developed and implemented by pest managers to address this pest, this trend is probably going to continue. The insecticide Cinnamaldehyde, used for controlling insects, also gives good control of O. afrasiaticus in Saudi Arabi (Alhewairini et al., 2023ALHEWAIRINI, S.S., AL-AZZAZY, M.M. and MOHAMED, I., 2023. MOTAWEI and ABDEL-BAKY, N.F. 2023. Screening the efficiency and toxicity of fifteen plant extracts against the date palm mite Oligonychus afrasiaticus (McGregor) (Acari: Tetranychidae) in Qassim, Saudi Arabia. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 793-801.). Abdel Ghani et al. (2022a) andABDEL GHANI, S.B., AL-AZZAZY, M.M., ALHEWAIRINI, S.S. and AL-DEGHAIRI, M.A., 2022a. The miticidal activity of silver nanoparticles towards date palm mite (Oligonychus afrasiaticus (McGregor)): efficacy, selectivity, and risk assessment. Brazilian Journal of Biology = Revista Brasileira de Biologia, vol. 84, no. e261262, pp. 2-8. Al-Azzazy et al. (2024)AL-AZZAZY, M.M., ABDEL GHANI, S.B. and ALHEWAIRINI, S.S., 2024. Acaricidal activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles against mites associated with date palm trees. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 351-357. evaluated the efficiency of silver nanoparticles and zinc oxide nanoparticles against all stages of the date palm mite, O. afrasiaticus and it appeared to be an effective control agent for O. afrasiaticus. Also, Huwa-San TR50 was recommended for the control of O. afrasiaticus (Alhewairini and Al-Azzazy, 2017ALHEWAIRINI, S.S., AL-AZZAZY, M.M., 2017. A new approach for controlling the date palm mite, Oligonychus afrasiaticus (McGregor) (Acari: Tetranychidae) using Huwa-San TR50. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment, vol. 15, pp. 63-67.). Al-Qassim is the region of Saudi Arabia that is famous for its variety, quality, and production of dates. Until now, elimination of the date palm mites has been a serious issue because pesticides used against pests result in the development of resistance and recommended dosage becomes impotent. Thus, it was essential to understand which pesticides work best against this mite. The aim of this study is to investigate the efficiency of nine pesticides against eggs and moving stages of the date palm mite, O. afrasiaticus. Side effects of the nine pesticides were also examined on predatory mite, A.swirskii.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Field experiments

The field experiments were carried out during May and June of the 2022 and 2023 seasons using short heighted medium-laden date palm trees of Sokary variety at the Experimental Research Station, Qassim University, Buraidah, Qassim, Saudi Arabia. The selected trees were not sprayed recently with any pesticide during the season and were already infested with the phytophagous mite Oligonychus afrasiaticus (McGregor) (Tetranychidae). The predacious mite Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot (Phytoseiidae) was also identified on the selected palm trees. Nine commercial pesticides were evaluated in date palm orchards against the date mite O. afrasiaticus. Baifplus (Bifenthrin 10%), Floramite (Bifenazate 24%), Piowetsulf (Micronized sulphur 80%), Aphi killer (Pyrethrin 1.5%), Mineral oil (mineral oil 95%), Frexo (Imidacloprid 37% + Abametin 3%), Sulphur (Sulphur 99.5%), Sophora (Matrine 0.6%) and Hexyron (Hexythiazox 10%). Spraying solutions were applied using a 15 L fixed pressure hand sprayer (obtained from the local market). The spray solution was directed mainly to date bunches until it ran off. The Sulphur 99.5% was used by dusting fruit bunches with burlap at the rate of 20 kg/ 1000 m2. Untreated control trees were sprayed with the available irrigation well water. Each pesticide and control treatments were conducted in triplicate using randomly selected palm trees, three palm trees for each pesticide and the same number for the control treatment. Date fruits, representing all bunches, were picked randomly from each tree before treatment, these were then placed in polyethylene bags, transferred to the laboratory, and examined under a binocular microscope to determine the initial population of date palm mite, O. afrasiaticus and the predatory mite A. swirskii as a pre-spray count. Post treatment population was counted after three days. Date samples were transferred to the laboratory for counting of moving individuals of both mites.

