Open-access Rotifer production in a shallow artificial lake (Lobo-Broa reservoir, SP, Brazil)

Produção de populações de Rotifera em um pequeno lago artificial (Reservatório do Lobo-Broa, SP, Brasil)

Rotifer production in a shallow artificial lake (Lobo-Broa Reservoir) was studied for twenty consecutive days between August 25, 1995 and September 13, 1995, during the dry season. Two species were dominant, during this period namely Filinia pejleri and Keratella americana, contributing, respectively, 36% and 28% to total rotifer numbers. Production estimates of these species were, respectively, 41.93 and 80.70 µg dry weight.m-3.d-1, corresponding to 18.45 and 35.51 µgCm-3.d-1. The population of F. pejleri was numerically more abundant than that of K. americana, while the production of the former was less, as a result of lower egg to female ratios.

Rotifer; production; reservoir

Instituto Internacional de Ecologia R. Bento Carlos, 750, 13560-660 São Carlos SP - Brasil, Tel. e Fax: (55 16) 3362-5400 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil
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