2.2. Laboratory experiments

Bunches of infested date fruits were obtained, and dates were naturally infested with O. afrasiaticus. Dates were separated from the strands and placed in an uncovered Pyrex® Petri dish (10 cm in diameter × 4 cm high) as a stock culture. To evaluate tested pesticides on the hatching percentage of O. afrasiaticus eggs, and to acquire same aged cohort’s O. afrasiaticus eggs, 40 gravid females of O. afrasiaticus from the stock culture were deposited on each new fruit of date palm, which had undergone testing in advance to ensure they were free of any eggs or motile stages, every date in its own Petri dish. The eggs laid by O. afrasiaticus were counted as a pre-spray count after two days. The same concentrations mentioned above were tested on egg stage of O. afrasiaticus and compared with the control (well water). The experiments were carried out in a lab. environment at 35 ± 1°C and 12:12 hours L:D. Every 24 hours of a week, the hatching rate was observed. Identification of predatory mite, A. swirskii was confirmed according to (Chant and McMurtry, 2003CHANT, D.A. and MCMURTRY, J.A., 2003. A review of the subfamily Amblyseiinae muma (Acari: Phytoseiidae). Part I. Neoseiulini new tribe. International Journal of Acarology, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 3-46.
, 2005CHANT, D.A. and MCMURTRY, J.A., 2005. A review of the subfamily Amblyseiinae muma (Acari: Phytoseiidae): Part V. Tribe amblyseiini, subtribe proprioseiopsina. International Journal of Acarology, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 3-22.
, 2007CHANT, D.A. and MCMURTRY, J.A. 2007. Illustrated Keys and Diagnoses for the Genera and Subgenera of the Phytoseiidae of the world (Acari: Mesostigmata). Michigan: Indira Publishing House.).

2.3. The pesticides and their recommended dosage (concentrations used).

  • 1- Floramite (Bifenazate 24%) at the concentration of 60 ml/ 100 L of water

  • 2- Baifplus (Bifenthrin 10%) at the concentration of 30 ml/ 100 L of water

  • 3- Sophora (Matrine 0.6%) at the concentration of 200 ml/ 100 L of water

  • 4- Frexo (Imidacloprid 37% + Abamectin 3%) at the concemtration of 150 g/ 100 L of water

  • 5- Sulphur (Sulphur 99.5%) at the concentration of 20 kg/ 1000 m2 (dusting)

  • 6- Piowetsulf (Micronized sulphur 80%) at the concentration of 300 g/ 100 L of water

  • 5- Mineral oil (mineral oil 95%) at the concentration of 1 L/ 100 L of water

  • 8- Aphi killer (Pyrethrin 1.5%) at the concentration of 100 ml/ 100 L of water

  • 9- Hexyron (Hexythiazox 10%) at the concentration of 50 ml/ 100 L of water

2.4. Statistical analysis

The percentage reduction in the average populations of O. afrasiaticus and predatory mite A. swirskii and the average percentage of the number of larvae hatching from eggs of O. afrasiaticus were calculated using the equation of Henderson and Tilton (1955)HENDERSON, C.F. and TILTON, E.W., 1955. Test with acaricides against the brown wheat mite. Journal of Economic Entomology, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 157-161.

Corrected Mortality % = 1 C b × T a C a × T b × 100 (1)

Where: Cb is the number of mites or laid eggs in untreated control before spray, Ca is the number of mites or hatched larvae in untreated control after spray, Tb is the number of mites or laid eggs in treatment before spray and Ta is the number of mites or hatched larvae in treatment after spray.

The mortalities of the phytophagous mites and the predatory mites were calculated manually by direct observation. Thereafter, the obtained data for all variables were statistically analyzed using One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).

3. Results

3.1. Effect of nine pesticides on the date palm mite Oligonychus afrasiaticus under field conditions

The toxicity of nine pesticides was observed on date palm mite, O. afrasiaticus under field conditions. Reduction in the number of dead mites within the selected area was observed during the three days after the spray. Results are given in Table 1. Highest mortality of 91.16% was observed with Bifenazate (24%) followed by 87.3, 85.20, 72.06, 71.34, 65.35, 64.14, 61.06 and 24.25% in case of Bifenthrin (10%), Matrine (0.6%), Imidacloprid (37%) + Abamectin (3%), Sulphur (99.5%), Micronized sulphur (80%), Mineral oil (95%), Pyrethrin (1.5%) and Hexythiazox (10%), respectively. Bifenazate showing 91.16% mortality is the most toxic to date palm mite, O. afrasiaticus.

Table 1
Effect of nine pesticides on the date palm mite Oligonychus afrasiaticus under field conditions.

3.2. Effect of nine pesticides on egg hatching the date palm mite Oligonychus afrasiaticus under laboratory conditions.

Anti-hatching potential of nine pesticides was observed on eggs of O. afrasiaticus under laboratory conditions. Success of hatching from the treated eggs was counted by counting the number of active larvae seen on date fruit. Results of percentage hatching are given in Table 2. Least hatching (25.74%) was observed when eggs were treated with Hexythiazox (10%), followed by 45.24, 46.96, 48.22, 53.07, 66.23, 67.55, 93.18, and 99.07% in case of Micronized sulphur (80%), Sulphur (99.5%), Mineral oil (95%), Pyrethrin (1.5%), Bifenazate (24%), Bifenthrin (10%), Matrine (0.6%) and Imidacloprid (37%) + Abamectin (3%), respectively. Hexythiazox treated eggs have shown the least percentage of hatching, so it is the most toxic to eggs (Figure 1).

Table 2
Number of larvae hatching from eggs of the date palm mite Oligonychus afrasiaticus treated with nine pesticides under laboratory conditions.
Figure 1
Effect of nine pesticides against moving stages and eggs of spider mite, O. afrasiaticus and moving stages of predatory mite, A. swirskii.

3.3. Effect of nine pesticides on predatory mite A. swirskii associated with date palm trees.

Toxicity of the nine pesticides was also observed on predatory mite; Amblyseius swirskii that is commonly found on date palm trees. Results are given in Table 3. The number of dead predatory mites within the selected area was counted during three days after the spray. Highest mortality of 75.62% was observed with Bifenthrin (10%), followed by 68.30, 66.25, 51.54, 49.66, 35.29, 21.25, 19.87, and 14.69% with Bifenazate (24%), Hexythiazox (10%), Imidacloprid (37%) + Abamectin (3%), Mineral oil (95%), Pyrethrin (1.5%), Micronized sulphur (80%), Sulphur (99.5%), and Matrine (0.6%), respectively. Matrine with 14.69% mortality was found to be the least toxic to the predatory mite.

Table 3
The mortality percentage of the predatory mite Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot (Phytoseiidae) associated with date palm trees treated with nine pesticides under field conditions.

4. Discussion

In Saudi Arabia like other date producing countries, the date palm trees, Phoenix dactylifera L. (Arecales: Arecaceae), are highly susceptible to various mites. The most notorious species is the date palm mite, O. afrasiaticus (McGregor) (Acari: Tetranychidae). The date palm mite, O. afrasiaticus is a serious pest of the date palm fruits at the ripening stage and is very common in Qassim region of Saudi Arabia like some other countries (Dhouibi, 1991DHOUIBI, M.H. 1991. Les principaux ravageurs des palmiers dattier et de la date en Tunisie. Tunis: InstitutNational Agronomique de Tunisie, Laboratoire d’Entomologie-Ecologie.; Khoualdia et al., 1997KHOUALDIA, O., RHOUMA, A., MARRO, J.P. and BRUN, J., 1997. PremiŁres observations sur Oryctes agamemnon (Col.:Scarabidae), nouveau ravageur du palmier dattier en Tunisie. Fruits, vol. 52, pp. 111-115.; Alhewairini et al., 2023ALHEWAIRINI, S.S., AL-AZZAZY, M.M. and MOHAMED, I., 2023. MOTAWEI and ABDEL-BAKY, N.F. 2023. Screening the efficiency and toxicity of fifteen plant extracts against the date palm mite Oligonychus afrasiaticus (McGregor) (Acari: Tetranychidae) in Qassim, Saudi Arabia. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 793-801.). Previously, many pesticides and chemicals have been reported that can effectively control date palm mite O. afrasiaticus like Kelthane, Neoron, Tedion were used by Al Doghairi, 2004. Alhewairini reported better control over date palm mites by using Hawa-San TR50 and Oxamyl, separately and in combination at different ratios (Alhewairini and Al-Azzazy, 2017ALHEWAIRINI, S.S., AL-AZZAZY, M.M., 2017. A new approach for controlling the date palm mite, Oligonychus afrasiaticus (McGregor) (Acari: Tetranychidae) using Huwa-San TR50. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment, vol. 15, pp. 63-67.). However, there is a common problem with all pesticides that the targeted enemies become resistant with the repeated use of the same pesticide. Resultantly, we are bound to increase the applied concentration for effective control, which is harmful to farmers, domestic animals and to predatory mites resulting in the loss of natural biological control. Hence, there is immense need for the time to find an effective and safe alternative strategy to protect date palm crops from the damages caused by phytophagous mites (Al-Azzazy and Alhewairini, 2024AL-AZZAZY, M.M. and ALHEWAIRINI, S.S., 2024. Life history of the two predacious mite species, Amblyseius swirskii, and Neoseiulus cucumeris (Acari: Phytoseiidae), as biological control agents of the date palm mite, Oligonychus afrasiaticus (Acari: Tetranychidae). Brazilian Journal of Biology = Revista Brasileira de Biologia, vol. 84, pp. e283484. PMid:38985072.
). The present study was designed to test a range of selected pesticides aiming at the three layers of control of phytophagous mites, first, by inhibiting hatching of eggs, second, by killing feeding stages and third, by saving predatory mites to promote biological control. In this study nine pesticides, Bifenazate (24%), Bifenthrin (10%), Matrine (0.6%), Imidacloprid (37%) + Abamectin (3%), Sulphur (99.5%), Micronized sulphur (80%), Mineral oil (95%), Pyrethrin (1.5%) and Hexythiazox (10%) have been evaluated for their toxicity against phytophagous mites, inhibition of hatching and protection to predatory mites. Matrine causing 85.20% mortality to phytophagous mites (Table 1) and only 14.69% to predatory mites (Table 2) can be the best choice of farmers subject to its safety to humans, pets, and birds in the region. Hexythiazox showing only 25.74% success of hatching, is highly toxic to eggs but it is safe to mites (24.25% mortality). At the same time, it is fatal to predatory mites causing 66.25% mortality, especially at the immature stages (Table 3), hexythiazox is highly toxic to mite eggs, larvae, and nymphal stages, according to previous studies (Anonymous, 1984ANONYMOUS, 1984. Nissorun (NA-73) (Common nameacaricide). Japan Pesticide Information, vol. 44, pp. 21-24.; Chapman, 1986CHAPMAN, R.B., 1986. Toxicity of Nissorun to two spotted spider mites. Christchurch: Entomology Department, Lincoln College Canterbury, 22 p. [unpublished report].; Chapman and Marris, 1986;CHAPMAN, R.B. and MARRIS, J.W.M., 1986. The sterilizing effect of clofentezine and hexythiazox on female two spotted mite. Proceedings of the 39th New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Conference, vol. 39, pp. 237-240. Alhewairini and Al-Azzazy, 2021; 2023aALHEWAIRINI, S.S. and AL-AZZAZY, M.M., 2023a. Effects of hexythiazox on different stages of mites infesting orange trees. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 193-199.
). Furthermore, hexythiazox is the least harmful to humans if used within safe ranges (Saad et al., 2018SAAD, A.S.A., TAYEB, E.H.M., EL-SHAZLY, M.M. and ATTIA, S.A.A., 2018. Population Dynamics and Control of The Citrus Rust Mite, Phyllocoptruta olievora (Ashmead) Infesting Orange Trees in Egypt. Journal of Advance Agricultural Research, vol. 23, pp. 24-42. ). Alhewairini and Al-Azzazy (2023b) reportedALHEWAIRINI, S.S. and AL-AZZAZY, M.M., 2023b. Side effects of abamectin and hexythiazox on seven predatory mites. Brazilian Journal of Biology = Revista Brasileira de Biologia, vol. 83, pp. e251442.
that the lethal effects of hexythiazox decrease with the maturity of the mites. This explains the low mortality rate of the date palm mite, O. afrasiaticus 24.25% in this study. It might be because of their exoskeleton ages, there is less surface absorption. Furthermore, the suppression of physiological processes may be a part of the method of action. Alhewairini and Al-Azzazy (2023) found a similar result when using hexythiazox on seven different species of mites. Additionally, more studies are suggested to assess the hexythiazox absorption process on the surface of immature and adult mites as well as their death mechanism. It is also necessary to investigate the differential action of hexythiazox on various mite eggs. The Matrine 0.6% and Imidacloprid 37% + Abametin 3% when sprayed on the eggs of O. afrasiaticus had little effect on hatching as compared to their mortality in the case of the moving stages. It is therefore recommended that the hexythiazox should be used at the pre-hatching stage to have effective control over the date palm mite, O. afrasiaticus. In comparison to other pesticides examined, the obtained results here showed that sulfur can produce a discernible deformity in the cuticle of dead O. afrasiaticus as well as in the shell of non-hatched eggs (Alazzazy, 2005; Shimizu and Ichi, 2022SHIMIZU, Y. and ICHI, R., 2022. Acaricidal effects of sulfur agents on two red spider mites,Oligonychus coffeae(NIENTER) andOligonychus biharensis(HIRST) (Acarina: Tetranychidae) infesting mango in the laboratory and greenhouse. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 3583-3591.
). Furthermore, it results in 71.34% mortality in moving stages of O. afrasiaticus. The results reported here were in line with those of Alazzazy (2005)AL-AZZAZY, M.M., 2005. Integrated management of mites infesting mango trees. Cairo: Al- Azhar University, pp. 65-84. PhD Thesis., who found that 77.6% of the mango red mite Oligonychus mangiferus died when sulfur was employed as a control. Deep studies on the life cycle of mites and predatory mites are recommended. The current findings revealed a significant difference between date palm mite O. afrasiaticus and predatory mite, denoting reduced toxicity of tested pesticides towards the predatory mite A. swirskii except for Hexythiazox pesticide as the opposite happenedin its case. The studied pesticides may have an impact on phytophagous mites by direct ingestion of spray droplets, contact poisoning, or ingestion when the mites are crawling on sprayed fruits. The reason for the pesticides' enhanced activity against phytophagous mites could be attributed to their ability to penetrate their thin body wall, inters skeletal membranes, or body apertures. In contrast, the exoskeleton of predatory mites is thicker, and features shields on both the dorsal and ventral surfaces (Duso and Fontana, 2002DUSO, C. and FONTANA, P., 2002. On the identity of Phytoseius plumifer (Canestrini & Fanzago) (Acari: phytoseiidae). Acarologia, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 127-136. ; Zannou et al., 2007ZANNOU, I.D., DE MORAES, G.J., UECKERMANN, E.A., OLIVEIRA, A.R., YANINEK, J.S. and HANNA, R., 2007. Phytoseiid mites of the subtribe Amblyseiina (Acari: Phytoseiidae: Amblyseiini) from Sub-Saharan Africa. Zootaxa, vol. 1550, no. 1, pp. 1-47.
) might stop the pesticides studied from entering bodily tissues. Furthermore, predatory mites only feed on phytophagous mites that are actively feeding, and it is improbable for them to feed on intoxicated individuals, thus decreasing the quantity of pesticides that the predatory mite receives (Abdel Ghani et al., 2022bABDEL GHANI, S.B., AL-AZZAZY, M.M., and LUCINI, L., 2022b. The miticidal activity of silver nanoparticles towards phytophagous and predatory mites of citrus: efficacy and selectivity.Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 509-518.).

5. Conclusion

In summary, these results show that the highest mortality of 91.16% was observed with Bifenazate (24%). Also, Hexythiazox treated eggs have shown the least percentage of hatching, so it is the most toxic to eggs. The Highest mortality of the predatory mite A. swirskii 75.62% was observed with Bifenthrin (10%). While Matrine with 14.69% mortality was found to be the least toxic to the predatory mite.


The Researchers would like to thank the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at Qassim University for financial support (QU-APC-2024-9/1).


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    20 Sept 2024
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  • Received
    23 May 2024
  • Accepted
    10 July 2024
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